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Pengaruh perubahan sudut camshaft terhadap performa mesin sepeda motor sebagai upaya efisiensi energi Lukito Dwi Yuono; Eko Budiyanto
TURBO [Tulisan Riset Berbasis Online] Vol 9, No 1 (2020): Jurnal TURBO
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (600.261 KB) | DOI: 10.24127/trb.v9i1.1162


The role of the camshaft (noken as) is very important, including determining the time to open the valve, regulating the length of the valve opening duration, determining the overlap inlet and exhaust valve duration, as well as being a major component of the engine's working system. Modification of the camshaft angle is expected to be able to increase the efficiency of the combustion of fuel entering the combustion chamber and increase compression pressure in the combustion chamber so that it can improve volume quality of fuel entering the combustion chamber and can provide greater power to the engine rotation when in use. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of camshaft angle changes on motorcycle engine performance and determine the effect of the camshaft duration on fuel consumption. The method that will be used in this research is to provide variations in angular changes on the camshaft of 20, 40, 60.Then test the dyno test on each variable. The result, the highest torque is the camshaft 40 variation with a value of 8.25 Nm. The highest power is in variation 40 with the highest number of 8.76 PS. Acceleration with the fastest time is obtained in camshaft 40 variations with a time of 14.2 seconds at a speed of 100 km/h. As well as the most efficient fuel consumption is at variation 20 with 150 ml fuel consumption.Keywords: Angle, camshaft, and engine performance.
TURBO [Tulisan Riset Berbasis Online] Vol 7, No 2 (2018): Desember 2018
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (715.688 KB) | DOI: 10.24127/trb.v7i2.811


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan aerasi sel elektrolisis dalam pembentukan pori pada lapisan proses anodizing  logam Aluminium. Selain Beda potensial, Pembentukan lapisan oksida pada permukaan Aluminium juga dipengaruhi oleh jumlah oksigen yang terdapat pada larutan elektrolit. Pengaliran udara (aerasi) pada proses ini diharapkan akan menyuplai sejumlah oksigen pada sel elektrolisis sehingga larutan elektrolit tidak mengalami defisit oksigen. Tujuan lain penambahan aliran udara pada proses ini adalah untuk menciptakan rongga pori pada oksida Aluminium yang dibentuk. Kualitas produk hasil anodizing  ditentukan oleh ketebalan pori yang terbentuk serta jarak antar pori. Untuk keperluan yang membutuhkan material bersifat dekoratif, jarak antar pori yang terbentuk haruslah saling berdekatan untuk menghindari pewarnaan yang kurang merata. Material yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Aluminium paduan Mangan dan Silikon (Al-Mg-Si). Ukuran spesimen anodizing  Aluminium adalah 60 x 15 x 3 (mm). Tahap preparasi Aluminium dilakukan pembersihan secara fisik dan kimiawi, spesimen dicuci menggunakan alkohol dan aquadest yang selanjutnya dilakukan perendaman pada larutan Natrium Hidroksida (NaOH) selama 2 menit. Proses anodizing  Aluminium menggunakan asam sulfat (H2SO4) sebagai elektrolit dengan beda potensial 25 V selama 3 menit dan variasi aerasi 5, 10, dan 15 lpm. Jarak antar sel elektrolisis diatur sejauh 20 cm. Hasil dari proses anodizing , material diuji dan dianalisa karakteristik permukaannya menggunakan uji Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Hasil yang diperoleh adalah debit aerasi pada proses anodizing  memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap nilai degradasi material Aluminium. Pada debit aerasi masing-masing 10 lpm, 15 lpm, dan 20 lpm diperoleh nilai degradasi sebesar 0.0009 gr (0.0123 %), 0.0095 gr (0.1319 %), 0.041 gr (0.5621 %). Sedangkan karakteristik permukaan, bentuk, dan jarak antar pori dapat dipresentasikan dalam gambar hasil pengamatan SEM. Kata Kunci : Aluminium, anodizing , aerasi, SEM, pori.
Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas dan Kapasitas Produksi Mesin Pengupas Kulit Kopi Kering Eko Budiyanto; Lukito Dwi Yuono; Andrianto Farindra
TURBO [Tulisan Riset Berbasis Online] Vol 8, No 1 (2019): Juni 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (832.155 KB) | DOI: 10.24127/trb.v8i1.926


