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Fitoremediasi Logam Berat Kadmium (Cd) Nur, Fatmawati
Biogenesis Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Jurusan Biologi UIN Alauddin Makassar

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Phytoremediation consists in treating environmental pollutions through the use of plants and their associated microbes. Phytoremediation can be used for pollutant stabilization, extraction, degradation or volatilization. Cadmium is one of the most toxic trace metallic elements for living organisms and its accumulation in the environment is recognized as a worldwide concern. Plants suitable for efficient pollutant extraction from the soil should combine different characteristics like fast growth, high biomass, high tolerance and high accumulation capacities in harvestable parts. Several studies haveshown that plants can accumulate Cd in the body such as Eichornia crassipes, Brassica napus, Avicenna marina, Lycopersicon esculentum, Wolffia globosa, Phytolacca Americana, Solanum nigrum, Typha domingensis, Sedum plumbizincicola, Thlaspi caerulescens, Helianthus annuus,Lolium perenne, Tagetes erecta, Chara australis, Jatropha curcas, Sedum alfredii, Atriplex halimus,Phragmites cummunis, Nitella opaca, Phragmites australis, Typha angustifolia, Cyperus esculentus, Chara aculeolata, Ricinus communis, Hibiscus cannabinus, Zea mays, Arabidopsis halleri, Arundo donax, and Vetiveria zizanioides.Keywords: Cadmium, Phytoremediation, Plant
Proceeding Buffalo International Conference 2013
Publisher : Proceeding Buffalo International Conference

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This research is a preliminary study to explore potential probiotics of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) in dangke, a traditional food from buffalo milk in Curio the district of Enrekang.  Isolation of LAB performed using the selective medium de Man Rogosa Sharpe Agar. LAB will show clear zone on MRS medium after the addition of the indicator in the form of CaCO3 and incubated for 24 hours. Selection is done by observing the cell morphology and Gram staining. Further testing with the biochemical properties of sugar fermentation test. To assess their probiotic ability, tolerance of low pH were examined. The results showed that lactic acid bacteria isolats obtained consists of two species of Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus fermentum, and both of them can survive at pH 2. Isolats of L. fermentum and L. plantarum in dangke are derived from buffalo milk showed potential as a candidate probiotic bacteria.
Kandungan Logam Berat Timbal (Pb) Pada Kerang Kima Sisik (Tridacna squmosa) di Sekitar Pelabuhan Feri Bira Nur, Fatmawati; K, Karneli
Prosiding Seminar Biologi 2015: Seminar Nasional Mikrobiologi Kesehatan dan Lingkungan
Publisher : Prosiding Seminar Biologi

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Salah satu polutan yang paling berbahaya bagi kesehatan manusia adalah logam berat. World Health Organization (WHO) dan Food Agriculture Organization (FAO) merekomendasikan untuk tidak mengonsumsi makanan laut (seafood) yang tercemar logam berat. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kandungan logam berat timbal (Pb) pada kerang kima sisik (Tridacna squamosa) di perairan sekitar Pelabuhan feri Bira yang merupakan satu pusat transportasi antar pulau di Sulawesi Selatan. Kandungan Pb yang terakumulasi ditubuh kerang T. squamosa dianalisa dengan menggunakan Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (SSA). Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan kadar Pb rata-rata pada stasiun 1 sebesar 0,0014 mg/kg, stasiun 2 sebesar 0,0012 mg/kg, stasiun 3 sebesar 0,00105 mg/kg, stasiun 4 sebesar 0,00075 mg/kg, dan stasiun 5 sebesar 0,0006 mg/kg. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kerang kima Tridacna squamosa yang terdapat pada perairan sekitar pelabuhan feri Bira masih layak untuk dikomsumsi karena kadar logam Pbnya dibawah standar kelayakan menurut WHO yaitu 0,715 mg/kg.Kata Kunci: Bira, Kerang kima Tidacna squamosa, Logam Berat, Pb 
Ketahanan Bakteri Asam Laktat Asal Dangke Terhadap Garam Empedu Sebagai Kandidat Probiotik Rabiatul Adawiyah, Siti; H, Hafsan; Nur, Fatmawati; Halifah Mustami, Muhammad
Prosiding Seminar Biologi 2015: Seminar Nasional Mikrobiologi Kesehatan dan Lingkungan
Publisher : Prosiding Seminar Biologi

