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Novel Innovation of Subsidized Fertilizers based on Soil Variability and Farmer’s Perception Wildayana, Elisa; Armanto, M. Edi; Zahri, Imron; Hasan, M. Yamin
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan: Kajian Masalah Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Vol 18, No 1 (2017): JEP 2017
Publisher : Universitas Muhammdaiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jep.v18i1.3401


The study aimed to find novel innovation and research of subsidized fertilizers based on soil nutrient variability and farmer’s perception in rice farming. This study uses a completely randomized design with four natural treatments, a one-way Anova and Tukey HSD Test as well as multiple linear and cubic regressions. The fertilizer uniformity on varied ricefields was a big failure because it causes fertilization becoming ineffective, inefficient and unsustainable. Ricefield variability (due to geomorphogenesis, pedogenesis, interflow flow, vegetation distribution, land use patterns, and fertilizer application) causes not optimized fertilization (dose, balance, time, methods of fertilization). The perception of farmers can create conflicts of interest, which are determined as normal, unavoidable and natural.  Short-term research target is how fertilization in the field is done effectively, efficiently, and sustainably, whereas long-term target is to generate new sources of wealth, fertilization technology based on soil science knowledge, forming professional researcher, the great inventions of patents, cooperation media between scientists, technocrats and bureaucrats and research funding.
Income Increase of Farmers Through Utilization of Acacia Logging Residues For Wood Chips Wildayana, Elisa
HABITAT Vol 27, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Department of Social Economy, Faculty of Agriculture , University of Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (208.048 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.habitat.2016.027.1.6


The research aimed to examine feasibility of acacia logging residues and to increase farmers' income through utilization of acacia logging residues for wood chips. The research was conducted in District of Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI), South Sumatra. This research was a case study and the analysis unit is chips mills development at Village Unit Cooperatives.  Data was collected through questionnaires, in-depth interview, observation and desk study. The research resulted that Scenario 1 is the best priority in terms of its effectiveness in reducing operating costs followed by Scenario 2 and Scenario 3 because Scenario 1 can produce maximum income compared to other Scenarios. Financial feasibility of present conditions is compared to Scenario 2 because chips mills in Scenario 2 utilized also 100 % acacia logs. Present condition means that acacia logs are transported directly to HTI Company of chips mills and fully managed by the HTI Company. This comparison shows that Scenario 2 is less profitable compared with those on the present condition. To gain high income, it is recommended if Scenario 1 is applied which utilize 100 % of acacia logging residues for making chips mills with B/C 35.47, NPV Rp 80,674.50 Mills, IRR 670.29 % and BEP at 4,704.65 tons/year. Another alternative can be applied for Scenario 3 by using raw materials with a combination of acacia logs (50 %) and acacia logging residues (50 %) with B/C 20.45; NPV Rp 45,418.52 Mills and IRR 394.70 % with BEP at 7,989.52 tons/year.
Pendekatan Pengendalian Fluktuasi Harga Tandan Buah Segar Terhadap Pendapatan Petani Kelapa Sawit Wildayana, Elisa
HABITAT Vol 27, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Department of Social Economy, Faculty of Agriculture , University of Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (295.983 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.habitat.2016.027.3.12


Penelitian ini dilakukan pada lahan rawa gambut Talang Sepucuk Kabupaten OKI dengan tujuan untuk membuat pendekatan pengendalian fluktuasi harga TBS terhadap pendapatan petani kelapa sawit. Pengambilan sampling dilakukan secara sengaja (purposive), data dan informasi direkam menggunakan kuisioner terstruktur (sistematis). Data penelitian diolah menggunakan program SPSS version 21 dan dilanjutkan dengan analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan produksi TBS yang nyata antara petani plasma dan petani lokal karena semua petani menggunakan input produksi yang sama. Pendapatan petani berbeda nyata dimana pendapatan petani plasma lebih besar (Rp29,33 Juta/ha/tahun) dan petani lokal sebesar Rp22,67 Juta/ha/tahun, demikian juga penerimaan petani berbeda nyata yang disebabkan oleh perbedaan harga TBS, walaupun produksi petani plasma lebih rendah dari petani lokal. Dua grand strategi dalam pengendalian harga TBS, yaitu: (1) Pemerintah harus menetapkan kebijakan harga TBS untuk semua petani kelapa sawit, dan (2) Pada saat terjadi penurunan harga TBS, maka petani kelapa sawit perlu merawat lahan kelapa sawit agar jumlah TBS dapat meningkat dan melakukan usahatani lain.
HABITAT Vol 26, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Department of Social Economy, Faculty of Agriculture , University of Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (67.49 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.habitat.2015.026.2.15


