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Analysis of the Potential of Beef Cattle Business Development in Indramayu District Perwitasari, Fitri Dian; Putra, Ahmad Romadhoni Surya; Suwignyo, Bambang; Widiati, Rini
ANIMAL PRODUCTION Vol. 23 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Jenderal Soedirman University in associate with Animal Scientist Society of Indonesia (ISPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.jap.2021.23.2.86


This study aimed to analyze the potential for cattle business development in Indramayu Regency. The research locations selected using purposive sampling method were based on the following criteria: (1) Indramayu Regency is the 2nd largest rice producers in the Province of West Java, (2) The area covers 2,099.42 km2 based on secondary data obtained from BPS Indramayu Regency in numbers and (3) The area of agricultural land is still larger than the area of resident housing. The data analysis method used the carrying capacity index (IDD) and Location Question (LQ) analysis formulas. The data were processed and explained descriptively. The results of this study resulted in carrying capacity values consisting of 3 patterns, namely the highest carrying capacity value > 20,000 AU (Gantar and Terisi). Medium carrying capacity value > 10,000 AU (Cikedung and Gabuswetan). Low value carrying capacity 5.000-10.000 AU (Haurgelis, Suyeg, Juntiyuat, Bongdua, Kertasemaya, Patrol, Kedokanbunder and Sindang). The results of the analysis of IDD > 2 there are 12 sub-districts, meaning that based on the availability of forage feed from agricultural land, it is included in the safe category to increase the population of beef cattle. The potential for beef cattle development in Indramayu Regency needs to be prioritized in 12 sub-districts with LQ > 1 and IDD > 2 accompanied by government policies to support investment in livestock marketing facilities and infrastructure for smallholders.
Dampak Pemanfaatan Biogas pada Rumah Tangga Petani di Kabupaten Boyolali Surya Putra, Ahmad Romadhoni; Widodo, Widodo; Suparno, Nano
Berdikari: Jurnal Inovasi dan Penerapan Ipteks Vol 7, No 1 (2019): February
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/bdr.7153


This study aims to measure the impacts of biogas utilization in farmer’s household scale in Boyolali Regency. The survey toward 67 respondents of famer’s households in Samiran Village, Selo Subdistrict and Sruni Village, Musuk Subdistrict in Boyolali Regency were involved purposively. The farmer’s household involved in this study were the owners of biogas in household scale. For respondents having no biogas, it was required that they had known biogas in household scale. The data were analyzed using the impact evaluation model with Propensity Score Matching approach. The Treatment Effect Analysis shows that the biogas utilization in farmer’s household scale has significant impact on the decrease of Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) usage reaching until 2.54 kg/ month. Nevertheless, the impact on the firewood and organic fertilizer usage is insignificant. Through this study, it can be concluded that the utilization of household biogas among farmers has a significant impact on of the Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) usage.
Kemandirian Peternak Sapi Perah Anggota Koperasi Susu Warga Mulya Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Endang Sulastri; F. Trisakti Haryadi; Budi Guntoro; Siti Andarwati; Ahmad Romadhoni Surya Putra
Jurnal Kawistara Vol 11, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/kawistara.v11i3.69331


