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Evaluation of using Antihipertensi of Angiotensin Renin system to kidney protection on Diabetic patient in X hospital of Yogyakarta Suhadi, Rita; Donatus, Imono Argo; Sidarto, B.
Publisher : Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Skip Utara, 55281, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (381.811 KB) | DOI: 10.14499/indonesianjpharm0iss0pp177-184


The renin-angiotensin-system antihypertensive drugs (RAS), i.e. Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEIs) and Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists (AIIRAs) are prescribed for diabetes patients to slow the nephropathy progression. There are only limited clinical evidence of the RAS for Indonesian patients. This study aimed at assessing the antihypertensive drug selection and the renoprotective effect on Indonesian patients.The study was done with retrospective survey and descriptiveevaluative design. A total of 116 diabetic patients were participated in the drug selection assessment and the renoprotective effect among 52 patients was analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric statistics. The results showed that the antihypertensive drug selection consisted of RAS (ACEIs 48% and AIIRAs 11%), non-RAS 22%, and without antihypertensive drugs 19%. The RAS antihypertensive drugs were administered at 53%; 56%; 92%; and 71% by normal; mild; moderate; and severe kidney dysfuntion patients respectively.The annual clearance creatinine (Clcr) reduction were 3.93; 9.95; 0.85ml/min and the Clcr reduction in 23 months were 9.27; 8.66; 7.76% for non-RAS; without; and RAS antihypertension respectively, but the effects were not significantly different (p>0.05). In conclusion, renoprotection on diabetic patients by RAS was not more superior than that by non-RASantihypertensive drugs. Key words: Diabetic Nephropathy, Renoprotection, ACE-Inhibitors (ACEI), Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists (AIIRA).
Pengaruh Ketaatan Terapi Pasien pada Luaran Penyakit Terkait Kardiovaskular Suhadi, Rita
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 3, No 4 (2014)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (281.122 KB) | DOI: 10.15416/ijcp.2014.3.4.114


perubahan pola hidup sebagai hasil persetujuan pasien terhadap rekomendasi penyedia layanan kesehatan.Persistensi terapi merupakan keberlanjutan terapi meliputi durasi pasien tidak meninggalkan terapinya.Ketaatan terapi pasien dipengaruhi oleh faktor sistem kesehatan, pasien, sosioekonomi, terapi, dan kondisi penyakit. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi penelitian-penelitian terkait ketaatan terapi yang meliputi definisi, prevalensi, faktor-faktor, intervensi untuk ketaatan, dan dampak ketaatan terhadap luaran terapi. Penelitian-penelitian yang diulas dipilih secara purposive dari database jurnal dan situs website terpercaya. Berdasarkan hasil ulasan ditemukan bahwa intervensi nonfarmakologi tidak konsisten hasilnya terhadap peningkatan ketaatan, demikian juga dampak ketaatan terhadap luaran terapi hasilnya bervariasi mulai dari tidak berefek sampai dengan efek ringan dan kuat. Luaran ketaatan meskipun tidak pasti, peningkatan ketaatan tetap diperlukan untuk memastikan obat digunakan dan bekerja dengan baik pada pasien. Hasil positif ketaatan yang ditemukan misalnya pasien yang taat akan mengalami perbaikan prognosis pada pasien hipertensi. Ketidaktaatan terapi pasien dapat meningkatkan kematian, lebih banyak pasien terpaksa masuk rumah sakit, dan memerlukan tambahan biaya terapi yang lebih besar.Kata kunci: Intervensi nonfarmakologi, ketaatan terapi, luaran terapi, persistensi terapiThe Effect of Patient Medication Adherence on the Outcome of Cardiovascular-Related DiseasesLong-term adherence is affected by the patient behavior to medicine administration, diet management, and/or life-style changes as the result of the patients’ concordance to the health-providers’ recommendations. Therapy persistence is defined as the medication sustainability of the patients or the duration without discontinue of the therapy. Patients’ medication adherence is affected by health care system, patients