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Kompetensi Sebagai Pemediasi Pengaruh Pelatihan dan Motivasi terhadap Produktivitas Pegawai Nadya Kariza; Anita Maharani; Rahmat Budiman
Jurnal Manajemen (Edisi Elektronik) Vol 13, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Manajemen (Edisi Elektronik)
Publisher : Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32832/jm-uika.v13i1.5970


The goal of this research was to determine the influence of training and motivation on productivity, supposing that competence acts as a mediator. A variety of literatures are reviewed, including those on topics such as competence, training, motivation, and productivity, and a number of past studies are cited to demonstrate the relevance of connecting the aspects thought to effect employee productivity. This research employs a quantitative method with the Ministry of Education and Culture, subsequently referred to as Kemendikbud, in the general bureau and the purchase of goods and services as the subject of study. This study employs a structural model, which leads in a variety of research findings, including the following: training has been shown to impact competence, and competence has been shown to effect production. Then, using competence as a mediator of the influence of training on production, got findings.
BIMBINGAN TEKNIS PEMBUATAN KUESIONER UNTUK PENELITIAN DOSEN PEMULA Maximus Gorky Sembiring; Rahmat Budiman; Sri Wahyu Krida Sakti; Andriyansah Andriyansah; Erman Arif; Fatia Fatimah; Widya Rizky Pratiwi
Martabe : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 6, No 5 (2023): martabe : jurnal pengabdian kepada masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31604/jpm.v6i5.1714-1721


Dalam impelemntasi tridharma Perguruan Tinggi, dosen dituntut untuk mempublikasikan hasil risetnya. Sehingga, untuk mencapai standart kualitas dan kuantitas publikasi, diperlukan bimbingan teknis  dan pelatihan terkait salah satu instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner bagi dosen pemula. Bimbingan teknis ini dapat membantu dosen pemula memetakan riset dan membuat peta jalan riset hingga dosen mencapai jabatan fungsional Guru Besar. Bimbingan teknis ini mendorong untuk para dosen pemula memiliki keterampilan dalam membuat perangkat penelitian kuesioner karena dengan kuesioner peneliti dapat menggali hal-hal yang tidak terpantau saat observasi. Pelatihan sekaligus bimbingan teknis pembuatan kuesioner ini dilaksanakan dalam Forum Group Discussion (FGD) yang konten pertemuannya bermuatan diskusi kelompok  dengan peserta yang dipilih secara khusus dan bersedia mengikuti bimbingan pembuatan kuesioner bagi mereka yang baru berstatus sebagai tenaga pengajar atau dosen pemula. Kegiatan tela dilaksanakan pada tanggal 26 Mei hingga 28 Mei 2023 bertempat di Jakarta Selatan. Tahapan Pelaksanaan yaitu sharing terkait fungsi, tujuan, manfaat kuesioner oleh pakar, tanya-jawab antara pakar dan peserta terkait materi, praktik pembuatan form kuesioner untuk beberapa metode penelitian oleh peserta, prensentasi terkait kuesioner yang telah dibuat peserta, perserta berdiskusi dengan sesama peserta untuk saling memberikan masukan, dan pakar memberikan masukan terkait kuesioner yang telah dibuat oleh peserta. Beberapa materi bimbingan yang dijelaskan yaitu teknik membuat kuesioner dapat disusun berdasarkan urutan pertanyaan dengan sesuai kebutuhan penelitian. Peneliti diarahkan untuk membuat pertanyaan yang mudah dan sederhana. Disarankan peneliti untuk tidak  membangun relasi terlalu jauh, namun perlu  membangun kepercayaan agar  responden bersedia untuk memberikan jawaban, pertanyaan atau pernyataan kuesioner dikembangkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan penelitian, kuesioner mencakup identitas peserta jika dibutuhkan. Selain materi bimbingan terkait teknik pembuatan kuesioner yang baik, pemateri juga mengajarkan teknik pembuat kuesioner secara elektronik yang dapat memudahkan peneliti. Sebagai catatan, Pembuatan kuesioner sebelum sampai kepada responden sebaiknya diuji cobakan atau ditelaah oleh rekan sejawat untuk dapat memastikan bahwa bahasa dan maknanya dapat dipahami oleh banyak orang.
The Potential of Promotional Media as A Marketing Instrument for Open and Distance Higher Education: A Segmentation Study Rahmat Budiman; Gunawan Wiradharma; Meirani Harsasi; Kurnia Endah Riana; Yasir Riady
JMKSP (Jurnal Manajemen, Kepemimpinan, dan Supervisi Pendidikan) Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): JMKSP (Jurnal Manajemen, Kepemimpinan, dan Supervisi Pendidikan)
Publisher : Graduate Program Magister Manajemen Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31851/jmksp.v8i1.12708


