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Development of Multiphase Diffraction Pattern Analysis Technique with Rietveld Refinement Method: PZT Thin Case Study Rizky Arief Shobirin; Masruroh Masruroh; Rachmat Triandi Tjahjanto
Natural B, Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences Vol 4, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Natural B, Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (855.731 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.natural-b.2017.004.01.3


In this research has been developed multifasa diffraction pattern analysis technique with rietveld refinement method with case study of application of the technique on thin layer of PZT (PbZrxTi (1-x) O3) which has been synthesized with variation of 1, 2, and 3 hour annealing time. This interpretation technique begins with the determination of the background, then performed refinement parameter determinant of pattern change, peak shape, and intensity of diffraction. The parameters are, respectively, scaling factor, 2θzero, lattice parameter, gaussian peak shape constant, and gaussian-lorentzian, atomic position coordinates, and preferred orientation. The refinement results show that changes in peak shape constant give significant changes in residual values, whereas atomic and preferred orientation changes do not provide significant change in residual values.
Depth Profiling of Dark and Light Green Bacan: Construction of Material Characters Models from Elemental Analysis and Mineralogical Characterization Rizky Arief Shobirin; Abdul Malik Bahrudin
The Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Research Vol 5, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Chemistry Department, The University of Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1325.258 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jpacr.2016.005.03.291


We have demonstrated the evolutional depth profiling methods for local minerals of Bacan in order to establish the sold price and maintenance of minerals sector in Indonesia. The depth profiling methods was performed by elemental analysis and mineralogical characterisation using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). We refined materials parameters then constructed the materials models to describe the difference of materials characters. These results described that LG Bacan has crystals phase of  Dioptase (CuSiO3), Liebenbergite (Ni2SiO4), and variant of Calderonite (Ca2CuP2O9). DG Bacan has crystals phase of Fayalite (Fe2SiO4), and variant of Ferriannite (KCaFe3Si3O12). All crystals phase in LG Bacan has growth orientation on [001] direction, and has more structured crystallite size with small range of its distribution. All phase in DG Bacan has the preferred growth so, except Fayalite crystal phase. DG Bacan less structured than LG Bacan, with wider range of crystallite size distribution, but has harder structure than LG Bacan. Quartz structure in LG Bacan was more polar than DG Bacan.
Pemberdayaan UMKM Dan Mentoring Teknologi Produk Olahan Nanas Di Desa Babadan Kecamatan Ngancar Kabupaten Kediri Nunuk Helilusiatiningsih; Endro Puji Astoko; Nastiti Winahyu; Rizky Arief Shobirin; Titik Irawati
Jurnal ABDIRAJA Vol 5 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Abdiraja
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Wiraraja Sumenep, Jalan Raya Sumenep Pamekasan KM. 5 Patean Sumenep 69451, Telp. (0328) 673399 Fax. (0328) 673088

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24929/adr.v5i1.1525


Tanaman nanas tumbuh subur dan merupakan sentra produksi di Kecamatan Ngancar, yang terdiri 4 desa yaitu Babadan, Besali, Jagul, Kunjang Kabupaten Kediri. Permasalahan yang ada yaitu pemasaran buah dalam bentuk segardan belum dikenal teknologi pasca panen dan pengolahan nanas menjadi produk yang awet disimpan. Tujuan kegiatan untuk coaching dan mentoring teknologi pengolahan nanas kepada kelompok PKK mandiri Desa Babadan Kecamatan Ngancar, Kabupaten Kediri. Metode Pelaksanaan yaitu Pembinaan dan sosialisasi tentang pentingnya ilmu teknologi pasca panen olahan buah nanas menjadi produk yang disukai konsumen dan dapat meningkatkan nilai ekonomi masyarakat petani nanas juga. .Waktu Pelaksanaan selama 4 hari mulai tanggal 18 Agustus sampai 21 Agustus 2021 di Balai Desa Babadan , Kec. Ngancar Kediri diikuti .peserta 20 orang. Hasil kegiatan yang dicapai adalah target jangka pendek yaitu petani mempelajari dan memahami ilmu teknologi pasca panen dan olahan buah nanas segar menjadi sari buah nanas, selai nanas, dodol nanas. Target jangka panjang adalah menjalin koordinasi dan kemitraan petani dengan pemangku kepentingan terkait seperti akademisi, pihak pemerintah dan swasta. Dapat terbentuk model ekonomi bisnis UMKM berkelanjutan skala nasional.
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 6, No 2 (2022): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1901.926 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v6i2.6883


