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Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Distribusi Air Minum Dalam Kemasan Dengan Model Arus Jaringan Pada CV. Sumber Nadi Jaya Perdhana, Angga Agia; Supriyanto, Antok; Sulistiowati, Sulistiowati
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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CV. Sumber Nadi Jaya as one water bottling company in Bali which have many competitors, is still experiencing difficulties in the distribution. Company’s Operational distribution practices is not beneficial because delivery is carried out in the conventional way and based on driver’s experience on the road. This often led to some customers not receiving bottled water gallon or gallon is received does not match the number of gallons for gallons routine because the number of gallon available on the vehicle is run out after distributed on previous customer. This research used a network flow method, because this method can model the distribution pattern of bottled drinking water, where it is in line with the problems discussed in this case the completed information distribution system that regulates the delivery of bottled drinking water to customers, so it can maximize delivery in a single delivery, and minimize the number of customers who do not receive a gallon of bottled drinking water.   Keyword: systems, distribution, bottled drinking water, gallons, CIH
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Administrasi Akademik Siswa Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus : SMA Al-Ma’hadul Islam YAPI) Abidin, Ali Zainal; Lusiani, Titik; Sulistiowati, Sulistiowati
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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Student administration academic information system on web based can provide periodic reports of students´ online activity, whether it be information on grades, attendance, and scores of students who are concerned violations. Yapi is one institution that requires the dormitory system to each student who was educated there. Along with the increased number of students from year to year, Yapi has difficulty in terms of making periodic reports of students. One solution of the problem is the construction of an student administration academic information system that can help Yapi in the process of making periodic reports of students. This system was built on web based using HTML programming language, PHP and Javascript and uses MySQL for the database. This application can help the academics functions in terms of student data storage until the making of periodic reports for students and their parents. This system was built as a means of improving the quality of education in schools as well as easy solutions for the Yapi This system can perform maintenance and management of process data into useful information in making the report periodic students. This system can provide information to the parents of periodic progress reports her son and daughter.   Keywords : YAPI, Academic Information System, PHP
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pengukuran Tingkat Kepuasan Pelanggan Berdasarkan Kualitas Pelayanan E-Government Menggunakan Metode Regresi Danar Yudhistira, Arnoldus Yansen Friska; Wibowo, Januar; Sulistiowati, Sulistiowati
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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In order to measure customer satisfaction levels on giving an e-government services, the government of surabaya needs to design information systems using a modeling of service quality (servqual) wich is based on website. This customer satisfaction information system uses multiple regression test, the statistics test to find the influence of customer satisfaction with quality of e-procurement service of the Surabaya’s Government. The purpose of this study is to provide important information for the head of Bina Program Division and for all of Surabaya civilian as the recipients of services. The data was collected by questionnaire in the form of qualitative data collection. Then it converted into quantitative data using likert scaling techniques. To get the value of the regression coefficient it must be invers using Elementary Row Transformation. To search an independent variables that influence to the dependent variable used by T test. To find the influence of all independent variables on the dependent variable used F Test. R2 is a number in the program showed significant 0.54435348292734 or 54% of customers indicate satisfaction. From the results of F test and T test program finds all the independent variables affected to the dependent variable. Wich is the variable X5 or Tangible dimension greater influence than the others.     Keyword: Information System of Customer Satisfaction Measurement, Multiple Regression Analysis, E-Procurement System of Surabaya‘s Government
Rancang Bangun Sistem Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Kasus Cleaning Section Pt. Ume Sembada Gresik) Rachmawati, Anandya Sofa; Supriyanto, Antok; Sulistiowati, Sulistiowati
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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PT. Ume Sembada Gresik is a company that supplied the field of outsourced labor. The quality of human resources is one of the important factors to improve the productivity of the company´s performance. PT. Ume Sembada Gresik strive to improve the quality of the company to conduct an evaluation / assessment of performance in a way that is still manual. Performance appraisal system needs to be developed in the PT. Ume Sembada Gresik so as to assist in the performance appraisal problems. performance appraisal systems in this company are implemented using the Preference Ranking Organization Method For Enrichment Evaluation (Promethee) as determining the rankings. This method is part of meode Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM). With Promethee methods, assessment of an employee will be assessed taking into account the differences between the criteria for each employee to another employee. Based on the results of the implementation and testing of systems, employee performance appraisal system on PT. Ume Sembada Gresik to result in any employee performance appraisals faster than manual calculation. These results can be demonstrated by the performance appraisal report. Keyword: Performance appraisal, Multiple criteria, Dcision Making, Preference Rangking, Promethee
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Distribusi Air Minum Dalam Kemasan Dengan Model Arus Jaringan Pada CV. Sumber Nadi Jaya Wardhana, Angga Agia; Supriyanto, Antok; Sulistiowati, Sulistiowati
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 2, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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CV. Sumber Nadi Jaya as one water bottling company in Bali which have many competitors, is still experiencing difficulties in the distribution. Company’s Operational distribution practices is not beneficial because delivery is carried out in the conventional way and based on driver’s experience on the road. This often led to some customers not receiving bottled water gallon or gallon is received does not match the number of gallons for gallons routine because the number of gallon available on the vehicle is run out after distributed on previous customer. This research used a network flow method, because this method can model the distribution pattern of bottled drinking water, where it is in line with the problems discussed in this case the completed information distribution system that regulates the delivery of bottled drinking water to customers, so it can maximize delivery in a single delivery, and minimize the number of customers who do not receive a gallon of bottled drinking water.Keywords: systems, distribution, bottled drinking water, gallons, CIH
