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Pola Konsumsi Pasien Covid-19 yang Melakukan Isolasi Mandiri Selama PPKM Level 4 Apris A. Adu; Daniela Boeky
Jurnal Keperawatan Silampari Vol 5 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Keperawatan Silampari
Publisher : Institut Penelitian Matematika, Komputer, Keperawatan, Pendidikan dan Ekonomi (IPM2KPE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (133.262 KB) | DOI: 10.31539/jks.v5i1.2918


This study aims to determine the consumption patterns of COVID-19 patients during self-isolation at home during PPKM Level 4 in the city of Kupang. The research method is quantitative research with a cross-sectional study design. The results showed that the consumption pattern in terms of the type of food consumed was in the moderate category with a total of 46 respondents (57.5%); in terms of the amount of food in the excellent category with a total of 63 respondents (78.75%); and in terms of eating frequency, 72 respondents (90%). The amount of information about balanced nutritious foods makes isoman patients wiser in choosing and consuming foods to increase immunity and speed up the recovery process. In conclusion, getting food for COVID-19 patients during the PPKM level 4 in Kupang city, mainly obtained from family assistance, consumption patterns in categories, and the amount of food consumed, is good. Keywords: COVID-19, Independent Isolation, PPKM, Consumption Pattern
The Relationship Between Parenting Patterns and Toddler Nutritional Status in Kupang City Coastal Area Kasmirawati Kasmirawati; Anna Henny Talahatu; Daniela L.A. Boeky
Pancasakti Journal Of Public Health Science And Research Vol 2 No 2 (2022): PJPHSR
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Pancasakti, Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47650/pjphsr.v2i2.398


Malnutrisi adalah masalah gizi yang bersifat akutmengikuti kejadian yang berlangsung singkat, seperti kurang nafsu makan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pola asuh ibu, dan penyakit infeksi dengan status gizi balita di wilayah pesisir pantai Kota Kupang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasional analitik dengan desain cross sectional study dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 98 responden dengan menggunakan teknik cluster sampling. Penelitian ini dilakukan di wilayah pesisir pantai Kota Kupang. Alat pengumpulan data penelitian ini adalah kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan uji chi-square dengan tingkat perhitungan nilai p <0,05 tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang berhubungan dengan status gizi balita adalah pola asuh (p= 0.025), penyakit infeksi (p= 0.001). Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan pola asuh dan penyakit infeksi dengan status gizi balita di wilayah pesisir panta Kota Kupang. Saran yang dapat penulis ajukan terkait penelitian ini adalah perlunya Peningkatan kegiatan penyuluhan tentang sadar gizi untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat khususnya ibu sehingga dalam menyediakan makanan atau pola asuh ibu terhadap balitanya dapat memperhatikan aspek gizinya.
Jurnal Pangan Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol. 9 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Pangan Gizi dan Kesehatan
Publisher : Pergizi Pangan DPD NTT

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51556/ejpazih.v9i2.74


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Pemberian MP-ASI Oleh Ibu Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Takari Tahun 2019. Rancangan penelitian dengan desain cross sectional dengan teknik pengambilan data menggunakan instrument berupa kuesioner, jumlah sampel sebanyak 60 responden. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah univariat dan bivariat dengan uji chi square pada tingkat kemaknaan 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, tingkat pengetahuan ibu baik sebanyak 24 (40%), ibu yang berumur muda sebanyak 31 (51,7%), ibu yang berpendidikan dasar sebanyak 31 (51,7%), ibu yang bekerja sebanyak 31 (51,7%), ibu yang berpendapatan rendah sebanyak 38 (63,3%), ibu yang mendapatkan informasi tentang MP-ASI sebanyak 34 (56,7%) dan ibu yang memberikan MP-ASI sebanyak 37 (61,7%). Berdasarkan analisis data didapatkan hasil bahwa variabel yang berhubungan dengan pemberian MP-ASI oleh ibu adalah pengetahuan ibu (p=0,003), pendidikan ibu (p=0,021), pekerjaan ibu (p=0,009), tingkat pendapatan ibu (p=0,015) dan keterpaparan informasi ibu (p =0,031). Sedangkan variabel yang tidak ada hubungan dengan pembrian MP-ASI oleh ibu adalah umur ibu (p=0,098). Melalui telaah pustaka dengan melihat kembali peneliti terdahulu, secara teori dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan antara variabel pengetahuan, pendidikan, pekerjaan, tingkat pendapatan dan keterpaparan informasi dengan pemberian MP- ASI oleh ibu di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Takari Tahun 2019.
Jurnal Pangan Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol. 3 No. 2 (2011): Jurnal Pangan Gizi dan Kesehatan
Publisher : Pergizi Pangan DPD NTT

