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Geger Sikep: (Re) Interpretation of the Environment by Contemporary Movements in Kendeng, Central Java Setiadi, Setiadi; Saraswati, Aprilia Rejeki; Rosyid, Nur
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v9i1.8673


For the last decade, the popularity and the imagery of Sedulur Sikep identity attribution on mass media rose and changed significantly, triggered by their involvement on a movement against cement factory plan in Kendeng, Central Java. Even so, some of the sikeps themselves claimed their absence and dissagrement on the movement. Thus, this anthropological study aims an explanation on how this situation led them to recognize the value of “being sikep” and how it affected sikep or the ‘on behalf of’ sikep movement in perceive and practice the conception of environment and its ecological issue. The paradigm shifting of ecology aspect on their cultural identity then tried to be mapped by looking on their ecological knowledge, the adaptability, and the power on controlling visibility space as a product of “nature” and “nurture”. Subsequently, it was found later that the disunity caused by their own personal experience on defining the reciprocity bond between their identity as peasant and the nature resources. The aftermath; dynamism and stagnancy then could be seen as their alter adaptation method, relying on how their belief conceive the ecological dispute and resistance towards the living space of Sedulur Sikep itself.
Geger Sikep: Environmental (Re)Interpretation among the Contemporary Anti-Cement Movement in Kendeng, Central Java Setiadi, Setiadi; Saraswati, Aprilia Rejeki; Rosyid, Nur
KOMUNITAS: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture Vol 9, No 1 (2017): Komunitas, March 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v9i1.8673


Over the past decade, a shift has occurred in the Sedulur Sikep community’s attitude since the increase in its popularity and coverage in the mass media following its involvement in the anti-cement movement in Central Java. However, not all members of Sedulur Sikep participate in or even approve of this movement. This anthropological study attempts to illustrate how this situation has pushed the Sikep community members to (re)recognize their values, the influence of these values on environmental discourse, and how the relations between them are understood and practiced by Sedulur Sikep and the movement fighting in its name. By examining the adaptability of ecological knowledge and the ordering of visible space as a result of complex interactions between nature and nurture, it is possible to examine the shifts in their understanding of environmental dynamics and their cultural identity. The ‘fragmentation’ that has occurred is rooted in different understandings of the reciprocal bonds between the Sedulur Sikep’s tani mligi identity and natural resources. The dynamics and stagnation seen in how Sedulur Sikep positions itself in relation to cement production is also apparent in various methods of (re)interpretation, particularly regarding the relevance of Sedulur Sikep’s beliefs to its ecological contestation and struggle for living space.
The Benefits of Conditional Cash Transfers: Learning from the Recipients of PKH Aid in Alor, East Nusa Tenggara Setiadi, Setiadi
KOMUNITAS: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture Vol 10, No 2 (2018): Komunitas, September 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v10i2.16182


Conditional cash transfers in Indonesia is better known as the Keluarga Harapan Program (PKH). This program offers aid to poor members of society and is intended to break the poverty cycle through education and healthcare. This aid is granted continuously, with certain conditions that must be met by recipients. The question is to what extent usage patterns are linked to the program's conditioning and its social function for recipients, and how local contexts influence the program's institutional and functional conditioning. This conditioning and usage patterns cannot be separated from the social, ecological, and economic conditions of the local community. After making the desire changes to social welfare, this aid has other effects, particularly as related to social aspects. These involve the usage patterns and strategies of aid recipients in adapting the aid programs implemented by the government for community members who live in poverty. As such, this article is hoped to provide a better understanding and ease interpretation of the topic. Data for this research was collected from four villages in East Nusa Tenggara using qualitative methods (observation, interviews, FGDs) and an MSC approach.  Bantuan tunai bersyarat di Indonesia lebih dikenal dengan Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH). Program ini memberikan bantuan pada kelompok masyarakat paling miskin dengan tujuan memutus rantai kemiskinan melalui aspek pendidikan dan kesehatan. Bantuan ini diberikan secara berkelanjutan dengan kondisi yang harus dipatuhi oleh penerima.Pertanyaannya adalah bagaimana pola pemanfaatan bantuan berkaitan dengan pengkondisian program PKH dan bagaimana fungsi sosial bantuan tersebut terhadap pesertanya. Bagaimana pengaruh konteks lokal  bagi pengkondisian aspek sosial yang meliputi kelembagaan dan fungsional program. Pengkondisian ini berkaitan erat dengan pola pemanfaatan bantuan dan tidak bisa dilepaskan dari kondisi ekonomi, ekologis dan sosial masyarakat setempat. Kemudian selain membawa perubahan dan kesejahteraan yang diharapkan bantuan ini ternyata juga membawa dampak lain, terutama berkaitan dengan aspek sosial. Dampak ini berkaitan dengan pola pemanfaatan dan strategi penerima bantuan dalam rangka adaptasi terhadap sebuah program yang diterapkan oleh pemerintah kepada masyarakat sangat miskin. Oleh sebab itu tulisan ini diharapkan memberi gambaran yang menambah pemahaman dan penafsiran yang berkaitan dengan topik tersebut. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan dari empat desa di NNT dengan metode kualitatif antara lain observasi, wawancara, dan FGD dengan pendekatan MSC.
The Benefits of Conditional Cash Transfers: Learning from the Recipients of PKH Aid in Alor, East Nusa Tenggara Setiadi, Setiadi
Komunitas Vol 10, No 2 (2018): September 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v10i2.16182


