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Implementasi Alat Perajang Rumput Gajah di Desa Mentaraman Kabupaten Malang Mujiono; Sujianto; Hardianto
JURNAL FLYWHEEL Vol 11 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Flywheel
Publisher : Teknik Mesin S1 ITN Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36040/flywheel.v11i1.2507


Tim abdimas melakukan pertemuan untuk membahas pelaksanaan yang akan dilakukan oleh tim untuk melakukan survey kelokasi peternak sapi yang akan dijadikan obyek untuk abdimas. Tujuan dari survey ini untuk mengetahui apa saja yang dibutuhkan oleh para peternak sapi, hasilnya informasi yang diperoleh dari peternak sapi adalah sering terjadinya kecelakaan dalam melakukan perajangan rumput gajah yang akan dipergunakan untuk makan ternak tersebut karena masih menggunakan alat sederhana yaitu menggunakan sabit. Kondisi yang terjadi pada peternak sapi tersebut maka tim abdimas akan mengembangkan perancangan pembuaan alat perajang rumput gajah dengan menggunakan kaidah ergonomi (aman dan nyaman), dengan tujuan agar supaya peternak lebih mudah untuk perajangan dan ternak mudah untuk menguyah ,serta peternak menghidari sering terjadinya kecelakaan sehingga pekerjaan perajangan lebih effisien dapat menghemat waktu sehingga hasil jauh lebih baik. Dari hasil rancangan yang akan diterapkan diperoleh ukuran yang dipergunakan desain adalah didesain berdasarkan ukuran antropometri operator
Penerapan Alat Pembuatan Kotak Kardus Yang Ergonomis Berdasarkan Ukuran Anthropometri Mujiono; Sujianto; Hardianto; Alifia Yesi,Frista Yessita,Devva,SitiAisyah,Ina Anggraini
JURNAL FLYWHEEL Vol 11 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Flywheel
Publisher : Teknik Mesin S1 ITN Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36040/flywheel.v11i2.2848


Tim abdimas melakukan pertemuan untuk membahas pelaksanaan yang akan dilakukan untuk melakukan survey kelokasi mitra yang akan dijadikan obyek untuk abdimas. Tujuan dari survey ini untuk mengetahui apa saja yang dibutuhkan oleh mitra, hasilnya informasi yang diperoleh dari mitra adalah sering terjadinya kecelakaan, rusak, ukuran tidak bisa sama dalam melakukan pembuatan kotak kardus karena alat yang dipergunakan masih sangat sederhana yaitu cutter, pisau potong tekan atau pisau silet, mal kotak kardus dan mal kotak kardus dibedakan jadi dua sisi, sisi kanan dan sisi kiri kemudian kedua sisi tersebut dilem pakai lem kayu. Melihat kondisi yang terjadi pada mitra tersebut maka tim abdimas akan mengembangkan/inovasi perancangan alat pembuatan kotak kardos dengan menggunakan alat dengan desain ergonomis. Desain ergonomis yang dimaksud adalah desain alat yang menghasilkan suatu sistem kerja dengan menggunakan ukuran anthropometri., dengan tujuan agar supaya mitra lebih mudah untuk mengunakan alat tersebut dan menghidari sering terjadinya kecelakaan, kerusakan, sehingga pekerjaan mitra lebih effektif,effisien dapat menghemat waktu sehingga hasil jauh lebih baik dan produktif. Melihat masalah yang dihadapi mitra maka tim abdimas membuatkan alat dengan menggunakan data anthropometri dengan ukuran alat tinggi 105 cm, lebar 77 cm dan panjang 85 cm, sehingga dapat meningkatan produktifitas dari 2.4 kodi per jam menjadi 9.6 kodi per jam.
Jurnal Niara Vol. 12 No. 1 (2019)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (283.182 KB) | DOI: 10.31849/nia.v12i1.2284


Revitalization of customary and legal institutions is very urgent for the sustainability of environmental. Environmental damage due to illegal gold mining has been very alarming which will have an impact on health problems and natural disasters (flooding). This happens regardless of economic problems mainly due to the stagnation of the prices of superior commodities in Kuantan Singingi Regency. other than that based on the results of observations of these researchers also caused by the weakening of customary institutions. The purpose of this study focuses on the customary institutions that exist in this area because in this sub-district they have traditional institutions in the form of people. This research method uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques with interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis technique with interactive analysis. The results of the study indicate that there is a weakening of institutional functions of customary law in preventing environmental damage. Whereas in the previous traditional institutions regulating the ways to manage the environment. Other findings of the local government reduced the role of adat in regulating their communities, whereas in some villages it was proven to be able to protect the environment by prioritizing the functions of traditional institutions.
Performance of The Village Goverment in Implementing The Village Information System Program in Sungai Bawang Village sujianto; Anisa, Siti
Jurnal Niara Vol. 12 No. 2 (2020)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (280.012 KB) | DOI: 10.31849/niara.v12i2.3108