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51556/ejpazih.v3i2.123


The research was knowing nutrient content and organoleptic characteristic of biscuit based on composite fluor of putak and Dolichos bean (Lablab purpureus). Completely Randomized Design of 6 treatments and 2 replications was applied. The treatments used were (A) 100% putak, (B) 70% putak + 30% dolichos bean, (C) 60% putak + 40% dolichos bean, (D) 50% putak + 50% dolichos bean, (E) 40% putak + 60% dolichos bean, and (F) 30% putak + 70% dolichos bean. Variable measured were energy, carbohydrate, protein, fats, moisture and ash contents and organoleptic characteristic were odor, colour, taste and texture. Data obtained were analyzed using ANOVA and Least Significant Difference (BNT) 5%. The result show that the treatments were significantly (P<0,05) effected on the energy, carbohydrate, protein, moisture and ash contents but not significantly (P>0,05) on the fats contents. The organoleptic test showed that treatment (D) 50% putak + 50% dolichos bean was the best treatment. In conclusion, added Dolichos bean flour on the putak increasing the biscuit energy, carbohydrate, protein, moisture and ash contents significantly (P<0,05) but not increasing and not significantly (P>0,05) the fats contents.
Jurnal Pangan Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Pangan Gizi dan Kesehatan
Publisher : Pergizi Pangan DPD NTT

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51556/ejpazih.v11i1.179


Seribu hari pertama kehidupan merupakan kesempatan emas untuk membentuk anak yang sehat dan cerdas. Gizi yang tidak mencukupi selama seribu hari pertama kehidupan akan menyebabkan gangguan tumbuh kembang anak di bawah dua tahun yang bersifat irreversible. UNICEF (1998) menyatakan bahwa malnutrisi disebabkan oleh banyak faktor yang saling berhubungan secara langsung. Yaitu penyakit menular dan asupan makanan. Dan penyebab tidak langsung. Yaitu pelayanan kesehatan dan sanitasi serta parenting serta ketersediaan pangan sebagai tambahan. Pendidikan dan pengetahuan ibu serta status kesehatan ibu selama kehamilan dan jarak kelahiran serta kejadian BBLR dapat mempengaruhi status gizi selama 1000 hari pertama kehidupan seorang anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan status gizi balita. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan pendekatan studi cross sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 91 anak balita yang berada di daerah lokus stunting di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah wawancara dan pengukuran berat badan dan tinggi badan anak di bawah dua tahun. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis univariat dan analisis bivariat dengan uji statistik chi square. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang berhubungan dengan status gizi balita adalah pengetahuan ibu (P=0,000), pola konsumsi (P=0,001), riwayat penyakit menular (P=0,074), sedangkan faktor yang tidak memiliki hubungan dengan status gizi balita adalah ASI eksklusif (P=0,460). Dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan pihak Puskesmas dapat meningkatkan mutu pelayanan gizi melalui penyuluhan tentang gizi, makanan bergizi, personal hygine dan lingkungan sehingga dapat membantu menurunkan angka stunting di wilayah lokus stunting di Kecamatan dari Timor Tengah Utara.
Hubungan Faktor Sosial Ekonomi Dengan Ketahanan Pangan Rumah Tangga Pedagang Sayur Eceran di Pasar Oeba Febriyani Sitanaya; Utma Aspatria; Daniela L. A. Boeky
Timorese Journal of Public Health Vol 1 No 3 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/tjph.v1i3.2138


The success of the development is influenced by several aspects, one of them is food security. Food security can be a reflection of the quality of a nation. A nation with low food security can influence its physical and human development. GFSI states that Indonesia occupies 69 positions in World Food security. Food security can not only be seen in terms of global area but also in terms of households. Greengrocer is the person who works in the informal sector and generally has low income. This research aims to see the relationship between income, family largeness, education, and nutritional knowledge of mothers toward greengrocers’ household food security in Oeba Market. This research is a qualitative research type that uses the cross-sectional approach. The research was conducted in Oeba Marketon 74 greengrocers as the sample. The data were analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis with chi-square statistical tests. The results showed that the income variable (p=0.016) was the variable that affected food security, while the variable that had no effect was family size (p=0.964), education (p=0.552), and nutritional knowledge (p=0.749). Household income is a source of meeting food and non-food needs. Household income is also able to influence the quality and quantity of food purchased. To achieve household food security, family empowerment needs to be given special attention because food shortages both in quantity and quality can inhibit the fulfillment of family nutrition which will result in poor nutritional status in family members.
Faktor Risiko Kejadian Gizi Buruk pada Anak Balita di Kota Kupang Sandy Roberto Manafe; Anna H. Talahatu; Daniela L. A. Boeky
Timorese Journal of Public Health Vol 1 No 4 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/tjph.v1i4.2150