Kemandirian menjadi isu penting bagi komunitas peternak di Indonesia. Dalam hal ini akan dibahas dalam kasus proses peningkatan produksi susu berkualitas dan pengembangan peternakan sapi perah di Indonesia. Produksi susu dalam negeri di Indonesia masih belum memenuhi jumlah permintaan pasar hingga, hal ini mengakibatkan ketergantungan atas impor susu masih cukup tinggi. Oleh karena itu, tuntutan Industri Pengolahan Susu (IPS) mengharuskan peternak untuk meningkatkan produksi dan juga kualitas susu yang dihasilkan menjadi tema penting dalam pembahasan dan analisis penelitian ini. Fokus perhatian dalam penelitian menekankan pada isu kemandirian peternak. Penelitian ini akan menganalisis berdasarkan indikator pengambilan keputusan, kreativitas dan solusi pemecahan masalah. Secara khusus, penelitian ini menganalisis tingkat kemandirian peternak anggota koperasi dan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang kemandirian peternak. Penelitian menggunakan metode survey dengan jumlah sampel 52 peternak anggota Koperasi Susu Warga Mulya. Kemandirian peternak dianalisis dengan menggunakan skor, sementara untuk mengetahui pengaruh umur, pendidikan, kepemilikan betina produktif dan pengalaman beternak terhadap kemandirian peternak sapi perah dilakukan uji regresi. Studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa peternak yang tergabung dalam Koperasi Susu Warga Mulya mayoritas memiliki kemandirian dalam kategori sedang. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, dapat dijelaskan bahwa peternak memiliki kemandirian yang cukup dalam menjalankan usahanya. Meskipun demikian, peternak masih memiliki kendala besar terkait pengambilan keputusan penetapan harga jual susu. Hal ini dikarenakan peternak tidak memiliki kemandirian untuk menentukan harga jual susu.  
Strategi Implementasi Kebijakan Pemerintah pada Manajemen Rantai Pasokan Ayam Broiler di Indonesia Ismatullah Salim; Suci Paramitasari Syahlani; Ahmad Romadhoni Surya Putra
Jurnal Agro Ekonomi Vol 38, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Agro Ekonomi
Publisher : Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jae.v38n2.2020.77-90


EnglishThe broiler chicken industry has become an agribusiness industry that has supply chain components from upstream to downstream. However, in its implementation, several obstacles were found, such as price fluctuations and the availability of inputs and outputs. This study aimed to identify the government policy implementation strategy in managing the supply chain of the broiler chicken industry. The Analysis Hierarchy Process was used to get the priority issues. The data was obtained by interviewing 25 respondents which were selected purposively consisting of policy makers and business actors in September 2021. Dimensions of criteria hierarchy are prepared based on the Minister of Agriculture Regulation No 32/2017. Dimensions of the alternative strategy hierarchy are based on in-depth interviews with broiler chicken stakeholders. The results showed the priority in the criteria hierarchy was supervision management by 0.4342 and for the alternative strategy hierarchy was a competitiveness support strategy policy of 0.184. The government as the policy maker must ensure that supervision management in the broiler chicken supply chain can be well conducted. Competitiveness policy support strategies in the business of broiler chickens are needed by every business actor to provide added value in every business activity and ready to compete globally.IndonesianIndustri ayam broiler telah menjadi industri agribisnis yang memiliki rantai pasok terpadu dari sektor hulu hingga hilir. Namun, dalam realitas masih ditemukan beberapa masalah seperti fluktuasi harga dan ketersediaan input maupun output. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan dan mengidentifikasi strategi implementasi intervensi kebijakan pemerintah dalam manajemen rantai pasokan industri ayam broiler. Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP) digunakan untuk mendapatkan isu-isu prioritas dalam intervensi kebijakan pemerintah dalam industri ayam broiler. Data diperoleh dengan mewawancarai sebanyak 25 orang responden terdiri dari pengambil kebijakan dan pelaku usaha yang dipilih secara purposif pada September 2019. Dimensi hierarki kriteria disusun berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Pertanian Nomor 32 Tahun 2017. Dimensi hierarki alternatif strategi disusun berdasarkan wawancara mendalam dengan para stakeholder ayam broiler. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prioritas pada hierarki kriteria adalah manajemen pengawasan sebesar 0,4342 dan untuk hierarki alternatif strategi adalah kebijakan strategi dukungan daya saing sebesar 0,184. Pemerintah selaku pemangku kebijakan harus memastikan bahwa manajemen pengawasan pada rantai pasokan ayam broiler dapat berjalan dengan baik. Strategi kebijakan dukungan daya saing pada usaha ayam broiler sangat dibutuhkan oleh setiap pelaku usaha agar memberikan nilai tambah di setiap aktivitas usahanya agar siap bersaing secara global.
Motivasi untuk Mengkonsumsi Protein Hewani pada Guru Sekolah Menengah Atas di Kota Yogyakarta R. Ahmad Romadhoni Surya Putra
Buletin Peternakan Vol 30, No 3 (2006): Buletin Peternakan Vol. 30 (3) Agustus 2006
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v30i3.1206


