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Kualitas Pelayanan Publik (Studi Kasus Pengesahan Pajak Tahunan Kendaraan Roda Dua Pada Kantor Samsat Pekanbaru Selatan) HANDAYANI, MUSTIKA FEBRI; YULIANI, FEBRI
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 1, No 1: WISUDA FEBRUARI 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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Office SAMSAT which stands for "System Administration Manunggal under one roof" where the office is under the auspices of the Government of Riau Province, It said the roof because the office is linked by three agencies:1. Pekanbaru City Police2. Riau Provincial Revenue Office3. Prog Pekanbaru city branchWhere the above three agencies together in one system and collaboration processes executed on the building, that provide convenience and improve service to taxpayers. The tax itself is a mandatory contribution to the region owed by private persons or entities that are forced by the law to not get rewarded directly and used for the purposes of the area for the greatest welfare of the people (Act No. 28 of 2009 on local taxes and levies), of understanding shows that people are obliged to contribute to the region, and should the public get quality service. But the fact that the service still have problems, such as local people do not understand that no changes to the existing regulations in Kesamsatan, ecause these changes at any time to change. And the changes are not socialized to people. The purpose of this study was to determine how the quality of public services in terms of annual tax ratification of two-wheeled vehicles in South Pekanbaru SAMSAT office.Concepts that researchers use the theory by Agus Dwiyanto there are several dimensions of services quality are : attitude officers, procedures, time, facilities, service. This research uses descriptive method with qualitative approach. Data obtained though interviews submitted to the informant and then analyzed by researchers. It also collected secondary data relating to the issues under investigation.has not run optimally. There is a weakness-weakness concerning the quality of services such as : The lack of socialization to the community officers about the latest regulations to which they apply and the not fit punctuality in accordance with the existing standart operating procedures, still the tendency of officers to provide services that are not fair to the tax payers.Keywords : The quality, Public Service, Samsat Pekanbaru Selatan.
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 1, No 1: WISUDA FEBRUARI 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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Riau Province is an area that very much has the potential if developedand managed as well as possible then it will be able to increase revenue ( PAD ),particularly in District XIII Koto Kampar Kampar Regency in Minapolitandevelopment. Minapolitan supervision in District XIII Koto Kampar Kampardistrict conducted by the relevant agencies and consortia minapolitan fisheriesdepartment and the evaluation made by the minister of fisheries and marinerepublic of Indonesia every year. With the need for an evaluation of thedevelopment of the Minapolitan then to implement the control program planningin this area Minapolitan for achieving those objectives. But in fact in theimplementation and the work that is not fit for purpose and not runningoptimally so that the process of achieving goals is not running optimally.The aim of this study to see how the implementation of surveillanceMinapolitan in District XIII Koto Kampar Kampar regency and the factors thataffect the implementation of the surveillance. Theoretical concept that is in useis the theory of control, the indicators in this study exspectation, allocation,performance monitoring and correction action.From the results, it can be concluded that the control, or supervision isvery important that the role of the personal who already has the job, and run thesupervisory authority in this case is the Working Group and the Kampar DistrictXIII Koto Kampar District Fisheries Department needs to increase oversightMinapolitan where indigenous factors customs and participation of thecommunity is affected Minapolitan Region Implementation Oversight in DistrictXIII Koto Kampar Kampar regency.Keywords : Minapolitan , region , supervision
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 1, No 1: WISUDA FEBRUARI 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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Emergency Room is one of public organization oriented to service that aims toserve and provide satisfaction to the people, especially on the health aspects. To givesatisfaction to the patient the nurse must provide nursing care in accordance with theexpected expertise and skills possessed by nurse, especially nurse on duty in the ER.Emergency Room care is a service for people who need fast and professionalhandling. Improved service must be made priority Hospitals, especially in theemergency room of the installation in order to create expectations and patientssatisfaction.The are some barriers or obstacles in providing health care to patientsEmergency Room, among others, the low Human Resources owned by the EmergecyRoom in providing health services, lack of health care facilities supporting works,and hospitality workers and the lack labor discipline medical residing in theEmergency Room Bangkinang hospitals in providing health services. In order toovercome barriers or obstacles in providing health care in the Emergency Room then,required quality of health services, which on one hand can satisfy the users of theservices, and on the other hand its implementation procedures in accordance with thecode of ethics and standards that have been set.The concept of the theory is a theory that researchers use health servicesconsisting of available, sustainable, Acceptable and reasonable, easy to archieve, easyto reach and grade. This study used qualitative research methods to the assessment ofdescriptive data. In collecting the data, the researchers used interview thecniques,observation and study literature. By using key informant and the informant as asupplementary source of information.The results of this study indicate that, Customer Satisfaction Analysis OnPublic Service. ( Study case in Bangkinang Hospital Emergency Room ) assessed tobe less, due to the lack of human resources and facilities owned by the HospitalEmergency Room Bangkinang and there are many grievances felt by the customer’sHospital for the lack of service provided by the Emergency Room.Keywords : Satisfaction, Service, Installation Emergency
