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Pengaruh temperatur elektrolit terhadap ketebalan dan kuat lekat baja karbon rendah pada proses elektroplating Asroni Asroni; Eko Budiyanto; Tri Cahyo Wahyudi; I Wayan Suarca
TURBO [Tulisan Riset Berbasis Online] Vol 10, No 2 (2021): Jurnal TURBO
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/trb.v10i2.1755


The development of industry as well as science and technology requires humans to fulfill various kinds of needs in their lives. One of them is the need for metal-based goods. Many objects around us, both in the automotive industry and in the steel-based industry for household purposes, etc., are given a metallic finish to protect and beautify the metal. The metal coating technique that is often used in the metal industry is electroplating. Electroplating comes from two words, namely electro and plating or electricity and coating that uses a deposition system. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of electrolyte temperature on the thickness and adhesive strength of low carbon steel in the electroplating process. The cathode used is low carbon steel with dimensions of 70 mm x 25 mm x 20 mm, while the anode used is Nickel (Ni) and the bath for plating is 60 cm long, 30 cm depth, and 30 cm wide. Two anodes on the right and left side of the anode with an anode-cathode distance of 10 cm, and using an electric voltage of 7.5 Volts, and using variations in electrolyte temperature of 450C, 500C, 550C, 600C, 650C and room temperature. From the results of the study found the optimal thickness value with 0.021 mm at a temperature of 600C. Meanwhile, the optimal value for coating adhesive strength from electroplating research is 60℃ with a very high adhesive strength value of 26.53 MPa.
Pengaruh komposisi perekat dan diameter briket biopellet terhadap karakteristik dan temperatur pembakaran pada kompor gasifikasi Tri Cahyo Wahyudi; Sulis Dri Handono; Lukito Dwi Yuono; Rohyani Rohyani
TURBO [Tulisan Riset Berbasis Online] Vol 10, No 2 (2021): Jurnal TURBO
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/trb.v10i2.1756


Biopellet is a type of solid fuel based on biomass waste which has a smaller size than briquettes. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of adhesive composition and the effect of the diameter of biopellet briquettes on the characteristics and temperature and combustion time of the gasification stove. The method used was a mixture of 40% sawdust biomass and 60% coconut shell charcoal by varying the adhesive as much as 20%, 25%, 30% on 4 mm and 7 mm diameter biopellet briquettes. Based on the test results, it is known that the adhesive composition affects the temperature and time produced during combustion. The highest temperature reached 713.20C with an adhesive percentage of 20% at a diameter of 7 mm biopellet briquettes with a flash time of 26 minutes. While the lowest temperature reached 653.00C with 30% adhesive percentage on 4 mm diameter biopllet briquettes and 30 minutes of flame time. For the characteristics of biopellet briquettes from laboratory tests, the highest moisture content value was 8.10% in 30% adhesive at 4 mm diameter for the highest ash content value 9.45% at 30% adhesive variation at 4 mm diameter and the highest calorific value reached 4571.64 cal/g of 20% adhesive vari at 7 mm diameter.
Kajian sifat listrik bayam merah dan daun kelor sebagai fotosensitizer pada DSSC solar cell Nurlaila Rajabiah; Tri Cahyo Wahyudi
TURBO [Tulisan Riset Berbasis Online] Vol 11, No 1 (2022): Jurnal TURBO Volume 11 Nomor 1 Juni 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/trb.v11i1.2119


DSSC (Dye Sensitized Solar Cell) uses dye as a sensitizer material which is used as an electron donor to TiO2 nanoparticles and uses an electrolyte as an electron transport medium. One of the dye extracts of purple spinach and moringa leaves used as a photosensitizer is chlorophyll extract or anthocyanin. The nature of chlorophyll which is able to absorb light is a function of the dye in DSSC. Making Moringa leaf and red spinach leaf dye after being blended, dried and ground into powder. Then the Moringa leaf powder was mixed with 70% ethanol with the ratio of Moringa leaves and ethanol, namely 1:2, 1:3, and 1:4. Meanwhile, red spinach leaf powder was mixed with ethanol solution in a ratio of 1:3. DSSC fabrication shows that the voltage, current, and power produced increases with the increasing amount of ethanol used, namely 1.879 mW, 1.573 mW, and 1.98 mW. Meanwhile, red spinach leaves mixed with ethanol in a ratio of 1:3 showed that the results were higher than Moringa leaves. So from the results of DSSC Solar Cell fabrication using Moringa leaves and red spinach leaves, it shows that there is light absorption from these materials and an increase in the conductive properties of Moringa and red spinach DSSCs.
Pembuatan dan pengujian spot welding menggunakan travo daur ulang Tri Cahyo Wahyudi; Asroni Asroni; Bahtiar Abdul Rahman
TURBO [Tulisan Riset Berbasis Online] Vol 11, No 1 (2022): Jurnal TURBO Volume 11 Nomor 1 Juni 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/trb.v11i1.2087


