Kuncoro Harto Widodo
Departemen Teknologi Industri Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl. Flora No. 1, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

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Industrial and Systems Engineering Assessment Journal (INASEA) Vol 11, No 2 (2010): INASEA Vol. 11 No. 2
Publisher : Industrial and Systems Engineering Assessment Journal (INASEA)

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Shallot (Allium ascalonicum L) is a valuable agro-industrial commodity for community. The demand of the commodity in Indonesia increase progressively in the few years so that shallot is one of the pre-eminent products of Bantul Regency. Delays in shallot supply from local farmers stems from various problem in supply chain which is very dynamic. This study analyzes these problems from supply chain point of view by identifying the behavior of the system and by analyzing the relationships between the components. The study, then, describe their behavior within the supply chain by using a dynamic system. We obtain that there is three basic groups : farmers, warehouse, and user. Each group plays a role in providing quality, quantity and avalaibility, post harvest technique, production cost, and selling price.These three big groups influences the others in terms of quality, quantity and shallot supply, post-harvest process, and cost and sale price.
Product-Relationship-Matrix Concept for Marine and Fishery Supply Chain Model Development Widodo, Kuncoro Harto; Perdana, Yandra Rahadian; Sumardjito, Joewpno
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 12, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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Indonesia, as an archipelago country has the resources of marine and fisheriesboth in terms of its quantity and diversity. Currently the demand of fisheries productscontinue to increase. This is an opportunity for Indonesia to be able to utilize theeconomic potential as a competitive advantage lies in the mechanism or how to regulatethe flow of marine and fishery products in a supply chain. Therefore, this paper aims topropose a concept of Product-Relationship-Matrix for the development of supply chainmodels of marine and fishery. This model is expected to support the development ofeconomic and the well-being of marine and fishery businesses community, both in small,medium and large scale.Keywords : Supply chain, Product-Relationship-Matrix, marine and fishery products.
Sistem Supply Chain Crude-Palm-Oil Indonesia dengan Mempertimbangkan Aspek Economical Revenue, Social Welfare dan Environment Widodo, Kuncoro Harto; Abdullah, Aang; Dwi Arbita, Kharies Pramudya
Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol 12, No 1 (2010): JUNE 2010
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (816.041 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/jti.12.1.pp. 47-54


Crude-Palm-Oil (CPO) is an agro-industrial commodity which has a strategic value to be developed for Indonesian economy and social welfare. Production and export of Indonesian CPO increase progressively in the view years so that CPO is one of the pre-eminent products of Indonesia. On the other hand, however, they could give two negative impacts. First, a less CPO supply for domestic market as a result of export growing. Second, a worse environment as an effect of the opening new palm plantations. We, therefore, construct and simulate the system model for analyzing the relationships between the components and for describing their behaviour within the supply chain of CPO by using a dynamic model. The result shows that in the next 30 years, the revenue of Indonesian CPO industries tends to increase. The biggest revenue will be achieved in the year 23rd. The maximum addition of plantation employees is in the year 7th as well as in the year 17th. Deforestation would be the highest in the year 7th and 17th in which 2008 as a basic year.
Kriteria Pemilihan Pemasok Menggunakan Analytical Network Process Kurniawati, Dewi; Yuliando, Henry; Widodo, Kuncoro Harto
Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol 15, No 1 (2013): JUNE 2013
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (203.046 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/jti.15.1.25-32


The selection of supplier is a strategic decision in supply chain which increase competitive advantages. Every manufacture needs to have a standard supplier selection that appropriate with the requirement of the company. The aims of this paper are promoting some criterias of supplier selection and testing whether there are differences interests against priority criteria referred to of strata tenure distinct. Weights and priorities of the criteria tested with a method of analytic network process (ANP) are also intended to bring up a relation of mutual influence among the criteria. ANP can be used to help making decision of selection supplier and to manage supply chain performance. This paper shows the criteria that influence are the past perfomance, price, communication systems, and a supplier of professionalism is the priority for the production of the company. In the other hand, the importance of management is the delivery time, consistent quality, price, and number of delivery. The difference in perspective is influenced by the level of interest and different responsibilities. The difference this assessment formed the basis of decision-making and strategic policies of the supply chain according to the condition of the company.
Peran Makanan Tradisional Berbahan Baku Ubi Kayu terhadap Sistem Ketahanan Pangan Ditinjau dari Perspektif Ekonomi Rumah Tangga Andriyani Sekar Puji Lestari; Mochammad Maksum; Kuncoro Harto Widodo
agriTECH Vol 27, No 1 (2007)
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (163.835 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/agritech.9491


