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Experimental Investigation of Bow Slamming on a Ship: The Effect of Weight and Impact Angle Baso, Suandar; Himaya, Andi Nadia; Samman, Faizal Arya; Anggriani, Andi Dian Eka; Rosmani, Rosmani
Kapal: Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Kelautan Vol 18, No 1 (2021): February
Publisher : Department of Naval Architecture - Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/kapal.v18i1.35663


The impact pressure induced by slamming can imply physical damage on a ship. The high probability of the slamming impact is on the bow part in the actual sea state. In this present study, the slamming induced pressure on the bow flare of a ship have been investigated through the experiment. The experiment was schemed by the dropping test based on free-falling body in the wave tank, wherein the bow of the ship model was inclined in several impact angles 0° to 30° to the free-water surface. To measure slamming impact pressure acting on the bow flare, the piezoelectric sensors S1, S2, S3, S4 were attached to the bow section and installed on a computer. As the obtained results, the impact pressure on bow flare occurred in a short time duration caused by slamming. The discrepancy of the peak impact pressure between ship model weight of 2.42 kg and 7.29 kg for the impact angle 0° is 70.36% S1, 69.52% S2, 68.97% S3, and 68.34% S4. For the relative impact angle of 30°, the discrepancy is 67.02% S1, 65.73% S2, 58.51% S3, and 48.21% S4. The tendency of the peak pressure coefficient at the sequenced impact points S1, S2, S3, S4 is similar for all impact angles 0°, 10°, 20°, and 30°. The peak pressure coefficient due to the full load condition is highest in the nearest bottom part, and the peak pressure coefficients due to the lightship condition highest in the nearest bottom part caused by the small impact angle.
Peningkatan Partisipasi Belajar Siswa Kelas IV dengan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Portofolio pada Mata Pelajaran PKn Rosmani Rosmani
Jurnal EDUCATIO: Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Vol 2, No 1 (2016): Jurnal EDUCATIO: Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia
Publisher : Indonesian Institute for Counseling, Education and Therapy (IICET)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29210/12016228


Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya partisipasi siswa dalam belajar pada pembelajaran PKn di kelas IV SD Negeri 23 Sungai Geringging baik dalam melaksanakan diskusi, bertanya dan menyimpulkan pelajaran. Hal ini disebabkan karena pada saat proses pembelajaran guru lebih cenderung menggunakan metode ceramah yang berdampak pada rendahnya hasil belajar siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan partisipasi belajar siswa kelas IV dalam pembelajaran PKn dengan model Pembelajaran Berbasis Portofolio di SD Negeri 23 Sungai Geringging.Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas dengan menggunakan dua siklus.Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 23 Sungai Geringging. Hasil penelitian pada siklus I diperoleh rata-rata skor persentase partisipasi siswa untuk melakukan diskusi sebesar 58,92%, bertanya sebesar 49,80%, dan menyimpulkan pelajaran sebesar 33,92% dan meningkat pada siklus II untuk melakukan diskusi sebesar 84,45%, bertanya sebesar 72,73%, dan menyimpulkan pelajaran sebesar 70,95%.Selain itu hasil belajar siswa juga meningkat.Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran PKn dengan menggunakan model Pembelajaran Berbasis Portofolio dapat meningkatkan partisipasi belajar siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 23 Sungai Geringging. Saran dalam penelitian yaitu guru dapat menerapkan model Pembelajaran Berbasis Portofolio dalam pembelajaran PKn dengan baik.
Sosialisasi Teknologi Lunas Baja Bagi Pengrajin Kapal Kayu di Kecamatan Galesong Kabupaten Takalar Lukman Bochary; Mohammad Rizal Firmansyah; Suandar Baso; Farianto Fachruddin; Mansyur Hasbullah; Rosmani Rosmani; Andi Dian Eka Angriani; Muhammad Akbar Aziz; Ganding Sitepu; Misliah Misliah; Abdul Haris Djalante
JURNAL TEPAT : Teknologi Terapan untuk Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 5 No 2 (2022): Mengembangkan Kehiodupan Masyarakat melalui Kesatuan dan Kekuatan
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering UNHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v5i2.339