Conditional cash transfers in Indonesia is better known as the Keluarga Harapan Program (PKH). This program offers aid to poor members of society and is intended to break the poverty cycle through education and healthcare. This aid is granted continuously, with certain conditions that must be met by recipients. The question is to what extent usage patterns are linked to the program's conditioning and its social function for recipients, and how local contexts influence the program's institutional and functional conditioning. This conditioning and usage patterns cannot be separated from the social, ecological, and economic conditions of the local community. After making the desire changes to social welfare, this aid has other effects, particularly as related to social aspects. These involve the usage patterns and strategies of aid recipients in adapting the aid programs implemented by the government for community members who live in poverty. As such, this article is hoped to provide a better understanding and ease interpretation of the topic. Data for this research was collected from four villages in East Nusa Tenggara using qualitative methods (observation, interviews, FGDs) and an MSC approach.  Bantuan tunai bersyarat di Indonesia lebih dikenal dengan Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH). Program ini memberikan bantuan pada kelompok masyarakat paling miskin dengan tujuan memutus rantai kemiskinan melalui aspek pendidikan dan kesehatan. Bantuan ini diberikan secara berkelanjutan dengan kondisi yang harus dipatuhi oleh penerima.Pertanyaannya adalah bagaimana pola pemanfaatan bantuan berkaitan dengan pengkondisian program PKH dan bagaimana fungsi sosial bantuan tersebut terhadap pesertanya. Bagaimana pengaruh konteks lokal  bagi pengkondisian aspek sosial yang meliputi kelembagaan dan fungsional program. Pengkondisian ini berkaitan erat dengan pola pemanfaatan bantuan dan tidak bisa dilepaskan dari kondisi ekonomi, ekologis dan sosial masyarakat setempat. Kemudian selain membawa perubahan dan kesejahteraan yang diharapkan bantuan ini ternyata juga membawa dampak lain, terutama berkaitan dengan aspek sosial. Dampak ini berkaitan dengan pola pemanfaatan dan strategi penerima bantuan dalam rangka adaptasi terhadap sebuah program yang diterapkan oleh pemerintah kepada masyarakat sangat miskin. Oleh sebab itu tulisan ini diharapkan memberi gambaran yang menambah pemahaman dan penafsiran yang berkaitan dengan topik tersebut. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan dari empat desa di NNT dengan metode kualitatif antara lain observasi, wawancara, dan FGD dengan pendekatan MSC.
Geger Sikep: Environmental (Re)Interpretation among the Contemporary Anti-Cement Movement in Kendeng, Central Java Setiadi, Setiadi; Saraswati, Aprilia Rejeki; Rosyid, Nur
Komunitas Vol 9, No 1 (2017): March 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v9i1.8673


Over the past decade, a shift has occurred in the Sedulur Sikep community’s attitude since the increase in its popularity and coverage in the mass media following its involvement in the anti-cement movement in Central Java. However, not all members of Sedulur Sikep participate in or even approve of this movement. This anthropological study attempts to illustrate how this situation has pushed the Sikep community members to (re)recognize their values, the influence of these values on environmental discourse, and how the relations between them are understood and practiced by Sedulur Sikep and the movement fighting in its name. By examining the adaptability of ecological knowledge and the ordering of visible space as a result of complex interactions between nature and nurture, it is possible to examine the shifts in their understanding of environmental dynamics and their cultural identity. The ‘fragmentation’ that has occurred is rooted in different understandings of the reciprocal bonds between the Sedulur Sikep’s tani mligi identity and natural resources. The dynamics and stagnation seen in how Sedulur Sikep positions itself in relation to cement production is also apparent in various methods of (re)interpretation, particularly regarding the relevance of Sedulur Sikep’s beliefs to its ecological contestation and struggle for living space.