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Harga Diri dan Penerimaan Diri Remaja Akhir di Panti Asuhan Sonaf Maneka Kelurahan Lasiana Kota Kupang Mathilda Primordiani Rinmalae; Tadeus A. L. Regaletha; Juliana Marlin Y Benu
Journal of Health and Behavioral Science Vol 1 No 4 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (119.175 KB) | DOI: 10.35508/jhbs.v1i4.2104


Self-esteem is an individual's assessment of their own self, self worth, whether it’s positive or negative. The assessment is the result of individual interaction with their environment, the other people recognition and personal experiences. While self-acceptance is a positive attitude towards one's own characteristics, either being satisfied with their strength and recognize their limitations in living life. The purposeof this study was to determine the effect of self-esteem on self-acceptance of late adolescents at the Sonaf Maneka Orphanage, Lasiana Village, Kupang. This study used quantitative approach. This study used total population sampling technique with total were 48 adolescent aged from 15-20 years old. Data collection used self-esteem scale adapted from Resty (2015) and self-acceptance scale develop by researcher based onHurlock’s theory (Noviani, 2016). Hypothesis testing uses a simple linear regression test. The results of the study show that self-esteem have significant positive effect on self-acceptance with a value of p (0.000) <0.05. Therefore, it can be concluded that the self-esteem variable can predict the self-acceptance variable. Effective contribution of self-esteem variable to self-acceptance variable is 33.6%.
Kajian Pelaksanaan Pelayanan Cakupan K4 Di Puskesmas Baumata Tahun 2018 Neneng N. K . Manu; Tadeus A. L. Regaletha; Erny E Pua Upa
Timorese Journal of Public Health Vol 1 No 3 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/tjph.v1i3.2139


K4 pregnant women services are complete antenatal services with a time of examination, namely one visit in the first trimester, one visit in the second trimester, and two visits in the third trimester. The Baumata Community Health Center experienced a decline in K4 coverage based on the Kupang District Health Office profile data and annual reports where in 2016 K4 coverage reached 60.7%, in 2017 it reached 51.8% and in 2018 it only reached 44.2%. This research is a combination of qualitative and quantitative research (mix method) with descriptive research. The purpose of this study is to examine the implementation of K4 coverage services at the Baumata community health center in 2018 which includes description of inputs (human resources, facilities, sources of funds, policies and Standard Operating Procedures), process descriptions (planning and organizing) as well as output descriptions (K4 coverage ). Informants in this study amounted to 13 people and respondents numbered 66 people consisting of the Head of the Family Health and Nutrition Section of the Kupang District Health Office, the Head of the Baumata community health center, the Midwife who provided K4 services and the mother who had a pregnancy (K4) at the community health center Baumata in 2018. The results showed that in terms of input at the Baumata community health center as a whole it was good but there was no Ultrasonography facility at the community health center and the limited space where there was no special room for maternal and child health services/ family planning/immunization, in terms of the process is good related to planning, organizing and forms of services received by pregnant women are in accordance with 10T standards, it's just a long time in the process of providing services due to poor management time and lack of awareness of pregnant women to check pregnancy to the facility. The nearest health bag is due to the lack of knowledge of pregnant women about the importance of antenatal care, while in terms of output based on document review it can be seen that in the past three years there has been a decline in achievement of the K4 target at the Baumata community health center. It is recommended that the Baumata community health center procure supporting facilities in the form of Ultrasonography and additional rooms, make time management so that pregnant women do not wait too long for the service process, and conduct socialization to the public about the importance of antenatal care.
Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Perilaku Mengkonsumsi Minuman Beralkohol Remaja Di Desa Lakanmau Kecamatan Lasiolat Belu Leopoltus D. Manek; Afrona E. L. Takaeb; Tadeus A. L. Regaletha
Timorese Journal of Public Health Vol 1 No 3 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/tjph.v1i3.2141


The behavior in the consumption of alcoholic beverages is one of the main problems among young people in the village of Lakanmau. The aim of this study was to determine the factors related to the consumption behavior of alcoholic drinks in adolescents in the village of Lakanmau in 2018. The research used was an analytical survey using a cross-sectional design. The population in this study was the total population of adolescents aged 12 to 21 years in the Lakanmau Village area with 182 adolescents. The sample size was 65 respondents. There was data analysis used a chi-square test at a confidence level of 90%. The results showed that a correlation between the knowledge level (P-Value = 0.001<0.05), the educational level (P-Value = 0.000<0.05) and the invitation of peers (P-Value = 0.002<0.05) and the behavior consists adolescents consume alcoholic beverages in the village of Lakanmau. It is recommended for parents to give the good controlling for their children about the consumption of alcohol beverages.
Mutu Pelayanan Kesehatan Pasien Rawat Inap oleh Tenaga Kesehatan di Pusksesmas Sonimanu Kabupaten Rote Ndao Helmi M. Bolla; Yoseph Kenjam; Tadeus A. L. Regaletha
Lontar : Journal of Community Health Vol 1 No 3 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/ljch.v1i3.2172