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kelayakan finansial usaha penggilingan padi (Rice Milling Unit, RMU) di Kecamatan Tanjung Lago Banyuasin Sumatera Selatan. Metode penelitian adalah survai dengan penentuan 3 (tiga) RMU yang dipilih secara purposive. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa usaha RMU layak dilaksanakan secara finansial karena nilai Gross B/C > 1,32-1,52, NPV sebesar Rp 143,64-160,77 juta dan IRR berkisar 39,21-41,91 %. RMU menjadi tidak layak dilaksanakan jika terjadi peningkatan biaya operasional > 50 %. Tiga komponen dominan yang mempengaruhi sensitivitas analisis, yaitu kenaikan upah tenaga kerja, kenaikan harga bahan bakar solar, dan penurunan jumlah giling tahunan.
The Highest Retail Price (HET) of Subsidized Fertilizer at the Farmer’s Level in South Sumatra Rice Farming, Indonesia Wildayana, Elisa; Hasan, M. Yamin; Armanto, M. Edi; Zahri, Imron; Adriani, Dessy; Sari, Ranty Fitria; Nursittah, Nursittah; Lestari, Fitri; Oktavia, Reszki
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan: Kajian Masalah Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Vol 19, No 1 (2018): JEP 2018
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jep.v19i1.5137


The research objective is to analyze the subsidized fertilizer price (HET) at the hand of farmers of rice farming in South Sumatra province. The sampling method was disproportionate stratified random sampling with four land typologies. The field data were collected through observation, interviews with respondents. The use amount of fertilizers on all typologies effected significantly different to rice yields. In the lebak ricefields, the influence of Urea, NPKPhonska and KCl together effected significantly different, but not significantly different for each use of fertilizers. The use cost of Urea affected rice yields and income of farmers significantly different for all ricefields. Eligible HET price received by farmers has to be lower than the real HET price. Determination eligible HET price has to consider soil productivity and accessibility (dam, water gates, water pump, road, infrastructure, local retail and others).
The Role of Subsidized Fertilizers on Rice Production and Income of Farmers in Various Land Typologies Wildayana, Elisa; Armanto, M Edi
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan: Kajian Masalah Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Vol 20, No 1 (2019): JEP 2019 (In Progress Issue)
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jep.v20i1.7081


The research aimed to analyze the role of subsidized fertilizers on rice production and income of farmers in various land typologies. The sampling used is cluster method and followed with an experimental research by using Split Plot Design. The compound fertilizer costs are one-half times higher than single fertilizer, but the rice yield difference is enhanced by the provision of fertilizer reaching more than two-times higher compared to a single fertilizer. The rice yields can be increased more than three-times higher, but the income of farmers can be increased only about one and half times. The Government needs to make a policy of the lowest rice price, then income of farmers can be automatically increased and at the same time the welfare of famer’s families will be also increased.
Perspektif Mikro Terhadap Problematika Konversi Lahan di Kawasan Sub DAS Rawas di Kabupaten Musi Rawas Utara Sumatera Selatan Chuzaimah, Chuzaimah; Sjarkowi, Fahrurozi; Wildayana, Elisa; Yunita, Yunita
Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal 2019: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal “Smart Farming yang Berwawasan Lingkungan untuk
Publisher : Pusat Unggulan Riset Pengembangan Lahan Suboptimal (PUR-PLSO) Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (560.035 KB)


Chuzaimah C, Sjarkowi F, Wildayana E, Yunita Y. 2019. Micro perspectives on land conversion implied problems in rawas sub-watershed in North Musi Rawas District, South Sumatera. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal 2019, Palembang 4-5 September 2019. pp. 228-235. Palembang: Unsri Press. Musi Rawas Utara District is included in the sub-watershed area (watershed) of Rawas, one of the 14 sub-districts included in the Musi River Basin. Factors influencing land conversion, among them are Sporadic Patterned Gradual Conversions where conversion patterns are caused by two main driving factors (economically less productive/beneficial land and the economic urgency of the convert). This paper aims to analyze the factors that influence the occurrence of land conversion from the micro side in the Rawas Sub-watershed area of North Musi Rawas Regency. This research was carried out in Maur Baru Village, Karang Dapo District and Rantau Kadam Village, Karang Dapo District, North Musi Rawas District. Data collected consists of primary and secondary data. The results showed that from the micro aspect there are several factors that influence the occurrence of land conversion: 1) age of plants, where the average rubber farmer who has older rubber plants prefers to do conversion, 2) Land Area, the average farmer who have a small land area prefer to convert their land 3) The number of family dependents, the average farmer who converts has a greater number of dependents than farmers who do not convert, 4) The distance from home to the land, the farmer who converts take the distance from home to the land further than farmers who do not convert land.Keywords: conversion, land, micro
Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Perikanan dan Budidaya Perairan Vol 12, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Faculty of Fisheries