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Buletin Peternakan Vol 41, No 3 (2017): BULETIN PETERNAKAN VOL. 41 (3) AGUSTUS 2017
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v41i3.18135


Konsep kebijakan pembangunan peternakan Indonesia pada saat ini telah bergeser dari paradigma pembangunan yang sentralistik menuju pada konsep pembangunan partisipatoris. Konsep partisipatoris secara operasional formal diwujudkan dalam bentuk kelompok-kelompok ternak. Kelompok ternak merupakan perwujudan modal sosial di masyarakat yang penting dalam pembangunan masyarakat peternak khususnya dalam peningkatan kesejahteraan rumah tangga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh modal sosial terhadap tingkat kesejahteraan rumah tangga peternak. Pengambilan data melibatkan 61 rumah tangga peternak yang tergabung dalam kelompok ternak Ngudi Mulyo.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa modal sosial dan aset fisik berpengarh signifikan terhadap tingkat kesejahteraan peternak. Ini menunjukkan bahwa konsep kebijakan yang partisipatoris dalam pembangunan peternakan berkontribusi dalam peningkatan kesejahteraan rumah tangga peternak di Indonesia.  
Relationship Between Farmer’s Characteristics with the Motivation of Goat Milking in the Girikerto Village Turi District Sleman Regency Siti Andarwati; Trisakti Haryadi; Budi Guntoro; Endang Sulastri; R. Ahmad Romadhoni Surya Putra; Gunawan Gunawan
Buletin Peternakan Vol 42, No 3 (2018): BULETIN PETERNAKAN VOL. 42 (3) AUGUST 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v42i3.32771


This research aimed to determine the relationship between farmer characteristics including age, education level, farming experience, side income, number of dependent family member, and farmer's business scale with the motivation of goat milking in Girikerto Village, Turi District, Sleman Regency. The type of this research was quantitative explanatory, that was the type of research explaining the nature of the relationship and examining the relationship between farmer characteristics with milking motivation. The research method used a household survey of farmers with the help of questionnaires. The number of respondent’s sample used was 56 goat farmers with provisions using the Slovin formula. Sampling technique used Simple Random Sampling. Data were analyzed by Product Moment correlation. The results showed that the variables of age, farming experience, and business scale had a significant relationship with the motivation of goat milking, while the variables of education, side job and a number of dependents had no significant relationship with the motivation of milking. Farmer’s motivation to milk goats could be increased in line with increasing the age and experience of farmers. The motivation of milking goats could also be increased by increasing the number of livestock ownership, especially the ownership of lactating goats.
The Influence of Socio Economics Characteristics and Meat Self-Sufficiency Policy on Beef Cattle Farmer’s Income in Indonesia Wisnu Bawono; Sudi Nurtini; Ahmad Romadhoni Surya Putra
Buletin Peternakan Vol 44, No 3 (2020): BULETIN PETERNAKAN VOL. 44 (3) AUGUST 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v44i3.47786


This study aimed to determine the influence of the implementation of the meat self-sufficiency policy on the cattle farmers’ income in Indonesia. This study used secondary data of Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) that were collected in 2014. The IFLS are household data taken by survey at national level. This study used IFLS 5 data. The observed variables in this study included characteristics of farmer's household such as age, area of land cultivated, number of family members, education level, patterns integration of livestock farming and government assistance. Household income is derived from reduced revenue from agricultural sector and it cost as the dependent variable. The results of the study showed that mixed farming or livestock farming integration influenced farmer household income significantly (P<0.01). The cultivated land size affected the household income of farmers (P<0.01). The level of education, number of family members, type of assistance and age did not affect the income of household farmers. The Respondents were divided in two group, group that were exposed and those that were not to the meat self-sufficiency program. The results of study showed that government policy in meat self-sufficiency did not have a significant impact on the household income of farmers. The development of livestock in order to achieve self-sufficiency in meat needs to be
Kinerja Induk Sapi Peranakan Ongole di Kecamatan Kragan Kabupaten Rembang Panjono Panjono; Atien Priyanti; Aryogi Aryogi; Ahmad Romadhoni Surya Putra; Bayu Andri Atmoko; Hamdani Maulana; Bryan Wisnu Prabowo
Jurnal Ilmiah Fillia Cendekia Vol 7 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Fillia Cendekia
Publisher : Universitas Islam Kadiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32503/fillia.v7i1.2344


