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Journal : Jurnal Ecodemica : Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen dan Bisnis

Jurnal Ecodemica: Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Bisnis Vol 2, No 1 (2014): Jurnal ECODEMICA
Publisher : LPPM Universitas BSI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (45.248 KB) | DOI: 10.31311/jeco.v2i1.1086


ABSTRAK Pemerintah daerah Indonesia, dewasa ini mulai meninjau ulang pendekatan dan cara pandang dalam mengelola daerah dengan memberikan otonomi untuk membangun sarana dan prasarana dalam mendukung pembangunan ekonomi, sosial, manajemen tata ruang dan lingkungan bagi daerah, termasuk diantaranya Jawa Barat khususnya Kota Bandung. Pelaksanaan otonomi daerah yang seluas-luasnya bagi Kota Bandung merupakan suatu tantangan yang berat, karena adanya tuntutan untuk mewujudkan kemandirian daerah. Kemandirian daerah sangat ditentukan oleh kemampuan seluruh komponen di Kota Bandung untuk mengoptimalkan segala potensi dan sumber daya yang ada. Salah satu potensi yang bisa dikembangkan di Kota Bandung adalah pusat perbelanjaan yang membuat Kota Bandung ini terkenal sebagai kota wisata belanja. Salah satu pusat pembelanjaan yang dikelola oleh pemerintah Kota Bandung adalah Cigondewah yang merupakan pusat kawasan belanja kain yang menjual berbagai macam kain lokal maupun impor, namun merek kawasan belanja ini perlu ditingkatkan dan dibangun lagi agar kawasan ini memiliki brand yang kuat. Merek yang kuat adalah merek yang memiliki ekuitas merek (brand equity) yang tinggi dan mampu mengembangkan keberadaan suatu produk. Oleh karena itu brand equity merupakan salah satu cara memperkuat merek sehingga akan membentuk citra kawasan yang lebih tinggi dan dapat meningkatkan untuk berbelanja kain di kawasan Cigondewah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memperoleh gambaran mengenai brand equity kawasan belanja kain Cigondewah, citra kawasan Cigondewah, keputusan berbelanja konsumen, pengaruh brand equity kawasan belanja kain cigondewah terhadap citra kawasan, pengaruh brand equity kawasan belanja kain cigondewah dan citra kawasan terhadap keputusan berbelanja. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptive survey dan explanator survey. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan sekunder melalui observasi, kuesioner dan studi kepustakaan. Polpulasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh konsumen akhir pengunjung kawasan belanja kain Cigondewah yang berjumlah 2236 orang, sedangkan sampelnya sebanyak 100 orang. Teknik yang digunakan adalah simple random sampling, sedangkan jenis pengukuran menggunakan koefisien analisis jalur dan analisis regresi ganda. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis menunjukan bahwa brand equity kawasan belanja kain Cigondewah berpengaruh terhadap citra kawasan dan keputusan berbelanja serta citra kawasan Cigondewah berpengaruh terhadap keputusan berbelanja konsumen. Kata kunci : Brand Equity, Citra Merek, Keputusan Pembelian      ABSTRACT The regional government of Indonesia, today began reviewing the approaches and perspectives in managing the area by giving autonomy to build facilities and infrastructure in support of economic development, social, spatial and environmental management for the region, including in particular the city of Bandung in West Java. The implementation of regional autonomy as possible for the city of Bandung is a formidable challenge, because of the demands to realize the independence of the region. Local independence is largely determined by the ability of all components in Bandung to optimize all the potential and existing resources. One of the potential that could be developed in the city of Bandung is a shopping center that makes the city of Bandung is famous as the city shopping. One of the central government expenditures managed by the city of Bandung is Cigondewah which is the main shopping center of the cloth that sell a variety of local and imported fabrics, but this brand shopping area needs to be improved and built up again so that this region has a strong brand. Strong brand is a brand that has the brand equity (brand equity) is high and able to develop the presence of a product. Therefore, brand equity is one way of strengthening the brand image of the region that will form a higher level and can increase to a cloth shop in the area Cigondewah.This study aims to find out and get an idea of brand equity Cigondewah cloth shopping area, the image of the region Cigondewah, consumer shopping decisions, the influence of brand equity cigondewah cloth shopping area on the image of the region, the influence of brand equity cigondewah fabric shopping and image shopping area against the decision.The method used in this study is a survey research methods and explanator deskriptive survey. The data used are the primary and secondary data through observation, questionnaires and literature study. Polpulasi this research is the ultimate consumer shopping cloth Cigondewah visitors numbering 2236 people, while the sample as many as 100 people. The technique used is simple random sampling, while the type of measurement using the coefficient of path analysis and multiple regression analysis. Based on the hypothesis testing results show that brand equity Cigondewah cloth shopping area and the effect on image-making shop as well as the image of the region Cigondewah effect on consumer shopping decisions Keyword: Brand Equity, Brand Image, consumer buying decisions
Pengaruh Atribut Produk Tabungan Terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah (Studi pada Bank XYZ KCP Antapani Bandung) Limbong, Novi Septiani; Solihat, Ani
Jurnal Ecodemica: Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Bisnis Vol 1, No 2 (2013): Jurnal ECODEMICA
Publisher : LPPM Universitas BSI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (492.387 KB) | DOI: 10.31311/jeco.v1i2.145


