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FISITEK: Jurnal Ilmu Fisika dan Teknologi Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (324.168 KB) | DOI: 10.30821/fisitek.v2i2.1808


Abstract. The objective of this research is to produce rutile TiO2 nanoparticles by co-precipitation method and to determine its characterization using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray Diffractometry (XRD), and Particle Size Analysis (PSA) methods. Synthesis of rutile TiO2 nanoparticles by co-precipitation method in this study was initiated by mixing 15% TiCl3 solution into distilled water while stirring at constant speed for some time. Then, pH is adjusted to 11-13 by dripping ammonia (NH4OH) solution while continuing to stir. The precipitate (white gel) is then dried in the oven and crushed to produce TiO2 powder. The morphology of the TiO2 particles obtained is spherical and tends to agglomerate. The average particle size of TiO2 produced is 192.2 nm. The EDS results show that the percentage of Ti mass in TiO2 particles is 59.52%. Based on XRD analysis, there are two phases formed namely anatase and rutile with a tetragonal crystal system.Keywords: Co-precipitation method, nanoparticles, and rutile.
FISITEK: Jurnal Ilmu Fisika dan Teknologi Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30821/fisitek.v3i2.6853


The kitchen is one of the places most concerned by every community because the biggest fire potential in the house lies in the kitchen, the source of fire that often causes fires in the kitchen is a stove and gas. Therefore we need a design of a kitchen security system based on the ATmega32 microcontroller using flame sensors, MQ-2 and MQ-6. This study aims to produce a performance tool that will detect any movement of fire, gas, and smoke using an Early Warning System. The warning in the form of an alarm sounds, the fan turns, and the door opens automatically. Sensor detection is designed with 4 conditions namely Normal, Caution, Alert and Danger. The results of testing using the Flame sensor found a wave range from 22 nm to 1022 nm from normal to hazardous conditions, the MQ-2 found the results of testing from the ADC (Analog Digital Converter) with concentrations from 0 ppm to 130 ppm from normal to hazardous conditions, and the MQ-6 test results were obtained from the ADC (Analog Digital Converter) with concentrations from 0 ppm to 520 ppm from normal to dangerous conditions. Keywords : Kitchen, ATmega32, Flame sensor, MQ-2, and MQ-6.
FISITEK: Jurnal Ilmu Fisika dan Teknologi Vol 4, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30821/fisitekfisitek.v4i2.9616


A research has been carried out which aims to determine the subsurface structure using the geoelectric method in Panungkiran Village, Kab.  Deli Serdang, Prov.  North Sumatra Geoelectric data retrieval uses the Wenner configuration to determine the distribution and depth of subsurface structures in Panungkiran Village, Deli Serdang Regency.  Prov.  North Sumatra Data collection is 1 track with a length of 90 meters, Data processing in the study using MS office software Excel Notepad, and RES2DINV The results of the measurements consist of several types which are distinguished based on the range of resistivity values, namely in the range of 34.0-3188 2m interpreted by lithological layers  topsoil (34.0-65.1 Ωm), sandstone (65.1-1252 Ωm) weathered travertine limestone (125-456 Ωm), fresh trvertine limestone (456-3188 Ωm), and resistivity >3188  Qm is interpreted as a cave at a depth of 9-12 meters.
Pengaruh Penambahan Variasi Perekat Kanji Dan Lem Kayu terhadap Kualitas Pot Sabut Kelapa sebagai Media Tanam Ramah Lingkungan Ledi Muliati; Lailatul Husna Lubis; Nazaruddin Nasution
Jurnal Phi Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika dan Fisika Terapan Vol 3, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/p-jpft.v3i3.15166


Media tanam atau pot yang berbahan plastik sering menyebabkan kerusakan pada tanaman  saat proses transplanting. Oleh sebab itu dibutuhkan pot yang mampu mengurangi resiko kerusakan tanaman dan ramah lingkungan seperti pot berbahan sabut kelapa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan variasi, hasil karakterisasi, dan kualitas optimal yang dihasilkan dari masing-masing variasi dengan komposisi : 50%:50%:0%, 50%:33%:17%, 50%:25%:25%, 50%:17%:33% dan 50%:0%:50%. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode karakterisasi sifat fisis dan mekanis. Hasil pengujian sifat fisis desnitas dengan nilai berkisar antara 0,32 – 0,46 g/cm3, nilai porositas  61,22% - 92,91% nilai daya serap 130,68 - 280,07% dan sifat mekanis meliputi kuat tekan dengan nilai 2,10 MPa – 3,87 MPa. Hasil yang paling optimal terdapat pada sampel A yang memenuhi  berbagai metode karakterisasi yang digunakan.
Sistem Otomatisasi Jemuran Pakaian dengan Sensor Hujan dan Sensor LDR Berbasis Arduino Uno Nazaruddin Nasution; Diva Moniva Marpaung; Mulkan Iskandar Nasution
Jurnal Fisika Unand Vol 12, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (324.113 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jfu.12.1.124-130.2023