Malnutrition in infancy can result disruption on physical growth and intelligence of children. Nutritional problems caused by socio-economic conditions, lack of knowledge about nutrition, lack of nutrient intake and disease infection. Data on the health department of the city of Kupang in 2017, cases of malnourished infants were recorded as many as 240 cases. The purpose of the study was analyze the incidence of malnutrition in children under five in Kupang City. This research is analytic survey research with case control design. Total sampling technique in the case group and systematic random sampling in the control group. The factors that partially influence the incidence of malnutrition (p-value ≤ 0,05) are maternal knowledge about nutrition, the number of family members, the level of energy adequacy, and the level of protein adequacy. Mothers who have toddlers need to pay attention to the nutritional intake of family members, especially toddlers by increasing nutrition knowledge regarding the fulfillment of energy and protein intake.
Studi Kebiasaan Sarapan Pagi dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Status Anemia dan Prestasi Belajar Anak Sekolah Dasar di Wilayah Pesisir dan Non Pesisir Ivanna Sardila Leba; Stefanus Manongga; Daniela Boeky
Lontar : Journal of Community Health Vol 1 No 2 (2019): June 2019
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/ljch.v1i2.2158


Breakfast is an activity of eating and drinking starting from waking up in the morning and fulfilling 15-30% of daily nutritional needs. Breakfast could increase the concentration of learning and it believed could improves children's learning achievement. Delaying breakfast could increase the risk of anemia in children. People in coastal and non-coastal areas have different food supplies according to the environment and natural products that exist and it might make the difference of provision of the breakfast because it was related to the provision of the food. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of breakfast habits on anemia status and learning achievement of elementary school students at coastal and non-coastal area. This study used cross sectional research design and the population of this study were all elementary school students at Kupang city. The determination of this research samples used Slovin formula with a sample size of 100 respondents. And for the statistical tests used analysis of Simple Loistic Regression Test and Whitney Mann test. The statistical test results showed that there was an influence between breakfast habits frequency (p = 0,000), energy contribution (p = 0,000) and protein (p = 0,020) on anemia status. Therefore research findings was shown an influence between the contribution of energy (p = 0.032) and protein (p = 0.004), learning achievement (p = 0.409) on student’s learning achievement. Otherwise, there was no influence between anemia status and learning achievement (p = 0.520). The results of the Mann Whitney test showed that there was no difference between breakfast habits, anemia status and learning achievement in coastal and non-coastal areas.
Increase in Knowledge of Dental Health Using Animated Video Tibertius A. W Dali; Ribka Limbu; Daniela L. A. Boeky
Lontar : Journal of Community Health Vol 2 No 1 (2020): March, 2020
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/ljch.v2i1.2774


Dental health problems are a very important concern in child development because of the vulnerability of school-age children to dental health problems. It happens because of problems with knowledge about dental health in children. This study aims to determine the increase in dental health knowledge using animated video media for health education in elementary school students in North Mollo. This is a pre-experimental design, with a one group pre-test and post-test design research design. This design does not have a comparison group, but at least a first observation (pre-test) has been made which allows testing of changes that occur after the experiment. The sampling technique used in this study was the purposive sampling technique, and the sample size is 51 students. The results of the analysis using the Wilcoxon statistical test showed that the animated video was effective to increase knowledge about dental health with a significance value (ρ) 0.00 <(α) 0.05. Animated video media can be used as an outreach technique about maintaining dental health in elementary school-aged children.
The Management System Review of The Traditional Health Service Program in Public Health Centers Vinelda Mathilda Wetangterah; Tadeus A. L. Regaletha; Daniela L. A. Boeky
Lontar : Journal of Community Health Vol 2 No 3 (2020): September 2020
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/ljch.v2i3.3201


Kupang City has trained traditional health service program managers in 11 public health centers, but they have not implemented traditional health service programs properly. Implementation of traditional health service programs at the public health center is only limited to collecting data on traditional healers and the Independent Care Group (ASMAN) on the use of TOGA and acupressure that already exist in the community. This study is descriptive qualitative that aims to determine the description of program implementation from the aspects of input, process, and output. This study used a purposive sampling technique and the informants are 11 managers of traditional health service programs at 11 public health centers. The results showed limited funding is one of the reasons for not reaching health service coverage in Kupang City. The traditional health services of the public health center program manager in Kupang City have been trained and are adequate both in terms of the number and quality of human resources. The planning process was carried out starting from the public health center level, then discussed at the Kupang City Health Office level, but not all planning could be accommodated. This condition depicts that traditional health care has a huge potential and needs enough attention as a part of national health development. Many factors deploy the reaching of fund target, trained health workers, and data-based planning which is not fulfilled yet. It is hoped that the health office both in the city and province can provide guidance and supervision of all public health centers.