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Partai Islam dalam Dinamika Demokrasi di Indonesia Yumitro, Gonda
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 17, No 1 (2013): Menimbang Birokrasi, Partai, dan Politik di Indonesia
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Some surveys showed that though Islamic parties had significant supports in 1999 and 2004 elections and their existences are in the largest Muslim population in the world, the current development indicates the decline supports of people on them. This paper will analyze various factors which cause such phenomena and predict the Islamic parties position on 2014 election. The result found that Islamic parties will face tough position on next election because of democracy, Indonesian Islamic characteristics and history, the competence of Islamic parties, and other external factors. The democracy causes a lot of problems, like the conflict among Islamic groups in Indonesia, which had dark history as the consequence of the politization of Islam by the elites. Moreover, the involvement of Islamic parties in Indonesian politics has not able to solve the real problems within the society, such as poverty, unemployment, corruption, etc. Unfortunately, the public opinion and education characters in Indonesia also don’t support the Islamic political parties position.
Reactualization of Indonesia- India Bilateral Relations1 Yumitro, Gonda
Jurnal Hubungan Internasional Vol 3, No 1 (2014): April
Publisher : Jurnal Hubungan Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/hi.2014.0046.51-57


After liberalized it’s economic policy in 1991, India emerges as a new emerging power in the world. By the year, it’s economic power supports the strengthening of it’s politics, military and cultures. Such condition invited Indonesia to be closer to India as what they had in previous time, since both countries also have consciousness on the emergence of Asian century after American and Europe have become weaker. Through this paper, I will position Indonesia and India mapping in International politics, particularly in term of their economic power. By this effort, it will be clear how important the reactualization of Indonesia-Indian bilateral relations in this globalized era. I also will analyze the prospect and obstacles of both countries relations.
Respon Dunia Internasional Terhadap Tragedi Kemanusiaan Rohingya Yumitro, Gonda
Sospol : Jurnal Sosial Politik Vol 3, No 2 (2017): Juli-Desember
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (198.243 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/sospol.v3i2.4886


Abstrak Kasus Rohingya sebagai tragedi kamanusiaan sudah berlangsung selama beberapa tahun. Dengan peningkatan intensitas publikasi dan jumlah pengungsi lintas Negara, pengaruh konflik Rohingya tidak hanya pada level domistik, melainkan sudah memberikan pengaruh dan menjadi isu regional bahkan Internasional. Oleh karena itu, makalah ini akan menganalis bagaimana dunia Internasional merespon tragedi kemanusiaan Rohingya. Melalui konsep Responsibility to Protect, makalah deskriptif dengan metode studi pustaka ini menggambarkan bahwa respon Internasional terhadap isu Rohingya cukup massif baik pada level bilateral, regional, maupun Internasional. Namun demikian, berbagai upaya yang dilakukan belum bersifat sistematis untuk menyelesaikan akar persoalan. Beberapa respon yang muncul lebih terlihat sebagai upaya politik untuk pencitraan diri daripada langkah ril menyelesaikan masalah, misalnya dengan mendeportasi para pengungsi Rohingya yang sudah kehilangan kewarganegaraan mereka.Kata Kunci: Respon, ASEAN, Internasional, Kemanusiaan, Rohingya AbstractRohingya case has emerged as humanism tragedy since last several years. Due to the increase of publication intensity and the number of refugees crosses countries, the influences of Rohingya case not only affected the domestic issues but also have influenced and emerged as a regional and International issue. Therefore, this paper aims to analyze the International response on the human right tragedy on Rohingya issue. Through the Responsibility to Protect concept, this descriptive paper using literature reviews method describes the massif response of the International world in the level of bilateral, regional, and International. However, the response founded have not been systematic in nature solving the root of problems of the Rohingya issue. Some of the responses mostly concern on the self-political interests than the real efforts to solve the issue. Even some countries deport Rohingya refugees whose being lost their citizenship.Keywords: Respons, ASEAN, International, Humanitarian, Rohingya
Jurnal Bestari No 41 (2009)
Publisher : Jurnal Bestari

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Indonesia has a big problem related to owning debts. Every year, the number of the debts  always increase because the country development. Besides, a way to solve the crisis still depends on the debts. Indonesia does not have independency to build its economic system based on people of  interest. So, there is no real development in Indonesia because it prefers to have growth than justice. The development is the catching up fallacy. Moreover, in the presidential election of 2009, we hope that we can find the leader who want to bring out Indonesia from this "debt  trap".
Jurnal Bestari No 38 (2008)
Publisher : Jurnal Bestari