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 1, No 1: WISUDA FEBRUARI 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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This study was to investigate the performance of the District baseboards Bengkalis and cultural factors influence the organization , leadership style , quality of human resources on the performance of the District Uptown Bengkalis . A general overview of some of the above is based on observations in the field discovered phenomena occur : ( a) . still shows a lack of employee working attitude as an employee does not comply with the existing regulations in the discipline of work and loyalty and dedication this is evidenced by the still quite high absenteeism of employees , ( b ) . still a lack of desire and awareness of employees to do the job execution completion of office in accordance with set targets to support the achievement of the implementation of the organization's work , ( c ) lack of leadership in respect of performance of subordinates and motivate subordinates work .In this study the authors use the concept of the theory according to Mangkunagara ( 2010:13 ) , the factors that affect performance are : capability (ability ) include : ( a) . knowledge (knowledge ) , ( b ) Skill . Motivation ( Motivation ) include : (a ) . Attitude ( Attitude ) , ( b ) . Working situation ( situational )The results showed that Skirting Head Office employee performance is seen from ( 1 ) capability (ability ) is here covers the knowledge and skills of employees where the capabilities of an employee in an organization that includes knowledge and skills or skills and attitudes , emphasizing measurable behavior as an application of the resulting performance , ability Uptown District Office employee is considered to be running pretty well . ( 2 ) Motivation ( motivation) is identical to the attitudes and behavior and the actions performed by the employees in the organization and their work situation .Keywords : Analysis , Performance , Employee
Analisis Kinerja Dinas Koperasi, Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah Kota Pekanbaru (Studi Kasus Pelaksanaan Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi dalam Pembinaan Koperasi di Pekanbaru Hidayat, Roli; Yuliani, Febri
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 1, No 1: WISUDA FEBRUARI 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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Abstract: The Analysis Performance Department of Cooperatives, Micro,Small, and Medium Pekanbaru City (Case Study Implementation Duty andFunction in Development Cooperative in Pekanbaru). This study aims to analyzethe performance of the Department of Cooperatives Pekanbaru SMEs in theimplementation of the main tasks and functions of cooperative development. Theresearcher used quality research with data analys descriptively. In collecting thedata, the researcher user interview thecnique, observation, dan documentation.These results indicate that the performance of the Department of CooperativesSMEs in the implementation of Pekanbaru duties and functions of cooperativedevelopment is still less than optimal. Then there are factors that affectperformance are factors encountered in the field of human resources developmentand the factors that affect the performance of cooperatives CooperativesPekanbaru SMEs in the implementation of the tasks and functions of cooperativedevelopment.Keywords: Performance, Objectives, Standards, Feedback, equipment or meansof Competence, Motive, Opportunity
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 1, No 1: WISUDA FEBRUARI 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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Fee Collection ofMarketAnalysisCikPuanPekanbaruThis study aims todetermine the fee collection is lacking a clear implementation Cik Puan Market Pekanbaru,their contribution to the original income and obstacles faced in the implementation of marketfee collection and efforts to overcome these obstacles.This research is descriptive. The type of data used is primary data sourced from theofficials and officers who are directly addressing the implementation of market fee collectionCik Puan Pekanbaru and secondary data obtained from the literature relating to the title of thethesis. Techniques leverage the data was done by using observation / observation, interviews/ interviews and literature. After the data collected in the subsequent qualitative analysis.Based on the analysis that has been done can be concluded that the implementation of marketfee collection Cik Puan Pekanbaru is the authority and responsibility of the Department ofMarket Pekanbaru City and executed entirely by Cik Puan UPTD Market Pekanbaru No.regulatory regions. 6 In 2012 the collection system directly or ticket.Implementation of fee collection Cik Puan Pekanbaru City Market in the last threeyears running poorly and the achievement of the target is still not stable. Obstaclesencountered in the implementation of market fee collection Cik Puan Pekanbaru include lackof awareness required to pay a levy levy in the market, infrastructure and inadequate marketinfrastructure, and personnel to pick up the less strict in retribution.Keywords: Implementation, Marketfee collection,Traditional Market.
