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Labour Standards in the Global Supply Chain; Village Fund and Labour Working Hours in Indonesia Bondi Arifin; Rita Helbra Tenrini; Eko Wicaksono; Arif Budi Rahman; Irwanda Wisnu Wardhana; Hadi Setiawan; Sofia Arie Damayanty; Akhmad Solikin; Maman Suhendra; Acwin Hendra Saputra; I Gede Agus Ariutama; Praptono Djunedi; Rudi Handoko
International Journal of Supply Chain Management Vol 9, No 5 (2020): International Journal of Supply Chain Management (IJSCM)
Publisher : International Journal of Supply Chain Management

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Abstract- In the recent years, fashion brands and retailers in the West have introduced supplier’s codes of conduct to strengthen international labour standards in their supply chain. Village funds have been allocated since 2015, and increase overtime. In 2015, the allocation of village funds amounting to Rp.28.8 trillion increased to reach Rp60 trillion in 2018. Village funds were used to finance government administration, implementation of development, community development, and community empowerment. This research uses the difference-in-difference (DID) which is adapted to continuous treatment method to analyze the impact of village funds on the work of rural communities. The analysis uses "repeated" cross section data from SUSENAS 2012-2017. We found that an increase in village fund per capita was more likely to raise the labor hours in agriculture and service industries, primarily on non-Java islands. The recommendation of this study is the need for regulation to standardize the proportion of village funds allocation based on the demographic (or number of poor people) and geographical (land area) conditions of the regions. Moreover, increasing the effectiveness of organizational management can be implemented by increasing the capacity of village officials.
Pengaruh Latihan Naik Turun Box Dan Naik Tangga Terhadap Kemampuan Lompat Jauh Pada Siswa Ekstrakurikuler Di SMA Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung Eko Wicaksono; Rahmat Hermawan; Lungit Wicaksono; Akor Sitepu
JUPE (Jurnal Penjaskesrek) Vol 9, No 3 (2020): JUPE
Publisher : Pendidikan Jasmani FKIP Universitas Lampung

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The purpose of this research is to find out the difference in training up-and-down box and ladder climbing on extracurricular student at SMA Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung. The method used in this research is a true experiment with a training model 16 times meeting in three treatment groups up-and-down box, ladder climbing, and control group. The result indicates that f counted f tables (3,594 3.100), Ho was rejected, thus there is a significant difference between the average number of orthodox long jump style the up-and-down box group, the ladder climbing of the stadium, and control group. On the Descriptives table, it looks that the average of up-and-down box group is 3,724 meters, for the ladder climbing of the stadium is 4,094 and the control group is 3,657, which means the average long jump achievement of ladder climbing of the stadium group is the highest. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil latihan yaitu naik turun box dan naik tangga pada siswa ekstrakurikuler di SMA Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung. Metode  yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah eksperimen murni (true experiment)  dengan model latihan selama 16 kali pertemuan dengan di bagi tiga kelompok treatment naik turun box, naik tangga dan tidak di berikan treatment (kelompok kontrol). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa F hitung F tabel (3,594 3,100), maka Ho ditolak, jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara rata-rata hasil lompat jauh gaya jongkok kelompok latihan naik turun box, lari tangga stadion dan kelompok kontrol. Pada tabel Descriptives terlihat rata-rata (mean) untuk kelompok latihan naik turun box  adalah 3,724 meter, untuk kelompok lari tangga stadion adalah 4,094 dan kelompok kontrol adalah 3,657, artinya bahwa rata-rata prestasi lompat jauh kelompok naik tangga stadion paling tinggi. Kata kunci: box, naik  tangga, lompat jauh.
Steam Engineering Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): STEAM Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 1, September 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (493.631 KB) | DOI: 10.37304/jptm.v4i1.5511


Human resource development by applying innovative learning models so that they can develop positive characters based on local wisdom in Central Kalimantan. Apply the values ​​of huma betang (family and know each other), belum bahadat (behave politely), hapakat basara (consensus for consensus), handep (mutual cooperation), and not yet full of hinje simpei (live in harmony and peace) in the Project Based Learning learning method (PjBL). The purpose of this research is to find out how students’ character development based on local wisdom uses the Problem Based Learning model. This research is a type of field research, qualitative research. The research subjects were students of class X IPS 2 at SMAN-1 Jabiren. The instrument used in this research is the researcher himself. The results of the study stated that with the PjBL method the characteristics of tolerance, curiosity, activeness, openness to input, communication, respecting achievements and opinions of friends, accepting differences of opinion, and respecting teachers are characteristics that develop significantly. Character education in the world of education, both primary, secondary, and even higher education must be well integrated. The research implication is inovatif learning models based on local wisdom is applied.
Kajian dan evaluasi Geoteknik Pada Tambang Terbuka Batubara PT. Dizamtra Powerindo Kecamatan Merapi Barat , Kabupaten Lahat, Provinsi Sumatera Barat Abdul Jalil; Barlian Dwi Nagara; Eko Wicaksono
Retii 2022: Prosiding Seminar Nasional ReTII ke-17
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta

