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التعليم الإسلامي التحويلي في موقع التكامل العلمي: منظور التربية الهيوتاغوجية Munawir K.; Amrah Kasim
Lentera Pendidikan : Jurnal Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Vol 24 No 2 (2021): DECEMBER
Publisher : Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/lp.2021v24n2i3


ملخص:التربية الإسلامية التحويلية في موقع التكامل العلمي هي نموذج تعليمي قائم كبديل في تعزيز الإطار النموذجي والإجرائي والتنفيذي للتكامل العلمي الذي يتطلب بالتأكيد جوًا تعليميًا أكثر شمولاً من مختلف المكونات المشاركة فيه، وخاصة المدرسين والتلاميذ. تستخدم هذه الدراسة المنهج النوعي لمعرفة ماهية التربية الإسلامية التحويلية في سياق التكامل العلمي. الطريقة النوعية المستخدمة قد تمت باستخدام المصادر الثانوية أو البيانات الثانوية من خلال إجراء الدراسات المكتبية سواء المجلات أوالكتب المتعلقة بالموضوع، أي التربية الإسلامية التحويلية والتكامل العلمي باستخدام المنظور الهيوتاغوجية في الفحص عن العلاقة بين الاثنين اللذين قد سبق دراستهما. ويتم تحليل نتائج البيانات باستخدام تقنيات الوصف التحليلي، حيث يتم العثور على بعض المفاهيم المماثلة ثم تقسيمها وتحليلها والبحث عن علاقة بعضها ببعض. وفي منظور التربية الهيوتاغوجية، يجب تصميم استقلالية التلاميذ من خلال توفير مراجع منظمة ومقاسة فيما يتعلق بما يجب على التلاميذ تحقيقه في تطبيق التربية الإسلامية التحويلية في موقع التكامل العلمي.  :AbstrakPendidikan Islam transformatif dalam lokus integrasi keilmuan merupakan paradigma pendidikan yang ada sebagai alternatif dalam memperkuat kerangka paradigmatik, prosedural, dan implementatif dari integrasi keilmuan yang tentunya membutuhkan suasana belajar yang lebih inklusif dari berbagai komponen yang terlibat di dalamnya, khususnya tenaga pendidik dan peserta didik. Keduanya merupakan partner dalam proses pembelajaran yang saling menguatkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dalam memahami bagaimana pendidikan Islam transformatif dalam konteks integrasi keilmuan. Adapun metode kualitatif yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan secondary resource atau data sekunder dengan melakukan studi kepustakaan baik jurnal maupun buku terkait dengan topik yang sama yakni Pendidikan Islam Transformatif dan Integrasi Keilmuan dengan menggunakan Perspektif Heutagogis dalam mengkaji keterkaitan antara keduanya yang lebih dahulu dikaji. Dalam perspektif heutagogis, kemandirian peserta didik perlu dirancang dengan memberikan referensi yang terstruktur dan terukur terkait dengan apa yang harus dicapai peserta didik dalam penerapan pendidikan Islam transformatif dalam lokus integrasi keilmuan.
FACTORS AND SOLUTIONS OF STUDENTS BULLYING BEHAVIOR Damri Damri; Engkizar Engkizar; Syafrimen Syafril; Zainal Asril; Munawir K; Yunus Rahawarin; La Mai Tulum; Asrida Asrida; Viola Amnda
Publisher : STKIP Pesisir Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34125/kp.v5i2.517


This study aims to analyze the factors that cause bullying behavior among students and how to solve it. This study was employed a qualitative method with a case study approach. Sources of data were taken through in-depth interviews with twenty informants consisting of elementary school students, junior high schools, senior high schools, principals, teachers, school security guards, education observers and parents of students. All interview data were then analyzed thematically using NVivo 10 quality analysis software. Overall, the study found nine important themes. Four themes related to the factors causing bullying behavior, namely: i) entrenched beliefs among students, ii) physical differences between the perpetrator and the victim, iii) discipline by seniors to juniors and iv) the condition of the victim's physical disability and weakness. Five themes related to solutions to tackling the problem of bullying, namely i) giving firm action to the perpetrator, ii) eliminating television shows related to violence, iii) equipping children with martial arts, iv) providing continuous education about the dangers of bullying, and v) instilling mutual respect in children.
Seven Student Motivations for Choosing the Department of Early Childhood Teacher Education in Higher Education Indana Elkhaira; Nidya Audina B.P.; Engkizar Engkizar; Munawir K.; Zainul Arifin; Zainal Asril; Syafrimen Syafril; Ingrid Brita Deborah Mathew
Al-Athfal: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Vol 6 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Islamic Early Childhood Education Study Program, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Education, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/al-athfal.2020.62-01