socioeconomics, therapies, and disease condition factors. This article aimed to evaluate the studies on medication adherence including the definition, prevalence, affecting factors, intervention to increase adherence, and the outcome therapy due to adherence. Purposive method was performed to select the articles from reliable journal database and websites. The result showed that there was inconsistent result of nonpharmacological intervention to enhance the medication adherence; the effect of adherence on therapeutic outcome was found from no and mild effect to intense effect. Though the effect of adherence on therapeutic outcome was inconsistent, efforts to increase adherence should be implemented to ensure that the patients get appropriate administration of the medicine. Medication adherence improved prognosis among hypertensive patients, meanwhile nonadherence increased the patients’ mortality rate, hospital admission, and cost of therapy.Key words: Medication adherence, nonpharmacological intervention, therapy outcome, therapypersistence
Pengaruh Pemberian Umpan Balik Tekanan Darah kepada Dokter terhadap Perubahan Biaya Terapi Pasien Hipertensi Suhadi, Rita; Thobari, Jarir At; Irawan, Bambang; Dwiprahasto, Iwan
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 4, No 3 (2015)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (414.518 KB) | DOI: 10.15416/ijcp.2015.4.3.186


Suatu penelitian intervensi analitik telah dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengevaluasi cost-effectiveness terapi pasien rawat jalan hipertensi di empat rumah sakit (RS) di Kota Yogyakarta. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode grafik scatter-plot; aksis-X dan aksis-Y menunjukkan selisih tekanan darah (TD) dan biaya antar kelompok. Pemberian umpan balik TD diberikan kepada dokter spesialis perlakuan sebanyak empat kali setelah informed consent, sementara dokter kontrol menjalani terapi secara alamiah. Pasien dari dokter subjek >18tahun, menerima antihipertensi, Askes *, ≥4 kali kunjungan, dan ≥1 kali TD sistolik (TDS) ≥140mmHg diikutkan penelitian. Data terapi, TD, dan biaya terapi pasien dikumpulkan selama 8 bulan secara prospektif sejak intervensi pertama dari catatan medik pasien dan klaim pembayaran RS kepada Askes. Seluruh biaya terkait hipertensi dan kardiovaskular dengan perspektif RS diikutkan analisis. Data diperoleh dari rekam medik dan klaim biaya terapi oleh RS kepada PT. Askes. Hipotesis: proporsi pasien di kuadran kanan grafik mencapai ≥90%. Kuadran kanan menunjukkan TDS perlakuan lebih baik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pasien perlakuan (n=379) dan kontrol (n=266) tidak berbeda bermakna untuk umur, jender, TD, dan jumlah antihipertensi. Pasien perlakuan memiliki TD diastolik lebih baik, biaya antihipertensi per kunjungan lebih tinggi (p<0,05) tetapi sama untuk obat kardiovaskular serta biaya total (p>0,05). Proporsi pasien kuadran kanan sebesar 56,2%. Analisis subgrup pada perempuan, tanpa umur 80–90tahun, TDS final≤160mmHg, rerata TDS ≤150mmHg, dan antihipertensi 1–3 item diperoleh proporsi kuadran kanan 66,9% tetapi belum mencapai 90%. Pemberian umpan balik TD kepada dokter meningkatkan proporsi pasien di kuadran kanan meskipun belum mencapai proporsi yang diharapkan.*Askes pada saat sekarang ini sudah berubah menjadi Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional oleh BPJSKata kunci: Biaya terapi, cost-effectiveness, hipertensi, umpan balik tekanan darah kepadadokterThe Effect of Blood Pressure Feedback Intervention to Doctors on the Change of the Hypertensive Patient Therapy CostAn analytical intervention study has been done with the aim to evaluate the therapy cost-effectiveness among the hypertensive ambulatory patients at four hospitals in Yogyakarta city. The study was done with the scatter-plot method; x-axis and y-axis were for the difference of blood pressure and therapy cost between groups respectively. Blood pressure feedback intervention was delivered monthly for four times to the specialists in the intervention group since the informed-consent approval. The control specialists preceded the natural practice. The included patients were the