Muhadjir Darwin
Dosen Fakultas Sospol UNS dan Staf Pusat Penelitian Kependudukan Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Gerakan Perempuan di Indonesia Dari Masa ke Masa Darwin, Muhadjir
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 7, No 3 (2004): Peran dan Konstruksi Sosial tentang Perempuan
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Examination to Indonesias current history shows that woman-movement is always exist from time to time. Gender equality, indeed has not been openly declared as mission of the movements. The author argues, however, that gender equality has been manifest in the spirit of shared-responsibility in overcoming the problems of the country defined at each era.
Penataan Partai Pasca Soeharto: Catatan Kritis RUU Partai Politik Darwin, Muhadjir
JKAP (Jurnal Kebijakan dan Administrasi Publik) 1998: JKAP VOLUME 2 NOMOR 2, TAHUN 1998
Publisher : Magister Administrasi Publik (MAP) FISIPOL Universitas Gadjah Mada

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This paper discusses critically the proposed law of political party (RUU Partai) Overall, the mentioned law has been advanced than that was applied previously. However, there are still several substantial weaknesses in it which needs some revisions in order to attain the making of independent political parties and democratic life in Indonesia.
THE INHIBITING FACTORS OF FERTILITY RATE DECREASE AND THE DIRECTION OF FAMILY PLANNING PROGRAM REVITALIZATION Darwin, Muhadjir; Susilastuti, Dewi Haryani; Tsalatsa, Yam’ah; Setianingrum, Triyastuti; Sumini, Sumini
Jurnal Populasi Vol 23, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Kependudukan dan Kebijakan, Universitas Gadjah Mada

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This paper analyzes stagnation of fertility rate decrease in Indonesia. Population balance can be achieved by controlling fertility. Indonesian survey of demography and health in 2012, however, shows no significant difference of fertility rates from similar surveys in 2002 and 2007. In addition to that, there are factors such as the shifting political paradigm in the developing world, change of local governance, and institutional change that influence the stagnation of fertility rate decrease. This writing recommends ways to accommodate balance between democratic system and effective achievement. Besides, the decrease of fertility rate also requires serious commitment and determination of local government to participate. For this goal, sociological and cultural model can be used as an alternative to transform the behavior of society.
Identity Politics of Papuan Indigenous Ethnics in the Position Seizure Contestation: A Case Study of the OPD Structural Positions in the Governmental Bureaucracy in Papua Snanfi, Ferinandus Leonardo; Darwin, Muhadjir; Setiadi, Setiadi; Ikhwan, Hakimul
Jurnal Politik Indonesia: Indonesian Political Science Review Vol 3, No 2 (2018): Problems and Prospects after 20 Years Reform
Publisher : Political Science Program, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (205.469 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/ipsr.v3i2.12502


This research was aimed to (1) Know how identity politics of Papua indigenious ethnics of Papua contested to seize structural positions of the OPD (Regional Apparatus Organization) in the governmental organization (2) Know identity politics of Papua indigenous ethnics collaborated with identity politics of non-Papuan ethnics in filling structural position of the OPD in the governmental bureaucracy. The research method used was qualitative i.e. describe, record, analyze, interpret conditions occur today. While data gathering used an observation technique, photos and also interview technique. The research results showed (1) Identity politics practice implemented in the governmental bureaucracy shown along with the existence of dominance of office chief, secretary, structural position and also office with much financial were mostly dominated by MT ethnics. MT ethnics marginalized other Papuan ethnics in positions of office chief, agency, district, secretary, structural position. From the process of marginalized Papuan ethnics were affected by ethnics egoism from village, clans, family, one ethnic and other Papuan ethnics emerge other Papuan ethnics prefer non-Papuan ethnics to collaborate in power in the governmental bureaucrcy. Various powers in the filling of the OPD structural positions in the governmental bureaucracy. The bureaucracy of Papuan governmental bureaucracy was still thick with a cultural primordial, familism, tribalism and margaism. The purpose of ethnics identity politics applied in the governmental bureaucracy include to dominate economic resources that are much such as:  Otsus Fund, APBD, PAD, DAK, DAU, governmental projects and programs for self ethnic interest and political groups in the governmental bureaucracy. (2) The filling of the OPD structural position of the governmental bureaucracy. The whole of position percentage data result available in filling the OPD structural position of the governmental bureaucracy, MT ethnics dominate all of positions available. And is followed by non-Papuan ethnics  (BS, BN, MR, AN, and TA) that collaborated with MT ethnics in seizing number one and number two chairs in the governmental bureaucracy. Team baperjakat has selected officers who are skilled, good career, professional suitable with country’s civil apparatus. However, all decision to promote officials in the OPD structural position, that guard ethnic contestation in the governmental bureaucracy, in overall policy based on number one and number two persons in the governmental bureaucracy. The purpose of collaboration was to dominate jointly economics resources that are much in the governemntal bureaucracy such as: Otsus Fund, APBD, PAD, DAK, DAU, governmental projects and programs for ther ethnic’s interest and their politics group interest.
PALASTREN Jurnal Studi Gender Vol 11, No 1 (2018): PALASTREN
Publisher : STAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/palastren.v11i1.3311


