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Pengaruh Suhu dan Waktu Proses Pengeringan Terhadap Sifat Fisik dan Kimia Tepung Okra (Abelmoschus Esculentus L. Moench) Samuel Abdiel Nugroho; Budi Hariono
JOFE : Journal of Food Engineering Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): October
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25047/jofe.v1i4.3445


Okra (Abelmoschus Esculentus L. Moench) is one type of vegetable that is included in functional vegetables, which means that okra contains various health benefits. The high water content causes okra vegetables to be easily damaged by microorganisms. the food industry varies depending on the commodity to be processed or dried. The parameters of this research are the treatment time and temperature of drying okra to become okra flour, namely 8 hours, 9 hours, and 10 hours with the temperatures given are 50˚C, 60˚C, 70˚C, with analysis of physical properties including yield, fineness, color and chemical properties including moisture content and antioxidants as well as organoleptic testing. The application of time and temperature in the drying process affects the physical and chemical properties, the longer the drying time and the higher the temperature used, the lower the yield of okra flour with a value of 2.90% at 70˚C temperature treatment with a time of 10 hours, the water content contained in okra flour is getting smaller at 70˚S temperature treatment with a time of 10 hours by 10% fault, the color produced by okra flour tends to be bright with a white degree value at 70˚C temperature treatment with a time of 9 hours at 48.48, antioxidant activity in okra flour increased with drying time with the highest value at a temperature of 50˚C with a temperature treatment for 10 hours of 71.71%. Testing the level of preference of the panelists using the hedonic method and the hedonic quality showed that the hedonic test or the panelists' grief gave the highest value to okra flour with a temperature treatment of 70˚C with a temperature of 9 hours with a color value of 3.40, aroma 3.75, texture 3.30, the appearance of 3.40, for the value of hedonic quality the panelists gave various values, the highest color value was 3.45 at a temperature treatment of 50˚C with a time of 8 hours, the highest value of aroma was 3.50 at the treatment of 50˚C with a temperature of 9 hours, and with the highest texture value of 3.50 with a temperature treatment of 70˚C with a time of 10 hours.
Analisis Perbaikan dan Pemeliharaan Mesin Pencuci Tipe Raung Di PTPN XII Ngrangkah Pawon Kebun Pabrik Satak Kabupaten Kediri Verawati Dewi Fitriyah; Budi Hariono
Rona Teknik Pertanian Vol 16, No 2 (2023): Volume No. 16, No. 2, Oktober 2023
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Engineering, Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17969/rtp.v16i2.32088


Abstrak. Pengolahan kopi di PTPN XII Ngrangkah Pawon terdapat 2 metode yaitu metode pengolahan basah dan pengolahan kering. Khusus pada metode pengolahan basah menggunakan mesin pencucian yaitu raung washer. Proses pencucian pada skala panen raya dapat mempengaruhi keadaan mesin jika tidak dilakukan perawatan. Cara perawatan dilakukan dengan menggunakan 2 metode perawatan yaitu metode repair maintenance dan preventive maintenance. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mencari metode perawatan terbaik agar diperoleh umur mesin yang semakin baik. Penelitian dilakukan selama periode 3 tahun dimulai pada tahun 2020, 2021, dan 2022 dengan data perawatan berturut-turut sebesar 16 buah;  15 buah; dan 19 buah. Metode pengolahan data dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data kerusakan dan biaya perawatan mesin raung washer selama 3 tahun tahun, kemudian perhitungan data dianalisis distribusi kerusakan dan analisis penjadwalan menggunakan microsoft excel. Hasil penelitian diperoleh metode repair maintenance memiliki biaya perawatan lebih rendah dibandingkan metode preventive maintenance dengan hasil biaya repair maintenance pada Tahun 2020 berturut-turut sebesar Rp. 261.358; Tahun 2021 sebesar Rp 183.986 dan Tahun 2022 sebesar Rp. 206.172 dibandingkan dengan metode preventive maintenance berturut-turut pada Tahun 2020; Tahun 2021 dan Tahun 2022 sebesar Rp. 441.639; Rp. 306.335; dan Rp. Rp 336.350. Kesimpulan bahwa metode yang memiliki biaya optimal adalah metode repair maintenance.  Analysis of Repair and Preventive Maintenance of Raung Washer Machines at PTPN XII Ngrangkah Pawon Afdelling Satak Factory, Kediri RegencyAbstract. There are 2 coffee processing methods at PTPN XII Ngrangkah Pawon, namely the wet processing method and the dry processing method. Especially for the wet processing method using a washing machine, namely a roaring washing machine. The washing process on the harvest scale can affect the condition of the machine if maintenance is not carried out. The maintenance method is using 2 maintenance methods, namely the method of repair maintenance and preventive maintenance. The purpose of this research is to find the best maintenance method to get a better engine life. The research was conducted for 3 years starting in 2020, 2021 and 2022 with 16 consecutive maintenance data; 15 pieces; and 19 pieces. The data processing method was carried out by collecting data on damage and maintenance costs for the washing machine for 3 years, then calculating the data, analyzing the distribution of damage and scheduling analysis using Microsoft Excel. The results of the study show that the repair maintenance method has lower maintenance costs compared to the preventive maintenance method so that the repair maintenance costs in 2020 are IDR 811,486; In 2021 it is IDR 177,709 and in 2022 it is IDR 517,736 compared to the preventive maintenance method in 2020; In 2021 and 2022 in the amount of IDR 1,114,494 every 3 weeks; IDR 267,104 every 4 weeks; and IDR 677,213 every 3 weeks. It was concluded that the method that has the optimal cost is the repair maintenance method.
Quality nutrition, metal content, and health risks in soy milk products using aluminum and stainless steel cookers Budi Hariono; Feby Erawantini; Aulia Brilliantina; Mokhamad Fatoni Kurnianto; Supriyono Supriyono; Syamsiar Kautsar; Rizza Wijaya; Angga Herviona Ikhwanudin
AcTion: Aceh Nutrition Journal Vol 8, No 4 (2023): December
Publisher : Department of Nutrition at the Health Polytechnic of Aceh, Ministry of Health