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Penentuan sudut kemiringan lereng yang dapat di terima pada tambang terbuka merupakan aspek kunci dalam desain tambang, karena hal ini menyiratkan pencarian titik keseimbangan yang optimal antara manfaat ekonomi dengan resiko pekerjaan tambang. Kegiatan penambangan akan menyebabkan perubahan distribusi tegangan pada lereng yang dapat menyebabkan longsor. Kajian geoteknik ini bertujuan untuk memberikan rekomendasi terhadap desain bukaan lereng tambang batubara, melakukan perhitungan FK Life Of Mine (LOM) pada PIT-1, PIT-2, PIT-3, PIT-3 PIT-4, PIT-5 bagian utara dan selatan, yang berlokasi di kecamatan Merapi Barat, Kabupaten Lahat, Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Penelitian ini dikerjakan dengan melakukan perhitungan terhadap data primer dan sekunder yang ada, sehingga hasil yang di dapatkan adalah nilai rill pada obyek. Metode kuantitatif ini dilakukan dengan pengujian lansung baik di lapangan maupun di laboratorium, seperti RQD, RMR, dan GSI.Menghitung nilai FK menggunakan metode limit equilibrium. Hasil analisis LOM FK bagian selatan pada PIT-1 1.539, PIT-2 1.536, PIT-3 1.68, PIT-4 1.502, PIT-5 1.493, LOM FK bagian Utara PIT-1 2.522, PIT-2 1.98, PIT-3 2.29, PIT-4 1.996, PIT-5 2.964
Peranan Kepemimpinan Terhadap Peningkatan Kinerja Birokrasi (Studi Pada Kantor Desa Sepuh Gembol) Neni Suryani; Eko Wicaksono; Pungky Praja Jatmika
Jurnal Manajemen dan Penelitian Akuntansi (JUMPA) Vol 15 No 1 (2022): Januari-Juni
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Cendekia Bojonegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (400.855 KB) | DOI: 10.58431/jumpa.v15i1.195


This study aims to determine the role of leadership on the performance of the government bureaucracy and to determine the factors that support and hinder the performance of the government bureaucracy at the village office of Sepuh Gembol, Wonomerto District, Probolinggo Regency. The problem studied in the research is how the role of village head leadership on bureaucratic performance at the village office of Sepuh Gembol, Wonomerto District, Probolinggo Regency. The focus of qualitative descriptive research is the measurement of performance and work effectiveness of village office organizations. Research informants are village heads and 6 employees. Methods of data collection using observation, documentation and interviews with these informants. The results of research conducted at the Sepuh Gembol Village Office, Wonomerto District, Probolinggo Regency, namely the role of the Sepuh Gembol Village head is very influential on improving employee performance. This is evidenced by the statements made by the village head himself and the employees themselves. The village head is the person who is fully responsible for all the work and decisions taken. The success or failure of a job at the Sepuh Gembol Village Office depends on the performance of the employees and the effectiveness of the employee's work which is not far from the influence of the leadership of the Village Head.Meanwhile, the performance of employees at the Sepuh Gembol Village Office is also quite good, namely by completing work on time, satisfying work results, and providing services to the community. The facilities provided are really very helpful and make it easier for employees to complete their work as well as the motivation from superiors that makes employees more enthusiastic in working with a conducive working atmosphere.
INTAN Jurnal Penelitian Tambang Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): INTAN Jurnal Penelitian Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan Program Studi S1 Teknik Pertambangan Fakultas Teknik Pertambangan dan Perminyakan Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56139/intan.v6i1.169


Initial mining activities need to remove overburden so it is necessary to find a safe and efficient location to avoid areas that still contain economical excavated materials. This disposal or stockpiling must be arranged considerably to meet the geotechnical design requirements. Other factors, influenced by economics and safety are very important in planning the disposal site. The purpose of this study is to determine the safe distance to disposal for PE pits based on laboratory tests. The study showed that the optimal disposal values for PE pits were 14˚ for a slope height of 50 m, 13˚ for a slope height of 80 m, and 12˚ for a slope height of 100. The Stability of the slope will be better by reducing the slope angle of the disposal slope. The analysis shows that the safe distance to disposal for PE pits is 45 m slope height with 50 m safety distance, 50 m slope height with 69 m safety distance, and 76 m slope height with 100 m safety distance. The higher the disposal slope, the smaller the slopes formed, and the greater the safety distance if the slope height increases.