Choosing a career as an Early Childhood Education Teacher is both challenging and joyful. Not everyone is interested in this profession except for those who have strong motivation. This study aims to identify students’ exact motivation to select the Early Childhood Education Department at Public University. This study uses combined qualitative and quantitative methods (exploratory mixed methods design). Sources of qualitative data were taken from twenty informants through in-depth interviews and analyzed using NVivo 10 analysis software, while sources of quantitative data were taken from a hundred correspondents and analyzed using SPSS 20 software. Both qualitative and quantitative data analyses showed that students have seven motivations to select the Early Childhood Education Department. Those seven motivations are: i) parents encouragement (81%); ii) job opportunities after graduation (83%); iii) loving kids (85%); iv) teaching is a noble profession (100%); self-will (70%); vi) the choice to be a teacher (76%); and vii) Early Childhood Education is not difficult, but joyful (80%). The study has successfully revealed seven students’ motivations for selecting the Early Childhood Education Department at Public University. This study’s results can be used as preliminary data for subsequent researchers to examine this problem in different contexts and issues. This study’s findings need to be continued by the next researcher by examining the correlation between motivational aspects with various other variables. However, this data can also be used as an initial reference for examining the issues and problems in different contexts.
Building Students' Emotional Quotient Through Religion Teaching in Public Higher Institution Munawir K
Khalifa Journal of Islamic Education Vol 3, No 1 (2019): Khalifa: Journal of Islamic Education
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/kjie.v3i1.23


This research is aimed to identify whether religion teaching in Public Higher Institution is able to shape students’ emotional quotient. This research used quantitative method with survey approach, the entire data were collected through documentary analysis to four hundred students who are selected from fifteen majors and they have accomplished religion teaching course on the semester August to December 2018. All data were analyzed descriptively using thematic techniques. Relatively the results of this research show that religion teaching course in Public Higher Institution is able to shape students’ emotional quotient, that fact affects the students in nine aspects; i) positive thinking, ii) patience, iii) honesty, iv) confidence, v) consistency, vi) responsibility, vii) discipline, viii) intention and ix) hard working. By referring to the results, it can be seen clearly that Islamic religion teaching course has a significant role in implementing national education vision to shape an intelligent human intellectually and emotionally.
The Implementation of Teaching and Learning Process of Islamic Study in Universities in Indonesia Azhar Jaafar; Munawir K; Mohd Isa Hamzah
Khalifa Journal of Islamic Education Vol 1, No 1 (2017): Khalifa: Journal of Islamic Education
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/kjie.v1i1.4


The goal of national education is to develop the students’ potential to become virtuous, courteous, healthy, knowledgeable, skillful, creative, independent, democratic and responsible human beings, and be devoted to Allah S.W.T. In its implementation, Islamic Study subject has an important and strategic role in realizing the goals of national education. Generally, the teaching and learning process of this subject in university level is much better compared to the previous one, in either lecturer’s competence, curriculum or management system. Nevertheless, the fact also shows that most students take this subject only to complete the requirement of their study, not as a scientific need. This course has been designed to build the students’ charcaters and personality so that they could become knowledgeable and devoted to Allah SWT. Therefore, strategic steps based on more open and advanced paradigm and thought are needed. This article is intended to discuss strategic steps required in managing and conducting the teaching and learning process of Islamic Study in universities to achieve the specified goals maximally. The discussion is supported by related literature, expert opinions, and results of previous research relevant to the current study in term of context and issue
MODEL PENCEGAHAN KONFLIK ANTARUMAT BERAGAMA BERBASIS KEGIATAN MASYARAKAT Engkizar Engkizar; Soni Kaputra; Mutathahirin Mutathahirin; Syafrimen Syafril; Zainul Arifin; Munawir Kamaluddin
Harmoni Vol. 21 No. 1 (2022): Januari-Juni 2022
Publisher : Research and Development Center for Guidance for Religious Societies and Religious Services, the Research and Development and Education and Training Agency of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (MORA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32488/harmoni.v21i1.603


