Sumariyah Sumariyah
Departemen Fisika, Fakultas Sains Dan Matematika, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang

Published : 28 Documents Claim Missing Document
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PEMBANGKITAN LUCUTAN PIJAR KORONA NEGATIF PADA KONDISI ATMOSFER DAN PENGARUHNYA TERHADAP RESAPAN AIR PADA KAIN KATUN DAN POLIESTER GREY Muhlisin, Zaenul; Prastiwi, Dhyan; Darliawati, Herli; Tayibnapis, Achmad Sjaifudin; Arianto, Fajar; Wardaya, Asep Yoyo; Sumariyah, Sumariyah; Nur, Muhammad
Arena Tekstil Vol 32, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Arena Tekstil

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Pada penelitian ini akan diungkapkan tentang lucutan korona negatif pada kondisi atmosfer dan bagaimana pengaruhnya terhadap sifat resapan air di kain poliester grey. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membandingkan pembangkitan lucutan pijar korona negatif dengan dua jenis elektroda yang berbeda geometri dan mengamati sifat serapan air pada kain poliester grey yang telah diiradiasi dengan lucutan ini. Pembangkitan lucutan korona negatif pada kondisi atmosfer ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua jenis geometri elektroda, yaitu elektroda titik-bidang dan elektroda garis-bidang. Elektroda titik maupun garis diperlakukan sebagai katoda dan elektroda bidang diperlakukan sebagai elektroda anoda. Pengukuran beda potensial dan arus menggunakan multimeter digital. Iradiasi kain dilakukan dengan menempatkan kain katun maupun poliester pada elektroda bidang. Uji tetes dilakukan untuk mendapatkan karakter serapan air terhadap kain yang telah diiradiasi. Lucutan yang dibangkitkan pada kondisi atmosfer akan meningkat arusnya ketika diberi penambahan tegangan. Karakteristik lucutan saat kain berada anoda sedikit berbeda bila dibandingkan tanpa adanya kain, namun pola lucutan masih relatif sama. Pada uji tetes menunjukkan bahwa lucutan korona negatif pada kain poliester maupun katun berpengaruh pada penurunan waktu serap. Selain itu, durasi iradiasi terhadap kain sangat berpengaruh terhadap penurunan waktu serap air di kain katun maupun poliester. Penurunan mencolok terlihat pada kain poliester grey dimana sebelumnya 16 detik menjadi kurang dari 2 detik.
BERKALA FISIKA Vol 14, No 1 (2011): Berkala Fisika

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It has been designed a mechanical equipment what could moving rotate each 45° and moving up and down betake to sensor hole, that be drive by two stepper motors. The operation of both stepper motors use Turbo Pascal language programming 5.5 version. The mechanical equipment could be operated in a automatically that is for moved the object rotate each 45° then the object betake down aim sensor hole and execute detection the object so after detected then the object move ascend aim first position. Result of using this mechanical equipment was have appearing result from detection object be automatically that is amounting to eight objects.   Keyword : PC, stepper motors, object rotate.
Rancang Bangun Prototipe Alat Pres Tahu Otomatis Berbasis Mikrokontroler Sumariyah, Sumariyah
BERKALA FISIKA Vol 10, No 4 (2007): Berkala Fisika

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An automatic tahu pressing device prototype that controlled by AT89C51 has been made. The tahu pressing is completed by  the cast with 15 cm length, 10 cm width  and  2,5 cm high. A microcontroller controlled stepper motors move used to make the desiserd shifting of the pressing thickness. One was used to move a conveyor deliver the tahu to be pressed and another to press the tahu itself. The pressing was done by setting the DL value to yield strain. Stepper motors’ step angle was reduced using a gear combination which results in a 0,270 per step. Each stepper motor yields  0,005 mm shifting of the rotating mechanics The prototype of an automatic tahu pressing device that controlled by microcontroller AT89C has done properly, that is automatically pressing tahu according desired  thickness.
BERKALA FISIKA Vol 22, No 1 (2019): Berkala Fisika Vol. 22 No. 1 Tahun 2019

