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Pemanfaatan Lahan Sempit Dengan Hidroponik Dutch Bucket System Untuk Mewujudkan Ecogreen-Pesantren Melalui Program Santripreneur Di Pondok Pesantren K.H.A. Wahid Hasyim Bangil Pasuruan Yuni Lestari; Ari Khusumadewi; Amang Fathurrohman; Hijrin Fitroni; Ubaidillah

Publisher : LPPM Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (694.468 KB) | DOI: 10.35891/js.v2i1.1778


The Islamic Boarding School KHA Wahid Hasyim Bangil, who continues to grow in the field of productive land that turned function into a non-productive land in the form of building construction to fulfill infrastructure facilities in the Islamic Boarding School. In addition, many areas of Islamic Boarding School that have been in paving, so that green land is getting narrower. Through community mentoring with community development approaches, the results of the mentoring process is able to maximize narrow and non productive land into productive land through Dutch Bucket System hydroponics in Islamic Boarding School KHA Wahid Hasyim. This mentoring is also beneficial for the Community assistance by in helping the students in the Islamic Boarding School has fights skills as part of the practice of economic independence, especially in the field of hydroponics with an approach Santripreneur training and counseling guidance.
Expressive Writing Diary Book To Improve Self-Adjustment Fina Dwi Pertiwi; Ari Khusumadewi
Bisma The Journal of Counseling Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022): Bisma The Journal of Counseling
Publisher : Department of Guidance and Counseling, FIP, Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/bisma.v6i1.48864


The purpose of this study was to create an expressive writing diary as a way to improve the adjustment of seventh grade students at SMP A. Wahid Hasyim Jombang. The research method used is a type of development research with the Borg & Gall model which has 10 steps, namely: 1) research and information gathering, (2) planning, (3) product format development, (4) initial trial, (5) revision product, (6) field trial, (7) product revision, (8) field test, (9) final product revision, and (10) dissemination and implementation. However, with limited time, the researcher only reached stage 5. The results of the material expert test were 88.23%, the media expert test was 92.8%, and the expert test for prospective users was 78.33% so that the overall criteria were very good. , does not need to be revised and good, does not need to be revised. The results of the prototype of the expressive writing diary in the form of a diary with A5 size. The expressive writing diary book media to improve the adjustment of seventh grade students in junior high school has met the product acceptability criteria based on usability, feasibility, accuracy and propriety.
Jurnal Bikotetik (Bimbingan dan Konseling: Teori dan Praktik) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017): volume 1 Nomor 1 Mei 2017
Publisher : Jurusan Bimbingan dan Konseling

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/bikotetik.v1n1.p30-36


The process of attaining adolescent self-identity is strongly influenced by environmental conditions in which group culture greatly influences its success. Therefore students need to have a mantab cultural awareness to minimize the negative influence of the surrounding culture. Cultural awareness is a competence that naturally exists in the individual and develops according to the pattern of individual development, meaning individual cultural awareness can be developed.Limitations on the number of school counselors lead to many unresolved issues. Peer guidance program (peer counselor) is one solution to help students. Given the importance of the position of peer counselor then it is necessary that the media develop the competence of multicultural counselors in self counselor peer. One of the competencies developed is the competence of cultural awareness. Cultural awareness competencies help peer counselors to integrate their surrounding culture with their own culture, meaning that this competency is a capability that helps peer counselors take a proactive stance toward cultural differences, recognize and value each individual's multiculturality.   The importance of developing multicultural counselor competencies in peer counselors has not been matched by the development of the media. Therefore, it takes a medium that can be used as a guide for peer counselors in developing their cultural awareness competence. The media is a cultural awareness module for peer counselors. Development This module is limited to acceptability stages that meet the four aspects of standard usability, convenience, accuracy and propriety. With the module developed, it is expected to maximize the implementation of peer guidance in school.   Validation tests are performed by media validators, material validators and users. The revision of phase 1 is done after material validation and revision phase 2 after media validation. Material validation is done by counseling expert with minimum education qualification of S2 and teaching cross-cultural counseling course, media validation is done by expert in media with minimum qualification S2. User validation is performed by peer counselors at SMAN 11 Surabaya.   From the expert validation result get the percentage value 85,93% from media validator, 87,5% from material validator and 82,5% from user validator for usability aspect, feasibility, accuracy, and propriety. The averages when adjusted to the assessment criteria according to Mustaji (2005: 102) turned out to fall into very good category (81% -100%). So it can be stated that this cultural awareness module meets the criteria of acceptability with very good predicate, no need to be revised.
Jurnal Bikotetik (Bimbingan dan Konseling: Teori dan Praktik) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): Volume 2 Nomer 1, Mei 2018
Publisher : Jurusan Bimbingan dan Konseling