This research identifies market segments among university students based on media promotion usage. It examines the impact of media promotions on the choice of programs and institutions of open and distance university institutions. This study used a quantitative methodology, and the population studied consisted of all currently enrolled Universitas Terbuka students throughout Indonesia, with a total sample of 2,250 people. In this research, market segmentation has been carried out using the cluster method, which includes demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioral segments. The demographic segment that is assessed age and gender of students, recent graduates, and income; The geographic segment is mapped to the origin of the UT regional offices; the psychographic segment includes reasons for studying and choosing UT; and the behavioral segment from which information is first and most effective. This research implies that the results can be used as a reference in supporting higher education promotion. The Novelty of this study is that no other studies have compared the potential of promotional media as a marketing instrument for open and distance higher education.
Penggunaan Media Pemasaran Pada Mahasiswa Perguruan Tinggi Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh Di Indonesia Gunawan Wiradharma; Melisa Arisanty; Rahmat Budiman; Mario Aditya Prasetyo
Jurnal Nusantara Aplikasi Manajemen Bisnis Vol 8 No 2 (2023): Jurnal NUSAMBA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29407/nusamba.v8i2.19518


Research aim: This study aimed to determine the preferences of marketing media used by UT students according to demographic characteristics. Design/Methode/Approach: This study uses a quantitative approach with survey methods through convenience sampling with non-probability techniques. This study distributed the questionnaire link and obtained respondents from as many as 6.155 UT students in Indonesia and abroad. The results of this study are the marketing media used by UT students based on demographic characteristics, namely age, gender, region of origin, and occupation using cross-tabulation analysis. Research Finding: The formulation of the research problem is how the demographic characteristics and cross-tabulation of the use of marketing media used by UT students. Theoretical contribution/Originality: In addition, the various choices of communication media encourage audiences to use communication media to meet their needs. Before determining this strategy, UT needs to know the marketing media used by students when they search for and obtain information about the open and distance higher education system. Practitionel/Policy implication: The implication of this research is the first step in making marketing and promotion strategies and knowing the effective and efficient use of marketing media. Research limitation: Students at Universitas Terbuka have different characteristics from those at other institutions, which can be seen in demography, geography, psychography, and behavior. To increase the Gross Enrollment Rate for Higher Education, UT has a target of one million students in 2024, so a planned, effective, and efficient marketing and promotion strategy is needed, as well as on target.
Social Media Performance Study of Open and Distance State University Gunawan Wiradharma; Rahmat Budiman; Dwi Rahmawati; Kurnia Endah Riana; Meirani Harsasi
KOMUNIKA Vol. 10 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Komunika
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22236/komunika.v10i2.10617


There are differences in the management of social media at universities that run open and distance higher education systems, such as the Open University. There is an official university account managed by the head office and an official account for unit offices located in the regions. Social media managers must implement effective measures to serve and meet the needs of their stakeholders. The formulation of the problem in this study is how is the performance of social media at the head office and units at the Open University? Socialbakers' professional social media analysis tool is used to monitor social media activity from selected Instagram accounts, namely @univterbuka, @ut_jakarta, @ut.bandung, and @ut.surabaya. This study analyzes the engagement, visual content, copywriting, and content pillars of the account. The results of this study obtain strategies for managing social media at open and distance universities.
Evaluation of Socialization and Promotion Activities at Open and Distance State University Rahmat Budiman; Gunawan Wiradharma; Meirani Harsasi; Kurnia Endah Riana; Yasir Riady
Journal of Social Work and Science Education Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Social Work and Science Education
Publisher : Yayasan Sembilan Pemuda Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52690/jswse.v4i3.464


Promotional activities are essential to offer special programs so it would be more valuable for the community towards the university. Promotion is one of the determining factors for the success of a marketing program in universities. This study aimed to describe how open and distance institution carries out promotional activities. Therefore, it can be seen as a promotional activity that effectively increases the number of new students. The research methodology used was descriptive qualitative. The data collection technique was carried out by in-depth interviews. This research was conducted online and offline in regional offices of Mataram, Denpasar, Malang, Bandung, Semarang, Ambon, Manado, Makassar, Jakarta, Majene, and Lampung. This study evaluated promotional activities that can be used as input for further promotional activities. Socialization and promotion activities at open and distance institution affect the increase in the number of students, and several things, such as population, presence of competitors, and condition of the community, influence addition.