Pengolahan kopi kering sangat berpengaruh pada kualitas kopi yang dihasilkan. Selain itu hasil produksi pengupasan kulit kopi kering kurang baik karena terlalu lambat, sehingga banyak waktu yang diperlukan dalam proses pengupasan kulit kopi kering tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jumlah mata silinder dan putaran terhadap kualitas dan kapasitas produksi pengupasan yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara memvariasikan jumlah mata silinder dan putaran mesin pengupas kopi kering. Jumlah variasi mata silinder alat pengupas kulit kopi kering  adalah 3, 5, dan 7 mata silinder. Bentuk susunan mata silinder pengupas horizontal, degan ketebalan 1 cm. Pengujian dilakukan  pada putaran 300, 400, 500 rpm. Mesin pengupas kulit kopi menggunakan daya mesin penggerak 6,5 HP. Percobaan dilakukan dengan 10 kg buah kopi kering setiap 1 kali percobaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah mata silinder yang terbaik pada alat  pengupas kulit biji kopi kering adalah 3 mata silinder. Namun pada kapasitas produksi pengupasan tertinggi didapat pada 7 mata silinder, akan tetapi persentase kualitas pengupasan pada 7 mata silinder sangat rendah sehingga banyak biji kopi yang cacat atau pecah.Kata kunci: Mesin pengupas, mata silinder, kopi, kualitas, dan kapasitas
Analisa proses produksi part number D574-50081-201 menggunakan mesin milling CNC di PT DI Eko Budiyanto; Lukito Dwi Yuono; Fatku Rohman
TURBO [Tulisan Riset Berbasis Online] Vol 9, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Turbo Desember 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/trb.v9i2.1427


The world of manufacturing technology is currently developing rapidly. Computerization carried out on manufacturing equipment makes it very easy for an industry, especially industries with a large production scale or mass production with a high number of orders in a short time. Manufacturing technology for machine tools usually uses a CNC (Computer Numeric Control) machine. Where the operation of this machine uses a program controlled by a computer and the programmer. This machine can produce products with high accuracy, even for very complicated manufacturing work. Product errors due to operator negligence can be reduced, as contact between the operator and the machine is minimal. However, if there is an error in the material or improper feed, the operator tends not to know because everything has been executed with the program that has been made. Observations were made at the 3 axis prismatic machine section, PT. Dirgantara Indonesia (DI). The milling machine used was the QUASER MV 185 type machine. Part material used in this study was Aluminum alloy 7010. The results of observations and calculations obtained that the average machining efficiency was 13%. Keywords: CNC, production process, efficiency.
Pengaruh komposisi perekat dan diameter briket biopellet terhadap karakteristik dan temperatur pembakaran pada kompor gasifikasi Tri Cahyo Wahyudi; Sulis Dri Handono; Lukito Dwi Yuono; Rohyani Rohyani
TURBO [Tulisan Riset Berbasis Online] Vol 10, No 2 (2021): Jurnal TURBO
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/trb.v10i2.1756


Biopellet is a type of solid fuel based on biomass waste which has a smaller size than briquettes. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of adhesive composition and the effect of the diameter of biopellet briquettes on the characteristics and temperature and combustion time of the gasification stove. The method used was a mixture of 40% sawdust biomass and 60% coconut shell charcoal by varying the adhesive as much as 20%, 25%, 30% on 4 mm and 7 mm diameter biopellet briquettes. Based on the test results, it is known that the adhesive composition affects the temperature and time produced during combustion. The highest temperature reached 713.20C with an adhesive percentage of 20% at a diameter of 7 mm biopellet briquettes with a flash time of 26 minutes. While the lowest temperature reached 653.00C with 30% adhesive percentage on 4 mm diameter biopllet briquettes and 30 minutes of flame time. For the characteristics of biopellet briquettes from laboratory tests, the highest moisture content value was 8.10% in 30% adhesive at 4 mm diameter for the highest ash content value 9.45% at 30% adhesive variation at 4 mm diameter and the highest calorific value reached 4571.64 cal/g of 20% adhesive vari at 7 mm diameter.
Analisa kerja alat uji prestasi mesin pendingin udara dengan kapasitas daya kompresor 1 PK Lukito Dwi Yuono; Eko Budiyanto; Ari Ansori
TURBO [Tulisan Riset Berbasis Online] Vol 11, No 1 (2022): Jurnal TURBO Volume 11 Nomor 1 Juni 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/trb.v11i1.2118