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/bikotetik.v2n1.p105-109


Stress is a response to a person, both physically and psychologically to a change in the environment that is perceived to be disturbing and causing him/her to be threatened. To know someone experiencing stress need to know the symptoms of stress first. The background of this study was conducted to reduce the cases of suicide clients former drug users during the rehabilitation process. So it is necessary to know the symptoms of stress first. This study includes a type of literature study research by finding reference to the theory relevant to cases or problems found. Reference theory obtained by way of research literature study serve as the basic foundation and the main tool for research practice in the field. The study was conducted at the Orbit Healthy Home Foundation. Analysis of the results of research conducted by analyzing, comparing the standard of stress level with symptoms experienced by clients at the time of rehabilitation. The results showed that the client at Orbit Foundation Surabaya experienced stress at the third stage with symptoms of gastric disturbance was felt like an ulcer, muscle tension increasingly felt, feelings of unrest and emotional tension is increasing, disturbance of sleep patterns, body feels tired, easily sick.
Jurnal Bikotetik (Bimbingan dan Konseling: Teori dan Praktik) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): Volume 2 Nomer 1, Mei 2018
Publisher : Jurusan Bimbingan dan Konseling

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/bikotetik.v2n1.p109-114


Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pemanfaatan biblioterapi untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa kelas VII-D mengenai labelling negatif di SMP. Indikator pemahaman labelling negatif meliputi pengertian dan jenis labelling, pemberian cap negatif yang umum di masyarakat, dan labelling negatif yang menghancurkan pertemanan. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan menggunakan desain penelitian pre-experimental design dengan bentuk one group pre-test post-test design. Alat pengumpul data yang digunakan adalah angket labelling untuk memperoleh data tingkat pemahaman labelling negatif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 7 siswa dari kelas VII-D yang memiliki skor rendah dalam pemahaman labelling negatif. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah statistic non-parametrik analisis uji Wilcoxon. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa nilai ρ = 0.018 lebih kecil dari α = 0.05, berdasarkan hasil ini maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Hipotesis penelitian ini yang berbunyi œbiblioterapi dapat meningkatkan pemahaman labelling negatif pada siswa kelas VII-D di SMP dapat diterima, sehingga adapat disimpulkan bahwa biblioterapi efektif untuk meningkatkan pemahaman labelling negatif pada siswa kelas VII-D di SMP.
Transformasi dan Inovasi : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Volume 1, Nomor 2 Juli 2021
Publisher : Program Studi S1, S2, S3 Mananajemen Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (982.545 KB)


  Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM)  bertujuan meningkatkan kesadaran dan kompetensi multibudaya untuk Guru Sekolah Dasar. Tempat PKM di SD Namira Kraksaan Probolinggo. Bimbingan dan Konseling Multibudaya (BKM) dapat meningkatkan rasa empati guru terhadap pengalaman siswa yang berbeda.   Jika kompetensi guru meningkat maka kualitas sekolah akan lebih baik. Target pelatihan adalah pemahaman multibudaya guru di SD Namira sehingga dapat membantu siswa dengan ragam masalah berbeda. Dapat memahami penyebab masalah yang berasal dari pengalaman maupun latar belakang siswa yang unik.  Metode PKM dengan diskusi, pelatihan dan penugasan. Pelatihan Bimbingan dan Konseling Multibudaya secara daring dengan diskusi mendalam oleh guru. Guru menyampaikan pengalaman mengajar dan melakukan refleksi. Guru belajar memahami materi yang disampaikan narasumber dalam pelatihan serta melakukan diskusi langsung dengan narasumber dan peserta lain. Metode pelatihan penugasan digunakan agar selain mendapatkan materi dari narasumber dalam pelatihan, guru dapat mengasah dan mempraktekkan hasil pelatihan secara langsung melalui pengalaman langsung. Setelah melaksanakan pelatihan, guru atau peserta mengisi instrumen berupa angket mengenai kebermanfaatan materi pelatihan. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui ketercapaian tujuan pelatihan dan mengevaluasi pelaksanaan pelatihan.
Peran Gender Santriwan dan Santriwati di Pondok Pesantren Al-Muqoddasah Halimatus Firdiyanti; Ari Khusumadewi
Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam Vol. 11 No. 1 (2021): June
Publisher : Jurusan Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/jbki.2021.11.1.22-37