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America, which is known to be concerned about democracy and human right issues, seems like having big charity to guarantee the human life, welfare and safe in the entire world. And it becomes the nation's official brand. Hut in fact most of American foreign policies tend to have military characteristics, such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, and a many other cases. in December 2007, American soldiers were stationed at more than 820 installations in at least 39 countries. Internally', the armed forces formation is very strong and supported by big financial budget. American armed forces lay on the top list among the countries because of its military expenses and budget. That is the why American military can intluence American foreign policy. American armed forces in American foreign policy decision making system covered big opportunity, regardless of the strategic position of the actors. Consequently, military could gain their pragmatic interest to get budget supporting. This military policy was also powered by the characteristics of the president who would lead the rule.
Proposed Development Models of Islamic Movements in Post Reformation Indonesia Gonda Yumitro; Elfatih Abdullahi Abdelsalam; Syaza Farhana Mohamad Shukri
AL-TAHRIR Vol 20, No 2 (2020): Islam and Politics
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/altahrir.v20i2.2124


Abstract: This article tries to analyze the models of Islamic movements in post-reformation Indonesia. The major research problem posed is to highlight the main theoretical underpinnings of the momentum of reformation and its impact on various movements, particularly the Islamic ones. The focus here is to explain how these Islamic movements have developed strategies and models to face and circumvent the challenges. This is qualitative research that used documentary analysis and the Focused Group Discussion (FGD) in collecting information and data for analysis. In analyzing the data, the authors used Nvivo 12 Plus. This research found  that the Islamic movements of Indonesia, in their quest for development and influence, have availed themselves of several developmental models, such as transnational and national Islamic movements, political and non-political movements, democratic and anti-democratic, and moderate and radical Islamic movements.المللخص: تحلّل هذه المقالة نماذج الحركات الإسلامية في إندونيسيا بعد الإصلاح. تتمثل المشكلة الرئيسية للبحث التي أثيرت في إبراز النظري الأساسي لزخم الإصلاح وتأثيره على الحركات المختلفة، وخاصة الحركة الإسلامية. ينصب التركيز هنا على شرح كيفية قيام هذه الحركات الإسلامية بتطوير استراتيجيات ونماذج لمواجهة التحديات التي تواجهها وحلها. هذا البحث هو بحث نوعي يستخدم أساليب التحليل الوثائقي والمناقشة الجماعية المركزة (ف.غ.د) في جمع المعلومات وتحليل البيانات. في تحليل البيانات، يستخدم الباحث ن.فيفو 12 بلس. تتمثل النتائج الرئيسية لهذا البحث في أن الحركة الإسلامية في إندونيسيا استجابة للدستور الحالي قد تطورت إلى عدة نماذج، مثل الحركات الإسلامية عبر الوطنية والوطنية، والحركات السياسية وغير السياسية، والديمقراطية ومناهضة الديمقراطية، وكذلك الحركات الإسلامية المعتدلة والمتطرّفة.Abstrak: Artikel ini menganalisis model gerakan Islam pasca reformasi di Indonesia. Permasalahan utama penelitian yang dikemukakan adalah menyoroti landasan teori utama momentum reformasi dan dampaknya terhadap berbagai gerakan khususnya gerakan Islam. Fokus di sini adalah menjelaskan bagaimana gerakan-gerakan Islam tersebut mengembangkan strategi dan model untuk menghadapi dan menyelesaikan tantangan mereka hadapi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan metode documentary analysis dan Focused Group Discussion (FGD) dalam pengumpulan informasi dan analisis data. Dalam menganalisis data, penulis menggunakan Nvivo 12 Plus. Temuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa gerakan Islam di Indonesia dalam merespon konstilasi yang ada telah berkembang menjadi beberapa model, seperti gerakan Islam transnasional dan nasional, gerakan politik dan non-politik, demokrasi dan anti-demokrasi, serta gerakan Islam moderat dan radikal.
MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman Vol 43, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : State Islamic University North Sumatra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30821/miqot.v43i1.646


