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Airlangga Journal of Innovation Management Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Airlangga Journal of Innovation Management
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/ajim.v1i1.19413


ABSTRACTIn 1997s, East Kalimantan had several oil and gas fields that had reservoir pressure in the High-Pressure category. However, a few years later, the pressure continued to decrease until it reached Low Pressure, so the compressor is needed to produce high-pressure. In this study, an explanation of the process of making a turbine engine performance simulation model in 2019 is discussed and predicting turbine engine performance in the following years. This is important because the compressor is a vital tool in the oil and gas industry. Furthermore, it works continuously so that performance must be considered. In general, the simulation model equation consists of several parameters that exist in the Brayton cycle in the gas turbine in steady conditions. Simultaneous equation solving in simulation models using the Newton-Raphson method. The simulation results show that the performance of the Turbine Engine Compressor in 2019 has a net power of 20.58 MW with a cycle efficiency of 23.06%. This can be developed for plans for maintenance applications to improve efficiency changes. Keywords: simulation, Newton -Raphson, gas turbine, pressure, compressor ABSTRAK Pada tahun 1997, Kalimantan Timur memiliki beberapa ladang minyak dan gas yang memiliki tekanan reservoir dalam kategori tekanan tinggi. namun beberapa tahun kemudian, tekanan terus menurun hingga mencapai tekanan rendah, sehingga kompresor diperlukan untuk menghasilkan tekanan tinggi. Dalam penelitian ini, dibahas tentang proses pembuatan model simulasi kinerja mesin turbin pada tahun 2019 dan memprediksi performa mesin turbin di tahun-tahun berikutnya. Hal ini penting karena kompresor adalah alat vital dalam industri minyak dan gas. dan itu bekerja terus menerus sehingga kinerja harus diperhatikan. Secara umum, persamaan model simulasi terdiri dari beberapa parameter yang ada dalam siklus brayton di turbin gas dalam kondisi stabil. Penyelesaian persamaan simultan dalam model simulasi menggunakan metode newton-raphson. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa kinerja kompresor mesin turbin pada 2019 memiliki daya bersih 20,58 mw dengan efisiensi siklus 23,06%. Penelitian ini dapat dikembangkan untuk rencana aplikasi pemeliharaan untuk meningkatkan perubahan efisiensi. Kata kunci: simulasi, Newton-Raphson, turbin gas, tekanan, kompresor
The Origin, Physicochemical Properties, and Removal Technology of Metallic Porphyrins from Crude Oils Jumina Jumina; Yehezkiel Steven Kurniawan; Dwi Siswanta; Bambang Purwono; Abdul Karim Zulkarnain; Agustinus Winarno; Joko Waluyo; Johan Syafri Mahathir Ahmad
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry Vol 21, No 4 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ijc.62521


Crude oil is an indispensable energy feedstock for daily activities, although some amounts of metallic porphyrins components with undesired characteristics have been identified. These constituents are assumed to originate from the geochemical process of chlorophyll and heme derivatives. In addition, their chemical structures have been thoroughly characterized using spectroscopy techniques, while several analytical methods were adopted in the detection and concentration quantification in the crude oils. The metallic porphyrins have several demerits, including the deactivation of used catalysts, contamination of the treated petrochemical products, and corrosion of the industrial equipment. Also, the removal process is considered challenging due to the strong interaction with the asphaltene fraction of crude oil. This review article, therefore, provides brief information on the origin, physicochemical properties, and possible removal technology of metallic porphyrins from crude oil samples. Besides, a better understanding of chemistry contributes a useful insight towards the development and establishment of better futuristic processing technology.
Karakterisasi Permeabilitas Serabut Kelapa Sebagai Bahan Media Filtrasi Nur Wahyudi; Heru S. B. Rochardjo; Joko Waluyo
Journal of Mechanical Design and Testing Vol 4, No 1 (2022): Articles
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Mesin dan Industri, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jmdt.62971


