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Al-Ulum Vol 12, No 2 (2012): Al-Ulum
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sultan Amai Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (215.375 KB)


Aceh, yang terkenal sebagai “Serambi Mekah”, melahirkan ulama-lama dengan karya besar. Ulama Aceh-lah yang dianggap sebagai yang pertama menulis buku Tafsir dalam bahasa Melayu di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Kitab Tafsir tersebut disusun oleh Abdur Rauf al-Singkili. Masih banyak buku-buku tafsir yang akan dieksplorasi. Makalah ini menjelaskan beberapa buku tafsir tersebut dan subtansi keunikan masing-masing. Penting disebutkan bahwa ulama-ulama yang menulis buku tafsir (baik dalam bentuk buku atau artikel) berbeda bidang keilmuannya. Penulis menfokuskan pada metode dan jenis tafsir karya ulama Aceh tersebut. Kreatifitas ulama-ulama itu dapat ditelusuri melalui buku-buku mereka, misalnya,“Turjumunul Mustafid, an-Nur, Al-Qur’anul Karim dan Terjemah Bebas Bersajak dalam Bahasa Aceh”, dan lain-lain. Buku-buku Tafsir tersebut, umumnya, ditulis berdasarkan metode “tahlili”. Dalam pada itu, jenis buku tafsir yang diungkap dalam makalah ini terdiri dari ilmu fiqih, sufistik dan keilmuan yang lain.  ---------------------Aceh that well-known as “Mecca Verandah” has produced the ulemas with the great works. Aceh’s ulema considered as the first who wrote tafseer (Quranic interpretation) ini Malay language in South East Asia. The tafseer was composed by Abdurrauf al-Singkili. There were still many tafseer books written Aceh’s ulemas need to be explored. This paper will explained several of them and their unique substance. That is important to be mentioned that the ulemas wrote the tafseers in a book, part of the books, article, even mixed with other field of knowledge. The writer will also focuses on method and type of tafseer as Aceh’s ulama works. The creativity of ulemas can be traced through their books of tafseer such “Turjumunul Mustafid, an-Nur, Al-Qur’anul Karim dan Terjemah Bebas Bersajak dalam Bahasa Aceh” etc. These tafseers generally had been written based on tahlili method. Meanwhile the type of tafseer that used consisted of fiqhi, sufi and also ‘ilmi.
Problematika Talfîq Mazhab dalam Penemuan Hukum Islam Saleh, Fauzi
ISLAMICA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 6, No 1 (2011): Islamica
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (82.041 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/islamica.2011.6.1.66-73


It has been commonly argued that the Islamic law is ordained to address and preserve the interest of men. The rules and values of Islamic law are therefore in accordance with the nature of human being. And because the Islamic law is revealed for all season, as it were, it must accordingly be deeply flexible so that it may fit to all time and all space. This paper addresses this notion of flexibility that Islamic law enjoys by arguing that flexibility is a quality that Islamic law should have if it is to survive. But, it moves on, that flexibility is one thing and the ability of Muslim scholars in preserving this flexibility is something else. While by its very nature, Islamic law is flexible the methods and approaches that some Muslim scholars have developed did work on the nerve of this divine law. One of such method is talfî q, in which one would take the views of different scholars to produce a legal dictum. This method is the focus of this paper. It contends that in principle, the method is a result of the absence of the independent mind in the history of Islam. It nonetheless, does serve as a good method to produce a legal premises suitable for certain type of Muslim society. But it does not always work to preserve the flexibility of the Islamic law.
Peran Universitas Islam Negeri Ar raniry dalam membangun Karakter Masyarakat Aceh yang berperadaban Saleh, Fauzi
ULUL ALBAB Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 15, No 1 (2014): Islamic Studies
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (150.064 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/ua.v14i3.2660


