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Menjadi Korean di Indonesia: Mekanisme Perubahan Budaya Indonesia - Korea Kiki Zakiah; Dian Widya Putri; Nila Nurlimah; Dadan Mulyana; Nurhastuti Nurhastuti
MediaTor (Jurnal Komunikasi) Vol 12, No 1 (2019): (Accredited Sinta 3)
Publisher : Pusat Penerbitan Universitas (P2U) LPPM Unisba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/mediator.v12i1.3979


Korean waves have penetrated Indonesian youth and become popular among them. Various studies show that Korean culture is an object of imitation for Indonesian teenagers. Imitation starts from the presentation of culture, then the process of internalizing culture in adolescents and finally teenagers makes Korean culture a part of them. Korean culture for Indonesian teenagers is structured. Korean teenage artists have drilled faces to become agents of the spread of Korean culture. The method used in the literature study is the results of research by several universities in Indonesia, with the theory of cultural dynamics which says that culture always changes. Cultural change through the process of diffusion, acculturation and assimilation. The results showed the spread of mass media, especially Korean online media that has an agenda to campaign Korean culture. While the cultural material of Korea that diffused is drama, music, fashion, food, and language. The target audienss for all those materials are teenagers and adult except for music, which is more desirable by the early teenagers. The positive impact on viewers is learning to save, to do business, to gain experience and to make new friends. The negative impacts are wasteful, fan war, pornography and porno action, and loves Korean culture than its own culture.
Penguatan Nilai-Nilai Religius di Perguruan Tinggi Yulianti Yulianti; Stephani Raihana Hamdan; Dian Widya Putri
MediaTor (Jurnal Komunikasi) Vol 11, No 2 (2018): (Accredited Sinta 3)
Publisher : Pusat Penerbitan Universitas (P2U) LPPM Unisba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/mediator.v11i2.3978


Globalization and technological development has impact on competition for the excellence in all aspects of life, including in the field of education. Education is the main basis of a nation’s strategy to rise from adversity. Bandung Islamic University (Unisba) is one option for parents who not only consider about quality, but also prioritize the application of good religious values. Indeed, the axiom of good student output in the future is closely related to good values, good skills and a good attitude. The ultimate goal of Islamic Education is the emergence of moral guidance, so that it is appropriate to strengthen religious values in Fikom Unisba. This research is related to the efforts to strengthen the religious values carried out by the Faculty of Communication Sciences of Unisba which is use a qualitative approach. The subject of this study was Dr. O. Hasbiansyah as the Dean of the Faculty of Communication, Unisba. Management of religious values instilled in the Faculty of Communication in every aspects. Starting from the curriculum, human resources (lecturer, education staff, and students), as well as the work environment (setting). This is makes Islamic values inseparable from work and service. All of them are integrated in one system, in order to create strenghtening of value as the common goal.
Perilaku Bermedia Digital Dalam Pelaksanaan Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi Dikalangan Dosen Unisba Dian Widya Putri; Stephani Raihana Hamdan; Yulianti Yulianti
MediaTor (Jurnal Komunikasi) Vol 10, No 1 (2017): (Accredited Sinta 3)
Publisher : Pusat Penerbitan Universitas (P2U) LPPM Unisba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/mediator.v10i1.2731


Perkembangan teknologi informasi berdampak pada perkembangan Media Massa sebagai channel komunikasi melalui media baru seperti media digital dan konvergensi media. Dari sekian jenis media massa, diantaranya digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran atau yang disebut teks pedagogik atau teks akademik.Teks akademik saat ini hadir dalam bentuk media digital dan media konvergensi, seperti e-book dan e-journal. Dalam memenuhi tiga unsur tridharma, dosen dituntut untuk dapat beradaptasi dengan teknologi informasi dalam bentuk media baru tersebut. Mulai dari penyediaan sumber bahan ajar sampai pada sumber data dan pengunggahan karya ilmiah. dalam hal ini dosen berperan sebagai penerima dan penyedia konten.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai perilaku bermedia digital dalam melaksanakan tridharma perguruan tinggi di kalangan dosen Unisba terutama adaptasi dan upaya penggunaanya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan perilaku serta belum menyeluruhnya penggunaan media digital dalam memenuhi tridharma perguruan tinggi pada dosen Unisba. Selain terlihat adanya tren menggunakan media digital pada perkuliahan, mencari referensi ilmiah dan publikasi hasil penelitian serta PKM. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan perbedaan perilaku pada dosen pria dengan wanita dalam penggunaan media digital.
MEDIA USAGE BEHAVIOR DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC yulianti yulianti; Dian Widya Putri; Stephani Raihana Hamdan; Yunita Sari
Mediakom Vol 3 No 2 (2020): Vol 3 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Aplikasi Informatika, Informasi dan Komunikasi Publik (APTIKA dan IKP) Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17933/diakom.v3i2.116


Sebagai global pandemic, Covid 19 telah menghadirkan banyak isu yang didukung dengan kehadiran media baru. Berdasarkan data yang dirilis di menyatakan bahwa hingga awal Juli 2020 ini ratusan hoax beredar di masyarakat. Penggunaan media baru ini mengalami peningkatan yang begitu pesat, termasuk di Indonesia khususnya Jawa Barat sebagai provinsi dengan jumlah penduduk dan mayoritas muslim terbanyak. Menjadi pertanyaan, bagaimana perilaku bermedia masyarakat muslim Jawa Barat saat pandemi Covid-19 berlangsung? Sumber media informasi, aktivitas bermedia, bentuk informasi, tingkat kepercayaan, dan sikap dari ribuan responden dipetakan dalam studi ini. Studi ini bersifat deskriptif-kuantitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui dan kajian literatur. Hasil studi ini memperlihatkan tingginya akses bermedia terkait Covid-19 yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat muslim Jawa Barat. Tidak ditemukan adanya perbedaan berarti dari responden laki-laki dan perempuan terkait perilaku bermedia. Temuan menyebut bahwa sumber informasi mengenai Covid-19 bagi masyarakat muslim Jawa Barat adalah instragram; masyarakat muslim Jawa Barat sering mengecek informasi dan sering mendapatkan informasi kesehatan, tetapi sangat jarang berkomentar dan memposting informasi terkait Covid-19; sikap saat mendapat informasi yakni mengecek beberapa media, dengan tingkat kepercayaan tertinggi jatuh kepada pemerintah dibanding figur publik dan kerabat.
Jurnal Ilmu Ilmu Agribisnis: Journal of Agribusiness Science Vol 7, No 3 (2019)
Publisher : Lampung University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (437.195 KB) | DOI: 10.23960/jiia.v7i3.3782


This research aimed to analyze the decision-making process on the vegetables food choise, the pattern of processed vegetables consumption, and factors that affected the amount of vegetables consumption among households (HH) at Gisting Atas Village. This research was conducted by survey method. Location of this research was determined purposively at Gisting Atas Village Gisting Subdistrict of Tanggamus district. The amount of research samples was as many as 65 HH who were selected by simple random sampling. The data was collected in month of April 2018. The result showed that HH decision making on processed local food consisted of introduction needs, seeking information, evaluation of the alternative, selection and consumption decision, post-selection evaluation. Cabbage and kale vegetables were the most consumed vegetables in which frequency was in sufficient category. The level of education and nutrition knowledge of housewives significantly influenced the amount of vegetables consumption.Key words: consumtion pattern, decision making, vegetables consumption
How the Print Media Industry Survived in the Digital Era Firmansyah Firmansyah; Sophia Novita; Atie Rachmiatie; Septiawan Santana K.; Alex Sobur; Dian Widya Putri
Jurnal ASPIKOM - Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi (ASPIKOM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24329/aspikom.v7i1.1013


In the era of information technology, print media is on the verge of extinction. The Pikiran Rakyat Newspaper, one of the largest local newspapers in West Java, still survives. This study illustrates how print media can survive in the era of digital society. This research uses a sequential explanatory design method by combining quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data was collected using a survey to a sample of readers totaling 1540 respondents. The sample was determined using purposive sampling with unique qualifications for potential readers in West Java. Qualitative data using observation, interviews, and FGD. The quantitative results showed that respondents admitted they were still interested in consuming newspapers. Newspapers have advantages over online media; clickbait does not exist. The qualitative results indicate that print media can still survive, not as a source of income but as an icon of the company.
Pengaruh Terpaan Media terhadap Kesadaran Mahasiswa tentang Protokol Kesehatan Covid-19 3M (Memakai Masker, Mencuci Tangan, Menjaga Jarak) Nadya Kinasih Alkautsar; Dian Widya Putri
Jurnal Riset Jurnalistik dan Media Digital Volume 1, No. 2, Desember 2021 Jurnal Riset Jurnalistik dan Media Digital (JRJMD)
Publisher : UPT Publikasi Ilmiah Unisba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (189.76 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/jrjmd.v1i2.505


Abstract. Covid-19 case first discovered in Wuhan, China, on December 2019. In Indonesia, Covid-19 case first discovered on March 2nd 2020. Since the emerges of the case, Indonesia’s Ministry of Health created a law to prevent the spread of the disease, which called Protokol Kesehatan Covid-19. One of the attempt to implement the law, Indonesian goverment create a rule called 3M, which is an abbreviation of Memakai Masker, Mencuci Tangan, Menjaga Jarak (Wearing Mask, Wash Hands, Social Dinstancing). That rule is spread by various mass media. The purpose of this research, is to find out the effectfrom the spread of the news regarding 3M (Memakai Masker, Mencuci Tangan, Menjaga Jarak) rule, towards the consciousness of the citizen to applying those rule in everyday activity, with the sample of research are 94 student of Communication Science Faculty in Bandung Islamic University. Using the theory of Uses&Effects by Sven Windahl with quantitative research methode using a simple linear regression analysis. The results of this research shows : There’s an effect from the frequency of media’s news exposure towards the student’s conciousness in implementation of 3M rules, there’s an effect from the attention media’s news exposure towards the student’s conciousness in implementation of 3M rules, there’s an effect from the duration of media’s news exposure towards the student’s conciousness in implementation of 3M rules, there’s an effect from the media’s news exposure towards the student’s conciousness in implementation of 3M rules. Abstrak. Kasus penyakit Covid-19 pertama kali ditemukan di Wuhan, Cina pada bulan Desember 2019. Lalu menyebar hingga ke Indonesia sejak tanggal 2 Maret 2020. Semenjak muncul kasus tersebut, Kementerian Kesehatan mengeluarkan aturan untuk mencegah penyebaran penyakit Covid-19 yang dinamakan Protokol Kesehatan Covid-19. Salah satu upaya untuk melaksanakan aturan tersebut, pemerintah mengeluarkan aturan yang disebut 3M yang merupakan singkatan dari Memakai Masker, Mencuci Tangan, dan Menjaga Jarak. Aturan tersebut, disebarkan di berbagai media massa, baik online maupun tradisional. Penelitian ini, bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh dari penyebaran berita mengenai Protokol Kesehatan Covid-19 3M (Memakai Masker, Mencuci Tangan, dan Menjaga Jarak) pada media online, terhadap kesadaran masyarakat dalam menerapkan aturan tersebut, dengan sampel penelitian adalah 94 mahasiswa dari Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Bandung. Penelitian ini, menggunakan Teori Uses & Effects dari Sven Windahl dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan analisis regresi linear sederhana. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan : Terdapat pengaruh dari frekuensi terpaan media terhadap kesadaran mahasiswa dalam menerapkan aturan 3M, terdapat pengaruh dari atensi terpaan media terhadap kesadaran mahasiswa dalam menerapkan aturan 3M, terdapat pengaruh dari durasi terpaan media terhadap kesadaran dalam menerapkan aturan 3M, terdapat pengaruh dari terpaan media terhadap kesadaran mahasiswa dalam menerapkan aturan 3M.
Pengelolaan Kesan Gitaris Black Metal Band Warkvlt Fulky Faza Ramadhan; Dian Widya Putri
Bandung Conference Series: Journalism Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Bandung Conference Series: Journalism
Publisher : UNISBA Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (116.254 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/bcsj.v1i1.23


Abstract. The study of impression management is one of the interesting topics of communication studies. This is because impression management is such a dynamic behavior. This is seen from the change in behavior which was initially considered normal to be different in general. This research is a study of impression management with the dramaturgy approach. The use of dramaturgy aims to find out the impression management performed by the black metal band guitarist Warkvlt. This research is a study of impression management with dramaturgy theory. The use of dramaturhi theory aims to find out both sides of life owned by black metal band guitarist Warkvlt (Warkult). This study uses qualitative methods. The subjects of this study were Supriyanto as key informants, and four other people who were close to the life of the front stage and back stage from Supriyanto as supporting informants. Data obtained by observation, documentation and in-depth interviews. The results showed that Supriyanto had a personality that was made different from real life to support his appearance on stage. This shows that the research subjects have the power to make different personifications to show their fans. In this study researchers used data from five informants namely Supriyanto, Susan, Sigit, Glen and Alfi. Researchers obtained data from key informants from Supriyanto and his wife and bandmates which were used as supporting data, as well as from one of his fans to get data from outside the environment of the subject of study. Researchers limit the scope of the front stage of the life of the black metal band guitarist Warkvlt when performing on stage to interact directly with the audience. This refers to the statement of Erving Goffman stated in the book Psychology of Communication by Jalaluddin Rakhmat which states that a person's front stage is where an individual is in a condition or environment where there are other individuals who observe and judge. The backstage of a black metal guitarist is filled with people who have even more emotional closeness like family members. Or in other words the researchers limit it to situations and conditions where the attributes as a black metal guitarist are released or deliberately abandoned by him. There is a clear difference between the front stage and the back stage of the black metal band guitarist Warkvlt, which can be seen in terms of appearance and a more open attitude. Appearance on the back stage as it is like real identity and a more open attitude to the surrounding environment. Abstrak. Studi tentang manajemen kesan adalah salah satu topik yang menarik dari kajian ilmu komunikasi. Hal ini dikarenakan manajemen kesan merupakan perilaku yang begitu dinamis. Hal ini dilihat dari perubahan perilaku yang pada awalnya dipandang normal menjadi berbeda pada umumnya. Penelitian ini merupakan studi tentang manajemen kesan dengan pendekatan dramaturgi. Penggunaan dramaturgi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manajemen kesan yang dilakukan oleh gitaris black metal band Warkvlt. Penelitian ini merupakan studi tentang manajeman kesan dengan teori dramaturgi. Penggunaan teori dramaturhi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kedua sisi kehidupan yang dimiliki oleh gitaris band black metal Warkvlt (Warkult).. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif . Subjek penelitian ini adalah Supriyanto sebagai informan kunci, dan empat orang lain yang dekat dengan kehidupan front stage dan back stage dari Supriyanto sebagai informan pendukung. Data diperoleh dengan observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Supriyanto memiliki satu kepribadian yang dibuat berbeda dari kehidupan sebenarnya untuk menunjang penampilannya diatas panggung. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa subjek penelitian memiliki kekuatan dalam membuat personifikasi yang berbeda untuk ditunjukan kepada penggemarnya. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan data dari lima informan yaitu Supriyanto, Susan, Sigit, Glen dan Alfi. Peneliti mendapatkan data dari informan kunci dari Supriyanto serta istri dan teman band-nya yang dijadikan sebagai data pendukung, juga dari satu penggemarnya untuk mendapatkan data dari sisi luar lingkungan subjek menelitian. Peneliti membatasi lingkup panggung depan kehidupan gitaris black metal band Warkvlt adalah ketika tampil diatas panggung hingga berinteraksi langsung dengan penonton. Hal tersebut mengacu pada pernyataan Erving Goffman yang tertuang dalam buku Psikologi Komunikas karya Jalaluddin Rakhmat yang menyatakan bahwa panggung depan seseorang ialah dimana seorang individu berada pada sebuah kondisi atau lingkungan dimana terdapat individu lainnya yang mengamati dan menilai. Panggung belakang seorang gitaris black metal dipenuhi oleh orang-orang yang memiliki kedekatan lebih bahkan kedekatan emosional seperti anggota keluarga. Atau dengan kata lain peneliti membatasinya dengan situasi dan kondisi dimana atribut sebagai seorang gitaris black metal terlepas ataupun sengaja ditanggalkan olehnya. Terdapat perbedaan yang terlihat jelas antara panggung depan dengan panggung belakang gitaris black metal band Warkvlt, dimana dapat dilihat dari hal penampilan dan sikap yang lebih terbuka. Penampilan pada panggung belakang yang apa adanya seperti jati diri sesungguhnya dan sikap yang lebih terbuka pada lingkungan sekitar.
Strategi Komunitas JES dalam Peliputan Berita Eksistensi Bank Syariah di Kota Bandung Fauzy Adha Maulana; Dian Widya Putri
Bandung Conference Series: Journalism Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Bandung Conference Series: Journalism
Publisher : UNISBA Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (99.616 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/bcsj.v2i1.1654


Abstract. The role of community economic journalist syariah (JES) Bandung for the purpose of giving information and education through literasi economic news surrounding syariah to the community so that the more advanced economic syariah and grow at a fast pace. It is clear that the lack of information economy banks and syariah made people were still a little trust and lack of understanding about syariah concept , compared with conventional banks. Looking at the case above, so this research about how community strategy JES in news was the existence of syariah banks in the city of bandung. The purpose of research to know and then to analyze JES community Bandung created the communications strategy in covering news the existence of syariah banks in the city of Bandung. To review and means covering news the existence of syariah banks in the city of Bandung. To know and then to analyze why jes cover community news the existence of syariah banks in the city of Bandung. Qualitative research was conducted with the perspective of a case study Robert K.Yin are obedient to research design type 1, there is one case where only and one unit of analysis with research using interviews with the speakers. The subject of study that is, three key informan such as Bandung editor JES community leaders. Markom JES community, community editor JES Bandung. Test data is not tampered with by means of triangulation of a source by the speakers from the academics, triangulation of the form of data, and triangulation of data collection techniques. Drawing conclusions: JES community Bandung created the strategy in covering news the existence of syariah banks in the city of Bandung for want of creates understanding by the people the reader of syariah banks and economic information about setting up a shariah in canning with the text news easily understandable and understood the community members who lacking information or literasi on the bank syariah syariah and economic. Abstrak. Peran komunitas jurnalis ekonomi syariah (JES) Bandung bertujuan untuk memberikan sosialisasi dan edukasi melalui literasi informasi berita seputar ekonomi syariah pada masyarakat supaya ekonomi syariah semakin maju dan tumbuh dengan cepat. Kurangnya informasi yang jelas tentang bank dan ekonomi syariah membuat masyarakat masih sedikit percaya dan kurangnya pemahaman tentang konsep syariah, dibandingkan dengan bank konvensional. Mencermati kasus di atas, maka penelitian ini tentang bagaimana strategi komunitas JES dalam peliputan berita eksistensi bank Syariah di Kota Bandung. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa komunitas JES Bandung menciptakan strategi dalam meliput berita eksistensi bank syariah di Kota Bandung. Untuk mengetahui dan menganalis cara meliput berita eksistensi bank syariah di Kota Bandung. Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa mengapa komunitas JES meliput berita eksistensi bank syariah di Kota Bandung. Metode penelitian kualitatif dengan perspektif studi kasus Robert K. Yin yang lebih ditekankan kepada desain penelitian tipe 1, dimana hanya ada satu kasus dan satu unit analisis dengan menggunakan wawancara dengan narasumber penelitian. Subjek penelitian yaitu tiga orang narasumber diantaranya pimpinan redaksi komunitas JES Bandung. Markom komunitas JES, redaksi komunitas JES Bandung. Uji keabsahan data dengan cara triangulasi sumber dengan narasumber dari pihak akademisi, triangulasi bentuk data, dan triangulasi teknik pengumpulan data. Simpulan: komunitas JES Bandung menciptakan strategi dalam meliput berita eksistensi bank syariah di Kota Bandung karena ingin menciptakan pemahaman khalayak pembaca mengenai informasi bank syariah dan ekonomi syariah yang di kemas dengan teks berita mudah dimengerti dan dipahami oleh masyarakat yang kurang informasi atau literasi tentang bank syariah dan ekonomi syariah
Polymedia on Working Mothers with Long Distance Marriage Dian Widya Putri; Yulianti - Yulianti; Stephani Raihana Hamdan
MediaTor (Jurnal Komunikasi) Vol 15, No 2 (2022): (Accredited Sinta 2)
Publisher : Unisba Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/mediator.v15i2.10503


People in this cyber era use various media to carry out all kinds of communication. the concept of polymedia sees how a person navigates and manages so many media according to their interpersonal communication needs. This study looks at the application of the polymedia concept to working mothers who experience Long Distance Marriage (LDM). The research method is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques through interviews and observations. The informants in this study are working mothers who have a long-distance marriages. The results of this study in the polymedia contour section found that the informants develop the use of media by updating and combining several media. The most favorite or frequently used media are those with full features and low cost. The level of accessibility, affordability, and media literacy of informants varied but tended to move in a better direction. The results from the elements of polymedia are that the informants feel that the media can convey affection, feelings, and emotions in interpersonal communication with their families. In the element of remediation, there is a reciprocal relationship that informants choose the media that suits their interpersonal communication needs. Otherwise, technological advances in media have also changed how they communicate. Overall, Flexibility, focus, and adaptability are key for informants to navigate new media and their abundance of interpersonal communication.