The performance of the Sungai Bawang Village Government in the Village Information System program can be seen from the implementation process. This study focuses on the performance of the Sungai Bawang village government in the Village Information System Program in order to realize the vision and mission of Kuantan Singingi Regency. But the realization in the field that the performance of the Sungai Bawang village government in the Village Information System program did not have a significant impact. In terms of productivity indicators, after the implementation of the Village Information System program the performance of the Sungai Bawang Village Government did not change significantly. Indicators of service quality, the quality of services received by the community before and after the implementation of the Village Information System program have no real impact, because the services provided are still the same, still not based on online information technology. Indicator of responsiveness can be seen that third parties are not committed to the agreed work contract agreement. Responsibility Indicator, the standard used as a reference in implementing the Village Information System program is Kuantan Singingi District Regulations No. 57 of 2017 concerning Village Information Systems and their derivatives namely Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Village Information Systems. Accountability indicators, there is an element of political interest in the Village Information System program. The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of the Sungai Bawang village government in the implementation of the Village Information System program and its inhibiting factors. The research method uses qualitative by emphasizing the concept of performance measurement. The techniques used in collecting data are observation, interviews, documentation, and literature. The results showed that the performance of the Sungai Bawang village government was still not optimal. The inhibiting factor is the non-commitment of the third party in carrying out the responsibility, the Village Information System program is influenced by the political interests of certain groups so that the Village Information System program does not run as contained in Kuantan Singingi No. 57 of 2017 concerning Village Information Systems.
Efektivitas Reformasi Birokrasi Pada Area Perubahan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) Aparatur Di Pemerintah Kota Payakumbuh Provinsi Sumatera Barat Sandra Vika; Sujianto
Jurnal Niara Vol. 14 No. 2 (2021)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (189.606 KB) | DOI: 10.31849/niara.v14i2.6261


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengimplementasian kebijakan reformasi birokrasi di pemerintah kota Payakumbuh khususnya area perubahan SDM Aparaturserta untuk mengetahui kendala yang dirasakan oleh SDM Aparatur dalam melaksanakan kebijakan ini. Berdasarkan PP No. 81 tahun 2010 tentang Grand desain Reformasi birokrasi untuk area perubahan SDM aparatur target yang ingin dicapai adalah berupa 7 (tujuh) indikatorprofil aparatur yakni SDM aparatur yang berintegritas, Netral, kompeten, capable, profesional, berkinerja tinggi dan sejahtera. Adapun ke 7 (tujuh)capaian tersebut menjadi target dengan diimplementasikannya rencana aksi reformasi birokrasi yang sudah ditetapkan. Jenis penelitians ini yaitu pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode wawancara langsung ke informan dan analisis data bersifat kualitatif. Pengumpulan data primer melalui wawancara langsung ke SDM aparatur yang ada di kota Payakumbuh dan dikarenakan situasi pandemi korona yang menyarankan untuk mengurangi tatap muka langsung maka wawancara dan penggalian informasi serta data juga dilakukan via media elektronik seperti media sosial whatsapp, instagram, facebook dan juga berbicara langsung via telephone. Metode analisis data menggunakan penggabungan informasi dan pencocokan untuk menguji keakuratan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa SDM Aparatur pada pemerintah Kota Payakumbuh menjalankan instruksi berkenaan dengan reformasi birokrasi khususnya pada area perubahan SDM aparatur sesuai atau mengikuti arahan pimpinan dan pemimpin saat ini mengarahkan dan menginstruksikan dengan sangat baik segala program dan rencana aksi yang telah ditetapkan sehingga menghasilkan suatu aksi nyata yang membawa nama baik berupa berbagai prestasi dan penghargaan bagi Kota Payakumbuh. Meskipun masih ada kendala berupa adanya SDM aparatur yang tidak memahami tugas dan tanggung jawab secara akurat tetapi itu terjadi hanya di level staf yang tingkat pendidikan rendah sedangkan pimpinan diatasnya dapat mengakomodirnya dengan baik dan pada SDM aparatur level menengah yang kurang memahami pekerjaan dengan baik terjadi hanya pada mereka dengan usia yang hampir memasuki masa purna tugas. Namun secara umum SDM Aparatur dapat bekerja sama menyelesaikan tugas dan tanggung jawab sesuai bidang masing – masing organisasi perangkat Daerah (OPD) tempat mereka bekerja
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 13, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/jil.13.2.p.141-154