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 2, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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Abstract: PT. Baba Rafi Indonesia is a fast food franchise company, typical of the Middle East, which is now more widely known. Besides the franchise, PT. Baba Rafi Indonesia also provides raw materials to supply all outlets throughout Indonesia. Warehouse which located in Surabaya can supply approximately 20 outlets. The large number of outlets and demand for raw materials which are uncertain, make the Division of Logistics warehouse in Surabaya often face problems in providing raw material for franchises and outlets. Problems can be solved by use the forecasting application to determine the amount of raw materials that must be provided in Surabaya warehouse. Forecasting application was made from data collection, data preparation, and build application model. Based on the results of data collection, obtained pattern of the data which is tend seasonal and trend so applications forecasting use Exponential Smoothing Winter method. The next phase is implementing and evaluating applications that have been designed, whether running as expected or not. Forecasting application that was created can help Logistics Division to determine the amount of raw materials that must be provided in Surabaya warehouse based on past demand data. Report of forecasting results and list the amount of raw materials that must be purchased is expected to meet the demand for franchise and independent outlets. Keywords: forecasting, demand, exponential smoothing winter
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Pada PT.Lovely Corpin Tour & Travel Surabaya Ayu, Hermawati Tika; Sulistiowati, Sulistiowati; Lemantara, Julianto
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 2, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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Abstract PT. Lovely Corpin Tour & Travel is a company that serving for domestic and international tour including Bali, Manado, Singapore, Bangkok, Thailand, and Malaysia. This company has a problem to analize customer satisfaction level from the strongest until the weakest. It happens because those are so many complaint and questionnaire which filled by customer that haven’t all recapitulated.The problem can be solved by customer statisfaction application to know the level of customer satisfaction from the strongest until the weakest. Customer statisfaction application created by declare the independent and dependent variable. Based on the independent and dependent variable can be found cause and effect so that customer statisfaction application is using multiple linear regression. Next steps are implement and evaluate the application to make sure it run as expected. The result showed that aplication have testing values 100% and fisible. Based on the result of test, aplication using by 65 user, the result service quality factor that effect of customer satisfaction is emphaty factor 58,45%. Keywords: Application Effect Of Analysis Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Multiple Linear Regression.
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Document Management System pada Bagian Persediaan di PT. Indonesia Indah Tobacco Citraniaga Sulaiman, Jeff Edwin; sulistiowati, sulistiowati; maulana, yoppy mirza
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 3, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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PT . Indonesia Indah Tobacco Citraniaga (PT IITC ) is a company engaged in the tobacco industry . Currently, the company is still using a document management system that has not been good. Thats because many approval processes , delivery , storage and retrieval of documents is performed by the manual system. This problem causes a lot of wasted time, there is accumulation of the document file and document approval process is often hampered. Based on these problems , the solutions that can be offered is to design and build a document management system application in the inventory at PT . IITC which can assist users in searching , approving , storing and sending documents. This application can be used to well in the companys internal environment. Results from the testing showed that this application can facilitate the search for documents with full text indexing system and store documents electronically. In addition , this application is able to send documents electronically because of that the courier and fax machines are not needed anymore.Keywords : document management system, application, inventory
Perencanaan Information Technology Service Continuity Management Berdasarkan ITIL V-3 Pada PT Telkom Msc Area V Jawa Timur Sulistiowati, Sulistiowati; Maulana, Yoppy Mirza; Setiawan, Wahyu
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 3, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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Abstract :  Telkom MSC (Maintenance Service Center) is one of the divisions of PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk which its major function is to do an infrastructure maintenance management to the telecommunication devices which is owned by Telkom. In order to perform an infrastructure maintenance management, Telkom MSC divides an area of management into seven parts, namely Area I Sumatra, Area II DKI Jakarta, Area III Jawa Barat, Area IV Jawa Tengah dan DIY, Area V Jawa Timur, Area VI Kalimantan and Area VII Kawasan Timur Indonesia (KTI). So far the process of maintenance and repair performed on PT. Telkom MSC Area V Jawa Timur is limited only refers to a standard work that has been set by management, so that there are few activities which could result in an obstacle. Those activities happened not only in the maintenance process but also at the time the repair process is being done. The problems faced by PT. Telkom MSC Area V Jawa Timur are not yet having standards on the process of what to do at the time or before an obstacle occured in the maintenance and repair processes itself, limited only doing a coordination meeting related to the obstacle that is being/has happened in order to make sure it will not happened in the future. Framework ITIL-V3 used as a reference to draw up a pattern of work which is structured. So that by the presence of this standard will give a clear directives work at the time or before an obstacle occured in the maintenance and repair processes, so that the two processes are able to walk on a sustainable basis. And, it could provide improvement recommendations in a form of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), Instruksi Kerja (IK) and Rekaman Kerja (RK) based on the framework that is concerned with IT Service Continuity Management.