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Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan : Menganalisis kualitas air diperairan  sekitar budidaya ikan patin siam dalam keramba sebagai upaya pengelolaan perairan Sungai Komering di Sirah Pulau Padang. Penelitian dilakukan di Kecamatan Sirah Pulau Padang Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir Sumatera Selatan yang banyak budidaya ikan dalam keramba bulan Mei 2017. Lokasi pengambilan sampel ditentukan sebanyak  3 stasiun pengambilan sampel yang dianggap mewakili lokasi penelitian yaitu stasiun 1 (Ulak Jermun) berjarak 100 m sebelum lokasi budidaya, stasiun 2 (Desa Mangun Jaya) pada lokasi budidaya dan stasiun 3 (Desa Terusan Menang) berjarak 100 m setelah lokasi budidaya ikan dalam keramba. Sampling dilakukan 3 hari sekali. Titik pengambilan sampel pada setiap stasiun sebanyak 3 kali pengambilan dengan stasiun pengambilan sampel.Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran nilai  kualitas air, suhu berkisar 27,3-28,0 oC, kecerahan 40-42,44 cm, oksigen terlarut berkisar 3,31-4,18 mg/l, pH berkisar 6,5-6,6, karbondioksida 3,83-3,85 mg/l, amonia berkisar 0,178-0,244 mg/l, fosfat berkisar 0,21-0,22 mg/l dan nitrat sebesar 0,112-0,158 mg/l , maka kualitas air perairan sungai Komering Kecamatan Sirah Pulau Padang masih baik untuk peruntukan perikanan. Kata Kunci : Ikan Patin, Kualitas Air, Sungai Komering
Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management Vol. 15 No. 1 (2024): Marine Fisheries: Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jmf.v15i1.50136


Horseshoe crabs (HSC) are marine arthropods, which are protected in Indonesia. Understanding fishermen's perceptions of HSC's existence was very important for the decision-making of conservation planning and management. This research aimed to analyze local fishermen's perceptions toward HSC's existence and the factors influencing their perceptions. Questionnaire-based interviews were conducted with 92 fishermen from the Banyuasin coast, from August to September 2023. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multinomial logistic regression. The results revealed that most fishermen knew HSC and could distinguish their species. The survey of fishing practices showed that the vast majority of respondents operate one-day fishing with only few hours at sea (53.3%), conducting day time operation (69.6%), using 5-10 GT vessels (52.2 %), and deploying fishing gear at the sea bottom (85.9%). Based on fishermen's perception scores toward HSC existence through six assessment aspects, the majority of their perceptions were in the moderate category (54%), followed by the low (28.7%) and high (16.2%) categories. In terms of the regression output, the results of the likelihood ratio test indicated that education, setting position of gear, fishing operation time, and village location were explanatory variables that significantly influenced fishermen's perceptions. Keywords: Ecological knowledge, Fishing practices, Multinomial logistic regression Protected species
The Role of Agriculture and Rural Training Center of Karya Tani and Its Relationship With Farmer’s Behavior In The Development Of Porang Nursery In Tanjung Batu Village Ogan Ilir Regency Emmanuel Pinem, Andre Ignatius; Wildayana, Elisa
Sriwijaya Journal of Agribusiness and Biometrics in Agriculture Research Vol 2 No 2 (2022): November - April 2023
Publisher : Departement of Socio-Economic Agricuture, Faculty of Agriculture

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5713/.v2i2.55


ABSTRACT Agriculture and Rural Training Center (ARTC) Karya Tani is an institution in the field of education and rural owned and managed independently both individuals and groups and is not a government agency. Seeing the potential offered by the porang plant as an effort to increase income because it has a high economic value and is very tolerant of shade, rubber farmers who are members of the P4S Karya Tani Tanjung Batu institution began to cultivate porang nurseries as a rubber interplant. This thesis aims to 1) identify the role of Agriculture and Rural Training Center (ARTC) Karya Tani in the development of porang nurseries in Tanjung Batu village, 2) identify the level of behavior of farmers who attend training in agricultural and Rural Training Center (ARTC) Karya Tani in Tanjung Batu village, and 3) analyze the relationship of the role of Agriculture and Rural Training Center (ARTC) Karya Tani with farmer's behavior in the development of porang nurseries in Tanjung Batu village. The method used in this study is the survey method. Determination of samples in this study using purposive sampling method, with the number of samples used amounted to 30 farmers. The results of this thesis are 1) Agriculture and Rural Training Center (ARTC) Karya Tani has utilized well as educators, as a source of information and experience, and as a source of social shaping, the total calculation is on high criteria with a total score of 24.96, 2) the behavior of farmers who have attended training in Agriculture and Rural Training Center (ARTC) Karya Tani is on high criteria based on the calculation obtained a total score of 15.62, 3) based on the Spearman Rank correlation test, it can be concluded that the role of Agriculture and Rural Training Center (ARTC) by farmers affects the behavior of farmers in the development of porang nurseries in Tanjung Batu Village. Keyword: porang nursery, training role, farmer’s behavior