This study was aimed to find out the household economic condition, to compare food budget according to each consumption pattern of main food so that margin value can be known, to find out influence between rice and traditional food consumption toward food budget and influence of household income toward traditional food consumption, and to analyze the role of traditional food toward food security contemplated of household economical perspective. The measurement of income, budget and food consumption pattern was carried out using questinnaire distributed to household through structured interview technique. The comparison of food consumption pattern was carried out by grouping the main food sonsumption pattern based on type difference and consumption number and then converted in rupiah value. The result showed that traditional food consumption pattern can be a complement of the main food except rice, that were able to provide economical accessibility to enough food and have a low price, so real income of household can be increased. Traditional food in the food security could have a role as survival strategy for poor people that have limited income so they could built up the capacity to help their self and their family in providing cheapest main food.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahii kondisi ekonomi rumah tangga masyarakat, membandingkan pengeluaran pangan pada tiap pola konsumsi makanan pokok sehingga diketahui nilai margin yang dapat diperoleh, mengetahui pengaruh konsumsi makanan tradisional dan beras terhadap pengeluaran pangan serta pengaruh pendapatan rumah tangga dan konsumsi beras terhadap konsumsi makanan tradisional serta menganalisa peran makanan tradisional terhadap ketahanan pangan ditinjaui dari perspektif ekonomi rumah tangga. Pngukuran pendapatan, pengeluaran dan pola konsumsi pangan masyarakat dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuisioner kepada rumah tangga melalui teknik wawancara terstruktur. Perbandingan pengeluaran pangan pada tiap pola konsumsi makanan pokok dilakukan dengan mengelompojjan pola konsumsi makanan pokok berdasarkan perbedaan jenis dan jumlah konsumsi, kemudian dikonversi dalam nilai rupiah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola konsumsi makanan tradisional dapat menjadi pelengkap makanan pokok selain beras, yang pada sisi lain dapat memberikan kemudahan ekonomis terhadap kecukupan pangan dan dengan harga rendah, sehingga pendapatan riil rumah tangga bisa meningkat. Makanan tradisional di dalam ketahanan pangan dapat berperan sebagai suatu survival strategy untuk orang miskin dengan pendapatan terbatas sehingga mampu membangun kapasitas dan kemandirian untuk menolong diri sendiri dan keluarganya dalam memenuhi kebutuhan makanan pokom termurah.
Pengelolaan Supply Chain untuk Mengoptimalkan Keseimbangan Antara Keuntungan Perusahaan Bakery dengan Customer Service Level Berdasarkan Skenario Product-Retur Kuncoro Harto Widodo; Nur Indah Eriyanthi
agriTECH Vol 27, No 1 (2007)
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (201.594 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/agritech.9492