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kinerja induk sapi Peranakan Ongole (PO) di Kecamatan Kragan Kabupaten Rembang. Penelitian dilakukan di Kecamatan Kragan selama dua bulan, yaitu November-Desember 2021.Data kinerja induk diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan 38 peternak sapi PO dan pengamatan langsung pada 84 ekor induk sapi PO. Data kinerja induk terdiri dari umur pertama estrus dan kawin, service per conception (S/C), lama bunting, umur pertama beranak, umur sapih, kawin setelah beranak, dan jarak beranak. Data dihitung rata-rata dan standar deviasinya, kemudiandibahas secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Pengaturan khusus untuk pengawinan sapi diterapkan oleh peternak sapi PO. Dalam penentuan birahi, peternak biasanya mengamati perubahan kondisi tubuh dan tingkah laku. Tanda birahi yang sering digunakan yaitu pada vulva terlihat memerah, mengeluarkan lendir, dan terasa hangat. Sapi terlihat mengibas-ngibaskan ekor serta mengendus-endus organ genital. Peternak akan mengawinkan sapinya apabila sudah menunjukkan tanda menaiki ternak lain. Rata-rata induk sapi PO pertama kali birahi pada umur 21,71±5,67 bulan dan langsung dikawinkan oleh peternak dengan S/C sebesar 2,29±1,25 kali untuk kawin alam dan 1,86±1,15 untuk inseminasi buatan. Lama bunting sapi sekitar 9,05±0,23 bulan dan beranak pertama pada umur 33,58 bulan. Anak sapi disapih pada umur 4,63±1,15 bulan, dan induk dikawinkan kembali 4,50±1,13 bulan setelah beranak dan jarak beranak induk selama 13,76±1,24 bulan. Secara umum, kinerja reproduksi induk sapi Peranakan Ongole di Kecamatan Kragan, Kabupaten Rembang sudah cukup baik berdasarkan jarak beranak sebesar 13,76 Bulan. Namun demikian, kinerja reproduksi tersebut masih bisa dan perlu ditingkatkan lagi seperti S/C, umur sapih, dan kawin setelah beranaknya.
The role of livestock farming groups in developing the empowerment of beef cattle fattening business in the Cirebon Regency Fitri Dian Perwitasari; Bayu Arisandi; Ahmad Romadhoni Surya Putra; Bambang Suwignyo; Rini Widiati
Livestock and Animal Research Vol 20, No 2 (2022): Livestock and Animal Research
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (889.645 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/lar.v20i2.58599


Objective: The research is as follows: (1) The role of the farmer group in its function as a place of learning, a place of production, and a place for cooperation and member business, (2) the empowerment of beef cattle farmers, and (3) the relationship between the role of the group and the empowerment of beef cattle farmers in Cirebon Regency.Methods: I conducted this research from July to August 2021. The research method was survey and field observation—data analysis using SPSS 26 Spearman rank correlation test. The number of respondents using the Snowball sampling formula is 60 respondents from 5 livestock farmer groups in Cirebon Regency.Results: The empowerment of farmers in this study measures two aspects: farmers' ability to maintain and have high-value entrepreneurship. The correlation coefficient of the relationship between the part of the group and the empowerment of beef cattle farmers is 0.674. In conclusion, the relationship is quite strong between the two variables. The role of the group is not optimal either as a place of learning, a place of business, or a place to work together, which requires the involvement of the Cirebon Regency agriculture office, educational institutions, and private institutions to be involved in developing the role of groups in Cirebon Regency.Conclusions: The empowerment of farmers in this study measures aspects, namely, 1) the role of the group is not optimal, while 2) the ability of farmers to maintain entrepreneurship is of high value. The correlation coefficient of the relationship between the role of the group and the empowerment of beef cattle farmers is 0.674. It indicated that the relationship is quite strong between the two variables.