Gender is a fundamental thing in social life, where one of the most important aspects of Gender is Gender Roles, Gender Roles are behavioral characteristics expected by society for men and women which include attitudes, attributes, behaviors and values that are followed by the local community. Changes in social condition and community conditions must also be balanced with a more open understanding of gender, especially on Gender Roles, because if there are gaps in Gender Roles, it will result in Gender discrimination. in the Adolescent Phase, individuals will want to know more about their identity and what role they should play in society. So it is necessary to understand gender roles and self-understanding in order to form gender roles that are in accordance with their gender identity. This study aims to determine the gender role orientation of santriwan and santriwati in Al Muqoddasah Islamic boarding school. This research was conducted with a quantitative descriptive approach with the survey method. The subjects of this study were 138 students. The data collection technique was carried out by using a questionnaire that was distributed offline to students in the Al Muqoddasah boarding school. The results of this study are that there are as many as 31% of subjects who have an androgynous gender role, as many as 25% of subjects have a Masculine gender role, as many as 23% of the subjects have a Feminine gender role, and as many as 21% of the subjects have an Undifferentiated gender role.
Pengembangan Women Empowerment Class untuk Menigkatkan Kesetaraan Gender di Pesantren Sirojul Hikmah Bojonegoro Amalya El Fatihah Djovana; Ari Khusumadewi
Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam Vol. 11 No. 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Jurusan Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29080/jbki.2021.11.2.176-189


Gender equality bocome an endlessly topic tobe discussed since there are so many problems which are still discussed excisting. In this study, the islamic boarding school became an interesting subject whare the existence of gender equality is believed as a new value which was voiced the western culture. It also became a concern that gender equality may break the establishment of cultures contruction. In fact, women is more experiencedin gender inequlity than men. This can be seen in various scopes and sectors. The purpose of this research is to answer and providing the solution for existing gender equality problems. Bydeveloping woman class to produce a training device. Which can be used to give conseling service at school. The method of this research is descriptive qualitative by using Intructuralational Development Institute (IDI). The subjects of this research were students atMadrasah Aliyah Islamis Boarding School Sirojul Hikmah Bojonegoro. The result of the content and material test carried out by the experts, mentioned that each of them has a high percentage with good information and no need to be revised. The result of this research found that the conseling devices which was known and could be applied in Islamic Boarding School.
Peran Guru sebagai Model, Inspirasi dan Motivator Ramah Budaya untuk Membimbing Siswa di Sekolah Dasar Najlatun Naqiyah; Neni Mariana; Ari Khusumadewi
Jurnal Peduli Masyarakat Vol 4 No 4 (2022): Jurnal Peduli Masyarakat: Desember 2022
Publisher : Global Health Science Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37287/jpm.v4i4.1412


Bimbingan dan konseling ramah budaya bertujuan meningkatkan peran dan kompetensi guru dalam Bimbingan dan Konseling Multibudaya (BKM). Kegiatan diikuti oleh guru dari SD Namira Kraksaan Probolinggo selama 6 bulan, mulai bulan Juni-Nopember 2022 secara luring dan daring. Kegiatan luring dilakukan dengan praktik langsung membimbing siswa dan melakukan diskusi untuk refleksi kegiatan. Kegiatan daring secara online melalui zoom meeting untuk kolaborasi dan koordinasi, diskusi dan supervisi penugasan kepenulisan ramah budaya. Para guru menjadi model siswa belajar ramah budaya, inspirator dan motivator bagi siswa. Guru menjadi model perilaku sopan santun, adil dan jujur. Budaya antri, praktik jual beli, meletakkan sesuatu pada tempatnya dengan rapi serta disiplin belajar. Pelaksanaan bimbingan ramah budaya membangun kompetensi guru SD Namira menerapkan toleransi terhadap keberagaman, memahami latar belakang sosial budaya yang berbeda sehingga tercapai lingkungan sekolah ramah budaya. Selama praktik bimbingan, guru melakukan disiplin kelas, diskusi dan pendampingan dengan ahli, mendiskusikan pelaksanaan serta refleksi. Guru menulis hasil latihan langsung dan refleksi praktik untuk membuat buku panduan ramah budaya. Penugasan ini mampu meningkatkan kesadaran guru sebagai model, inspirasi dan motivator ramah budaya bagi siswa. Guru menyadari peran sebagai pembimbing, manajer perilaku budaya, pendidik serta konselor bagi siswa sekolah dasar.
Jurnal Edukasi : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Vol 8, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Edukasi : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/je.v8i2.13818


This research arises from the many problems of learning motivation, thus causing a decrease in the level of achievement and interest in students' learning. This encourages researchers to produce products in the form of a quartet card game media as an effort to increase students' learning motivation that meets the feasibility aspect. The research method used is Research and Development (R&D), using the model from Borg and Gall which is carried out until the fifth stage. These stages are, (1) research and data collection, (2) planning, (3) product draft development, (4) initial field trials, and (5) revising the test results. From the assessment of the material test, it got a score of 89.70% which is included in the very good category and does not need to be revised. From the media test, it got a score of 96.42% which was included in the very good category, it did not need to be revised. From the test, prospective users get a score of 96.66% which is included in the very good category and does not need to be revised. Based on these results, the Quartet Character Card product is a good product and the criteria do not need to be revised. So the Character Quartet Card product is ready to be carried out for field testing.