The frequency of conflicts in society today is higher and inevitable. In fact, themultidimensional crisis should no longer occur due to the prolonged constructof the nation experience. The basic problems deal with the identity degradationand character crisis. Thus, the nation and character building should be a coredevelopment in paving the way towards civilized society. As the capital region,Aceh has a rich heritage treasures characters (turats) that become the forgottenwisdom. Axiologically, exploring turats will make a positive contribution toestablish the community character. This agenda must necessarily be carriedout by an institution with sufficient capability and capacity. UIN Ar Raniry,as the heart of Acehnese with its human resources, is supposed to be involvedin the onset process of the wisdom embryos. This engagement would be donegradually and continually from the planning to partaking in the communitythrough appropriate and accurate approaches.Frekuensi konflik dalam masyarakat semakin tinggi dan tak terhindarkan.Padahal, dengan tempaan pengalaman hidup berbangsa yang sangat lamakrisis multidimensi ini seharusnya tidak perlu lagi terjadi. Persoalan mendasaryang melatarbelakanginya adalah degradasi jati diri dan krisis karakter. Makapembangunan karakter diri dan bangsa harus menjadi inti pembangunandalam meretas jalan menuju masyarakat yang berperadaban. Sebagai daerahmodal, Aceh memiliki khazanah yang kaya berupa warisan karakter (turats)yang merupakan kearifan lokal yang terlupakan. Secara aksiologis, penggalianturats ini akan memberikan kontribusi positif dalam rangka membangunkarakter masyarakat. Agenda besar ini tentu harus dijalankan oleh lembagayang memiliki kapabilitas dan kapasitas yang memadai. UIN Ar Raniry sebagaijantung warga Aceh dengan sumber daya manusia yang dimilikinya sudahseharusnya terlibat dalam proses melahirkan embrio kearifan yang dimaksud.Keterlibatan ini tentu dilakukan secara gradual dan berkelanjutan mulai dariperencanaan hingga akhirnya terjun dalam masyarakat melalui pendekatanyang tepat dan akurat.
MUWAZAH Vol 6 No 2: Desember 2014
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

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Hibah is a present that given by someone to other for sake Allah swt. Nowadays, parents use the term (hibah) for avoiding the improper debate especially toward daughter. They distribute the property to their women children after evaluating how do it properly.  The problem here is this kind of pure hibah or other name of heritage eventhough it is done before the death of parent. Some ulemas responded the issue, again, many intepretations related to hadith regarding the issue. Among the problem must be focused is the portion of daughter related the amount of property, also some of them have no portion of that. The writer also try to analyze the interpretation of ulemas related to nass on this issue. Through the research, the writer found the Islamic law never forbade hibah to be specialized to certain gender such daughter and mother. Concerning the daughter, the Syariah law pursue the justice among the children. So, it should be the same portion between male and female in relating to hibah.Hibah adalah hadiah yang diberikan oleh seseorang dengan yang lain demi Allah swt. Saat ini, orang tua menggunakan istilah (hibah) untuk menghindari perdebatan yang tidak tepat terutama terhadap anak. Mereka mendistribusikan properti untuk anakanak perempuan mereka setelah mengevaluasi bagaimana melakukannya dengan benar. Masalahnya di sini adalah jenis hibah murni atau nama lain dari warisan walaupun hal itu dilakukan sebelum kematian orang tua. Beberapa ulama menanggapi masalah ini, sekali lagi, banyak intepretations terkait dengan hadits tentang masalah ini. Di antara masalah harus difokuskan adalah bagian putri terkait jumlah properti, juga beberapa dari mereka tidak memiliki bagian itu. Penulis juga mencoba untuk menganalisis interpretasi ulama yang berkaitan dengan nass tentang masalah ini. Melalui penelitian, penulis menemukan hukum Islam tidak pernah melarang hibah untuk khusus jenis kelamin anak seperti tertentu dan ibu. Mengenai putri, hukum Syariah mengejar keadilan di antara anak-anak. Jadi, itu harus porsi yang sama antara laki-laki dan perempuan dalam berhubungan dengan hibah.
Ar Raniry : International Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 1, No 1 (2014): Ar-Raniry : International Journal of Islamic Studies
Publisher : UIN Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (355.957 KB) | DOI: 10.20859/jar.v1i1.8


Local wisdom is the precious heritage in building dignified society. Therefore, it should be explored and promoted in human life. This agenda must necessarily be carried out by an institution that has sufficient capability and capacity.Faculty as the heart of the nation with its human resources should have been involved inprocessing of thinking out the wisdom. The involvement would be done gradually and continuously from planning to transfer to the users (community) with the appropriate and accurate approaches. Revitalization and reactualization, transformation of culture, cultural development priorities, and the development of wisdom values-based character building through development, to be a step of local wisdom reactualization should be part of the theology faculty activity
Mengungkap Keunikan Tafsir Aceh Fauzi Saleh
Al-Ulum Vol. 12 No. 2 (2012): Al-Ulum
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sultan Amai Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (215.205 KB)


Aceh that well-known as “Mecca Verandah” has produced the ulemas with the great works. Aceh’s ulema considered as the first who wrote tafseer (Quranic interpretation) ini Malay language in South East Asia. The tafseer was composed by Abdurrauf al-Singkili. There were still many tafseer books written Aceh’s ulemas need to be explored. This paper will explained several of them and their unique substance. That is important to be mentioned that the ulemas wrote the tafseers in a book, part of the books, article, even mixed with other field of knowledge. The writer will also focuses on method and type of tafseer as Aceh’s ulama works. The creativity of ulemas can be traced through their books of tafseer such “Turjumunul Mustafid, an-Nur, Al-Qur’anul Karim dan Terjemah Bebas Bersajak dalam Bahasa Aceh” etc. These tafseers generally had been written based on tahlili method. Meanwhile the type of tafseer that used consisted of fiqhi, sufi and also ‘ilmi.
Problematika Talfīq Mazhab dalam Penemuan Hukum Islam Fauzi Saleh
Islamica: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol. 6 No. 1 (2011): September
Publisher : Postgraduate Studies of Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (82.041 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/islamica.2011.6.1.66-73