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 3, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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Dewi Sinta Hotel and Restaurant is a hotel in the Tanah Lot Temple area, Bali. Dewi Sinta Hotel and Restaurant is the first hotel in Tanah Lot Temple. This hotel has problem about service quality to customer satisfaction. Dewi Sinta Hotel and Restaurant need tool or application for analyze impact of service quality to customer satisfaction and then solve the problem. The application has quality service dimensions in customer satisfaction questionnaire. This application focus for analyze customer satisfaction questionnaire with multiple linear regression method. This application can result customer characteristic information and impact of service quality to customer satisfaction. The information will help managers for evaluation process about service quality in Dewi Sinta Hotel and Restaurant.
Co-Authors A. B. Tjandrarini Abdillah, Muhammad Hamdani Abdillah, Muhammad Hamdani adrianto, shandi prima yudha Afwan, Moh Agus Dwi Churniawan, Agus Dwi Ajieb, Doni Fitrah Akhmad Rizal, Akhmad alfarisi, muhammad fernando alfarisi, muhammad fernando Alfian Wira Satya Sakti Alfiyanto, Achmad Rizal Alfiyanto, Achmad Rizal Alhabsyi, Muhammad Iqbal Alhabsyi, Muhammad Iqbal Ali Zainal Abidin Ali, Badar Yasifun Alyanto, Reissa Elvira Amirulloh, Nur Amirulloh, Nur Anak Agung Gede Sugianthara Anandya Sofa Rachmawati Andari, Yuli Setiyo Suryo Andari, Yuli Setiyo Suryo Andriyanti, Emma Mery Angga Agia Perdhana Angga Agia Wardhana Anggara, Yusuf Bagus Anindya, Nurvina Leila Anindya, Nurvina Leila Annisa, Cyntia Al Antok Supriyanto Ardi Widegdo, Riko Tri Ardi Widegdo, Riko Tri Arif Rahman Arnoldus Yansen Friska Danar Yudhistira astutik, ayu Ayouvi Poerna Wardhanie Bachtiar, Archam Ali Bachtiar, Archam Ali Barbara, Ganimeda Agatha Barbara, Ganimeda Agatha Binawati, Lilis Cahyo, Fachreza Ilham Dwi Christavian, Yosua Christavian, Yosua Chusnina, Ulinnuha Jaza Darmanto, I Made Budi Darmanto, I Made Budi Denianto, Farid deta, Bernadete Deviera, Mawarizka Dewantara, Billy Dewantara, Billy Dhany, Umar Diaz, Dody Cipta Pratama Diaz, Dody Cipta Pratama Edy Prasetyo Erisaputra, Purba Ernanto, Nikolas Baru Ernanto, Nikolas Baru Erwin Saputra Erwin Sutomo Fahmi, Ikmal Fahmi, Ikmal farid, muchammad Febrian Nanda Pratama Fildananto, Asdi Atmin Fildananto, Asdi Atmin Fithri, rifatul Fithri, rifatul Frastyawan, Nyoman Frastyawan, Nyoman Ginanda, Mohamad Ardan Ginanda, Mohamad Ardan Godzallez, Noel Nicolaz Guntoro, Radix Ardi Guntoro, Radix Ardi Hadi, Andhika Pratama Hadi, Andhika Pratama Haditio, A.R. Bagas Danang Haditio, A.R. Bagas Danang Hantoro, Yomanda Maulana Hantoro, Yomanda Maulana Hardjito, Faisal Rachman Hardjito, Faisal Rachman Henry Bambang Setyawan Hermawati Tika Ayu Huda, Maghvirul Huda, Maghvirul Huda, Muchlis Alkhoiruli I DEWA GEDE DIRGA NEGARA Idris, Mochamad Rifai Ifani, Ika Sustianing Ifani, Ika Sustianing Ignatius Adrian Mastan Indrawati, Yuni Indrawati, Yuni Irfandi, Bagus Jamalludin, Alhidayah