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 1, No 2: WISUDA OKTOBER 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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The many land conflicts in District Tampan making Land Policy for more seriouslyimplemented. Problem of this research is how implementation of policy of Land (Case StudyIn The Land Registration In The District Of The City Tampan Pekanbaru) and factorsinfluencing implementation of the policy. As for becoming intention of this research is toknow implementation of policy of Land (Case Study In The Land Registration In The DistrictOf The City Tampan Pekanbaru) and factors influencing implementation of the policy. Resultof this research indicates that Implementasi implementation of policy of land (Case Study InThe Land Registration In The District Of The City Tampan Pekanbaru) has not, runoptimalfashion. Factors infuencing in implementation of policy this land still lack of socialization togroup of target and lack of knowledge in land registration.Keyword: Policy, Implementation of Policy.
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 1, No 2: WISUDA OKTOBER 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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Camat leadership is someone ability in takes a decision and opinion and get to beimplementation and smooths accomplishment aim of organization. The purpose of thisresearch is to know Camat leadership in carry out his function in Kubu subdiscrit Regency ofRokan Hilir. To know factor that becomes constraint in camat's leadership in carry out herfungtion in Kubu subdiscrit Regency of Rokan Hilir.In this research, Based on theory which interposed by Sondang P. Siagian (2010: 31)that: Chairman as a determiner that will pass in intent accomplishment purpose, chairman asrepresentative and organization spokesman in connection with another organizations,effective communicator, good mediator, effective integrator, rational, objektif and neutral.The research was conducted at subdiscrit of Kubu and the sample of this research is 26person. In the collecting data, the writer used observation, interview and study ofbibliography. This research included in descriptive research.This result of this research are , the fungtion of Camat leadership on subdiscrit of kubu,Regency of Rokan Hilir that is categories not good, because in the implementation and thefunction not able optimum. It was caused by decrease coordination camat in theimplementation his function. One of factor which identifies the resistor camat leadership isfacility, decrease of connection with another organizations, interaction with society,communication, and conflict intervention.Key word: Function, Leadership and Camat
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 1, No 2: WISUDA OKTOBER 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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Supervision means of drug distribution is important to provide protection to consumers against the dangers posed by drugs that are not fit for use anymore, already expired or does not have marketing authorization from the competent authority. The phenomenon in this study is the lack of supervision of BBPOM against drug trafficking without an authorization number on to protect the public from harm resulting from the unauthorized use of the drug. The concept of the theory is that researchers use repressive control by Brantas (2009). This research uses descriptive qualitative method of data collection techniques of observation, interviewing and research informants determined by snowball sampling technique. The samples taken are BBPOM Field Investigation in Pekanbaru.Keywords: Monitoring, Drug Stores, BBPOM