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Bakteri asam laktat (BAL) merupakan kelompok bakteri yang menghasilkan asam laktat sebagai produk utama dalam metabolisme karbohidrat. BAL sebagai kandidat probiotik harus memenuhi salah satu syarat yang memiliki ketahanan garam empedu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ketahanan bakteri asam laktat berasal dari dangke susu sapi terhadap garam empedu dengan berbagai konsentrasi yaitu 0,1% , 0,3%, dan 0,5% dan tanpa garam empedu sebagai kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bakteri asam laktat isolat susu sapi asli dangke L. fermentum dan L. acidophillus memiliki ketahanan garam empedu. Lactobacillus acidophilus isolat memiliki ketahanan garam empedu lebih baik dari Lactobacillus fermentum. Perbedaan antara jumlah BAL koloni pada media + oxgall terhadap kontrol (A0 dan B0) untuk masing-masing konsentrasi Oxgall 0,1%, 0,3%, dan 0,5% masing-masing dari L. fermentum: 1,4 x 106, 1,7 x 106, 4 x 106, sedangkan L. acidophillus: 0,7 x 106, 0,9 x 106 dan 1,4 x 106. Ketahanan L. acidophillus pada berbagai konsentrasi garam empedu menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan dengan nilai P = 0,445 sama seperti ketahanan L. fermentum pada variasi empedu konsentrasi garam juga menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan dengan nilai P = 0,133. L. fermentum dan L. acidophillus memiliki kemampuan untuk bertahan terhadap garam empedu yang menunjukkan potensi sebagai probiotik kandidat.Kata Kunci: Bakteri Asam Laktat (BAL), Dangke, garam empedu
Penurunan Kadar Kolesterol Oleh Bakteri Asam Laktat Asal Dangke Secara In Vitro Nur Fadhilah, Andi; H, Hafsan; Nur, Fatmawati
Prosiding Seminar Biologi 2015: Seminar Nasional Mikrobiologi Kesehatan dan Lingkungan
Publisher : Prosiding Seminar Biologi

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Bakteri Asam Laktat (BAL) yang berpotensi sebagai kandidat probiotik umumnya memiliki kemampuan menurunkan kadar kolesterol. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan BAL asal dangke yaitu Lactobacillus fermentum dan Lactobacillus acidophilus untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol secara in vitro. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan yaitu Ly0 (kontrol yang terdiri dari MRS + 0,1% kolesterol murni + 0,3% oxgal), Ly1 (Media MRS + L. Fermentum), Ly2 (Media MSR + L. Acidophilus) dan Ly3 (Media MSR + L. fermentum + L. acidophilus) dan 3 kali ulangan. Hasil sidik menunjukkan bahwa kadar kolesterol perlakuan berbeda sangat nyata dengan kontrol. Uji lanjut beda nyata terkecil menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan terjadi antara perlakuan Ly0 dengan ketiga perlakuan lainnya, sedangkan antara perlakuan Ly1, Ly2 dan Ly3 tidak berbeda nyata atau dapat dikatakan bahwa penambahan BAL yang diinokulasikan ke dalam media MRS dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol secara signifikan namun pengaruh jenis/komposisi tidak mempengaruhi secara nyata. Hasil analisis dan uji lanjut juga menunjukkan bahwa penurunan tertinggi ditunjukkan oleh perlakuan Ly3. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa BAL asal dangke yaitu L. fermentum dan L. acidophilus memenuhi salah satu kriteria sebagai kandidat probiotik.Kata Kunci: Bakteri Asam Laktat (BAL), Dangke, In Vitro, kolesterol, probiotik
Isolasi Bakteri Asam Laktat Berpotensi Probiotik Pada Dangke, Makanan Tradisional dari Susu Kerbau di Curio Kabupaten Enrekang Nur, Fatmawati; H, Hafsan; Wahdiniar, Andi
Biogenesis Vol 3, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Jurusan Biologi UIN Alauddin Makassar

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This research is a preliminary study to explore potential probiotics of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) in dangke, a traditional food from buffalo milk in Curio the district of Enrekang. Isolation of LAB performed using the selective medium de Man Rogosa Sharpe Agar. LAB will show clear zone on MRS medium after the addition of the indicator in the form of CaCO3 and incubated for 24 hours. Selection is done by observing the cell morphology and Gram staining. Further testing with the biochemical properties of sugar fermentation test. The results showed that lactic acid bacteria isolates obtained consists of two species of Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus fermentum.Keywords: Buffalo milk, dangke, Lactic Acid Bacteria, probiotic
Efektivitas Antifungi Ekstrak Daun Patikan Kebo (Euphorbia hirta) Terhadap Jamur Penyebab Kandidiasis (Candida albicans) Zulkarnain, Zulkarnain; Muthiadin, Cut; Nur, Fatmawati; Rukmana, Rusmadi
Al-Hayat: Journal of Biology and Applied Biology Vol 2, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, UIN Walisongo Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/ah.v2i1.4646