Spot welding is very much needed for the home industry, but the expensive welding price and large welding power make spot welding less efficient for small industries. Therefore, spot welding with small power and easy-to-carry design is needed. Spot welding design process is carried out in stages, namely planning, explaining component functions, and testing variations in the welding time used. The method used is experimental by making and testing. The specimen used is a type 304 stainless steel plate with a thickness of 0.8 mm. selected stainless steel type 304 with a thickness of 0.8 mm using a lap joint, with variations in welding time of 10, 15, and 20 seconds, using a current of 550 Ampere. The test carried out is a shear test with the AWS D8.9-97 test standard, with the aim of this study to determine the optimization of spot welding equipment using a recycled transformer on the test results. From the results of the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that in variations of electric current and welding time, the highest average shear stress value is found at 550 A electric current by welding for 10 seconds the average shear stress is 1,060,164 (N/mm²) and the lowest average shear stress at an electric current of 550 A welding for 20 seconds the average shear stress is 564.578 (N/mm²).
Variasi temperatur pada proses squeeze casting berbahan magnesium semi solid terhadap hasil kekerasan Tri Cahyo Wahyudi; Eko Budiyanto
ARMATUR : Artikel Teknik Mesin & Manufaktur Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Armatur
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (545.846 KB) | DOI: 10.24127/armatur.v2i1.739


Pengecoran squeeze merupakan pengecoran yang dimana dalam proses tersebut menggunakan tekanan tinggi dengan cetakan berbentuk die-punch diberikan pada logam cair saat terjadi pemadatan. Pada pengecoran semi solid temperatur tuang sangat berpengaruh pada hasil kekerasan material itu sendiri. Pada proses penelitian yang akan dilakukan, alat squeeze casting dimodifikasi sedemikian rupa dengan penambahan elemen pemananas (coil heater) pada cetakan sehingga proses pengecoran dilakukan di dalam cetakan tersebut. Dengan material Magnesium, tekanan 350 MPa serta variasi temperatur 3500C, 4000C, 4500C dan 5000C untuk lama waktu penekanan 1 menit, dengan holding time 5 menit serta tekanan gas argon 1 bar dan satu sampel tanpa perlakuan yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai kekerasan bahan serta struktur mikro yang ada pada spesimen tersebut sehingga nantinya hasil dari pengujian ini dapat diaplikasikan sesuai kebutuhan yang diharapkan. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini terlihat semakin tinggi temperatur, semakin besar, semakin banyak pula melting pada sampel, terlihat pada temperatur 5000C sehingganya meningkatkan nilai kekerasan sebesar 49,5 HRV, serta berpengaruh pada hasil struktur mikro bandingkan dengan material awal tanpa proses, pada hasil SEM memperlihatkan pada pembesaraan 1000 kali, Ukuran dari struktur material berubah menjadi lebih homogen seiring naiknya temperatur selama proses squeeze casting.
Rancang bangun mesin CNC laser cutting CO2 2 axis bebasis microcontroler dengan softwere Mach3 Samsul Hadi; Mafruddin Mafruddin; Tri Cahyo Wahyudi
ARMATUR : Artikel Teknik Mesin & Manufaktur Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Armatur
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (336.512 KB) | DOI: 10.24127/armatur.v2i2.1446


Teknologi laser saat ini sudah sedemikian pesat dan digunakan hampir disegala bidang, seperti dibidang manufaktur, medis, seni, transaksi perdagangan dan percetakan. Walaupun ada berbagai jenis laser yang ada dipasaran, namun dibidang manufaktur yang seringkali dijumpai adalah Laser C02. Hal ini disebabkan dayanya yang relatif besar sehingga pemanfaatannya lebih fleksibel dapat digunakan untuk pemotongan pada material lembaran tipis maupun pada material yang agak tebal. Laser cutting memiliki berbagai keunggulan dibandingkan teknologi manufaktur lainnya karena dapat menerima data langsung dari komputer, sehingga otomatisasi pemotongan dapat berjalan pada dunia industri. Penggunaan mesin CNC (Computer Numerical Control) pada sistem laser cutting sangat diperlukan, karena kita bisa memotong suatu bahan dengan bentuk desain sesuai yang kita inginkan dan dengan kualitas pemotongan yang bagus. Metode yang digunakan adalah eksperimental dengan merancang dan membuat serta menguji mesin CNC laser cutting CO2. Pengujian dilakukan dengan mencari feedrate yang terbaik dan Mengetahui tingkat akurasi hasil pemotongan pada jenis alur pemotongan yang berbeda. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa feedrate yang terbaik adalah 50 (mm/menit), dan juga tingkat akurasi dengan bentuk pemotongan alur yang berbeda mempengaruhi pada tingkat keakurasian pemotongan, koefisien akurasi terendah pada bentuk lingkaran 0,73 (mm).
Analisa pengaruh media pendingin dan arus listrik pada proses pengelasan titik (spot welding) stainlees steel terhadap nilai kekuatan tarik Tri Cahyo Wahyudi; Sulis Dri Handono; Hendi Ahmad Sanjaya; Abdul Basir Sulaiman Azis
ARMATUR : Artikel Teknik Mesin & Manufaktur Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Armatur
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (339.022 KB) | DOI: 10.24127/armatur.v2i2.1448