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30867/action.v8i4.925


Improper processing of soymilk, such as soybean raw materials, use of well water, and use of cooking vessels, produces soymilk that does not meet SNI standards. These conditions can contaminate soymilk with harmful metals. The purpose of this study was to measure the nutritional quality and metal content of soymilk produced using aluminum and stainless steel cooking vessels. The research was descriptive and was conducted in July 2022. Analytical tests were carried out by comparing the nutritional content in the form of total protein, fat, lactose, and solid non-fat (SNF), and analyzing the heavy metal content. The results showed that the contents of Pb, Cu, and Hg in soy milk processed with stainless steel were lower than those of aluminum, from 11,494 ppm to 2,706 ppm, 114,612 ppm to 10,211 ppm, and 0,372 ppm to 0,012 ppm, respectively.  The contents of Zn and As in soymilk with stainless steel were higher than those treated with aluminum, from 884,585 ppm to 73,616 ppm and from 0,107 ppm to 0,079 ppm, respectively. Cooking water also contributed 0,055; 0,044; 0,028, and 0,156 ppm to the heavy metal content of Pb, Cu, Zn, Hg, and As, respectively. In conclusion, the use of stainless steel in soymilk processing resulted in better nutritional quality and lower heavy metal content compared to aluminum.
Minimasi Biaya Perawatan Mesin VIS Pulper Pengupasan Biji Kopi dengan Menggunakan Metode Preventive Maintenance Di PTPN XII Ngrangkah Pawon Budi Hariono; Annisa Dian Prabawati
Jurnal Teknik Terapan Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Oktober
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25047/jteta.v2i2.30


The development of industrial technology requires companies to be able to use existing resources. The most important thing in the production process is the machine. PTPN XII Ngrangkah Pawon is a limited liability company owned by the Republic of Indonesia and PT Perkebunan Nusantara III (Persero). The use of machines is also used in the PTPN production process. The purpose of this research is to find out whether it is possible to minimize the cost of maintaining the vis pulper machine through preventive maintenance and repair maintenance methods. This type of research is carried out quantitatively by observing and studying the material obtained during the production process for three years (2020-2022). This research was conducted offline for 1 month starting from early July to August. Data analysis was carried out using two methods, namely repair policies and preventive policies. maintenance using repair maintenance with a period of 3 years, namely in the production process by repair calculation in May 2020 the results were Rp. 497,354/week while calculating maintenance cost preventive maintenance results obtained Rp. 708,817/week by scheduling every 4 weeks. For the results of treatment repair calculation maintenance in May 2021 the production process obtained a result of Rp. 6,797,131/week while on preventive maintenance get the calculation results of Rp. 8,508,950/week with scheduling once a week. Finally, in 2022, in May, the calculation results were obtained using repair maintenance Rp. 373,089/week while on preventive maintenance Rp. 524,366/week with a schedule of 4 weeks. Based on the results of the calculations it is explained that minimizing costs using the method of preventive maintenance can be applied, but to get a cheaper fee it is better to use a repair policy maintenance because the estimated results of spending calculations are cheaper compared to using maintenance expenses for preventive maintenance.
Implementation of A Traceability System for Canned Fish Products using The FMECA Approach Jihan Nisrinah Berliana; Budi Hariono
Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung (Journal of Agricultural Engineering) Vol 13, No 3 (2024): September 2024
Publisher : The University of Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jtep-l.v13i3.863-872


PT. XYZ is a company that operating in the canned fish processing sector. In implementing the traceability system, traceback product still experiences obstacles so it cannot be implemented properly in the Company. This research was conducted to determine the traceability critical point which is a weakness of the traceability system being implemented. The method used is the FMECA (Failure Modes, Effects, and Criticality Analysis) approach, which is a development of the FMEA (Failure Mode Effect Analysis) method with the inclusion of the CA (Criticality Analysis) method to evaluate the effective level and efficiency of the traceability system being implemented. The results of the analysis showed that 43 possible failure points were identified, of which 2 points were in the unacceptable area, 3 points were in the undesirable area, 12 points were in the acceptable with revision area, and 26 points were in the acceptable without revision area. Traceability of canned fish products at fish canning companies has been going well with 5 critical points of traceability, namely the absence of information on the origin of the fish, not providing special coding for each fish received, not carrying out microbiological testing on the fish received, each fish received is not differentiated. The storage location is between each supplier, and no special records are made at the draining stage. Keywords: Critical analysis, Failure, FMECA, Traceability, Quality assurance.