Candidiasis is an infectious disease caused by the fungus Candida albicans. This  study aims to determine the effect of patikan kebo (Euphorbia hirta) leaf extract in inhibiting the growth of C. albicans. This research is an experimental study which was compiled using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) by giving Patikan Kebo (E. hirta) leaf extract  in several concentrations, the concentrations of 40%, 45%, 50%, 55%, and 60% and controls (aquadest) and C. albicans mushroom with three repetitions. The parameters measured are the amount of inhibitory diameter formed around the paper discs in the 24 hour and 48 hour period. D ata obtained with three repetitions and observations of 24 hours and 48 hours showed that giving patikan kebo leaf extract in several types of concentration had an effect on inhibiting the growth and fungi of C . albicans. Furthermore, the data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance (F-test) at the level of ? 0.05 and continued using the Smallest Significant Difference (LSD) ? 0.05 where the results showed that the giving of patikan kebo extract significantly affected the microbial growth test (C. albicans), where the higher the concentration of patikan kebo leaf extract, the greater the inhibition zone formed around the paper disk. 
GAYA BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK DITINJAU DARI PERBEDAAN JENIS KELAMIN Fatmawati Fatmawati; Muhammad Yusuf Hidayat; Eka Damayanti; Muhammad Rusydi Rasyid
Al Asma: Journal of Islamic Education Vol 2 No 1 (2020): MAY
Publisher : Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/asma.v2i1.13472


AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan gaya belajar antara peserta didik laki-laki dengan perempuan di MTs Madani Pao-Pao. Penelitian kuantitatif jenis komparatif ini menggunakan sampel populasi sebanyak 255 peserta didik. Data yang terkumpul menggunakan instrumen skala gaya belajar dan dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan statistik inferensial. Hasil analisis statistik inferensial uji Anova menunjukkan nilai sign sebesar 0,033 (p < 0,05), dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan terdapat perbedaan gaya belajar pada peserta didik laki-laki dengan perempuan di MTs Madani Pao-pao. Hasil deskriptif menunjukkan peserta didik laki-laki lebih dominan memiliki gaya belajar visual sedangkan peserta didik perempuan dominan memiliki gaya belajar kinestetik. Hasil penelitian ini menjadi informasi penting bagi guru agar mendesain pembelajaran dengan memperhatikan perbedaan gaya belajar peserta didik. AbstractThis study aims to determine differences in learning styles between male and female students of MTs Madani Pao-Pao. This comparative study had a sample population of 255 students. The data collected using a scale of learning style scale which was analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. The inferential statistical analysis of the Anova test showed a value of 0.033 (p <0.05). it can be summed up that there were differences in learning styles between male and female learners in MTs Madani Pao-Pao. In addition, male students had a more dominant visual learning style while female students had a dominant kinesthetic learning style. The results of this study become important information for teachers to design learning by paying attention to the learning styles of students.
Bacterial Contamination at Whiteleg Shrimp (Litopeanaeus vannamei) in Aquaculture Mashuri Masri -; Eka Sukmawaty; Fatmawati Nur; Suriani Suriani
Jurnal Biodjati Vol 6, No 1 (2021): May
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/biodjati.v6i1.11812


Indonesia has a very high biodiversity, which has later become one of the natural products of interest to the international community, including fishery products. One of the high-demand Indonesian fishery products is whiteleg shrimp Litopeaneus vannamei. However, safety food Exported whiteleg shrimp products must meet the criteria, including free from bacterial contamination such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Vibrio cholera. This study attemptted to analyze E. coli, Salmonella, V. cholerae contamination in 3 ponds in Bojo, Cilellang, and Palanro Village in District Malusetasi, Barru Regency, South Sulawesi. Two samplings for each pond were conducted in the morning were pond water and  fresh whiteleg shrimp. SNI 2728-2018 specifies the quality and safety requirements for fresh shrimp. This standard applies to whole or headless fresh shrimp handled from fresh shrimp and does not apply to fresh shrimp that has undergone further processing. Based on SNI 2728-2018, the E. coli test showed positive in Cilellang Village (sample A) with 11 MPN/g, negative in Palanro Village (sample B) and in Bojo village (sample C) with the value of <2 MPN/g. Escherichia coli test showed positive in sample D (Vannamei shrimp in Cilellang Village) and sample E (Vannamei shrimp in Palanro Village) with 2.0 MPN/g, 17 MPN/g, respectively. Only sample F (Vannamei shrimp in Bojo village ) showed a negative result. As for the Salmonella test, positive results showed in sample A, while sample B and sample C showed negative results. The Vibrio cholerae test showed negative at all samples. . This study concludes that Whiteleg shrimp from ponds in Mallusetasi District is classified as safe for consumption.
CELEBES BIODIVERSITAS Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Science, Conservation, Biology Education
Publisher : STKIP Pembangunan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51336/cb.v5i1.304