This paper deals with supply chain management within bakery industry from the perspectuve of material management. A better material requirement planning was proposed. The result showed that the proposed MRP can decrease cumulative material investment that the existing operation. By considering the impact of product-retur precentage scenarios (75%, 50%, 25%, 0%) to comapny's hplding cost, it was known that the decreasing of product-retur percentage is not significantly reduce the retrenchment of cost paid by the company. A low percentage level of product-retur might sacrify customer service because the retailer can not assure the product availability. On the other hand, a high percentage lebel ,ay give high level of customer service, however the cost is more expensive resulting in the reducing of the profit. This, represents a trade-off between profit to be obtained by the company and customer service level.ABSTRAKTulisan ini membahas tentang pengelolaan supply chain di dalam industri bakery dari perspektif manajemen material. Sebuah perencanaan kebutuhan material (MRP) yang lebih baik kami usulkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa usulan MRP dapat menurunkan jumlah investasi material daripada yang ada sekarang. Dengan mempertimbangkan pengaruh skenario persentase product-retur (75%, 50%, 25%, 0%) terhadap biaya persediaan perusahaan, diketahui bahwa penurunan persentase product-retur tidak begitu berpengaruh pada penghematan biaya yang menjadi beban perusahaan. Pada suatu tingkatan product-retur yang rendah akan bisa berakibat pada turunnya customer service karena retailer tidak bisa menjamin ketersediaan produk. Pada sisi lain, product-retur dalam jumlah banyak akan memberikan customer service lebih baik namun dengan biaya yang mahal sehingga akan ada pengurangan keuntungan. Hal ini menunjukkan adanya suatu trade-off antara keuntungan yang diperoleh oleh perusahaan dengan customer service level di dalam suatu supply chain. Oleh karena itu kita perlu mengoptimalkan keseimbangan antara keuntungan dan customer service level.
Perbaikan Kinerja Supply Chain Perusahaan Keripik Singkong Berdasarkan Analisis Product Availability Parama Tirta Wulandari Wening Kusuma; Kuncoro Harto Widodo; Didik Purwadi
agriTECH Vol 30, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (738.687 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/agritech.9678


Level of the product availability becomes a problem at the company, because of the fluctuation and the uncertainty of demand from the consumer and happened when the company determined the cycle service level which is the indica- tor of supply chain performance in fulfilling the availability of the product and avoiding either stock out or over stock in replenishment cycle. This research was conducted at UD As-Salam. The aim was to improve supply chain perfor- mance through determining the optimal cycle service level of product availability. Therefore, it was needed to set up the optimal level of product availability to optimize the profit. There were some steps that were taken in this research: determining the optimal cycle service level, optimal order size, expected profit, and sensitivity analysis between optimal cycle service level and expected profit. The result showed that the cost of under stocking and over stocking were 4,144 rupiahs and 6,573 rupiahs, respectively. The optimal cycle service level was 63 % with optimal order size was 2,842 kgs/month. This value improves the company’s profit in the amount of 11,043,570 rupiahs. The improvement of supply chain performance based on product availability analysis could increase profit up to 127,891 rupiahs.ABSTRAKLevel ketersediaan produk menjadi permasalahan pada objek penelitian ini karena adanya fluktuasi dan ketidak- pastian permintaan dari konsumen yang timbul ketika pelaku usaha telah menentukan cycle service level. Hal ini menjadi indikator kinerja supply chain dalam memenuhi ketersediaan produk dan menghindari kekurangan stok atau- pun kelebihan stok di siklus replenishment. Penelitian dilakukan di UD As-Salam, dan bertujuan untuk memperbaiki kinerja supply chain dari sisi product availability. Perlu ditetapkan optimal level of product availability agar mampu mengoptimalkan profit. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan penentuan optimal cycle service level, optimal order size, expected profit, dan analisis sensitivitas terhadap optimal cycle service level dengan expected profit. Hasil peneli- tian menunjukan bahwa nilai cost of understocking adalah Rp 4.144,00 dan cost of overstocking adalah Rp 6.573,00. Nilai optimal cycle service level dapat dicapai pada level 63% dengan optimal order size 2.842 kg per bulan. Nilai ini mampu memberikan profit sebesar Rp 11.043.570,00. Peningkatan kinerja berdasarkan analisa product availability akan  memberikan peningkatan profit sebesar Rp 127.891,00 pada perusahaan.
Sistem Dinamis Industri Furniture Indonesia dari Perspektif Supply Chain Management yang Berkelanjutan Kuncoro Harto Widodo; Kharies Pramudya Dwi Arbita; Aang Abdullah
agriTECH Vol 30, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1233.5 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/agritech.9681


