Sri Muryani
Polteknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Palem Kuning (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens), Daun Suji (Dracaena deremensis), dan Paku-Pakuan (Nephrolepis exaltata) dalam Menurunkan Kadar Karbon Monoksida (CO) Morita Sari; Sri Muryani; Abdul Hadi Kadarusno
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 4 No. 4 (2013): Mei
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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One possible source of indoor air pollution is gasoline engine of motor vehicle. High carbon monoxide (CO) concentration raises the level of CO Hb in the blood, thus causing health disruptionranging from headache to death. One of the efforts which can be applied to cope the problem isutilizing CO absorber plants such as yellow palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens), suji leaves(Dracena deremensis) and ferns (Nephrolepis exaltata). The research was aimed to reveal theability of the three plants in reducing CO concentration, and also to know which plant has thehighest absorbing power. The study was an experiment which employed pre test-post test withcontrol group design, and for each type of plant, there were five replications. Motorcycle engineused in the research as the pollution source was ignited for 30 minutes before the subsequentexhaust gas were exposed in one hour to the experiment room which had the dimension of 3 mlength, 2 m width and 2 m height. The results showed that the decrease of CO concentrationamong the three plants were 76,14 % for Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, 81,18 % for Dracaenaderemensis, and 84,08 % for Nephrolepis exaltata, and the statistical test proved that thosepercentage were significantly different (p < 0,001). Further test, found that ferns (Nephrolepisexaltata) has the highest absorbing capability.
Perbedaan Tingkat Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) Ibu dengan Kejadian Diare pada Balita di WIlayah Kerja Puskesmas Seyegan, Sleman Hastomo Hastomo; Sri Muryani; Haryono Haryono
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 2 No. 3 (2009): Agustus
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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As an environmental based disease, diarrhea frequently attacks infant and under five children. The total diarrhea incidences troughout 2008 in SeyeganCommunity Health Centre were more than 800 cases. The study was to understood the correlation between mothers’ level of knowledge, attitude and practice on healthy and clean behaviours (PHBS) with diarrhea incidence of their underfive children. The study was an observational one with case control design. The case group consisted of 46 children who were diagnosed of diarrhea in the last two months, meanwhile the control group comprised with other 46 undiagnosed children. A valid and reliable piloted questionnaire and check-list were used to measure the predictor factors. The study showed that in the control group, the level of knowledge, attitude and practice on PHBS were significantly higher than those in case group.
Hubungan Antara Kondisi Lingkungan Rumah dan Perilaku Masyarakat dengan Kejadian Filariasis di Kecamatan Pemayung Provinsi Jambi Tahun 2011 Linggarjati Linggarjati; Sri Muryani; Abdul Hadi Kadarusno
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 3 No. 4 (2012): Februari
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Filariasis is a chronic infectious disease which are caused by micro worms from filaroidea family.The disease worms is transmitted via mosquito vectorsand once a person catch the disease could result in permanent disability. Environment and human behavior are influential in spreading filariasis cases and the chains of transmission. The objectives of the study was to reveal the relationship between several independent variables, which consists of physical,biological, and social economic environment, and community behavior; and the incidence of filariasis in Kecamatan Pemayung, as one of endemic areas offilariasis in Jambi. The study employed case control study design. Each study groups comprised of 48 person. Observation and interview were the methodsof data collection. The results show that the factors which were proven as risk factors for filariasis are: education level (OR: 6,176; 95% CI: 1,643-23,216), occupation type (OR: 75,836; 95% CI: 4,52-1272,52), bed-net use (OR: 11,957; 95% CI: 3,712-38,515), out-door night activities (OR: 82,358; 95% CI: 4,91-1380,33), dressing habit (OR: 5,308; 95% CI: 1,082-26,040), the existence of watery plant (OR: 9,828; 95% CI: 2,668-36,206), the existence of animal reservoir (OR: 7,5; 95% CI: 2,016-27,901), and wall type (OR: 51,087; 95% CI: 6,51-400,853.