Januar Wibowo Jeff Edwin Sulaiman Julianto Lemantara Junaidi, Fajjrul Junaidi, Fajjrul Juniarti, Ni Nyoman Swastika Juniarti, Ni Nyoman Swastika Jusak Irawan Ketut Tirtayasa Khalilur Rahman Khurrosidin, Mifta Kurniawan, Candra Dwi Putra Kurniawan, Johanes Aditya Kurniawan, Johanes Aditya Kurniawan, Ramdhani Lementara, Julianto Lementara, Julianto Luci Anna Lumban Gaol Mahendra, Abner Mahendra, Abner Marselia, Selly Mastan, Iqnatius Adrian Mastan, Iqnatius Adrian Mirajtannia Perwita Sari Mochammad Arifin Mohammad Al Hafidz, Mohammad Al Mudianto, Nurmalis Mudianto, Nurmalis Navyca, Leza Risti Navyca, Leza Risti Nawazirul Lubis NEGARA, I DEWA GEDE DIRGA Ningsih, Norma Novia, Taradiva Novia, Taradiva Novrianto, Yason Nugroho, Oktavianus Eko Pambudi Adi Nugroho, Oktavianus Eko Pambudi Adi Nurhasan Ismail Nurli, Fajriyan Nurli, Fajriyan Nursusanto, Edy Pambudi, Dwi Prasetyo Pambudi, Dwi Prasetyo panji pratama Pantjawati Sudarmaningtyas Prabawa, I Gusti Ngurah Gandhi Prabowo, Andi Prabowo, Yoedo Prabowo, Yoedo Pradhana, Angga Yudha Pradhana, Angga Yudha Prasetiyo, Helko Prasetiyo, Helko Puspasari, Lilia Puspita Kartikasari Putra, Andri Pratama Putra, Andri Pratama putra, dicky eka putra, ekky Anugrah putra, ekky Anugrah Putra, Sabdo Wicaksono Putra, Septian Dwi Kusuma Putra, Septian Dwi Kusuma Qoumuddin, Agil Rijal Rafsanjani, M. Ghozali Rahardhi, Ignatius Raharjo, Anggi Prasetyo Wahyu Raharjo, Anggi Prasetyo Wahyu Rahmadi, Dimas Agung Rahmadi, Dimas Agung Rahman, Luky Rahman, Luky Rahmawati, Endra Ramadhani, Muchammad Andinouval Ramadhani, Muchammad Andinouval Ridho Denanda Putra Rizkiyanto, Ainur Kholis Rizkiyanto, Ainur Kholis rohim, mohammad syahadatul Romdhoni, Muchamad Alip Romdhoni, Muchamad Alip Romeo Romeo Rosalina, Heni Rudi Santoso, Rudi Sadewo, ferdyo Arie Sadewo, ferdyo Arie Salam, Achmad Febriyan Salay, Yudiyanto Salay, Yudiyanto Sanjaya, Shigit Hussein Sanjaya, Shigit Hussein Santi, Lintang Sekar Santi, Lintang Sekar Saputra, Rizki Aditya Saputra, Taufan Oki Saputra, Taufan Oki Sari Listyorini Sari, Dhya Sari, Dhya Sasmita, Whika Yudha Sasmita, Whika Yudha Setiawan, Hendra Prasetya Putra Setiawan, Hendra Prasetya Putra Setio Budi, Lukman Arie Setyahadi, Muhammad Fakhrizal Sri Suhandiah Subiantara, Dany Subiantara, Dany Suganda, Rizal Pratama Suhalim, Wardah Lucianna Suhalim, Wardah Lucianna Suharto, Octavianus Sulistiowati . Supriyanto, Supriyanto Supriyanto, Supriyanto Susanto, Tri Rudy Tan Amelia Taufiq El Rahman Tegar Heru Susilo Titik Lusiani Tony Soebijono Triamukti, M. Adam Triamukti, M. Adam Trimaryanto, Bambang Trimaryanto, Bambang Triswari, Citra Adjeng Tutut Wurijanto utama, Caraka prasetya utama, Caraka prasetya Utama, Widya Satria Vivine Nurcahyawati Wahyu Setiawan Wahyudi, Ikhsan Pratama Wahyuningtyas, Nunuk Weny Indah Kusumawati Wicaksono, Arif Wicaksono, Arif Wicaksono, Faizal Try Wicaksono, Faizal Try Widya, Laras Tilottama Widya, Laras Tilottama Wijaya, Farid Ardi Wikrama, Pramudya Wikrama, Pramudya Wildan Wildan Wulandari, Sri Hariani Eko Yoppy Mirza Maulana Yusro, Mochamad Ponco Zulkarami, Refi