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POTENSI SUMBERDAYA KAMPUNG AIPIRI DISTRIK MANOKWARI TIMUR KABUPATEN MANOKWARI: Potential Resources of Aipiri Village District East Manokwari Manokwari Regency Andoyo Supriyantono; Barahima Abbas; Rein M. R. Ruimassa; Yolanda Holle; Amestina Matualage; Nouke L. Mawikere; Alce I. Noya; Ishak Musaad; Febriza Dwiranti; Rina A. Mogea; Soetjipto Moeljono; Roni Bawole; Syafrudin Raharjo; Yuanike Kaber; Hendri Hendri; Martha Kayadoe; Paulus Boli; Gandi Y. S. Purba; Yafed Syufi
IGKOJEI: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): IGKOJEI: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46549/igkojei.v3i2.286


ABSTRACT  Community service activities have been carried out by a team of lecturers from the Postgraduate Program in Aipiri to identify regional potential and human resource potential. The activity was carried out at the village hall which was followed by field visits to both residents' houses and agricultural land, forestry and the sea.  Sampling of respondents was carried out randomly by considering the ownership of the resources owned. The results show that there are two existing agricultural conditions, namely 1) Agricultural Conditions at an Altitude > 10 m with green bean plants dominant; 2). The altitude of the place is 6 m above sea level (residential settlement) with flower plants, vegetables and plant sources of carbohydrates, areca nut and betel. The forest area is included in the tropical forest, 75% is natural forest and 25% is artificial forest. Livestock developed by the community in Aipiri are pigs with more males than females. Fisheries activities in Aipiri are still in the form of traditional activities. The fishing grounds for fishermen only reach the waters in front of the village, using rowboats without motors. The people who inhabit Aipiri are grouped into heterogeneous communities because there has been an assimilation of various ethnicities, including the Biak, Serui, MPur, Javanese, Wandamen and Meyah ethnic groups. The social interaction that exists between community members is manifested through government, spiritual, economic, and educational activities. Aipiri is located on the northern coast of Bird's Head which is directly adjacent to the Pacific Ocean.  Keywords: Aipiri; Human resources; Potential; Natural resources   ABSTRAK  Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat telah dilakukan oleh tim dosen Program Pascasarjana di kampung Aipiri untuk mengidentifikasi potensi wilayah dan potensi sumberdaya manusia. Kegiatan dilaksanakan di balai Desa yang dilanjutkan dengan kunjungan lapang baik di rumah-rumah warga maupun lahan pertanian, Kehutanan maupun laut.  Pengambilan sampel responden dilakukan secara acak dengan mempertimbangkan kepemilikan sumberdaya yang dimiliki. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dua kondisi existing pertanian yaitu 1) Kondisi Pertanian pada Ketinggian Tempat > 10 m dengan dominan tanaman kacang hijau; 2). Ketinggian tempat 6 m dpl (pemukiman penduduk) dengan tanaman bunga, sayuran dan tanaman sumber karbohidrat, pinang dan sirih. Kawasan hutan termasuk dalam hutan tropis yaitu  75 % merupakan hutan alam dan 25% merupakan hutan buatan. Ternak yang dikembangkan oleh masyarakat di Kampung Aipiri adalah ternak babi dengan jenis kelamin jantan lebih banyak dari pada betina. Kegiatan perikanan di Desa Aipiri masih berupa kegiatan tradisional. Daerah penangkapan nelayan hanya sampai di perairan depan desa, dengan menggunakan perahu dayung tanpa motor. Masyarakat yang mendiami Kampung Aipiri dikelompokan ke dalam masyarakat heterogen karena sudah terjadi pembauran berbagai etnis antara lain etnis Biak, serui, Mpur, Jawa, Wandamen dan Meyah.  Interaksi sosial yang terjalin antar warga masyarakat diwujudkan melalui aktifitas pemerintahan, kerohaniaan, perekonomian, dan pendidikan. Kampung Aipiri berada di pinggiran pantai utara di Kepala Burung yang berbatasan langsung dengan Laut Pasifik. Bagian utara Kepala Burung Papua telah mengkondisikan wilayah pesisir dan perikanan menjadi rentan terhadap dampak ekor dari siklon tropis dan topan yang berasal dari Samudera Pasifik yang berkaitan erat dengan gelombang badai dan hujan deras. Kata kunci: Aipiri; Potensi; Sumberdaya alam; Sumberdaya manusia
Peran mitra dalam pemberdayaan kelompok nelayan di Kampung Aipiri: The role of partners in empowering fishermen's groups in Aipiri Village Andoyo Supriyantono; Barahima Abbas; Rein M. R. Ruimassa; Yafed Syufi; Trisiwi W. Widayati; Martha Kayadoe; Nouke L. Mawikere; Alce I. Noya; Rina A. Mogea; Rawati Panjaitan; Soetjipto Moeljono; Roni Bawole; Syafrudin Raharjo; Yuanike Kaber; Hendri; Paulus Boli; Gandi Y. S. Purba; George Yarangga; Zarima Wibawati; Frengky Krey; Sonya F. Nauw; Daud Bano; Nuryanti Rumalolas
IGKOJEI: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 3 (2022): IGKOJEI: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46549/igkojei.v3i3.326