 Artikel ini mendiskusikan keberadaan industri rambut dan bulu mata palsu yang memberikan kemudahan aksesibilitas bagi perempuan untuk bekerja dan menghasilkan upah yang layak. Melalui kerja yang dibayar perempuan menjadi mandiri, dan memiliki status sosial yang meningkat. Namun masalah muncul pada saat perempuan bekerja, masalah tersebut berkaitan dengan pengasuhan dan pendidikan anak, beban ganda, disharmonisasi keluarga dan tingkat gugat cerai yang tinggi. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini menganalisis dampak industrialisasi dan respon negara dalam kebijakan ramah perempuan dan anak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode mixed methode dengan subyek penelitian buruh perempuan dan keluarga, pelaku industri, aparat pemerintah daerah dan tokoh masyarakat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perempuan buruh memiliki peran baru sebagai pencari nafkah utama danmandirisecara ekonomi, peningkatan partisipasi kerja perempuan dan tata nilai baru dalam masyarakat yang menganggap perempuan lebih dominan dibandingkan laki-laki, kebijakan ramah perempuan belum menyentuh persoalan sebenarnya dalam mewujudkan keadilan dan kesetaraan gender.
Jurnal Bestari No 20 (1995)
Publisher : Jurnal Bestari

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Memasuki Abad ekonomi bebas dan globalisasi ekonomi telah banyak terjadi perubahan-perubahan. Dalam era ini, negara tidak dapat sendiri menyelesaikan problem ekonominya, harus melibatkan swasta dan membentuk ekonomi kawasan. Dengan kondisi seperti ini terdapat tuntutan baru bahwa peranan administrasi Negara harus kelar dari asumsi lama dan melakukan perbaikan yang lebih fundamental. Bukan lagi hanya sekedar reformasi administrasi yang bersifat incremental, tetapi perombakan struktur administrasi yang lebih menyeluruh, pemilihan peran, dan penentuan strategi yang baru lebih tepat untuk menghadapi tantangan ekonomi global abad 21.
The Growth of E-Government in the Government of Yogyakarta City WIBOWO, DANANG SRI; ABDULLAH, IRWAM; DARWIN, MUHADJIR
Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan Vol 5, No 1 (2014): February 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (773.44 KB) | DOI: 10.18196/jgp.2014.0004