Pemanasan global saat ini telah menyebabkan cuaca menjadi kurang menentu, sehingga musim kemarau dan hujan tidak lagi dapat diprediksi. Kondisi cuaca yang tidak menentu dapat mempersulit proses pengeringan pakaian. Oleh karena itu, perlu dirancang sistem otomatisasi penjemuran pakaian berbasis mikrokontroler arduino uno yang menggunakan sensor hujan dan sensor LDR. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan alat kinerja yang akan menggunakan sistem otomatis untuk mendeteksi apakah ada ada hujan, tidak ada cahaya atau cuaca dalam keadaan mendung. Sistem otomatis berupa jemuran yang menggunakan motor stepper yang akan menarik tali jemuran masuk atau keluar dan pemberitahuan dari DFPlayer Mini. Desain pendeteksian cahaya hujan memiliki 4 status: hujan – siang, cerah – malam, cerah – siang, dan hujan – malam. Dalam setiap kasus, motor stepper menarik tali jemuran masuk atau keluar. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sistem otomatisasi dapat mendeteksi besar curah hujan yaitu 0,1 mm – 817 mm, dan besar intensitas cahaya yaitu 5 Lux – 506 Lux.
PROTOTIPE SMART HOME DENGAN IoT (INTERNET of THINGS) BERBASIS WEMOS D1 MINI Rendy Fadli Iswara; Mulkan Iskandar Nasution; Nazaruddin Nasution
JISTech (Journal of Islamic Science and Technology) Vol 7, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Sumatera Utara Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30829/jistech.v7i2.14662


Research has been carried out prototype Smart home with IoT (Internet of Things) based on Wemos D1 Mini which can simulate the application of Smart home that can be accessed via the internet by connecting electronic devices to the internet with a Wemos D1 mini microcontroller, while processing all data in the form of input and output. , with control system via wemos and supported by MQ-2 sensor, flame sensor, PIR sensor, relay, buzzer, water pump and fan. The method applied in this research is the monitoring and control system development carried out in this study, namely: the design is equipped with several features, namely sending notifications to the SmartPhone in the form of reports and settings through the application so that it can help users to find out and get information about the conditions that occur at home. , this design is also equipped with an MQ-2 sensor when the sensor detects the 5V fan will turn on to suck gas / smoke out of the room, as a continuation if a gas leak occurs, this prototype is also equipped with a Flame sensor which can turn on the water pump as a fire suppression by The concentration of the sensor works at a wavelength of less than 450 nm, it is also equipped with a PIR Sensor that will turn on an alarm if an intruder is detected in the house and on the tile.
Penurunan Kadar Mn Air Sumur Bor Desa Tembung dengan Filtrasi Bahan Karbon Aktif Ampas Teh, Zeolit, Pasir Silika dan Kerikil Ety Jumiati; Nazaruddin Nasution; Dika Prananda
BULETIN FISIKA Vol 24 No 2 (2023): BULETIN FISIKA August Edition
Publisher : Departement of Physics Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and Institute of Research and Community Services Udayana University, Kampus Bukit Jimbaran Badung Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Research has been carried out to reduce Mn levels in Tembung village bore wells by filtering with tea waste activated carbon, zeolite, silica sand and gravel, to find out how the quality of bore well water after filtering using activated carbon from tea dregs, silica sand zeolite, and gravel. The composition variations of tea dregs activated carbon, zeolite, silica sand and gravel used are (A) 20 cm activated carbon: 15 cm zeolite: 15 cm silica sand: 10 cm gravel, (B) 15 cm zeolite: 15 cm silica sand: 10 cm gravel: 20 cm activated carbon, (C) 15 cm silica sand: 10 cm gravel: 20 cm activated carbon: 15 cm zeolite, and (D) 10 cm gravel: 20 cm activated carbon: zeolite 15 cm: 15 cm silica sand. The results of testing of bore well water after filtering with activated carbon tea, zeolite, silica sand and gravel with variations in the composition of samples A, B, C and D have met the clean water quality standard based on PERMENKES RI No. 32 of 2017. Based on the four variations in the composition of the filter material, the optimum variation in the raw material mixing composition was obtained with the variation in the composition of sample C with Mn content of 0.011 mg/L.
Penentuan Daerah Potensi Geothermal Dengan Menggunakan Metode Seismik Di Madina Nazaruddin Nasution
EINSTEIN (e-Journal) Vol 8, No 1 (2020): EINSTEIN (e-Journal)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (286.126 KB) | DOI: 10.24114/einstein.v8i1.15930