Pengelasan adalah salah satu teknik penyambungan logam dengan cara mencairkan sebagian logam induk dan logam pengisi dengan tekanan dan dengan atau tanpa logam penambah sehingga menghasilkan sambungan las yang kontiyu. Media pendingin dan arus listrik pada proses pengelasan ini sangat mempengaruhi hasil pengelasan. Lap joint adalah salah satu jenis sambungan las yang ada pada las titik yaitu jenis sambunga tumpuk. Penelitian ini menggunakan plat baja Stainlees Steel AISI 316. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kekuatan tarik dan jenis pendingin dengan arus berapa yang paling optimal untuk diberikan pembebanan tarik. Untuk waktu pengelasan disamakan yaitu 2 detik dan untuk parameter yang digunakan adalah media pendingin air biasa, air garam, air mineral dan variasi arus 660 Ampere, 880 Ampere dan 1100 Ampere. Pengujian yang dilakukan adalah pengujian tarik menggunakan alat Ultimate Testing Machine. Pada hasil pengujian didapat bahwa jenis sambungan lap joint yang paling optimum untuk diberikan pembebanan tarik dari nilai yield strength yaitu pendingin air biasa pada arus 1100 Ampere sebesar 159,17 kg/mm2, tensile strength dengan pendingin air mineral pada Arus 1100 Ampere sebesar 195,92 kg/mm2, dan nilai elongation dengan pendingin air mineral pada arus 1100 Ampere sebesar 11.19%.
Pengaruh penambahan Magnesium pada remelting piston motor bekas menggunakan tungku induksi terhadap kekuatan fatik dan porositas Mahmud Yunus; Tri Cahyo Wahyudi; Eko Nugroho
ARMATUR : Artikel Teknik Mesin & Manufaktur Vol 3 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Armatur
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/armatur.v3i1.1933


Metal is a natural material that is very useful in various aspects of human life, one of which is non-ferrous metal material, the metal does not contain iron elements such as copper, aluminum, tin. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the addition of Magnesium on fatigue and porosity testing, using the casting method of used Aluminum piston motor using an induction furnace with a pouring temperature of 700°C. In the fatigue test, the addition of Magnesium element by 1% gets a cycle value of 5,100, and a variation of 1.5% gets a cycle value of 5,220 and a 2% variation gets a cycle value of 5,420. As for the porosity test, the addition of Magnesium element by 1% gets a porosity value of 9.2% and a variation of 1.5% gets a porosity value of 4.5% and a variation of 2% gets a porosity value of 3.5%.
Analisa variasi arus listrik pada proses pengelasan Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) baja karbon sedang terhadap kekuatan bending hasil pengelasan Heru Setiawan; Tri Cahyo Wahyudi; Muh Thohirin
ARMATUR : Artikel Teknik Mesin & Manufaktur Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Armatur
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/armatur.v3i2.2864


Welding is a process of joining two or more metals into a form of connection using a heat process. This study aims to determine the value of the bending test strength on SMAW welding using the E6013 electrode, using variations of electric current, namely 100A, 110A, 120A and cooling media. The welding method used is SMAW welding with AISI 1037/ST37 material. The type of seam used is V-slope with a slope of 600 according to AWS d1.1:2000 standardization. The test carried out is a bending test using the Three Point Bending method. The value of the bending stress at room temperature media is 113.3 kgf at a current of 110A with the lowest value. For the current strength of 120A, the largest is 117.3 kgf. The value of the bending stress on mineral water immersion media is 103 kgf at a current of 120A with the lowest value. For a current of 100A, the largest is 110.3 kgf.
Metalurgi serbuk magnesium untuk aplikasi scaffold tulang mampu terdegradasi Sulis Dri Handono; Mafruddin Mafruddin; Tri Cahyo Wahyudi; Ardian Prayoga; Ilyas Shodikin; Arif Ardiyansah
TURBO [Tulisan Riset Berbasis Online] Vol 11, No 2 (2022): TURBO : Jurnal Program Studi Teknik Mesin
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/trb.v11i2.2368


Healing of bones damaged by accidents or other factors can be done by creating artificial bone structures or bone scaffolds that can initiate the growth of bone tissue and help support bones so they can function. The process of making bone scaffold can be done by powder metallurgy sintering process with magnesium material. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of variations in sintering temperature and compaction pressure in the magnesium powder metallurgical sintering process on the compressive strength and microstructure applied to degradable bone scaffolds. The research method used is experimental method by making and testing powder metallurgical magnesium material. The powder metallurgy process was carried out with various sintering temperatures of 350°C, 400°C and 450°C and variations of compaction pressure, namely 231 MPa, 309 MPa and 386 MPa. The results showed that variations in sintering temperature and compaction pressure affected the compressive strength and microstructure. The sintering temperature of 450°C and compaction pressure of 386 MPa resulted in the lowest pore percentage rate of 15.14% and the highest compressive strength of 80.26 MPa.