Media filtrasi merupakan material yang pada saat kondisi operasi sebuah filter memiliki sifat mampu alir terhadap fluida tertentu dan juga memiliki sifat tidak mampu alir terhadat zat-zat pengotor tertentu. Filter tipe Deep-bed filtration memiliki media filtrasi berbentuk padatan granular seperti pasir maupun berupa lapisan serat alam, serat sintetis ataupun serat metal yang dipadatkan. Serat yang digunakan sebagai media filtrasi Deep-bed filtration bekerja dengan prinsip saat fluida mengalir melalui filter maka zat-zat partikulat pengotor tertahan dan terkumpul di sela-sela rongga pori-pori yang terbentuk diantara sekumpulan serat media filtrasi. Jumlah serat yang digunakan per satuan volume atau densitas media filtrasi menentukan nilai tahanan alir atau permeabilitas sebuah media filtrasi. Penelitian ini difokuskan dalam melihat karakteristik permeabilitas media filtrasi serat sabut kelapa berdasarkan jumlah kerapatan serat yang digunakan. Karakteristik permeabilitas media filtrasi sangat berpengaruh terhadap efisiensi aliran fluida dalam aplikasi filter pasir sumur minyak bumi. Karakteristik permeabilitas serat sabut kelapa diukur dengan cara membuat core spesimen uji diameter 3,8 cm, panjang 7 cm dan variasi massa serat sabut kelapa spesimen uji 7,5; 10; 15; 17,5 dan 20 gram. Kemudian masing-masing spesimen uji core diukur nilai permeabilitasnya menggunakan alat Permeability Meter AFS200. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai permeabilitas serat sabut kelapa menurun seiring bertambahnya massa serat sabut kelapa yang digunakan untuk membuat core spesimen uji. Nilai permeabilitas paling rendah 8508 miliDarcy diperoleh dari spesimen uji dengan massa sabut 20 gram dan nilai permeabilitas paling tinggi 19.790 miliDarcy dihasilkan dari spesimen uji dengan massa sabut 7,5 gram.
Journal of Appropriate Technology for Community Services Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jattec.vol1.iss1.art6


Indonesia is located on the equator, so Indonesia has a large source of solar energy with an average solar radiation intensity of about 4.8 kWh/m2 per day throughout the region.  Solar cells are increasingly popular with the community because of their unlimited energy sources and environmentally friendly.  See the current number of fossils used as power plants continue to decrease, if left continuously, then this energy source will be depleted. Therefore scientists are vying for ways to increase renewable energy efficiency as a source of electrical energy generation One of them is solar panels.  Brebes County is located between 6044 '-7021 ' south latitude and 108041 '-109011 ' east longitude. The cultivation of red onion plants is an flagship product with a production of 272,598.8 (Ton) in the year 2017. Farmers in eradicating insect pests that do not damage the environment is to use lamps at night as an insect trap media or planthopper. Alternative sources of electrical energy to light the lamp from solar energy by utilizing the solar panels will store the electrical energy on the battery of the day and at night can be used to light the lights. The research aims to determine the feasibility of a PLTS in the red onion farm, this method is focused on the first approach of estimation of electrical needs through secondary data, LED lights on for 12 hours of 1 watt lamp load with 3 watt PV module, 6 Volt Use 3.7 volt lithium battery with 3.4 Ah old capacity charging 3.46 hours and long the illumination of the Matahri on a 4-hour PV. From these results, the PLTS are said to be worthy of alternative energy.
Performance Panel Surya Saat Gerhana Matahari Cincin Pada Tanggal 26 Desember 2019 Di Kecamatan Larangan Kabupaten Brebes Su Dar mono; Joko Waluyo; Wahyu Wilopo
Techno (Jurnal Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto) Vol 22, No 2 (2021): Techno Volume 22 No.2 Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30595/techno.v22i2.9961


The purpose of this research is to know the performance of PV technology by using PV Solartracker on the eclipse Ring on 26 December 2019 by varying the net and dirty PV using themethod of Penyesuian sun position In one year. The study simulates using a solar panel capacity of3 watts and 6 volts with a lithium battery load capacity of 4000 mAh, the direction of the solarpanel is in the south with a tilt angle 230 in December each Stepnya solar tracker This 3- hourchanging angle 450, 900 and 1150 This research began from the hour 07:00 to 15:00 hours. Theaverage power of the solar power plant was received by 1.08 Watts, 4.24 Volt, 0.25 amper and netPV capacity of 2108 mAh, while with an average power of 0.83 watts, 4.36 volts, 0.19 Amper andgross PV capacity of 1524 mAh.
Simulasi Numeris Pengaruh Tipe Rumah Keong Terhadap Unjuk Kerja Pompa Sentrifugal Mahda Mega Andyka Hieguyta; Joko Waluyo
Journal of Mechanical Design and Testing Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Article in Press
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Mesin dan Industri, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jmdt.63594


Pompa sentrifugal adalah alat yang sangat penting bagi berbagai macam peralatan industri. Performa pompa dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti adanya rugi – rugi volumetrik, rugi – rugi mekanik, dan rugi – rugi hidraulik yang menyebabkan adanya penurunan di dalam efisiensi. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan simulasi pompa sentrifugal berbasis Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) dengan meneliti tujuh model pompa yaitu pompa rumah keong tunggal, pompa rumah keong ganda, pompa rumah keong dengan 2 sekat, pompa rumah keong besar, pompa rumah keong kecil, dan pompa dengan rumah keong penampang lingkaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan karakterisasi dari ketujuh model pompa. Simulasi ini menggunakan software ANSYS dengan pemodelan turbulensi menggunakan model k – ω sst. Dari ketujuh model tersebut didapatkan hasil bahwa nilai efisiensi dari pompa rumah keong  kecil memiliki nilai yang paling tinggi pada kondisi debit rendah sampai menengah. Akan tetapi, dengan bertambahnya debit aliran, pompa rumah keong tunggal memiliki nilai efisiensi yang paling baik..
Simulasi Numeris Pengaruh Variasi Ketebalan Scaling Pada Sudu Terhadap Unjuk Kerja Pompa Sentrifugal Kosmar Marojahan Damanik; Joko Waluyo
Journal of Mechanical Design and Testing Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Article in Press
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Mesin dan Industri, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jmdt.63596