Abstrak: Program PPM ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan konsep Business Model Canvas (BMC) Terintegrasi pada UD Semi Indah guna menunjang pengembangan usaha pupuk organik yang eco-friendly yang mana juga turut membantu menjaga kelestarian lingkungan secara berkelanjutan. Kegiatan pendampingan ini dilaksanakan dengan survey lokasi mitra, wawancara, pelatihan manajemen bisnis dengan konsep Business Model Canvas (BMC) dan Inovasi Pupuk Organik, dan mentoring dan pendampingan implementasi Business Model Canvas (BMC). Dari pendampingan implementasi BMC pada bisnis pupuk organik UD Semi Indah di Kediri memberikan dampak positif pada respon kepuasan responden, dan peningkatan softskills bisnis secara signifikan, terutama pada aspek manajemen pemasaran, manajemen bisnis, distribusi produk, dan manajemen keuangan. Apabila ditinjau dari hasil rekonstruksi konsep Business Model Canvas (BMC) UD Semi Indah, peningkatan kompetensi perencanaan produksi terlihat pada pengembangan komponen pada segmen key activities dan key resources. Peningkatan kompetensi manajemen pemasaran juga berdampak pada konsep bisnis yang dikembangkan pada segmen customer relationship dan customer segments. Peningkatan manajemen bisnis tentunya memberikan wawasan pengelolaan bisnis lebih progresif dengan value propositions untuk menjadi pioneer produsen pupuk organik, dan pada menggandeng akademisi dan investor sebagai key partners. Peningkatan kompetensi distribusi produk juga menstimulus pelaku usaha untuk memanfaatkan beberapa channels bisnis untuk keperluan distribusi pupuk. Peningkatan manajemen keuangan yang signifikan mendukung penataan keuangan bisnis pada segmen revenue streams dan cost structure, yang mana akan dapat diperoleh impacts yang berupa komponen balance (saldo) UD Semi Indah dan permintaan pasar yang ditinjau dari tiap varian produk, wilayah pasar, segmen pasar, dan channels pemasaran yang digunakan.Abstract: This community service program aimed to implemented the Integrated Business Model Canvas (BMC) concept at UD Semi Indah to support the development of an eco-friendly organic fertilizer business which also assisted preserved the environment in a sustainable manner. Accordingto the analysis that refered to the BMC concept, UD Semi Indah still has many weaknesses recently, especially in the Key-activities, Value Propositions, Key Partners, and Channels segments. In the Value Propositions segment, UD Semi Indah required to develop other more competitive product variants. In the Key-activities segment, UD Semi Indah has weakness in fertilizer formulation and testing activities to improve the quality of the fertilizer to be produced massively. In the Key Partners segment, UD Semi Indah has lacks cooperation in product development through fertilizer innovation and financial support. In the Channels segment, UD Semi Indah required to increase its marketing network through online stores and academic/institutional/company networks to increase market interest and sales frequency. From mentoring the implementation of BMC in the organic fertilizer business, UD Semi Indah in Kediri had positive impact on respondent satisfaction responses and significantly increased business soft skills, especially in aspects of marketing management, business management, product distribution, and financial management. However, UD Semi Indah's respondents themselves need further assistance in implementing the BMC concept in the organic fertilizer business in a sustainable manner so that the organic fertilizer business that has been undertaken could be developed further.
Pengembangan Game Pembelajaran Teori Atom Dasar Model RPG sebagai Pendekatan Pengenalan Pembelajaran Kimia Sekolah Menengah Pertama Rizky Arief Shobirin; Riska Nurtantyo Sarbini; Putri Nur Rahayu
Jurnal Informatika dan Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Vol 4, No 2 (2023): Volume 4 Nomor 2 Juni 2023
Publisher : Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33365/jatika.v4i2.2476


The purpose of developing chemistry learning game for basic atomic theory material was to help students' understanding as young learners to make it easier to understand and interesting to learn, bearing in mind the decline in interest in learning for young learners during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. This Game-based Learning was built using the RPG (Role-Playing Games) development model based on Quest-Driven Learning (QDL) for chemistry learning, that was basic atomic theory with the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) as system development method. The RPG game genre was the basis for making software in the form of learning games, which referred to the Model Quest-Driven Learning approach which applies the concept of reward to the learning process. Provision of main learning materials in the form of main quests (basic atomic theories) and side-quests (development of chemistry that was still related to the atomic theories), in which new side-quests would available to be taken by students after completing each main quest of basic atomic theory learning. The results of the implementation of the game "Atom Man" were obtained assessment of the interest level of young learners of 90%, and interested in learning atomic and fun chemistry 90%. Students as young learners regarded the learning game "Atom Man" as just a game, school (school), and adventure (adventure) that helped students in learning basic atomic theory chemistry.