Prevention of inter-religious conflict based on community activities offers a new reality for the advancement of living together in religious pluralism because there is a dynamic process in religious understanding and its application. This study aims to look at the prevention model of inter-religious conflict based on community activities. The research was carried out using a qualitative approach (multi-case single-site exploratory case study). Primary data was dug through in-depth interviews with 12 sources with details of 3 Muslims, 2 Catholics, 2 Protestants, 2 Hindus, 3 Buddhists from various regions in Indonesia using the Snowballing technique. Secondary data was extracted through literature analysis of various books, religious scriptures, and scientific articles related to this research. Data were analyzed qualitatively (thematically) with the help of NVIVO 12 software. Overall, the research findings found four main themes of the community activity-based inter-religious conflict prevention model. The four themes are (i) forming a space for dialogue between religious leaders, (ii) real community work through social activities, (iii) ties of cooperation traditions, (iv) support from the community and religious leaders. The results of this study are discussed with various theories and the results of previous research and can be used as a reference for creating peace, harmony, tranquility, harmony, and mutual respect for the principle of togetherness in a pluralistic society
Building of Family-based Islamic Character for Children in Tablighi Jamaat Community Engkizar Engkizar; Munawir K; Soni Kaputra; Zainul Arifin; Syafrimen Syafril; Fuady Anwar; Mutathahirin Mutathahirin
Ta'dib Vol 24, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : IAIN Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1430.016 KB) | DOI: 10.31958/jt.v24i2.4847


This study is aimed at exploring how to build family-based Islamic character in the Tablighi Jamaat community.  As a qualitative study, the research was conducted by using an ethnographic approach. The data were collected through direct interviews with ten informants which are the heads of the family that belong to the Tablighi Jamaat community. Moreover, the researcher was also involved in some religious activities of the community for two years that the observation during the activities can be used to reinforce the result of the interviews. Those activities are Ijtima’ (annual gathering), Bayan Markas (sermon), Ta’lim Halaqah, Khuruj (proselytizing tour), Jaulah, and some informal visits to interviewees’ families. All data, both interviews and direct observation, were thematically analyzed by using specific software, namely NVivo 12. Based on the data it is found that there are five major Islamic characters could be developed through the family-based character building in the Jama’ah Tablghi community, namely: (1) good moral conduct to parents, (2) having a sense of shame to violate the shari’a, (3) behaving based on Islamic shari’a, (4) time punctuality, (5) good moral characters. Finally, the findings reveal that the building of family-based Islamic characters in the Tablighi Jamaat community contributes to the positive effects of children's Islamic characters in family and community. 
The Problems of Students and Teachers in I'rab Learning at Islamic Boarding School Zainul Arifin; Silva Namira; Munawir K; Engkizar Engkizar; Zainal Asril; Yunus Rahawarin; Japeri Japeri
ISTAWA Vol 7, No 2 (2022): Istawa: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Postgraduate Program Magister Pendidikan Agama Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24269/ijpi.v7i2.4587