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 1, No 2: WISUDA OKTOBER 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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The need for LPG gas, nowadays, being a very important needs in life, whether in the household or in the bisnis development. Besides decrease in economical, LPG also become one of these targets the government to replace the use of kerosene in society, namely by conversion program of kerosene to LPG 3 kg. for people who low levels of economic and micro businesses. Pekanbaru City, since in 2009, including the carrying out of the program. This distribution of LPG 3 kg gas requires a clear and explicit coordination. The purpose of this research is to find out how coordination in distributing gas LPG 3 kg in the city of Pekanbaru and to know what factors affect coordination in distributing gas LPG 3 kg.In theory Hasibuan, there are 4 (four) indicator of coordination, namely: the division of work, discipline, communication and unity of action.Research method used in this research is research qualitative. With technique done; namely snowball sampling, to key informer on this research is dept. of industry and trade and pertamina and informer appendages is agent LPG 3 kg. And this research result analysis and managed with techniques used.Based on the research that has been conducted, the results of this study indicate that coordination in distributing gas LPG 3 kg has done is still not going well. There are some indicators that are still not walking by the unity which shows that there is coordination. Factors that affect coordination in distributing this is a managerial hierarchy in the distribution mechanisms, procedures and applicable rules and plan and purpose that have been made in the distribution of gas LPG 3 kg.Keywords: Coordination, Distribution, Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Co-Authors ', Adianto Aban, Adnan Abdul Sadad Abimayu Putra Udaya Achmad Pauzi Adek Sutriyah Adianto Adianto Adianto Adianto Adinda Qori T.M Adli Ahmad Adriansyah, Muhammad Afifah Harashta Afrida Br Sianipar AFRIZAL AFRIZAL Afrizal Afrizal Agung Pramudya Agus Dhanang Purnomo Ahmad Jamaan Ahmad Rikal Aldi " Aldian Jatmoko Alfian Saputra Alfiandri Alvin Asfareza Amir Amir Amzul Zuhdi Andi Arifin Siregar Andini Faisal Andrea Reza Permana Andrio Purnama Andriyanto ", Andriyanto Angga Sony A.M. Anton Budhi Dharma Antoni Tamba Apriana " Arfan Dilando. D Arif Hermanto Arini Khairun Nisa Arliliwati " Arturis Tua Florencia As Saffath Alfath Putra Asbeni Mai Fitra Ashfia Durrunafis ASTRID PURBA Aulia Rahman Ayu Oktabriyanti Bella Suci Ramadhani Benny Syofyan Ahmad Betty Cahyani Beza, Mutiara Giyana Chia Pitaloka Cici Malitha Wulandari Cici Permata Edo Darmanto Darmanto Debby Christine, Debby Deby Meilani Dedy Iskandar Delpi Susanti Derry Surya Hamdani Desi Andarwati Desi Novrida Sari Dewi Purwati Dewi Sartika Dewiana " Diana Persari Didik Noviyanto DINA ANGGRAINI Dina Leani Dini Handayani Doan Prayogi Dwi Anggun Chayani DWI YANTI UTARI Eddy Dame Parlindungan Efri Liyan Ega Novita Windari Eka Armas Pailis Eka Putri Zulyani Eka Safitri Elby Rasyid Maladona Syamsudin Elida Sahni Siregar Elita Gusfa Mutari Endang Sulistianingsih Erayuana, Weli Ernalko Ernalko Essy