ABSTRACT  Fisheries activities in Aipiri Village are traditional activities. Using rowboats, the fishing grounds for fishermen are around the beach in front of the village. Some fishermen use motorboats with a wider range of fish catches. Repairing motorboat damage is usually done by calling a trained repairman because fishermen do not yet have adequate equipment to repair them. Community service activities aim to carry out counseling and provide workshop equipment and coolboxes to groups of fishermen in Aipiri village. The activity began with the Unipa Postgraduate team receiving workshop equipment from the Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan of West Papua Province which was symbolically handed over to the Postgraduate Director. Furthermore, the team distributed to groups of fishermen in Aipiri village and conducted counseling for 5 groups of fishermen. Cooperation with partners has succeeded in distributing assistance in the form of workshop tools and coolboxes. It is hoped that the workshop equipment can improve the economy of the fishing community in Aipiri village. Keywords: Aipiri; Fisherman; Workshop tools   ABSTRAK  Kegiatan perikanan di Kampung Aipiri berupa kegiatan tradisional dengan menggunakan perahu dayung. Beberapa nelayan menggunakan perahu motor dengan jangkauan tangkapan ikan yang lebih luas.  Perbaikan kerusakan pada perahu motor biasanya dilakukan dengan memanggil orang bengkel yang terlatih karena para nelayan belum memiliki peralatan yang memadai.  Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan penyuluhan dan bantuan peralatan bengkel dan coolbox kepada kelompok nelayan di Kampung Aipiri. Kegiatan diawali dengan tim Pascasarjana Unipa menerima bantuan berupa peralatan perbengkelan dari Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Provinsi Papua Barat yang diserahkan kepada Direktur Pascasarjana secara simbolis.  Selanjutnya tim mendistribusikan ke kelompok nelayan kampung Aipiri sekaligus melaksanakan penyuluhan tentang pemeliharaan perahu motor kepada 5 kelompok nelayan. Hasil penyuluhan menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pemahaman kelompok nelayan terhadap pemeliharaan perahu motor meningkat. Kelompok nelayan memahami bagian-bagian motor yang perlu dilakukan pemeliharaan dan perbaikan. Kerjasama dengan mitra telah berhasil menyalurkan bantuan berupa alat perbengkelan dan coolbox. Diharapkan bantuan peralatan tersebut dapat meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat nelayan di kampung Aipiri. Kata kunci: Aipiri; Alat perbengkelan; Nelayan
Daya hasil beberapa galur harapan jagung pulut lokal Papua Barat Nouke Lenda Mawikere; Alce I. Noya; Amelia S. Sarungallo; Imam Widodo; F.H. Listyorini; Lenci E.K. Rumbewas; Musina H. Kurni
Cassowary Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30862/casssowary.cs.v6.i1.159


The potential lines of West Papua local waxy corn has been already obtained in the previous studies, but the yields have not been further tested. In seed certification for the release of varieties from plant breeding results, it is necessary to conduct multilocation tests to obtain stable and superior yields in various locations. The aim of this research is to test the continued yield of potential lines of West Papua's local waxy corn at several areas in West Papua Province. The study was conducted in Prafi and West Manokwari Districts. The method used was an observational method using a Randomized Complete Block Design of 2 factors: Factor 1 was treatment of 7 local corn genotypes and factor 2 was treatment of 2 locations. Each treatment was repeated 3 times. Variables were observed included yield components of the maize genotypes tested. The data obtained were analyzed using ANOVA and if it had a significant effect, further BNJ test was performed at 95% confidence level. The results showed that productivity (seed weight ha-1) of the 7 genotypes tested were: 1) Ranging from 2.72 tons ha-1 (KM-BC3F1) to 7.66 tons ha-1 (AM-BC3F1 ) in the Prafi District, 2) from 3.30 tons ha-1 (AP-BC3F1) to 7.46 tons ha-1 (KL) in the West Manokwari District, and 3) from 3.28 tons ha-1 (KM-BC3F1) to 5.92 tons ha-1 (AM-BC3F1) in the G x L interactions. Genotype AM-BC3F1, AP-BC3F1, and P have higher productivity in Prafi District, on the contrary genotype KM-BC3F1, KP-BC3F1, AL, and KL have higher productivity in West Manokwari District.
Identifikasi karakteristik morfologi, sistem budidaya, dan pemanfaatan ubi jalar (Ipomoea batatas L.) oleh masyarakat lokal di Distrik Wanggar Kabupaten Nabire Nursin Leurima; Nouke Lenda Mawikere; Irnanda A.F. Djunna; Saraswati Prabawardani; Alce I. Noya
Cassowary Vol 6 No 2 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30862/casssowary.cs.v6.i2.198


ABSTRACT: Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is one of the world's most important food crops with great potential to be developed in Indonesia. This plant is rich in carotenoids and anthocyanins. Anthocyanin compounds in sweet potatoes function as components of healthy food. The purpose of this study was to identify the morphological diversity of sweet potato accessions, cultivation systems, and utilization of local communities in Wanggar District, Nabire Regency. The method used in this research is descriptive method with direct observation techniques in the field, at 3 villages: namely Wiraska, Wanggar Sari, and Karadiri in the Wanggar District, Nabire Regency. Data on sweet potato diversity were analyzed using cluster analysis with the NTSYS version 2.0 program. The result of this research are: (1) At the research sites in the villages of Wanggar Sari, Wiraska, and Karadiri there were 6 cultivars of sweet potato plants based on local names, namely: Unggu, Mokupudugu, Ueta, Mokupudugu, Nota, and Gelakue genotypes. These 6 cultivars had a diversity of morphological characters, (2) Based on the results of the cluster analysis, there are 2 main clusters that have the lowest similarity in morphological characters (34%), namely Cluster I (Unggu and Gelakue) and Cluster II (Makupudugu, Nota, Ueta, Kilumbi). The genotypes of Ungu and Gelakue in Cluster I have similar morphological characters of 43%, (3) Local communities in the Wanggar District still use traditional sweet potato cultivation systems and techniques that have been used from generation to generation, from land clearing to harvesting, and (4) In addition to being used as food, the plant parts of sweet potatoes are also used based on local wisdom communities as traditional medicines and natural fertilizers.