The purpose of the study was to determine the temperature value at each point of the refrigeration performance tool, heat absorption, refrigerant flow rate, compressor power, and the working speed of the refrigeration performance test tool or (Coefficient Of Performance) COP during the 60 minute test time. The method that will be used in this research is to modify the test equipment and conduct real experiments by analyzing several variables that affect the performance of the air conditioning system. The independent variables in this study were the refrigerant pressure of 60 Psi, 70 Psi, and 80 Psi. The addition of several components of measuring instruments that function to display data will be carried out at each point as needed. Digital reading of data will function to display test result data in the form of numbers for air temperature, temperature, and refrigerant pressure in the air conditioning machine (AC). The study was conducted in a room with a size of 4 x 5 x 2.5 meters, and using LG AC with a compressor power of 1 PK. Based on the test results, changes in temperature that occur at each point of the performance of the air conditioning machine and heat absorption affect the temperature changes of each cooling machine performance, namely the use of 60 Psi of 23.9 C for 70 Psi of 24.8 C and 80 Psi is 22.1 C. Then changes to heat absorption by the condenser and evaporator are at a refrigerant pressure of 60 Psi of 171.6 kJ/s for 70 Psi of 201.1 kJ/s and 80 Psi of 215.3 kJ/s. And the heat absorption that occurs in the evaporator with a pressure of 60 Psi is 143.3 kJ/s for 70 Psi of 161.6 kJ/s and 80 Psi is 172.2 kJ/s. The resulting refrigerant flow rate and compressor power, for the refrigerant flow rate, affect the changes that occur in the use of 60 Psi of 0.003 kg/s, for 70 Psi of 0.004 kg/s, and 80 Psi of 0.005 kg/s. Then for the compressor power at the use of 60 Psi of 0.446 kW, for 70 Psi of 0.521 kW, and 80 Psi of 0.611 kW. The refrigerant flow rate value of the refrigeration machine performance test tool or COP produced at a refrigerant pressure of 60 Psi is 3.26 for 70 Psi, namely 4.45 and 80 Psi is 5.11.
Kajian eksperimental pemakaian Hidrokarbon Musicool 22 sebagai pengganti R 22 untuk mesin pengatur udara AC split terhadap konsumsi listrik Wahyu Setiawan; Lukito Dwi Yuono; Kemas Ridhuan; Nurlaila Rajabiah
ARMATUR : Artikel Teknik Mesin & Manufaktur Vol 3 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Armatur
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/armatur.v3i1.1938


The use of synthetic refrigerant R22 has been banned by the government which can cause damage to the ozone layer causing global warming effects. temperature (ΔT°C) of the evaporator during the test time at the time of the study. The method used in this research is to vary the refrigerant R 22 and Musicool 22 with a pressure variation of 60,70,80 Psi, the size of the room studied is 3x4x2,5 m and Split AC Changhong, LG, and Panasonic with 1 PK power. Research results it can be seen that each brand of Split AC has a different effect of electricity consumption, the lowest and highest electricity consumption at a pressure of 60 and 80 Psi. Musicool 22 refrigerant is more energy efficient than R22. It can be seen that each brand of Split AC has the effect of the temperature difference (ΔT°C) of the evaporator, which differs the highest at a pressure of 60 and 80 Psi. Musicool 22 refrigerant is more suitable for LG and Changhong brands.
Mechanical properties investigation of the potential extruded MgAZ31B as a bone implant Fauzi Ibrahim; Anang Ansyori; Adi Prastyo; Lukito Dwi Yuono
TURBO [Tulisan Riset Berbasis Online] Vol 11, No 2 (2022): TURBO : Jurnal Program Studi Teknik Mesin
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/trb.v11i2.2279


Mg is a light metal that has superior properties, including low density, good ductility, medium strength, and good corrosion resistance, mg can also be combined to obtain better properties. Interest in the application of MgAZ31B for bone replacement has now become a major topic and continues to be intensified to improve results that are more compatible with bone constituents found in humans. In the human body, there are approximately 206 bones in an adult. Calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus are the main elements in the formation of human bones but there are many other elements in their formation, the real bone matrix is made of protein, collagen, calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, magnesium salts, and other minerals. When viewed from the element of bone magnesium is an important part of bone formation and certainly not harmful to the main elements of human bones. However, before being used as bone implants, magnesium must pass the mechanical and clinical test stages.