Climate change that occurred in the Koto Panjang hydropower reservoir area was triggered by high land use change and was driven by minimal rainfall. The impact of drought occurred. The reservoir water is shrinking and other water sources are also shrinking, especially the Pongkai Istiqomah village located on the edge of the reservoir. These water sources in the form of Binamang River water and residents' well water are also shrinking. As a result, people's lives are disrupted, both in meeting the needs of clean water, bathing, washing and toilet and disrupting the economic conditions of the community. If the community's adaptability is beyond the optimal level, then the community can be said to be vulnerable. Therefore, it is important to know the level of vulnerability and adaptation strategies that can be applied. This research was conducted in July 2017 to July 2018. The research method used was a quantitative method with a descriptive approach. Data collection is done by interview and observation techniques. The interview technique was carried out on 40 (forty) respondents who were guided by a questionnaire. Analyzing the data is done by giving a score for each vulnerability criterion, namely exposure (E, exposure), sensitivity (sensitivity, S) and Adaptive Capacity (AC). The results showed that the Pongkai Istiqomah Village community had a level of vulnerability according to Heston. Y.P (2014) is included in the category of Medium Vulnerability with a score of 0.51. However, this condition cannot be underestimated, so an adaptation strategy that has been analyzed using SWOT-AHP is needed. The results are three priority strategies that have been assessed in terms of percentages namely water harvesting (43.8%), revitalization of existing tools (24.6%) and community empowerment (4.8%). To realize the  adaptation  trategy,  there needs to be  support from the Regional  Government in the  form  of policies related to village-based development planning and sustainable community capacity building.
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 7, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/jil.7.1.p.95-102


Participation of people in development of environment infrastructure through special grantprogram in Kecamatan Kandis, Siak Regency, correlation of people participation prior toimplementation, during implementation, and after implementation. The development shouldfulfill the requirement of regulation of Bupati Siak Nomor: 38 Year 2010. The data used inthe research is primary and secondary. The primary data was fulfilled by questionnaire topeople and stakeholders directly related to development of environment infrastructurethrough special grant program in Kecamatan Kandis, Siak Regency for 65 people that relatesto the variable of people participation and development of environment infrastructure thatare measured in Likert scale. Secondary data in the research was obtained from books andother information, from printed sources and other electronic source that relevance to theresearch. People participation in the village of Kandis, Sam-sam and Belutu in thedevelopment of environment infrastructure through special grant program in Kecamatan Kandis, Siak Regency was performed well. People participation in Kandis village was bettercompared to people participation in Sam-sam and Belutu village. Correlation of peopleparticipation in the village of Kandis, Sam-sam and Belutu prior, during, and after theimplementation of the development of environment infrastructure through special grantprogram in Kecamatan Kandis, Siak Regency has significant influence. People participation before and after the development partially influence the development of environmentinfrastructure. However, people participation during the implementation did not has influence because the development still in progress according to program planning althoughthere was no people participation during the development. The development of environmentinfrastructure through special grant program in Kecamatan Kandis, Siak Regency has beenperformed well and has fulfilled the requirement of regulation of Bupati Siak Nomor: 38 Year 2010, which are effective, correct time, correct amount, and in good quality.
Jurnal Kebijakan Publik Vol 7, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46730/jkp.7.1.p.%p