specialist’s subjects with the following criteria: >18 years, “Askes” -insured, ≥4 visits, and ≥1 visit with systolic blood pressure (SBP) ≥140mmHg. The medication profile, BP level, and therapy cost profile were collected prospectively for eight months since the first intervention from medical record and the hospital claim to Askes. All hypertensive and cardiovascular therapy cost with the hospital perspective were included in the analysis. Hypothesis: the patient proportion in the right quadrants of the graph reached ≥90%. The right quadrantsof graph indicated lower mean SBP of intervention group. The result showed that the intervention (n=379) and control (n=266) groups were similar for age, gender, BP, and items of antihypertensive medicine. The intervention group had only improved diastolic BP and higher antihypertensive medicine cost (p<0.05), but similar for cardiovascular medicine and the total therapy cost (p>0.05). Patients in the right quadrant were 56.2%. Sub-group analysis for female only, without 80–90 years, final SBP ≤160mmHg, and mean ≤150mmHg, and 1–3 antihypertensive items resulted 66.9% of right-quadrant patients but it was lower than 90%. Feedback intervention improved the proportion of patients in the right-quadrants of the graph though it was lower than the expected proportion.Keywords: Blood pressure feedback to physicians, cost effectiveness analysis, cost of therapy, hypertension
Evaluasi Kualitas Hidup Responden Hipertensi Usia 40–75 Tahun Menggunakan Instrumen SF-36 di Kecamatan Kalasan, Sleman, DIY Melani, Fransisca; Hasrat, Kresensia T.; Widyasti, Bonifasia A. C.; Suhadi, Rita
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 6, No 3 (2017)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (701.309 KB) | DOI: 10.15416/ijcp.2017.6.3.200


Hipertensi merupakan kondisi peningkatan tekanan darah sistolik lebih dari 140 mmHg dan tekanan darah diastolik lebih dari 90 mmHg. Status kesehatan yang buruk menunjukkan kualitas hidup yang buruk. Faktor-faktor yang dapat memengaruhi kualitas hidup adalah umur, pendidikan, penghasilan, BMI dan jenis kelamin. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi perbedaan faktor risiko kesehatan dan faktor sosioekonomi dari kualitas hidup responden hipertensi di Kecamatan Kalasan, Sleman. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian observasional dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah penduduk usia 40–75 tahun. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan di 4 dukuh di Kecamatan Kalasan, yaitu Padukuhan Jetis, Padukuhan Pundung, Padukuhan Grumbulgede, dan Padukuhan Dhuri. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji normalitas Kolmogorov-Smirnov, dilanjutkan dengan uji-t tidak berpasangan untuk masing-masing delapan domain kualitas hidup SF-36 dengan faktor risiko kesehatan dan sosioekonomi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada faktor risiko kesehatan yaitu perbedaan kelompok usia memengaruhi kualitas hidup pada komponen kesehatan fisik (p<0,05), aspek fungsi fisik (p<0,05) dan peran fisik (p<0,05). Variabel sosioekonomi dari aspek sosioekonomi memengaruhi kualitas hidup pada komponen kesehatan mental (p<0,05) terkait aspek peran emosi (p<0,05) dan komponen kesehatan fisik (p<0,05) terkait aspek fungsi fisik (p<0,05) serta aspek peran fisik (p<0,05).Kata kunci: Hipertensi, kualitas hidup, risiko kesehatan dan sosioekonomiQuality of Life Evaluation of Respondents with Hypertension Aged 40–75 Years Using SF-36 Instruments in Kalasan District, Sleman, Yogyakarta ProvinceHypertension is a condition of an increase of systolic blood pressure over 140 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure over 90 mmHg. Poor health status indicates poor quality of life. There are many factors that may affect the quality of life, such as age, education, income, Body Mass Index (BMI) and sex. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the differences of health risk factors and socioeconomic factors on the quality of life of respondents with hypertension in Kalasan District, Sleman. This type of research is an observational study with cross-sectional approach. Respondents in this study were the people aged 40–75 years. Sampling was conducted in four hamlets in Kalasan District, named Padukuhan Jetis, Padukuhan Pundung, Padukuhan Grumbulgede, and Padukuhan Dhuri. The data analysis was performed with Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test, followed by t-independent test for each of the eight domains of quality of life with the SF-36 health and socioeconomic risk factors. The results from health risk factors showed that the difference of age affected quality of life on physical health component (p<0.05), physical function aspect (p<0.05) and physical role (p<0.05). Socioeconomic aspects of socioeconomic variables affected the quality of life on the mental health component (p<0.05), related to the role of emotions aspect (p<0.05) and physical health component (p<0.05) related to physical function aspect (p<0.05) also the physical role aspect (p<0.05).Keywords: Health and socioeconomic risk factors, hypertension, quality of life
Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya Vol 29, No. 4 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jkb.2017.029.04.10


Penyakit kardiovaskular merupakan risiko kesehatan terbesar di Indonesia. Penelitian survei cluster random sampling tahun 2015, program jaminan kesehatan berhasil meningkatkan kesadaran dan terapi pada subjek dengan tekanan darah ?140/90mmHg di Kabupaten Sleman Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi risiko kardiovaskular terkait program jaminan kesehatan. Penelitian ini merupakan survei potong lintang analitik dan subanalisis pada subjek yang dapat dihitung risiko kardiovaskular 10 tahun ke depan menggunakan skor Framingham. Penelitian dilakukan pada subjek berumur 30-74 tahun dan menandatangani informed-consent. Subjek dikelompokkan berdasarkan dengan atau tanpa jaminan kesehatan. Data rerata umur, body mass index (BMI), tekanan darah, dan skor Framingham dianalisis dengan uji-t (p&lt;0,05), sedangkan tingkatan risiko kardiovaskular 10 tahun ke depan dianalisis menggunakan statistik chi-square.  Dari penelitian ini ditemukan sebanyak 64,6% dari 429 subjek memiliki jaminan kesehatan dalam beberapa sistem jaminan. Parameter observasi kelompok dengan dan tanpa jaminan kesehatan tidak berbeda bermakna (p&gt;0,05) untuk variabel umur, gender, merokok, pendidikan, tekanan darah, hiperglikemia, dan BMI. Subjek dengan dan tanpa jaminan kesehatan berturut-turut memiliki tekanan darah sistolik 156,5 (22,2) mmHg berbanding 156,4 (20,0) mmHg dan skor Framingham 18,4 (9,3)% berbanding 19,2 (9,3)% (p&gt;0,05) yang termasuk kategori risiko kardiovaskular sedang. Pada subkelompok subjek dengan tekanan darah ?140/90 mmHg (n=347, 80,9%) subjek dengan jaminan kesehatan (n=277, 53,2%) dan tanpa jaminan kesehatan memiliki skor Framingham yang tidak berbeda bermakna, namun berbeda kategori risikonya yaitu 19,8 (8,9)% kategori risiko sedang berbanding 21,1 (8,3)% kategori risiko tinggi. Kesimpulan, jaminan kesehatan belum terbukti menurunkan secara bermakna risiko kardiovaskular subjek di pedesaan di Sleman-Yogyakarta.
Sayur Bukan Menjadi Preferensi Makanan Remaja di Indonesia Hendra, Phebe; Suhadi, Rita; Virginia, Dita Maria; Setiawan, Christianus Heru
Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya Vol 30, No 4 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (739.975 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jkb.2019.030.04.18


Remaja dan perilaku akan makanan dan kesehatannya perlu mendapat perhatian utama. Perilaku tersebut akan berlanjut hingga usia dewasa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat preferensi makanan pada remaja di Indonesia. Penelitian dengan desain potong lintang menggunakan kuesioner untuk melihat preferensi makanan remaja siswa sekolah menengah atas. Informasi yang diperoleh adalah preferensi makanan utama, minuman dan perilaku snack serta karateristik responden. Responden yang terlibat dalam penelitian sejumlah 774 orang. Ayam merupakan makanan utama yang disebutkan remaja di Indonesia dari 3 jenis makanan utama. Air putih dan biskuit merupakan preferensi minum dan dan snack yang dikonsumsi remaja di Indonesia, sedangkan sayur hanya dipilih oleh sebagian kecil remaja.