Service Quality can be obtained if what is expected by the patient to the service provider is in accordance with the patient's requirements. This study aims to determine the quality of patient health services by health workers at the Sonimanu health center in 2019. The sample in this study was all In patients with a total sample of 73 people the sampling technique in this study was totally sampling. Data collection was carried out with 20 items of hope and reality questionnaire, which is a quantitative description of this type of study. The analysis conducted is univariate using Importance Performance Analysis. The results of this study indicate that the value of conformity between expectations and quality of inpatient services of health workers to the tangible dimension is 97.28% (Very Satisfied), reliably 95.27% (Very Satisfied), responsiveness 86.38% (Satisfied), assurance 98.14% (Very Satisfied), empathy 97.21% (Very Satisfied). There is one attribute of inadequate quality of service that is a good nutrition officer providing and helping patients with dietary needs (58.42%), it is expected that the health staff at the Sonimanu health center need to prioritize and be more responsive in paying attention to the rights or needs of Inpatients. It is recommended that the quality of inpatient health services by health workers need to be further improved, especially in the dimension of responsiveness.
Peran Pendampingan Warga Peduli AIDS terhadap Kualitas Hidup Orang Dengan HIV-AIDS di Kecamatan Alak Kota Kupang Chintya G. Kale; Tadeus A. L. Regaletha; Amelya B. Sir
Lontar : Journal of Community Health Vol 1 No 3 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/ljch.v1i3.2173


HIV-AIDS still be the global healthy problem which has higer number of morbidity and mortability cases. PLWA (People Live With AIDS) have often being denied by the others so the HIV-AIDS problem sometimes is undetected in the society, also give the influence towards the quality of PLWA’s life. The quality of life is the important component of life and welfare evaluation of the PLWA. Based on the data of Alak districst in 2018, the higest case was 185 cases of HIV-AIDS in which the HIV infectants were 102 cases, while people with AIDS were 83 cases. This research is purposed to describe the quality of life of People Live With HIV-AIDS in Alak district in 2019 whose got accompaniment from the WPA ( PCWA : People Who Care With AIDS) companions. This research was done by using descriptive qualitative method. The main informants of this research were two WPA (PCWA) companions and five PLWA whose got the accompaniment also supported by three triangulation informants. The technique of data collection of this research was indeep interview whith three steps of interactive analitical models which are Reduction, Data Presentation and conclusion drawing. The result of this research shows that the implementation of the role of the PCWA as the mentors of taking medication, social supporter, and health service access support was successful and gave the impact towards PLWA’s Life. It’s shown by looking to the improvement of physical aspect, psychological aspect, independency, social relationship, sociaty aspect and spiritual aspect. This accompaniment had occured for almost 4 years towards the PLWA. It was expected for the other people to participate helping the PCWA companions in order to support and conducive towards the PLWA so, they have better quality of life.
Evaluasi Program Pemberian Makanan Tambahan Pemulihan (PMT-P) terhadap Status Gizi Buruk Balita di Puskesmas Oepoi Kota Kupang Wihelmus Kopong Doren; Tadeus A. L. Regaletha; Dominirsep O. Dodo
Lontar : Journal of Community Health Vol 1 No 3 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/ljch.v1i3.2176


Toddlers are the group most vulnerable to experiencing nutritional problems, especially malnutrition problems such as thin, short, and malnutrition. Malnutrition in children also affects the cognitive abilities and intelligence of children. Malnutrition casse always found in the Oepoi Health Center from 2016-2018. In 2016 there were 124 people, in 2017 there were 88 people and in 2018 there were 46 people. The program to reduce malnutrition, namely PMT-P, nutritional supplementation in the form of food additives in the form of biscuits with special formulations and fortified with vitamins and minerals given to infants and toddlers aged 6-59 months with thin category. This study aims to evaluate the implementation of supplementary feeding programs for the recovery of the nutritional status of children under five in the working area of Kupang City Oepoi Health Center in terms of Input, Process and Output aspects. This type of research is descriptive with 6 research informants. The results showed that: input for the number of malnutrition workers, Puskesmas needed 1 community health worker, lack of equipment in the laboratory section had to ask for procurement from the City or Provincial Health Office and funds for MT distribution were not yet available, the planning process was good but the implementation was good from distribution, monitoring and recording / reporting, there are still problems with monitoring because it is found that there are other family members eating MT packages, the outputs are not on target and the program coverage also has not reached the specified performance indicators. Suggestions for the government of the City of Kupang, especially the Health Office of the City of Kupang to provide facilities and infrastructure that is lacking at the health center, while for the Oepoi Community Health Center should provide counseling about the importance of PMT-P so that the MT given on target.
The Management System Review of The Traditional Health Service Program in Public Health Centers Vinelda Mathilda Wetangterah; Tadeus A. L. Regaletha; Daniela L. A. Boeky
Lontar : Journal of Community Health Vol 2 No 3 (2020): September 2020
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/ljch.v2i3.3201