The implementation of e-government is, actually,not a new issue in the government. However, thepolicy of e-government implementation in manygovernmental elements, especially in the localgovernment seems to be forced withoutconsidering the different readiness levels of thegovernment personnel and the people in each localgovernment. On the one side, many researchfindings show that the factors of governmentalhuman resources, the public, the infrastructure, andthe working practice are still being obstacles toachieve a successful e-government implementation.On the other hand, other research findings alsostrengthen that in its implementation, egovernmenthas some elements which should befulfilled. They are e-administration, e-services, ande-society. Three of them are unified elements whichsupport each other in order to realize egovernment.Many problems faced by some localgovernments in implementing e-government,including the government of Yogyakarta City, clarifythat there are fundamental problems in realizingthe e-government elements which consist of eadministration,e-services, and e-society. For certaingovernmental institutions, an explanation of therelationship between the implementation of egovernmentprogram and many available theories isa valuable contribution to solve inter-elementsrelationship for realizing good governance, on theone hand, and, on the other hand, it is alsobeneficial for them to learn best practice for thegovernment in order to achieve good localgovernance. The results of this study show that theimplementation of e-government which requiresthe availability of e-administration, e-services, ande-society has been realized by the government of Yogyakarta City.However, although those programs have been realized physically, onthe actual, the unpreparedness of the government personnel as wellas the public society and also the cultural factors are still being someproblems which impede the successful implementation of egovernment.In addition, the city government’s commitment to keepcontinuing the easy service development to the community is a keyto the implementation of e-government in the scope of citygovernment in Yogyakarta.Key words: e-government, e-administration, e-services, and e-society
Power Contestation on Marriage Age Discourse in Dealing with Islamic Value: a Case Study on Nahdlatul Ulama RAHMAWATI, DIAN EKA; DARWIN, MUHADJIR; AHMAD, MUNAWAR
Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan Vol 9, No 1 (2018): February 2018
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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This study aims to understand the debate on the issue of early prevention from the perspective of NU and NU women activist group. Why there is a difference between NU structures and NU women activist groups. What the knowledge regime that underlies the legitimacy of their attitude is. What are the interests behind differences in attitudes and knowledge regimes used. This study uses a qualitative method. The data was collected by interviewing the board of Muslimat NU, PP Fatayat NU, and PP Rahima and collecting documentation from books, journals, magazines, printed and online newspapers, official website, and mass media decisions. Data analysis techniques performed with data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The result shows that differences in attitudes about the issue of early marriage between NU structures and NU women activist groups stem from different perspectives and interests. Differences perspectives can be seen from differences in interpretation "baligh" as the basis for setting marriage age limit. The interest of the NU structures to accomodate early marriage practices are still prevalent among NU and maintain the status quo of the NU gender habitus. The interest of NU women activist groups is to contextually interpret fikih and to fight for the ideology of theological feminism prosecuting patriarchy within the NU gender habitus. NU Women’s activist groups can reproduce reason about gender relation in Islam that derived from the accumulation of social capital and cultural capital. Keywords: Power Contestation, Marriage Age Discourse, Early Marriage, Capitals, Habitus, Nahdlatul Ulama Women's Activist
Political Interests and the Common Goods in Public Religion Amin, Harris Usman; Darwin, Muhadjir; Ikhwan, Hakimul; Syamsiyatun, Siti
Jurnal Politik Indonesia: Indonesian Political Science Review Vol 5, No 3 (2020): Democracy and Political Expression
Publisher : Political Science Program, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ipsr.v5i3.26757


This research explores the Gerakan Salat Subuh Berjamaah (GSSB)/Dawn Congregation Prayer Movement in the city government of Palembang. This policy using religious instruments has been implemented for approximately four years and has received recognition and appreciation from several parties for its benefits to the people and government of Palembang city. This research is qualitative research with a case study method, conducted for three months in Palembang City. The study results conclude that the GSSB policy created a public religion where religion enters the public sphere to fulfil the political actor's political interests (Mayor) and realize the “common goods” of Palembang city.
The Determinant of Policy Termination Post-Leadership Succession in Indonesia Context Iswahyudi, Fajar; Hadna, Agus Heruanto; Darwin, Muhadjir; Kutanegara, Pande Made
Jurnal Politik Indonesia: Indonesian Political Science Review Vol 6, No 2 (2021): In progress (August 2021)
Publisher : Political Science Program, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ipsr.v6i2.31154


Theoretically, termination of policy is due to policy effectiveness. However, in leadership succession, there is a responsibility to acknowledge voters' preferences. Thus, post-leadership succession policy termination can be caused by the policies' effectiveness and voters' policy preferences. This research tries to explain how policy effectiveness and voter preferences become determinants of post-leadership succession policy termination. The analysis was carried out using the multi-stream framework (MSF) developed by Kingdon. The case study chosen was the termination of the River Concretization Policy (RCP) in Jakarta, Indonesia. The research method used is qualitative. This research finds that RCP termination's determinants are effectivity of the program and voter policy preference. This research reaffirms the importance of policy effectiveness and voter policy preference as a foundation for policy termination in post-leadership succession.Â