Desmita Fadil Agustiansyah Fahny Agnifa FAJRUL LEPI RIMA Fara Dea Orisa Febby Ramadhian, Febby Febri Dwi Ramayanti Fidya Fadillah Fina Rahmi Saputri Fitria Dwi Sukmawati Fitria Ramadayani Florencia, Arturis Tua Galih Razuna Alghifari Gea Sundariana, Gea Gushilda, Disa Gusti Pratama Putra H, Dian Taruliasi Harapan Tua R. F. S Haryati " Hasbi Ash Shiddiqi Hasby Rabdi Hasim As'ari Hayland Grace Mariata Helsa Oktavia Hendra Hendra Herlin Carolina Heryanto Syahputra Hielda Asmariva Hurul Aini Husein, Pratiwi Rahmamilania Idjang Tjarsono Ikhsan Risniawan Putra Ilham, M. Ima Silfia Purba Iman Perama Indah Sukma Dewi Fatimah Indra Roza Indrawan Indrawan Ivony Adytia Saragih Jenni Nova Yanti Siburian Jenni Novita Juli Asnita Julita, Ami Junita M Saragih Junrian Adhadiansyah, Junrian Kardianto, Dicky Keni Hardiani Kiswanto Kiswanto Kusumawardani, Anindita Lara Miranda Lesda Oktafiani liberti Liny Octavia Lisa Aprilia Lisa Putri Yati Luthfi Himawan Afari M. NAZRI CHAIRUN M. Rahmadi Milenio Qudri M.Y. Tiyas Tinov Madona " Magdalena Purba Marlina " Martia Gustika Martin Edo Parna Masitoh Nursapuri Masrul Ikhsan Maudya Dahniar Maulida Hasanah Mayarni Mayarni Mela Wirga Astika Melisa Wulandary, Melisa Meyzi Herianto Meyzi Heriyanto Muhammad Aldo Saputra MUHAMMAD ILHAM Muhammad Rizki Murniati Murniati Mursalin Mursalin muslimah muslimah MUSTIKA FEBRI HANDAYANI Mutiara Nastasya Nanda Ade Putra Nasriyadi " Natalia Parapat Naufal Mahran Nazaruddin " Nike Ima Elia Limbong, Nike Ima Elia Nora Oktavia Nova Erlina Nova Erlina Nova Riana Novita, Retno Novri Dwi Azmi Nur Astika Nur Laila Meilani Nurdiansyah Nurdiansyah Nurhayati Nabila Nurlaili Husna Nurrahmad Pebriansyah Nurul Aini Arief NURUL HARIYANTI Nuryana " Pamela Satria Graniko Puti Bungsu Putra, Yogie Pratama Putri Cintia Pasza Putri Nilam Sari R. DINI ORBITHA Rahma Hayati Br Tarigan Raihan Sadwirman Raja Akhmad Fadhli Rama Yanti Ramiza Safitri Ratih Amelia, Ratih Redo Pratama Harista Revi Abdullah Rico Purnawandi Pane RIRIS SURYANI RUMAPEA Risky Arya Putri Rissa Amanila Rissa Oktaviana Rizal Ade Saputra Rizan Hasbullah Rizan Hasbullah Rizki Safitri Roli Hidayat Rosa Asmita Limbong Rosnita Rosnita Roza Aprilianti Rudi Hartono Rudy Irawan Rulinawaty Rulinawaty Sahat Pardomuan Simbolon Saipul Al Sukri Saktioto Saktioto Salsa Dila Oktaviani Sarah Ramadona Sari, Bella Etika Sari, Dwi Astuti Purnama Sariyah " Sella Triadi Rahmadani Seno Andri Seno Andri Seno Andri Septia Ningsih Seriahni Haloho Shalsabilla Syahputri Silfahira, Nindiyani Simon Beni Arianto Purba Sinta Aulia Sinta Dwiretno Purwanti Siti Hajar Siti Hazzah Nur Siti Khaeromah Siti Khaeromah Siti Khairun Nikmah Siti Lusiah Siti Nurhaliza Siti Srilestari Sofia Deviana Utami Sondria, Sintary Sri Mutiara Rizki SRI WAHYUNENGSIH Sri Wahyuni Sri Wahyuni Suci Alfioni Suci Andriani Suci Vironika Sudirah Sudirah Sujianto Suryanto Suryanto Susi J. Silaban Syafni Salmarita Syafril Safril Syafrisar Masri Limart Syafrites Indrion Syahputra Syahputra Tami Astari Zulkarnain Taruna Taruna* Teti Febriza Tomi Kristian Tri Wahyuni Valensi Nadia Putri Vatmawati, Mega Octavia VERA WATI FAJRI HS Vicky Harahap Vira Mayang Sari Wahyudi, Egi Fitrah Weni Puji Hastuti Winda Yulianti Masril Windra Arjuni, Windra Wirnasari ", Wirnasari Yanti, Trida Yanto, Yopi Yanuardi " Yesi Nazila Yoel Harianja Yuki Deli A.M Yulaichah, Siti Yuriza Hartika, Yuriza Zaili Rusl Rusli Zaili Rusli Zaili Rusli Zalmi Hidayat Zarfandi, Ardian Zhilli Arsyika, Zhilli Zulfan Heri Zulkarnaini Zulkarnaini Zulkifli Anwar