Salah satu masalah di industri perminyakan yaitu pompa yang digunakan untuk mengirimkan fluida, mengalami penebalan akibat scaling pada sudu sehingga menyebabkan perubahan geometri sudu impeler pompa. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pemodelan pengaruh variasi penebalan scaling pada sudu terhadap kinerja pompa sentrifugal. Simulasi computational fluid dynamics (CFD) dilakukan menggunakan ANSYS Fluent. Variasi berupa penebalan scaling pada sudu cekung merata pada sudu menjadi 3 mm, 4 mm dan 5 mm, dan penebalan scaling cekung tidak merata bagian tengah dan ujung sudu. Hasil simulasi variasi scaling sudu cekung merata terlihat bahwa dengan meningkatnya ketebalan menjadi 3 mm, 4 mm dan 5 mm, terjadi penurunan head pompa. Pada penebalan scaling cekung tidak merata bagian tengah sudu terjadi penyempitan yang signifikan di laluan impeler yang menyebabkan banyak aliran sirkulasi di area setelah penebalan. Semakin bertambahnya penebalan scaling meyebabkan pengarahan fluida menjadi kurang efektif mengakibatkan terjadi kehilangan sebagian energi kinetik sehingga head menjadi lebih rendah.
saintifika Vol 20 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (421.139 KB)


At present it is using digital air measurements using much better analytical functions in the field using digital measurements that have accuracy weaknesses. Developing a condensation device into the air oxygen meter uses two methods: prioritizing Saltzman and Winkler, this corresponds to the contents in the air directly with air and oxygen. Development of atmospheric atmospheric condensation equipment for example ambient air oxygen concentration measuring generator, carried out with the R2D2 development model with a calibration process based on independent sample test Calibration T-test error test with digital titration and electrochemical methods, In addition to the significance of the measurement result is sig value 0.280 > 0, 05 and the calibration measurement results of the tool developed with a digital meter tool obtained the significance of the results that the sig value of 0.254 > 0.05 there was no difference between several samples using the method used.
Perbedaan Daya Hambat Ekstrak Daun Kepuh (Sterculia foetida L.) dan Jarak Pagar (Jatropha curcas L.) terhadap Pertumbuhan Propionibacterium acne Joko Waluyo
saintifika Vol 16 No 1 (2014)
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (288.28 KB)


Acne is a kind of disease caused by Propionibacterium acne bacteria. Acne (Acne vulgaris) is a skin disease with chronicle inflammation of follicles polisebacea which generally occurs in adolescence. Treatment commonly used Medicinal Chemicals with high levels that can be harmful to the body. Alternatives that can be used as a substitute for Medicinal Chemicals is medicinal herbal of plant. Plants that can be used as herbal medicines are Kepuh and Jatropha. Kepuh contain triterpenoid, Jatropha contains alkaloid, tannin, saponin and flavonoid. The compounds have the potential as an antibacterial. This research is an experimental research laboratory that uses the diffusion method. Concentration used is 1%, 3%, 5%, 7% and 9%. Based on the results of statistical tests ANOVA difference of Kepuh leaf extract and Jatropha forPropionibacterium acne showed significant differences among treatments with significance value of 0.001. Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) Kepuh leaf extract that can inhibit the Propionibacterium acne is 3% of 0.7 mm, while the MIC of Jatropha leaves extracts for Propionibacterium acne is 4% of 0.38 mm.
saintifika Vol 18 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (558.179 KB)


Critical thinking skills are included in high-level thinking skills that train students to think logically, scientifically, and are relevant in solving problems. These skills need to be applied in the learning of the modern era today, one of which is PBL-based TPS learning that has the thinking syntax of thinking, grouping, and sharing opinions, combined with a problem-based approach. This study aims to determine the effect of Think Pair Share (TPS) learning models based on the Problem Based Learning (PBL) approach to critical thinking skills and students' biology learning outcomes. The population in this study were students of class XI MIPA at Balung Jember High School in the academic year 2017/2018. The research sample was class XI MIPA 2 as the experimental class and class XI MIPA 1 as the control class. The results showed that the Think Pair Share learning model based on the Problem Based Learning approach had a significant effect on critical thinking skills with a significance of (p = 0,000) and was also able to improve students' biology learning outcomes in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains.