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Literasi Pencegahan Cyberbullying Pada Siswa SMA Di Tangerang Wildan Hakim; Endah Murwani; Helga Liliani Cakra Dewi
Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan Corporate Social Responsibility (PKM-CSR) Vol 1 (2018): Prosiding PKM-CSR Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat dan Corporate Socia
Publisher : Asosiasi Sinergi Pengabdi dan Pemberdaya Indonesia (ASPPI)

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Kegiatan ini dilatarbelakangi fenomena penggunaan teknologi komunikasi yang semakin meningkat di kalangan remaja memunculkan suatu permasalahan yang perlu diantisipasi yaitu perisakan melalui internet atau dikenal sebagai cyberbullying. Sisi negatif cyberbullying berpotensi merugikan korban seperti kehilangan kepercayaan diri, depresi dan menurunnya prestasi akademik siswa. Untuk itu, literasi pencegahan cyberbullying penting dilakukan pada para remaja. Metode yang digunakan untuk literasi pencegahan cyberbullying berupa pelatihan, dengan peserta siswa SMA di Tangerang. Pelatihan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 10 Oktober 2018. Materi pelatihan mencakup definisi, karakteristik dan jenis-jenis cyberbullying, panduan pencegahan cyberbullying.. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan peserta pelatihan memahami jenis-jenis cyberbullying dan cara mencegahnya
Video pembelajaran ramah disabilitas bagi komunitas e- sports ability Indonesia Charlie Tjokrodinata; Cendera Rizky Anugrah Bangun; Helga Liliani Cakra Dewi; Dian Nuranindya; Riatun
Jurnal Komunikasi Profesional Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas dr. Soetomo

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E-Sports Ability Indonesia (EAI / IG is an esports community that is equalized for people with disabilities. The community, which was founded in 2019, has managed to get 123 members. One of the goals of establishing EAI is to become a shelter for people with disabilities so that they can develop their interests and talents in the field of esports. The lack of friendly job providers for the disabled makes it difficult for them to find work outside of community activities. In addition, the knowledge of people with disabilities on how to apply for a job or make a good CV is still very minimal. Especially during the current COVID-19 pandemic, companies are forced to reduce the number of employees and even close to reduce operational costs. One alternative that can be done by people with disabilities in the midst of the current limitations is to sell online through e-commerce. In addition to not requiring a physical store presence, selling online can also be learned easily. For this reason, this Community Service activity is intended to provide training materials to facilitate the process of finding or applying for jobs in the form of disability-friendly videos. So that people with disabilities can easily follow and understand the training materials presented. It is hoped that users of this video will gain practical knowledge about how to apply for a job and how to increase income by selling online through e-commerce.
Towards Smart School: Implementation of Learning Management System in Kemuning Village Primary School Riatun Riatun; Helga Liliani Cakra Dewi; Nicky Stephani; Silvanus Alvin; Mujiono Mujiono
Kontribusi: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Mei 2023
Publisher : Cipta Media Harmoni

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53624/kontribusi.v3i2.209


Demi mewujudkan Indonesia yang maju di masa depan, masyarakat desa perlu memiliki kemampuan dalam memiliki sumber daya manusia unggul yang mampu memanfaatkan teknologi informasi. UMN sebagai universitas yang memiliki tanggung jawab untuk melaksanakan Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi berperan penting dalam hal tersebut, telah bekerjasama dengan Desa Kemuning terutama dengan SDN Kemuning untuk pembuatan materi edukasi online yang dapat diakses melalui Learning Management System (LMS). Dari hasil observasi serta diskusi dengan para guru di SDN Kemuning ditetapkan mata pelajaran terkait sirkulasi darah untuk dibuat video pembelajaran digital. Dari pelaksanaan program ini, para siswa SDN Kemuning sudah mulai diperkenalkan dengan teknologi serta pembelajaran daring yang dapat diakses kapan saja dan di mana saja. hal ini juga mendukung proses literasi digital kepada para anak muda serta guru-guru.
The Challenges of Practicum Courses on Online Learning Helga Liliani Cakra Dewi; Chininta Rizka Angelia; Mujiono; Silvanus Alvin
Jurnal Komunikasi Profesional Vol. 7 No. 3 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jkp.v7i3.6191


The Indonesian government encourages educational institutions to implement Online Learning (PJJ) through Law Number 20 of 2003. With the massive development of information and communication technology and the internet, now implementing PJJ system in educational institutions is a necessity. Hence, in 2020 Universitas Multimedia Nusantara established a Communication Study Program in PJJ. In teaching and learning activities, there are theoretical and practical course. This study aims to answer reaseach question about the challenges of practicum course that are implememted through the PJJ system. The method used in this study was Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with 40 students who were divided in several groups based on semester level. All FGD pratidipants had taken practicum coursed, namely the Digital Videography and Multimedia Laboratory. The result showed that the challenges faced in practicum courses are the differences of distance and time to complete group assignmenets among the students, the availability of learning support tools and facilities, and the updating of teaching material content. Alternative responses made by students are by subtituting practicum tools and utilizing social media such as Youtube and Instagram to enrich learning material. This study also found several expectations in practicum course, such as renewing learning materials by using language that is easier to understand, adjusting quiz questions, and increasing the frequency of synchronous virtual meetings.