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The design of PID (Proportional Integral Derivatives) control system has performed for DC light intensity using an Arduino Uno microcontroller. This research aims to create a DC light intensity control system automatically using Arduino Uno, test the design light intensity control system using PID control and test the stability response of the light intensity control system before and after being given interference in the form of obstructions and external light. The method used in this research is Ziegler-Nichols 1 method to obtain the PID constant. The BH1750 sensor is converted to a digital signal by the BH1750 converter and transmitted to the Arduino Uno microcontroller chip via the I2C interface. The PID constant resulting from the Ziegler-Nichol method approach is used for the experimental approach to manual tuning and determining the cycle of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). The results of this research obtained 82,42% system accuracy and PID constant, is KP = 0,1; KI = 2,0 andKD = 0,00000102. The built-in lamp light intensity control system is able to stabilize due to interference in an average time of 1 second at 400 lx setpoint.Keywords : BH1750, DC lights, microcontroler, PID, PWM
Ozone Generator by Using Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Technology With Spiral-Cylinder Configuration: Comparison Between Oxygen and Air As Sources Nur, Muhammad; Supriati, Aris; Hari Setyaningrum, Dyah; Gunawan, Gunawan; Munir, Mohammad; Sumariyah, Sumariyah
BERKALA FISIKA Vol 12, No 2 (2009): Berkala Fisika

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The ozone generator with Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Technology (DBDPT) with Spiral-cylinder configuration has been developed. DBDP Reactor was constructed with spiral wire and cylinder. Plasma condition has been generated by using AC high voltage Ozone has been produced by this technology with oxygen and dry air as sources for ozone generating. In this research we found that the concentration of ozone produced increases with increasing voltage with a time constant. This concentration also increases with increasing time in certain applied voltage. Ozone concentration was higher than the concentration of dissolved ozone in water. Dissolved ozone in water was only 10 % of ozone produced and only 7 % for dry air as source. Oxygen as source of ozone was better than dry air; both for ozone produced and dissolved ozone in water.   Keyword : Ozone, Spiral-cylinder, DBDP, Oxygen, Dry air
Variasi Nilai Eksposi Aturan 15 Persen pada Radiografi Menggunakan Imaging Plate untuk Mendapatkan Kontras Tertinggi Sartinah, Sartinah; Sumariyah, Sumariyah; Ketut Umiati, N. Ayu
BERKALA FISIKA Vol 11, No 2 (2008): Berkala Fisika

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The study about implementation of 15 % rule for getting the highest contrast of radiograph from Computed Radiography has been done.Computed Radiography that has been used in this research was Diagnost 65 Equipment with Step wedge as object, Imaging Plate as the storage system of digital data that will be treated to become image. Diagnost 65 Computed Radiography was operated with exposure factors such as;  50 kV/80 mAs, 60 kV/40mAs, 80 kV/10 mAs, 100 kV/2.5 mAs and 110 kV/1.25 mAs with plus and minus variation of  15 % voltage. Print out Radiograph by using Laser Printer was measured its densities by using densitometer. Value of densities and contras of exposure standard were compared with value of densities and contras of exposure with plus and minus variation of 15 % rule. By using contras obtained, the highest contrast was identified.The Results research show trend of densities value; its increase thick step wedge hence the density is smaller and increase thin step wedge hence the ever greater density. Highest radiograph contrast value got at various value exposure with voltage drop of tube 15% with twice of the current was multiplied the time. From this research yielded spread implementation of 15 % rule for computed radiography at various the exposure factors 60 kV-110kV. Keywords: 15%-rule, radiograph contrast
BERKALA FISIKA Vol 22, No 2 (2019): Berkala Fisika Vol. 22 No. 2 Tahun 2019