Kupang City has trained traditional health service program managers in 11 public health centers, but they have not implemented traditional health service programs properly. Implementation of traditional health service programs at the public health center is only limited to collecting data on traditional healers and the Independent Care Group (ASMAN) on the use of TOGA and acupressure that already exist in the community. This study is descriptive qualitative that aims to determine the description of program implementation from the aspects of input, process, and output. This study used a purposive sampling technique and the informants are 11 managers of traditional health service programs at 11 public health centers. The results showed limited funding is one of the reasons for not reaching health service coverage in Kupang City. The traditional health services of the public health center program manager in Kupang City have been trained and are adequate both in terms of the number and quality of human resources. The planning process was carried out starting from the public health center level, then discussed at the Kupang City Health Office level, but not all planning could be accommodated. This condition depicts that traditional health care has a huge potential and needs enough attention as a part of national health development. Many factors deploy the reaching of fund target, trained health workers, and data-based planning which is not fulfilled yet. It is hoped that the health office both in the city and province can provide guidance and supervision of all public health centers.
Study of Solid Medical Waste Management in Aimere Public Health Center, Ngada Regency Maria Hildaburga Wua; Tadeus A. L. Regaletha; Masrida Sinaga
Lontar : Journal of Community Health Vol 3 No 2 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/ljch.v3i2.4044


Public Health Center is one of the health service units which produces solid medical waste. The results of preliminary data collection indicate that the management of solid medical waste at Aimere Public Health Center is still problematic. The Public Health Center does not provide a means of transporting waste and does not have an incinerator to manage this waste, so there is still a build for the management of solid medical waste at the final disposal site. The management of the solid medical waste process starts from separation, labeling, transportation, storage to disposal/destruction. This study aimed to determine the management of solid medical waste in Aimere Public Health Center, Ngada Regency. This qualitative research used the descriptive survey method. Data collected from Aimere Public Health Center in January-March 2021. Sampling used a purposive sampling technique. The number of informants in this study was 7 people, whose positions and duties were related to medical waste management at Aimere Public Health Center. The results showed that at the sorting stage, medical and nonmedical waste was separated the collection was carried out in each action room, at the transportation stage there were no special tools available according to standards, at the temporary storage stage did not use standard container covers, and at the final destruction stage did not use incinerators according to standards. Aimere Public Health Center should improve the processing of solid medical waste, by providing special tools for transporting the waste, temporary shelters according to standards, and final waste disposal sites).
Hubungan Konsumsi Laru dengan Kejadian Hipertensi di Desa Penfui Timur Tahun 2019 Abigail Mega; Yuliana Radja Riwu; Tadeus A. L. Regaletha
Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Media Kesehatan Masyarakat (Desember)
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/mkm.v1i2.1937


Laru is a traditional alcoholic beverage from NTT obtained from the fermentation of palm tree sap (Borassus flabellifer). Alcohol is a risk factor for someone suffering from hypertension because alcohol has the same effect as carbon dioxide which can increase blood acidity and cortisol levels so that the blood becomes thicker and the heart is forced to pump blood throughout the body, resulting in hypertension. Hypertension is a condition of a person's blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg. The purpose of this study was to analyze the type, amount, frequency and duration of consumption of laru with the incidence of hypertension in East Penfui Village in 2019. This research method is a case control study. The sample consisted of 40 cases and 40 controls with a ratio of 1: 1. Data analysis was performed with univariate analysis and bivariate analysis with chi square test. The thesis shows that the factors associated with hypertension are laru type (ρ = 0.004; OR = 5.127) and duration of laru consumption (ρ = 0.016; OR = 3.857), while unrelated factors are the amount of laru consumption (ρ = 0.252) and laru consumption frequency (ρ = 0.654). The community is expected to reduce consumption of laru so that they can avoid hypertension. Penfui Timur Village can make efforts to control alcohol so that alcohol consumption in the community can be controlled and does not cause health problems.
Partisipasi Suami dalam Penggunaan Vasektomi di Kota Kupang Rahmawati Alil; Tadeus A. L. Regaletha; Enjelita M. Ndoen
Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Media Kesehatan Masyarakat (April)
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/mkm.v2i1.1952


Vasectomy is a contraceptive method for men or families who no longer want children. This method has a success rate of 99.8% and is very safe to use. Nevertheless, the number of men’s participation in the family planning program (KB), especially vasectomy, in Kupang was significantly low. Only 78 of 893 men who participated in KB were vasectomy acceptors. This fact was different from the number of participants for tubectomy in the city, which reached 2.687 acceptors in 2019. Practically, surgery for tubectomy is more complicated than vasectomy surgery. This study aimed to explore the reasons some husbands decided to participate in vasectomy. This research was a qualitative study with five informants. The results showed that the informants had both good understanding and positive attitude towards vasectomy. Also, the informants obtained socio-cultural support, easy access to the place of health services, and their spouses’ support in vasectomy participation. Socialization on vasectomy should address benefits, side effects, and other factors causing vasectomy to be considered taboo by the public. This will help change people’s incorrect mindset about vasectomy and increase the number of vasectomy participation. Keywords: Vasectomy, Husband, Participation, Support, Access