Perbedaan Penurunan Angka Kuman Dinding Setelah Didisinfeksi dengan Sinar Ultraviolet dan Pengkabutan Disinfektan "V" di Ruang Perawatan BP4 Kotagede Yogyakarta Tahun 2012 Radityasari Nuraningtyas; Sri Muryani; Indah Werdiningsih
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 4 No. 1 (2012): Agustus
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Patients, visitors, and workers at BP4 Kotagede are at risk of contracting respiratory and lung diseases. Based on the preliminary survey it was revealed that wall microbe number in nursingexceeded the maximum permitted by the regulation, and so that need to be controlled. Disinfection is one of the methods. The study was aimed to determine the difference in the reductionof microbe numbers between the use of UV sterilizer and disinfectant ‘V” by conducting an experiment which followed pre-test post-test only design. Samples were taken from each wall’s central point at one meter height of five nursing wards. Samples were taken in seven repetitions byusing wall swab method. The results showed that UV disinfection was able to decrease the wallmicrobe number in average of 47.185 % (p<0,,001). However, since the post-test measurementwere still 62,2 CFU/cm2, it was considered that this method had not fulfilled the requisite yet. Onthe other hand, disinfectant “V” was able reducing the microbe number in average of 93.74 %(p<0,001) and had met the requirement because the post treatment was below the thresholds, average of 6.28 CFU/cm2.
Hubungan Kondisi Lingkungan Fisik rumah dan Kejadian ISPA di Kelurahan Bener, Tegalrejo, Yogyakarta, Tahun 2014 Deavita Intan Pradani; Sri Muryani; Achmad Husein
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 6 No. 4 (2015): Mei
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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As the medium for life development and the place for family member to get on together spending most of their times, a house shoud be healthy and comfortable. Unhealthy house is closely related with the increase of ARI incidence, which is included in the top 10 diseases among the service area of Tegalrejo Community Health Centre. A preliminary survey held in Kelurahan Bener, showed that 39% houses were identified unhealthy, 53% less healthy, and only 8% were healthy. This study were aimed to determine the relationship between house physical environment condition and ARI incidence in that kelurahan by conducting a retrospective case-control study. Member of the case group were 30 new ARI cases sought for medication to the community healthcentre who were sampled randomly; meanwhile as the control group, 30 non-ARI close neighbors who have similar characteristics with each case were selected. The observation of the physical condition parameters, i.e. ventilation width, and indoor temperature, humidity and lighting, was using proper instruments and were averaged from three measurements. The results show that the parameters under study which have significant association with ARI incidence are: indoor humidity (OR: 3,82; 95% CI: 1,15-12,71; p-value: 0,024) and indoor lighting (OR: 4,00; 95% CI: 1,37-11,70; p-value: 0,009); meanwhile, those which are not related, are ventilation width (OR: 1,80; 95% CI: 0,39-8,32; p-value: 0,448) and indoor temperature (OR: 3,79; 95% CI: 0,75-10,33; p-value: 0,117).
Suhu, Kelembaban dan Kebisingan pada Halaman Rumah Toko di Jalan Godean, Sleman, Yogyakarta Vita Dini Anggraeni; Sri Muryani; Rizki Amalia
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 7 No. 3 (2016): Februari
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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The reduction of open land in urban areas affects air circulation. Shop-houses which stand in rows along the sreets without providing space for plants can affect environmental health. An observation carried out on 4th May 2015 at one of shop-houses in Godean Street km 6,5 Sleman, obtained results of temperature, humidity and noise measurement as much as 40,2 °C, 35,7 % and 86,2 dB(A), which was meant that those three parameters has exceeding the corresponding thresholds. Vertical garden is one of planting techniques which do not need large area. The objective of the research was to know the influence of vertical garden to the change of temperature, humidity and noise on the front yard of shop-houses in Godean Street, by conductinngan experimthent with post-test only control group design. The types of plants used were yellow palm, yellow bamboo and lidah mertua. The data were analyzed by using independent t-test at ? = 0,05. From ten shop-houses sample, the results show that temperature decreased in an average of 0,6 °C (1,97 %), humidity increased in an average of 0,25 % (0,57 %), and noise decreased in average of 0,959 dB (A) (1,297 %). For temperature and humidity, there was no significant difference was found between the treatment and control groups (the p-values were0,153 and 0,918, respectively). Meanwhile for noise, the significant difference was identified (pvalue = 0,048). Based on the findings, the shop-houses owners are recommended to apply vertical garden as green hedge and as one of the efforts to reduce the noise.
Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Bawang Putih (Allium sativum L.) sebagai Desinfektan untuk Menurunkan Angka Kuman Dinding di Ruang Laboratorium Tri Wiji Wastiti; Sri Muryani; Indah Werdiningsih
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 8 No. 4 (2017): Mei
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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The measurement of wall microbe number in the laboratories of Environmental Health Department of The Polytechnic of Health of Yogyakarta was 70,9 CFU/cm2, which did not comply with the quality standard regulated by The Ministry of Health’s decree No. 1204/Menkes/SK/X/2004 about Health Requirement for Hospitals, i.e. 0-5 CFU/cm2. One of the efforts that need to be applied is disinfecting the laboratories’ rooms. The study was aimed to know whether 20 % concentration garlic extract is able to reduce the germ numbers of the walls. This study was a pretest post-test designed experiment. The sample were taken at five different laboratories, and for each laboratory there were four sampling points. The sampling technique used sterile cotton stick that were swabbed on a 10 cm x 10 cm wall surface and then were dipped into 10 ml PBS.The result showed that garlic extract with 20 % concentration can decrease the germ number ofwalls to 32,35 CFU/cm2, or in average of 38,6 CFU/cm2 (54,4 %).