EFFECTS OF INTERPROFESSIONAL COLLABORATION PROGRAM IN COMMUNITY ON THE PERCEPTION OF PHARMACY AND MEDICAL STUDENTS Christianus Heru Setiawan; Rita Suhadi; Phebe Hendra; Fenty Fenty; Dita Maria Virginia; Gregorius Bhaskara Wikanendra
Jurnal Farmasi Sains dan Komunitas (Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Community) Vol 17, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Sanata Dharma University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (448.134 KB) | DOI: 10.24071/jpsc.002254


Cardiovascular disease is the highest cause of mortality in Indonesia. One of the factors that causes the disease is low level of health awareness, including healthy lifestyle and health control. Improving public health awareness can be done by providing health education in collaboration with interprofessional health services. A collaboration involving students from various health-related disciplines aims to build good collaboration in the future after the corresponding students become health workers. This study is quasi-experimental. Students from health-related disciplines, especially pharmacy and medical students, were authorized to work directly in health screening and to provide education to the community. Students perceptions on the Interprofessional Collaboration (IPC) program were explored through Student Perceptions of Physician-Pharmacist Interprofessional Clinical Education (SPICE) questionnaire, which were given before and after the community project. Among 87 SPICE questionnaires, 78 questionnaires filled in completely were collected from pharmacy and medical students. The results of the questionnaire showed good perceptions before and after activities in the community with mean scores of 4.46 (0.35) and 4.5 (0.37) respectively. Wilcoxon test results found no significant difference on the total SPICE scores before and after the activity (P .05). One item from the SPICE questionnaire, which was the seventh item related to understanding the role of other professionals in the interdisciplinary team, had a significant increase (P .05).
Jurnal Farmasi Sains dan Komunitas (Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Community) Vol 10, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Sanata Dharma University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (543.778 KB) | DOI: 10.24071/jpsc.0082


Abstract: Background: Therapy intensification (TI) is the most important factor in bloodpressure control among the adherent patients. The TI is the physician prescription behavior toadd the item(s) and/or the dosage of hypertensive medicine when the patients' BP was ?10mmHgabove the target. Comorbid patients have 10mmHg lower BP target. Aims: to evaluate the effectof comorbidity on TI score and blood pressure control; and to correlate the variables of TI and BPcontrol. Method: retrospective cohort study done in 4 hospitals in Yogyakarta for 5 months. Thesubjects of age 18 years, hypertensive out-patient covered with Askes insurance, and ?1 visitwith uncontrolled BP were included. Hemodialysis subjects were excluded. Subjects weregrouped into with/without comorbid. The BP profile was analyzed with T-test, repeatedmeasurement Anova, and odds ratio. Results: subjects consisted of without (WO) (n=268) vs.with comorbid (W) (n=401) patients. Comorbid subjects had older age, more male proportionand more visits (p0.05). The profiles of final SBP/DBP in WO vs. W subjects were as follow:148.9/89.1 (WO) vs. 143.8/86.1mmHg (W) (p0.05); TI score (-) 0.360.26 (WO) vs. (-)0.380.24 (W) (p0.05); the final SBP: worse BP control 20.9 (WO) vs.16.2% (W), notcontrolled in all visits 38.1 vs. 45.9%, improved 17.5 vs. 23.9%, and good controlled in all visit23.5 vs.13.2%; proportion of subjects reached BP target 40.7% (WO) vs. 37.4% (W) (p0.05);the different of final minus target SBP: (-)9.018.5 vs. (-)13.917.4mmHg (p0.05); correlationbetween TI and variables of SBP (p0.05) with the coefficient (r) at 0.4-0.6 (medium).Conclusion: comorbidity had no effect on TI score; but subjects with comorbid had worse BPcontrol (p0.05); TI score correlated in medium level with SBP.Keywords: Comorbidity Factor, Therapy Intensification, Blood Pressure Control
CORRELATION AMONG SLEEP DURATION, BLOOD PRESSURE, AND BLOOD GLUCOSE LEVEL OF MORANGAN PEOPLE, SINDUMARTANI, NGEMPLAK, SLEMAN Gregorius Bhaskara Wikanendra; Rita Suhadi; Christianus Heru Setiawan; Dita Maria Virginia; Phebe Hendra; Fenty Fenty
Jurnal Farmasi Sains dan Komunitas (Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Community) Vol 17, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Sanata Dharma University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (424.255 KB) | DOI: 10.24071/jpsc.002404


Sleep deprivation is a risk factor for cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. There was a high prevalence of high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes in Morangan, Yogyakarta Province. This study aims at studying the correlation between sleep duration, systolic blood pressure and fasting blood glucose levels of people in Morangan. This study was a cross-sectional study conducted in cooperation with a public health care program for people in Morangan. Data collection was done using a questionnaire and health screening procedure during the public health care program. Collected data were covering aspects of systolic blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, sleep duration, and sleep habit. There was a high prevalence of high systolic blood pressure (130mmHg; 66.04%) and high fasting blood glucose level (100mg/dL; 39.62%) in Morangan people. There was a significantly positive correlation between sleep duration and systolic blood pressure (p:0.024; r:0.31) but no significant correlation between sleep duration and fasting blood glucose level. The major contributing habits towards sleep deprivation were caffeine consumption and medium pre-sleep routine. The result of this research will provide help in designing an education program for people of Morangan in preventing and treating high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.