ABSTRACT: Puncak Sorik Marapi Subdistrict Area is a highland area which is located at 2,145 meters above sea level at coordinates 0,41- 11 South Latitude  and 99,32- 13 East Longitude, in the area under study is the peak area which is still being said relatively  flat and can be used as a power plant area. Based on this, it is necessary to conduct the research about the structure of the soil layer. Primary seismic data retrieval is performed at four points which at each point is rare of 200 m. The data obtained were analyzed using MonoST software and then converted to Mseed format using Datapro software, files with Mseed format were processed using Geopsy software. From the data obtained the frequency value of 0.949 Hz to 1.421 Hz concludes that the classification of soil types in the research area is included in soft oil types with surface sediment thickness is very thick. This is in accordance with conditions in the field in the form of geothermal location with silt due to geothermal activity. Data of kg values obtained at points 22.7 – 30.4 at 4 points can be said to be low, it is concludes the seismic vulnerability that will be experience by the research site is insignificant or tends will not happen the fault or landslide if it occurs the earthquake. From the PGA values obtained in the range of 8.3 – 9.1, these values fall into the very small risk category based on the earthquake risk level classification.
EINSTEIN (e-Journal) Vol 11, No 1 (2023): EINSTEIN (e-Journal)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (154.312 KB) | DOI: 10.24114/einstein.v11i1.42773


Telah dilakukan penelitian Prototipe Smart home dengan arduino ATMega 328 yang dapat mensimulasikan penerapan Smart home yang aktif  dengan cara menyambungkan perangkat-perangkat elektronik ke internet dengan mikrokontroler, saat memproses seluruh data berbentuk Input dan Output, dengan sistem kontrol melalui arduino  dan didukung dengan sensor MQ-2, flame sensor, Sensor PIR, relay, buzzer, pompa air, sensor PH, Ultarsonik PH, RTM dan kipas. Metode yang diterapkan pada penelitian ini adalah monitoring dan sistem kontrol pengembangan yang membantu pengguna untuk mengetahui dan mendapat informasi mengenai kondisi yang terjadi di rumah, perancangan ini juga dibekali dengan sensor MQ-2 ketika sensor melakukan pendeteksian maka kipas 5 V akan hidup untuk menghisap gas/asap keluar ruangan, sebagai kelanjutan jika terjadinya kebocoran gas maka prototipe ini dibekali juga dengan Flame sensor yang dapat menghidupkan pompa air sebagai penanggulangan kebakaran dengan konsentrasi sensor bekerja pada panjang gelombang kurang dari 450 nm, juga dibekali dengan sensor PIR yang akan menghidupkan alarm jika terdeteksi adanya penyusup di dalam rumah dan di genteng. Dan terakhir Smarthome ini juga di bekali kolam pintar yang diguanakan untuk mempermudah kontroling jika ingin  membdidayakan ikan. 
EINSTEIN (e-Journal) Vol 11, No 1 (2023): EINSTEIN (e-Journal)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (332.328 KB) | DOI: 10.24114/einstein.v11i1.38759


Data dari Yayasan Kanker Indonesia (YKI) ditemukan27,1% dari 1.961 pelajar laki-laki SMA/SMK, sudahterbiasa dengan rokok. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan suaturancang bangun alat pendeteksi asap rokok dan pentralisirudara pada kamar mandi sekolah berbasis mikrokontrolerarduino uno menggunakan sensor asap MQ-2. Penelitian inibermaksud agar dihasilkan sebuah alat yang dapatmendeteksi asap rokok dalam kamar mandi menggunakansistem peringatan. Adapun peringatan itu berupa dfPlayermini memberikan perintah untuk menyalakan buzzer, relaimemberikan perintah agar kipas berputar, dan LED merahakan menyala. Pendeteksian sensor dirancang dengan 2 keadaan yaitu, Normal tidak terdeteksi asap rokok dan Berbahaya asap rokok terdeteksi. Hasil dari pengujianmenggunakan sensor asap MQ-2 didapati range 0-79 keadaan normal tidak terdeteksi asap rokok, pada range<80 keadaan berbahaya terdeteksi asap rokok.