Implementation Coordination in Making Geen City. Initiative green city embodies hasstrategic significance because it was motivated by several factors, including the rapid growth ofcities and the implications for the emergence of a variety of urban problems such as traffic congestion,floods, slums, social inequality and reduced area of green open space. There are four attributesto realize the green city of Green Planning and Design, Green Open Space, Green Waste, GreenTransportation. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method. Based on theresults of this research is that the functions of planning and organizing the management functionsof local government in the implementation of coordination in realizing green city of Pekanbarusignificantly affect its implementation. This is because in the planning function realizing greenplanning and design in planning the environmental documents for the initiators or businessowners they are still viewed as a burden (in terms of both budget and implementation), not as anobligation to manage the environment and poor law enforcement effort/activities that do notprepare and implement environmental documents. In the monitored object embodies a green openspace is still focused on vital objects without seeing other objects as objects to monitor road thatfocus on the way the protocol/parent and offices that focus on office close to the center ofgovernment. organizing coordination function Environment Agency is still lacking coordinationin the delivery of test equipment to realize the integrated transport emissions or green transportation.
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 2, No 2: WISUDA OKTOBER 2015
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This research describes about the service quality in passport at Immigration Office Class I Pekanbaru. While the background of this research is not only Immigration Office as the place to serve public in passport, but also the persistence of public complaints related to the passport. This research is based on the interviews and observations as initial data of the writer who found that there are indications of problems such social inequalities associated kinship/relationship, diverse completion time of passport, and existing facilities at the Immigration Office Pekanbaru Class I still yet support in the continuity of passport service. The purpose of this research was to determine the analysis of service quality in passport at the Immigration Office Class I Pekanbaru.The writer used the theory of Agus Dwiyanto which consists of 5 dimensions namely, dimension of officer attitudes, procedures, time, facilities and service charges. The method used is descriptive analysis with data collection through library research and field studies (observations and interviews).Therefore, the conclusion of this research is service quality in passport at the Immigration Office Class I Pekanbaru based on each dimension, dimension of officer attitudes is not quite good, dimension of procedure is good, dimension of time has a different opinion depends on completion time of passport, facilities are quite good, service charge is not quite optimal related to information costs, so that the overall quality of service passport at the Immigration Office Class I Pekanbaru is good enough. Only Immigration Office Class I Pekanbaru to further improve the performance of services so that services are provided to the people who will make the passport can run optimally.Keywords : Quality, Service, Passport, Immigration Office, Pekanbaru
Professionalism Sustainable Development/Continuing professionality Development (CPD) Master Certified Teachers in SMK Rumpun Teknologi in Malang Sujianto Sujianto
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Vol 1, No 2: Juni 2013
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Malang (UM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (144.891 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/jps.v1i2.4159


Pengembangan Profesionalitas Berkelanjutan/Continuing Professionality Development (CPD) Guru Bersertifikat Pendidik di SMK Rumpun Teknologi se-Malang Raya Abstract: The purpose of this study is to describe the ongoing professional development of teachers as certified educators through self-development investment, scientific publications, and innovative work both independently, in groups, or institutionalized. This research uses descriptive quantitative research design, the research subjects are the certified vocational teacher educators in Malang. The research instrument used was a questionnaire sheet in the form of questionnaires and interview guidelines. These results indicate the fact that the implementation of Teachers and Lecturers Law (Law No. 14 of 2005), followed by professional allowance actually gives great hope to enthuse teachers to always develop professionalism, but the reality is not so. Continuous professional development of teachers are certified educators in SMK Rumpun Teknologi in Malang is still low, meaning that the majority of teachers are certified educators only in the category sometimes to  do self-development investment, scientific publications, and create innovative work both independently, in groups, or institutional. Key Words: continuing professional development, self-development investment, scientific publications, innovative work Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan pengembangan profesionalitas berkelanjutan guru bersertifikat pendidik melalui investasi pengembangan diri, publikasi ilmiah, dan karya inovatif baik secara mandiri, berkelompok, atau melembaga. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan subjek penelitian guru kejuruan yang bersertifikat pendidik se-Malang Raya. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah lembar kuesioner yang berupa angket dan pedoman wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan kenyataan bahwa pemberlakuan UU Guru dan Dosen (UU Nomor 14 Tahun 2005) diikuti dengan tunjangan profesi sebenarnya memberikan harapan besar untuk menumbuhkan minat guru untuk selalu mengembangkan profesionalitasnya, namun kenyataannya tidak demikian. Pengembangan profesionalitas berkelanjutan guru bersertifikat pendidik di SMK rumpun teknologi se-Malang Raya masih tergolong rendah, artinya sebagian besar guru bersertifikat pendidik hanya dalam kategori kadang-kadang melakukan investasi pengembangan diri, publikasi ilmiah, dan membuat karya inovatif baik secara mandiri, berkelompok, atau melembaga.Kata kunci: pengembangan profesionalitas berkelanjutan, investasi pengembangan diri, publikasi ilmiah, karya inovatif