I'rab learning is one of the aspects that must be studied by a student to help read the Yellow Book, but in fact, there was some student who have difficulty to the understanding  I'rab, therefore, it is necessary to research to find out these problems. This research aims to identify whether the problems of students and teachers in this I'rab learning. This research uses a qualitative method with the case study type, data sources were taken to eight informants through direct interviews using a set of interview protocols. All the data were analyzed thematically using NVivo 12 Software. The research findings found nine main themes about the problems of students and teachers in I'rab learning. The nine themes consist of three problematic students themes: i) low vocabulary mastery (مفردات), ii) difficulty in I'rab sentences (جملة) in the Yellow Book, iii) lack of mastery of I'rab terms. Furthermore, the six teachers of problematic themes in I'rab learning include: iv) the teacher not teaching according to the ability of the students, v) less varied learning, vi) learning is only centered in one direction (Teacher Center), vii) teachers placement by expertise, viii) teachers changes frequently, and ix) mastering the concept of learning by the teacher was lacking. The results of this research can be used as preliminary data for future researchers in examining these problems in the context of different issues.
Rekonstruksi Peran Orang Tua dan Guru Dalam Pendididkan Islam Pasca Pandemi Haryati Haryati; Supardi Widodo; Syarifuddin Ondeng; Munawir Kamaluddin
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 9 No 6 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
Publisher :

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (283.428 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7781311


Reconstruction means returning to the way it was or rearranging (depicting) again. Reconstruction of the role of parents and teachers in Islamic education refers to the best human beings and the best generation, namely: the Prophet Muhammad SAW, companions and afterwards by understanding the concept of Islamic Education, especially the role of parents and teachers in educating children/students from various Islamic reference sources. Islamic education is only one aspect of Islamic teachings as a whole. Therefore, the purpose of Islamic education is inseparable from the purpose of human life in Islam, namely to create personal servants of Allah who always fear Him and can achieve a happy life in this world and the hereafter. The reconstruction of the role of parents in Islamic education refers back to the concept of Islam in children's education (Tarbiyyatul Aulad fil Islam), namely understanding and practice related to marriage, the laws surrounding birth, the causes of delinquency and its management, the responsibility of educators (in faith education, moral, reason, psychology, social and sex), methods and means, basic rules in children's education as well as effective educational facilities. Reconstructing the teacher's role in Islamic Education by carrying out a role for their students, namely the role of the teacher as a facilitator and as a spiritual father must be able to provide breakfast for the soul with knowledge, moral education and justify it based on a sense of responsibility and compassion. Then the process of teaching and educating a teacher should be a thorough and comprehensive education in all aspects of child development (cognitive, affective and psychomotor) that is not one-sided and strives for a variety of methods, means, media, an understanding of the character of students and an understanding that every child is special and every child is unique. Teachers must be able to be role models, provide guidance and encouragement to their students.
Presfektif Islam, Makna dan Tantangan Penguatan Pendiddikan Karakter di Abad 21 Supardi Widodo; Haryati Haryati; Syarifuddin Ondeng; Munawir Kamaluddin
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 9 No 6 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
Publisher :

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7789297


That education is to prepare individuals or individuals to be able to face this life perfectly, happily, love the motherland, be strong in body, perfect in morals, orderly in thinking, have gentle feelings, proficient in science, help each other to others, improve pen and oral expression and improve his deeds. According to Abrasyi, the main foundation in Islamic character education is faith. Allah gives lessons in Q.S. Luqman/31: 12-19. The advice is explicit, clear and detailed about how Lukman Alhakim educates and directs the child's personality, and maintains his character so that he can face various tests and challenges in life in this world. Strengthening character education in an Islamic perspective is strengthening from the side of faith. The root of faith is the sentence of monotheism which is the basis of a good Islamic personality. Therefore. Strengthening character education is carried out by strengthening faith, namely with an attitude of istiqamah and understanding the dynamics of faith, having faith and being close to the Koran, always being obedient and obedient to Allah, making piety as clothing and carrying out Islam as a whole so that it can achieve degrees of glory with that piety. The challenges of character education in the 21st century are: a character crisis, the emergence of signs of the times that destroy character, mental illness, distortion of moral goodness, transactional culture, and lack of interest in moral and ethical lessons. Therefore strengthening character education is carried out based on religion, namely the Koran. Al-Quran contains many instructions in strengthening character education, namely: the character of worship in Q.S. Al Furqon/25: 63-77, the character of abid, ulil albab, caliph and insan kamil and the growth of work ethic. Efforts to strengthen character education in the family are to increase the role of fathers in children's education. Efforts in education are various efforts to improve the character education system in educational institutions in order to create a school culture and educational institutions that lead to the production of superior human beings and are based on the noble values ​​of Islamic teachings and national culture.