ABSTRACT - Bank XYZ KCP Antapani Bandung from 2010 through 2012 had climbed down the number of customers . In 2010 the number of customers of Bank XYZ totaled 794 people , in 2011 dropped to 727 people , and in 2012 had increased back up to 844 people . The rise and fall of the number of clients showing low levels of customer loyalty in the bank . Customer loyalty will form one of the products offered . Product attributes are product elements that are considered important in the purchase decision .The purpose of this study is to determine how much product attributes that exist in Bank XYZ KCP Antapani Bandung affect the level of client loyalty .This research method using descriptive and verification object of study is the effect of variable X ( product attributes ) to Y ( customer loyalty ) were studied . The data of the research was obtained by observing spreading out the questionnairewith Likert scale and used descriptive and verificative method. Wherever,regressionequationobtainedis Y = 2,660 + 0,171X.Additionallyhypothesisresultsshowsavingsproduct attributevariableshavea positiveand significantimpacton customer loyalty. This is indicated by the results of the test score correlation and regression test and t-test reject Ho. Positive and significant influence does it mean if a product attribute factors include product quality, product features, product design, brand, warranty, price, increasing the quality of it will be followed by an increase in customer loyalty. Keyword : product attributes, customer loyalty.
Jurnal Ecodemica : Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol 4, No 2 (2016): JURNAL ECODEMICA
Publisher : LPPM Universitas BSI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (277.614 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jeco.v4i2.805


ABSTRAC_Cilok Kenyal Kenyol is a brand of traditional food from Bandung. Created for lifting traditional food to be more modern, more popular nationally and internationally. Various innovations in products cilok already taken in an effort to increase sales, but these measures still do not meet the sales target. This study uses qualitative research with case study approach. Data collected by FGD (Focus Group Discussion) involving 20 people consisting of teachers Catering, Lecturer in Tourism, Employees Restaurant, Blogger (Food Blogger and Travel Blogger), Media, and Consumer (Students, Student, Employee, Housewife). This research produced models of the product development strategy, namely through its attributes and product features, style and design of products, brands and logos, packaging, labeling of the product support services.Keyword : Product, Product Strategy, Case StudyABSTRAK_Cilok Kenyal Kenyol merupakan makanan tradisional yang berasal dari Kota Bandung. Diciptakan dengan tujuan untuk mengangkat makanan tradisional menjadi lebih modern dan lebih popular baik secara nasional maupun internasional. Berbagai inovasi pada produk cilok sudah dilakukan sebagai usaha meningkatkan penjualan, namun langkah tersebut masih belum memenuhi dengan target penjualan . Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan FGD (Focus Group Discussion) yang melibatkan 20 orang terdiri dari Guru Tata Boga, Dosen Akademi Pariwisata, Karyawan Restoran, Blogger (Food Blogger dan Travel Blogger), Media, dan Konsumen (Mahasiswa, Siswa, Karyawan, Ibu Rumah).  Penelitian ini menghasilkan model strategi pengembangan produk, yaitu melalui atribut dan fitur produk, gaya dan rancangan produk, merek dan logo, pengemasan, pemberian label pelayanan penunjang produk.Kata Kunci : Produk, Strategi Produk, Studi Kasus.