This research aims to predict and describe the sustainability of Indonesian furniture development by considering 3 as- pects: economical revenue, social, and envieronment, as the main aspects in a sustainable supply chain. This research was started by identifying the basic model of supply chain of furniture industry. We, then, identified the potency and weaknesses from either internal or external, by using SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, threat) analysis. We used modeling and simulation to describe the system behaviour. The result showed the characteristics of this industry is un- certainty on consumer demand and that the industry depends on the availability of raw material from forest. There is a lack in supply in the average amount of 3.386.282 m3. The development of furniture industry needs to consider more the aspect of sustainability. Forest destruction is one of the parameters of environmental aspect, in which the decreasing rate of natural production forest and overall forest are 61,982 ha and 51,820 ha per year, respectively. Furthermore, as one of the economical aspects, the economical revenue achieved by this industry tends to constant. On the other hand, this industry can meet the consumer demand, representing the social aspect.ABSTRAKPerlu ada kajian untuk melihat dan memprediksi keberlanjutan pengembangan industri furniture Indonesia dengan melihat kepada 3 aspek, yaitu aspek ekonomi, aspek sosial dan aspek lingkungan, sebagai aspek utama dalam pengem- bangan supply chain management yang berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini diawali dengan identifikasi model dasar supply chain industri furniture. Selanjutnya, digambarkan potensi dan kelemahan yang ada, baik secara internal maupun ek- sternal, dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, threat). Untuk melihat perilaku sistem dilakukan pemodelan dan simulasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik industri furniture adalah ketidakpastian permintaan konsumen dan sangat tergantung pada kondisi hutan untuk menjamin ketersediaan pasokan kayu. Setiap tahun terjadi kekurangan pasokan rata-rata sebesar 3.386.282 m3 dibandingkan kebutuhannya. Pengem- bangan industri furniture masih kurang memperhatikan aspek keberlanjutan. Kerusakan hutan menjadi salah satu pa- rameter keberlanjutan aspek lingkungan dimana tingkat penurunan luas hutan produksi alam dan hutan keseluruhan berturut-turut adalah sebesar 61.982 ha dan 51.820 ha. Selain itu, dari aspek ekonomi, pendapatan (revenue) yang bisa dicapai oleh industri furniture cenderung tidak mengalami peningkatan. Di sisi lain, industri furniture Indonesia cukup baik dalam memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen, sebagai indikator aspek sosial.
Optimasi Kinerja Rantai Pasok Industri Tekstil dan Produk Tekstil Indonesia Berdasarkan Simulasi Sistem Dinamis Kuncoro Harto Widodo; Erdi Ferdiansyah
agriTECH Vol 30, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1117.722 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/agritech.9691


The purpose of this research was to optimize supply chain performance of Indonesia textile and textile product industries. Optimation was conducted by considering export and import quantity. Optimizing of supply chain performance was obtained by using dynamic system simulation  approach. The research was started by identifying  the basic supply chain system of Indonesia textile and textile-product industries. SWOT analysis was implemented to identify condition and needs of each suppply chain element based on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The next stage was by creating  supply chain system model using dynamic system software including with its validation.  The last stage was by simulating the model with scenarios to optimize the performance. The result showed that there are 3 scenarios to optimize Indonesia textile and textile-product industries performance, those are short, middle and long term scenarios.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja rantai pasok dari industri tekstil dan produk tekstil (ITPT) Indonesia. Optimasi dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan kuantitas ekspor dan impor. Pengoptimalan kinerja rantai pasok diperoleh berdasarkan pendekatan simulasi sistem dinamis. Penelitian diawali dengan mengidentifikasi sistem dasar rantai pasok ITPT Indonesia menggunakan analisis SWOT untuk menggambarkan kondisi dan kebutuhan dari masing-masing elemen rantai pasoknya berdasar kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman yang dimiliki. Tahap selanjutnya adalah dengan memodelkan sistem rantai pasok tersebut menggunakan perangkat lunak sistem dinamis beserta validasinya. Tahap terakhir adalah mensimulasikan model tersebut berdasar skenario-skenario yang mengarah pada optimasi kinerjanya. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah diperolehnya 3 skenario optimasi, yaitu skenario jangka pendek, menengah dan jangka panjang.
Analisis Produktivitas Perusahaan Tempe "Murni" Yogyakarta di Masa Krisis Ekonomi Kuncoro Harto Widodo; Jumeri Jumeri
agriTECH Vol 19, No 3 (1999)
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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