Pengaruh Berbagai Konsentrasi Air Rebusan Ketumbar (Coriandrum Sativum) terhadap Penurunan Angka Kuman Tiang Infus di Puskesmas Rawat Inap Sewon I Bantul Dwi Purwanti; Sri Muryani; Choirul Amri
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 10 No. 2 (2018): November
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Infection prevention and control is an effort to prevent and minimize the occurrence of infection inpatients, officers, and community around health care facilities; through cleaning and disinfection of bed surface, bedside equipments and the often-touched bed edges. A preliminary study conducted in Puskesmas Sewon 1 of Bantul found that one intravenous pole had micobrial number of 208,67 colony/cm2 and had never disinfected. Nonetheless, chemical disinfectants usually leave residues. The safer with no-residue disinfectant is the vegetable-based ones, and one of the example is coriander. This research was a true experiment with pre-test post-test with control group design. The disinfectant used was coriander stew water with three various concentrations, i.e. 10 %, 20 % and 30 %, which were applied to eight intravenous poles. The data were analysed by one way anova test at 5 % level of significance. Descriptively, the average decrease ofbacteria number from 10 % concentration was 43,15 colony/cm2 (69,7%), from 20 % concentration was 65,87 colony/cm2 (40,3 %), from 30 % concentration was 50 colonies/cm2 (46,1 %), and from the control group was 38,94 colonies/cm2 (61,69 %). However, the p-value yielded from the statistical analysis was 0,525 which means that those bacteria number reduction of intravenous pole from the various concentration of coriander stew water disinfectant are not significantly differrent.
Pengaruh Tanaman Lidah Mertua (Sansevieria trifasciata) terhadap Penurunan Kadar Pb (Plumbum) di Udara Siti Nurjannah; Sri Muryani; Adib Suyanto
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 10 No. 2 (2018): November
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Pb pollution is harmful for human health. The monitoring results of Pb air ambient measurementby the Environment Agency of Yogyakarta City in 2016 showed that at five measurement points the Pb exceeded the threshold regulated by the Decree of Yogyakarta Province Governor No. 153 in 2002, i.e. 2 ?g/m3 secondary quality standard 1,500 ?g/m3. The purpose of this study was to know the effect of Sansevieria trifasciata on decreasing Pb levels in air. This research was a quasi-experiment with control time series design. There were three time exposure variation of Sansevieria trifasciata, namely 30 minutes, 60 minutes and 90 minutes, in five replications. The research employed special designed glass box to input the pollutant emission from vehicle. The study results show that 30 minute exposure of Sansevieria trifasciata can decrease Pb from pretest measurement of 829,64 ?g/m3to 269,6 ?g/m3 (30,56 %), 60 minutes exposure decreased to 346,22 ?g/m3 (41,70 %) and 90 minutes ex-posure decreased to 368,16 ?g/m3 (44,63 %).
Pengaruh Pemanfaatan Azotobacter chroococcum dalam Limbah Nanas sebagai Inoculant terhadap Waktu Terjadinya Kompos Sampah Organik Hastomo Hastomo; Sri puj Ganefati; Sri Muryani
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 2 No. 4 (2010): Februari
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Some problems raised from the existence of organic wastes should be solved properly. The problems are included potential impact to environment, leachate yielded from decomposition process, bad odour and the possiblity of becoming the breeding places for disease vectors. Composting is one of the methods that can be applied. However, in the application it needs other organic compound to shortener the time needed. In this experimental study which was employing post- test-only-with-control-group-design, inocullant from pineapple wastes and Azo- tobacter chroococcum as activator was used. The wastes were collected from Sentul Market of Yogyakarta, and the isolate of the bacteria was obtained from the Laboratory of Soil Microbiology of Faculty of Agriculture of Gadjah Mada University. Three variations, i.e. 100, 120 and 140 gr inocullant per kilogram organic waste was used. Meanwhile, the final compost was determined if the following criterias has been reached: stable room temperature, brownish black in color, neutral pH, final volume is a third from the initial one and odourless. By using one-way anova test, it can be concluded that the 140 gr inocullant poured into a kilogram of organic waste produced the shortest composting time, i.e. 23 days.