Abstract: This study analysed the modalities and roles of pesantren (Islamic Boarding Schools) to face the issues of terrorism in the region of Malang. Contrary to the notion which stated that pesantren are the headquarters of terrorist groups, this paper discusses the existence of pesantren in the region of Malang with a various ideological background as the strategic and prominent stakeholders to face the issues of terrorism. The methodology was descriptive, with the concept of modality for deradicalisation. The result found that pesantren have modalities in dealing with issues of terrorism, namely, the spiritual modalities, the curriculum modality, the kyai and santri relations modality, and the social modality. Moreover, it is indicated that the pesantren and issues of terrorism are not interrelated. Pesantren have created an education system as the internal and external roles that can overcome the spread of radical movement activities and the issues of terrorism.Abstrak: Modalitas dan Peran Pesantren dalam Mengahadapi Isu Terorisme di Wilayah Malang. Studi ini menganalisa modalitas dan peran pesantren dalam menghadapi isu terorisme di wilayah Malang. Berbeda dengan pemikiran yang menyatakan bahwa pesantren merupakan pusat pengembangan bagi kelompok teroris, paper ini mendiskusikan keberadaan pesantren di Malang dengan latar belakang ideologi yang berbeda sebagai stakeholder yang strategis dan penting untuk menangani isu terorisme. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah diskriptif dengan konsep modalitas deradikalisasi. Adapun hasil yang ditemukan mengindikasikan bahwa pesantren mempunyai beberapa modalitas dalam menangani isu terorisme seperti modalitas spiritual, kurikulum, relasi kiai dan santri, serta modalitas social. Lebih lanjut, terdapat indikasi bahwa pesantren dan isu terorisme tidak terkait satu dengan lainnya. Pesantren sudah membangun sistem pendidikan sebagai bentuk peran internal dan eksternalnya untuk menyelesaikan penyebaran aktivitas gerakan radikal dan isu terorisme.Keywords: pesantren, terrorism, Malang, modality, deradicalisation
MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman Vol 41, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : State Islamic University North Sumatra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30821/miqot.v41i2.391


Abstract: This research attempts to explore the resistance of Pesantren against cultural globalization dominated by western society. By using the post-colonial approach, it is found that there is the process of re-reading the meaning of globalization and re-defining of ‘self’ as the subject of globalization. Pesantren introduced the concept of non material point of view namely al-tarbiyah wa al-ta‘lim preserving the local tradition in facing the secular and materialistic values of the West. Interestingly, this concept has emerged as prominent alternative of Islamic position showing the adaptability of Islam toward the globalization. Based on this research, the author thus argues that the violence and mass movements have no longer been used by the pesantren as an indication of modernzing Islamic  approach in the globalization era. Abstrak: Resistensi Pesantren terhadap Globalisi Budaya. Penelitian ini mencoba menggali resistensi pesantren terhadap globalisasi budaya yang didominasi oleh masyarakat Barat. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan pasca-kolonial, ditemukan bahwa ada proses membaca ulang makna globalisasi dan mendefinisikan ulang 'diri' sebagai subjek globalisasi. Pesantren memperkenalkan konsep cara pandang non material yaitu al-tarbiyah wa al-ta‘lim yang melestarikan tradisi lokal dalam menghadapi nilai sekuler dan materialistik dari Barat. Menariknya, konsep ini telah muncul sebagai alternatif utama posisi Islam yang menunjukkan adaptasi Islam terhadap globalisasi. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, penulis berpendapat bahwa kekerasan dan gerakan massa sudah tidak lagi digunakan oleh pesantren sebagai indikasi terjadi modernisasi pendekatan Islam pada era globalisasi ini. Keywords: globalization, pesantren, culture, postcolonial, materialistic
Partai Islam dalam Dinamika Demokrasi di Indonesia Gonda Yumitro
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 17, No 1 (2013): JULI (Menimbang Birokrasi, Partai, dan Politik di Indonesia)
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (285.633 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jsp.10892


Some surveys showed that though Islamic parties had significant supports in 1999 and 2004 elections and their existences are in the largest Muslim population in the world, the current development indicates the decline supports of people on them. This paper will analyze various factors which cause such phenomena and predict the Islamic parties position on 2014 election. The result found that Islamic parties will face tough position on next election because of democracy, Indonesian Islamic characteristics and history, the competence of Islamic parties, and other external factors. The democracy causes a lot of problems, like the conflict among Islamic groups in Indonesia, which had dark history as the consequence of the politization of Islam by the elites. Moreover, the involvement of Islamic parties in Indonesian politics has not able to solve the real problems within the society, such as poverty, unemployment, corruption, etc. Unfortunately, the public opinion and education characters in Indonesia also don’t support the Islamic political parties position.
Dauliyah Journal of Islamic and International Affairs Vol 2, No 2 (2017): DAULIYAH (JOURNAL AND ISLAMIC AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS)
Publisher : UNIDA Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (248.913 KB) | DOI: 10.21111/dauliyah.v2i2.1361


Based on its ideology and model of developed movement, Iranian Shia has beenintensely extending its ideology to various countries, including to Indonesia. Theexport of this ideology aims to create full power for Shia in the internationalworld. Through literature reviews methodology, it is found that the thought andmovement of Iranian Shia have influenced Indonesia significantly, especially bythe support of Iran. These influences can be seen by the increasing number offollowers, the development of education and publication activities, theinvolvement of Iran Shia cadres in Indonesian politics, and the developing ofunfair and unbalance cooperation between Indonesia and the Iranian government