Pengaruh Ketaatan Terapi Pasien pada Luaran Penyakit Terkait Kardiovaskular Rita Suhadi
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 3, No 4 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (514.988 KB) | DOI: 10.15416/ijcp.2014.3.4.114


perubahan pola hidup sebagai hasil persetujuan pasien terhadap rekomendasi penyedia layanan kesehatan.Persistensi terapi merupakan keberlanjutan terapi meliputi durasi pasien tidak meninggalkan terapinya.Ketaatan terapi pasien dipengaruhi oleh faktor sistem kesehatan, pasien, sosioekonomi, terapi, dan kondisi penyakit. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi penelitian-penelitian terkait ketaatan terapi yang meliputi definisi, prevalensi, faktor-faktor, intervensi untuk ketaatan, dan dampak ketaatan terhadap luaran terapi. Penelitian-penelitian yang diulas dipilih secara purposive dari database jurnal dan situs website terpercaya. Berdasarkan hasil ulasan ditemukan bahwa intervensi nonfarmakologi tidak konsisten hasilnya terhadap peningkatan ketaatan, demikian juga dampak ketaatan terhadap luaran terapi hasilnya bervariasi mulai dari tidak berefek sampai dengan efek ringan dan kuat. Luaran ketaatan meskipun tidak pasti, peningkatan ketaatan tetap diperlukan untuk memastikan obat digunakan dan bekerja dengan baik pada pasien. Hasil positif ketaatan yang ditemukan misalnya pasien yang taat akan mengalami perbaikan prognosis pada pasien hipertensi. Ketidaktaatan terapi pasien dapat meningkatkan kematian, lebih banyak pasien terpaksa masuk rumah sakit, dan memerlukan tambahan biaya terapi yang lebih besar.Kata kunci: Intervensi nonfarmakologi, ketaatan terapi, luaran terapi, persistensi terapiThe Effect of Patient Medication Adherence on the Outcome of Cardiovascular-Related DiseasesLong-term adherence is affected by the patient behavior to medicine administration, diet management, and/or life-style changes as the result of the patients’ concordance to the health-providers’ recommendations. Therapy persistence is defined as the medication sustainability of the patients or the duration without discontinue of the therapy. Patients’ medication adherence is affected by health care system, patients socioeconomics, therapies, and disease condition factors. This article aimed to evaluate the studies on medication adherence including the definition, prevalence, affecting factors, intervention to increase adherence, and the outcome therapy due to adherence. Purposive method was performed to select the articles from reliable journal database and websites. The result showed that there was inconsistent result of nonpharmacological intervention to enhance the medication adherence; the effect of adherence on therapeutic outcome was found from no and mild effect to intense effect. Though the effect of adherence on therapeutic outcome was inconsistent, efforts to increase adherence should be implemented to ensure that the patients get appropriate administration of the medicine. Medication adherence improved prognosis among hypertensive patients, meanwhile nonadherence increased the patients’ mortality rate, hospital admission, and cost of therapy.Key words: Medication adherence, nonpharmacological intervention, therapy outcome, therapypersistence