It has been commonly argued that the Islamic law is ordained to address and preserve the interest of men. The rules and values of Islamic law are therefore in accordance with the nature of human being. And because the Islamic law is revealed for all season, as it were, it must accordingly be deeply flexible so that it may fit to all time and all space. This paper addresses this notion of flexibility that Islamic law enjoys by arguing that flexibility is a quality that Islamic law should have if it is to survive. But, it moves on, that flexibility is one thing and the ability of Muslim scholars in preserving this flexibility is something else. While by its very nature, Islamic law is flexible the methods and approaches that some Muslim scholars have developed did work on the nerve of this divine law. One of such method is talfīq, in which one would take the views of different scholars to produce a legal dictum. This method is the focus of this paper. It contends that in principle, the method is a result of the absence of the independent mind in the history of Islam. It nonetheless, does serve as a good method to produce a legal premises suitable for certain type of Muslim society. But it does not always work to preserve the flexibility of the Islamic law.
Jurnal Ushuluddin Vol 27, No 1 (2019): January - June
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/jush.v27i1.6329


This article intends to explain the position of human rights in relation to the protection of children and women in the Qur’ān. Based on the fact that the rights to children and women are exploited across history, the author intend to examine normative legal values extracted from the Holy Qur’ān as a way of life in order to encourage each individual to respect their rights. This research was conducted with a study of documentation as the technical analysis of data collection and analyzed by semi-thematic of ayat al-Ahkam. From a number of verses traced it can be concluded that human rights are a concern for their substance to provide more comprehensive protection to children and women. The protection of children includes: protection of survival, getting adequate nutrition from birth to the appropriate time limit, getting fulfillment of the needs and rights of development of reason through education. Meanwhile protection for women in the form of; protection through marriage and stipulation of ‘iddah when a husband’s divorce and death occur, the right to hear complaints and difficulties is experienced and get equal rights in various joints of life as servants of God
Islam Futura Vol 11, No 2 (2012): Jurnal Ilmiah Islam Futura
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jiif.v11i2.53


Social problems appeared because of unawareness of the case root. If it can be traced back, it makes easier to cure as social therapy. Islamic concept of this called da’wah that not only by mean of preaching but the attitude and action. Fiqh da’wah (model of preaching) in Islam must be based on the principle and method. Among the principle are bil hikmah (wisdom), maw’idhah (lesson) and mujadalah bil hasan (the good way of debate). Meanwhile da’wah should be based on the management such planning, acting and evaluating. Da’wah without these principles and methods will be effective especially in this era.
Komunikasi Jin dalam Mempengaruhi Manusia Menurut Al-Qur’an: Studi Analisis di Rumah Sehat Aceh, Indonesia Muhamad Taki Rumakat; Fauzi Saleh; Abizal Muhammad Yati
Ar-Raniry: International Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 8, No 1 (2021): Ar-Raniry: International Journal of Islamic Studies
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (656.231 KB) | DOI: 10.22373/jar.v8i1.10998


Jinns are creatures with the same obligation as humans, worshiping Allah (God). In general, there are two kinds of jinn: evil jinn (Satan/kuffar) and Muslim jinn. The primary duties of evil jinn include persuading humans to spread hate, killing, and other evil acts. One of the ways that evil jinn do to achieve their goals is by possessing humans. In this study, the concern was to investigate how jinn communicated affecting humans and how to solve possession by jinn at Rumah Sehat Aceh. The method used to analyze the data was descriptive analysis with the qualitative approach. The results showed that at Rumah Sehat Aceh, communication with the jinn was done during the possession state. There were two types of communication: verbal and non-verbal. However, most jinns lied during communication; therefore, the patients’ families who also listened to the communication between the jinn and the person performing an exorcism (ruqyah) should not consider the jinn utterances as feedback for the cause of the disease because the jinn might be trying to influence them to sway from Allah. In addition, the procedures in dealing with jinn possession at Rumah Sehat Aceh were the exorcist first took wudu (ablution), performing sunnah/voluntary prayers at duha (forenoon), and also giving advice regarding amar ma’ruf nahi munkar (enjoining good and forbidding wrong).