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The aim of this research was to realize a design of a temperature control system with the proportional-integral-differential (PID) based on the Arduino Uno microcontroller, and toanalyz e the PID to the system. The PID control method was designed by identifying plants using the Ziegler-Nichols method to determine PID parameters consisting of proportional constant (Kp), integral constant (Ti), and differential determination constant (Td). Hardware design consisted of the Arduino Uno microcontroller which is open source with PID and pulse width modulation (PWM), and it can be control with feedback in the form of temperature sensors, AC lamp generators, and AC dimmer lamps. The system was implemented using C language with Arduino IDE software. The system can be done at the best stability point with a value of Kp = 0.015, Ti = 101.52, Td = 25.38. The three parameters have their respective functions, i.e. Kp is used to small error detector, Ti is to back-up system in order to work around the set-point, and Td is to speed up the system rate.Keywords: PID, temperature, Ziegler-Nichols method, Arduino Uno
Rancang Bangun Detektor Gerak Menggunakan Infra Merah Dengan Memanfaatkan Layanan Sms Pada Telepon Seluler Berbasis Mikrokontroler AT89S52 Widiyatmoko, Anjar; Sumariyah, Sumariyah
BERKALA FISIKA Vol 12, No 1 (2009): Berkala Fisika

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A infrared movement detector using Short Message Service based on AT89S52 microcontroller has been designed and realized. The detector can be used for monitoring any passing object in the room. This research can be used to detect up to four object in the different room. The detector was consisted one control station and one receiver station. The control station used four couple of infrared transmitter and receiver. The receiver station of mobile station was used to receive message from control station. This detector was consisted of hardware and software. The hardware was designed with infrared transmitter, an 38 kHz infrared sensor, an op-amp comparator  used to compare infrared sensor output voltage. The Transmitter emitted infrared ray and received by  sensor. Any moving object passed between them producing the output voltage of infrared receiver  change and  proceed to comparator resulting high output. This high output signal used as trigger event to running sending message procedure. And the designed software for microcontroler was written in C language. The research showed the passed object passed infrared transmitter can be detected is received and the SMS by mobile station is matched  as the location of passing object through the infrared sensor.   Keywords: Short Message Service, Microcontroller, Infrared
LINIERISASI KELUARAN PENCATU DAYA MENGGUNAKAN KOMPUTER Sumariyah, Sumariyah; Endro Suseno, Jatmiko; Arimono, Ibnu
BERKALA FISIKA Vol 9, No 2 (2006): Berkala Fisika

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A power supply with linier output voltage that controlled by computer has been made. The range of output power supply is +2 until +16 volt.             For providing a voltage with a linier output by turning around the potentiometer in the power supply. The potentiometer is turned around by motor stepper that controlled by computer. The step angle of motor stepper is reduced by the gear combination with transmission ratio 59:26. Step angle reduction for mechanical rotate movement are 0.8° per step and with rising of the output power supply 0.1 volt per step.             This system had been realized and can work with voltage that we want and output voltage have a tolerance 0.06
Rancang Bangun Sistem Pengukur Konduktivitas Larutan Elektrolit Menggunakan Mikrokontroler AT89C51 Sumariyah, Sumariyah; Yulianto, Tony; Priyono, Jumadi
BERKALA FISIKA Vol 9, No 3 (2006): Berkala Fisika

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A system of electrolyte conductivity measurement has been designed and realized using microcontroller AT89C51. The system run at the frequency 2.5 Mhz. The adventage of the system is conductivity sensor placed outside the sample liquid. The input of system is NaCl concentration  and the output is conductivity value.The hardware of this system is built by a conductivity sensor, oscillator      XR-2206, a frequency synthesizer IC CMOS 4046, an operational amplifier LM358, an analog to digital converter ADC 0804, a liquid crystal display Seiko M1632, and a microcontroller AT89C51. To control this electrolyte liquid conductivity measurement was used macro assembler machine language.The results of the experiment show that the test of variable oscillator function has linear regression equation Y = 0.56 X + 1.96, amplification of LM358 amplifier test is 3.39 and has linear regression equation Y = 3.28 X + 0.05, ADC0804 conversion function has linear regression equation Y = 51.29 X + 9.97. The test of measurement system was sown that instrument able to measure NaCl conductivity from 0.2 M until  2.0 M with linear regression equation  Y =  67,63x + 6,37.