As the main material, wood is required in the process of wooden ships building. The required wood must be water resistant especially for the construction of the ship wooden plank as well as wood in intact form for use on the keel of the ship to support the ship frames. It is increasingly difficult to obtain the required wood for the keel construction need since the requirements for the integrity of the keel construction which must continue throughout the ship. This condition threatens the sustainability of the wooden ship construction process in Indonesia. Hence, material alternative is urgently required for wood substitution for the ship keel. A study has been conducted with a recommendation of a steel keel (dimensions and shape of the keel) as a substitute for a wooden keel for certain ship dimensions. Socialization of this new technology needs to be done to wooden ship craftsmen in South Sulawesi in particular. The partners chosen in this activity were the member of the wooden boat craftsman group "Torani" in Galesong Kota District, Takalar Regency. The aim is to introduce steel material as a substitute for wood material in the wooden ship keel construction to overcome the difficulty of obtaining wood for the ship keel construction. The result shows that the majority of participants claim to have new knowledge and believe that it is possible to apply the technology to wooden ship construction. However, since the manufacture and installation of steel keels on wooden ships uses steel materials, the application of this technology will take a relatively longer time.
Penyuluhan tentang Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) Bagi Pengrajin Kapal Kayu di Galangan Kapal Rakyat Kabupaten Takalar Mohammad Rizal Firmansyah; Syamsul Asri; Farianto Fachruddin; Wahyuddin Wahyuddin; Wihdat Djafar; Fadhil Rizki Clausthaldi; Ganding Sitepu; Rosmani Rosmani; Andi Siti Chaerunnisa; Muh. Akbar Aziz
JURNAL TEPAT : Teknologi Terapan untuk Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 5 No 2 (2022): Mengembangkan Kehiodupan Masyarakat melalui Kesatuan dan Kekuatan
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering UNHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v5i2.352


The process of wooden boats building in a traditional wooden boat shipyards in South Sulawesi is still carried out in the traditional way. Their ship building expertise and techniques were passed down from generation to generation from their predecessors. Hence, the current method of building ships is still the same as their predecessors. However, the current craftsmen are using electrical equipment already to help to complete their work, such as electrical cutting machine for cutting wood, boards or pegs. As with their predecessors, in building their ships, they have not implemented occupational safety and healthy (OSH) in their ship building procedures. In an initial interviews with wooden ship craftsmen, it was found that several wooden ship craftsmen had experienced work accidents which resulted in minor and serious injuries and in one or two cases some died. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce occupational safety and healthy (OSH) for wooden ship craftsmen at the traditional shipyards in South Sulawesi. The partners for this activity were the wooden ship craftsmen group called “Torani” in Galesong District, Takalar Regency. The aim is to provide an understanding of the importance of OSH aspects and then apply preventive measures to activities that can cause accidents and occupational health problems in their work environment. The result shows that all craftsmen have understand the importance of OSH aspects in their daily work.
Pelatihan Tarik Kapal Ikan Ukuran Kecil untuk Penentuan Tahanan dan Daya Kapal di Kabupaten Takalar Suandar Baso; Muhammad Akbar Asis; Rosmani Rosmani; Lukman Bochary; Mansyur Hasbullah; A.Dian Eka Anggriani
JURNAL TEPAT : Teknologi Terapan untuk Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Kesadaran Teknologi untuk Mengatasi Permasalahan Kemasyarakatan
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering UNHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v6i1.365


The ship's resistance is important to know because correlates strongly to the power engine needs to reach the desired speed. One method can be applied on a small ship with full-scale free running within a ways pull small ship with other small ship for measure resistance value occurrence with scale equipment on the place between the ropes of the ship being towed and tugged. This method is very easy to apply to small ships. In general, manufacturers of traditional small ships do not carry out the full-scale test because they do not know the principles for determining engine power.
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia Vol 5, No 1 (2017): April 2017
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (114.311 KB)


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan hasil belajar kimia siswa terhadap penerapan KTSP dan kurikulum 2013. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah metode survei. Populasi  yaitu 3 sekolah favorit di Banda Aceh yaitu SMA 10 Fajar Harapan, SMA Negeri 3 dan SMA LAB School. Pemilihan sampel secara purposive sampling didapat 2 kelas XI IPA-1 dan XI IPA-2 masing-masing SMA. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa lembar angket tanggapan siswa terhadap kurikulum 2013. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa adanya perbedaan antara hasil belajar kimia KTSP dengan kurikulum 2013 yaitu lebih besar nilai hasil belajar kimia dengan penerapan kurikulum 2013 dari pada hasil belajar dengan penerapan KTSP yaitu SMA 10 Fajar Harapan sebesar thit=7,33ttabel=1,72 untuk XI-IPA 1 dan XI-2 yaitu thit=6,46ttabel=1,72, SMA LAB School XI-IPA 1 sebesar thit=6,84ttabel=1,70, IPA 2 thit=6,61ttabel=1,70 dan SMA 3 XI-IPA 1 sebesar thit=6,80ttabel=1,69 dan XI-IPA 2 yaitu thit=8,84ttabel=0,62, sedangkan angket siswa yang menjawab positif 50%.