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Pelaksanaan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3) Di Ptpn XIII (Persero) Kecamatan Parindu Kebupaten Sanggau Suhendri, Feliks; Khayan, Khayan; Paulina, Paulina
Jurnal Sanitarian Khatulistiwa Vol 9, No 1 (2017): April 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Sanitarian Khatulistiwa

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Abstrak: Pelaksanaan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3) di PTPN XIII (PERSERO) Kecamatan Parindu Kabupaten Sanggau. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif, yaitu memberikan gambaran secara jelas yang terbatas pada usaha mengungkapkan suatu masalah dan keadaan sebagaimana adanya sehingga hanya berupa penyingkapan suatu fakta yang ditemukan dilapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, dari 9 responden yang di wawancarai mengenai pelaksanaan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3) di PTPN XIII (PERSERO), menyatakan kebijakan SMK3 PTPN XIII baik dengan persentase sebesar 88,6%, perencanaan SMK3 PTPN XIII baik dengan persentase sebesar 93,3%, implementasi dan operasional SMK3 PTPN XIII baik dengan persentase sebesar 96,2%, monitoring dan evaluasi SMK3 PTPN XIII baik dengan persentase sebesar 88,8% dan tinjauan manajemen SMK3 PTPN XIII baik dengan persentase sebesar 87%. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa, PTPN XIII (PERSERO), sudah melaksanakan sistem manajemen K3 dengan baik dengan  berjalannya dasar hukum standar SMK3 yaitu, UU No.1 tahun 1970 tentang keselamatan kerja dan peraturan Menteri tenaga kerja No. Per. 05/Men/1996. Abstract: The Implementation of the Management System Occupational Health and safety at PTPN XIII (PERSERO) District Sanggau Subdistrict Parindu. The study design was descriptive, which given a clear picture that is limited to operation reveal a problem and circumstances as in fact only a disclosure of a fact that is found in the field. The results showed that, of the nine respondents were interviewed regarding the implementation of the Health and Safety Mnagement System (SMK3) in PTPN XIII (PERSERO), PTPN XIII SMK3 policy states SMK3 well with the percentage of 88,5%, PTPN XIII SMK3 planning well with the percentage by 93,3% implementation and operational SMK3 well PTPN XIII with the a percentage of 88,8% and a management review SMK3 well PTPN XIII with a percentage of 87%. Conclusions from the study showed that, PTPN XIII (PERSERO), already implemented K3 management system goes well with the atandart legal basis SMK3 namely, Atc 1 of 1970 concerning occupational safety and regulation of the Minister of labor No. Per. 05/Men/1996.
Usate of Filter Tube to Reduce Pb, Turbidity And Increase pH of Rain Water Flowing Through Zinc Rooftop House Khayan, Khayan; Husodo, Husodo; Sudarmadji, Sudarmadji; Sugandawaty, Sugandawaty
KEMAS: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 13, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Department of Public Health, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/kemas.v13i1.9077


Pb contained in rain water comes from zinc rooftop, beside that, it comes from the pollutant dissolved and comes into rain water reservoir and is used for community drinking water source. This research objective is to evaluate Pb, pH and turbidity of rain water before and after process and to analyze efectivity of shell sand filtration and activated carbon absorbtion in the filter tube to decrease Pb and turbidity and increase pH of rain water. This research is an experiment with pre and post test design with control and observational with cross sectional design. It is conducted in Pontianak and Kubu Raya West Kalimantan in 2016 with two target regions which represent urban and rural ones. The result indicated that average lead (Pb) contained in rain water and turbidity process is high with 131.7 µg/l and 20 NTU and pH is low with 5.2. After process, Pb become 0.71 µg/l and turbidity become 5.66 NTU while pH increases to 6.9. The effectivity of filter tube to reduce lead (Pb) contained in rain water is 99.4% and to reduce turbidity is 72%.
Jurnal Sanitarian Khatulistiwa Vol 8, No 1 (2016): April 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Sanitarian Khatulistiwa

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Abstrak:    Hubungan Lingkungan Kerja dan Penggunaan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) pada   Pemanen Kelapa Sawit Terhadap Kecelakaan Kerja Di PT. Sintang Raya. Jenis penelitian ini  adalah  kasus  kontrol. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pekerja harian tetap bagian  pemanenan buah  kelapa sawit  yang  pernah  mengalami kecelakaan kerja  pada tahun 2013  di  PT. Sintang Raya Kecamatan Kubu Kabupaten Kubu Raya (kasus) dan pekerja yang tidak pemah   mengalami kecelakaan kerja (kontrol). Sampel berjumlah 82 orang terdiri dari 41 kasus dan 41   kontrol yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan teknik proporsional random sampling.   Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  Faktor risiko lingkungan tempat kerja memiliki hubungan yang bermakna dengan kecelakaan  kerja di PT. Sintang Raya Kecamatan Kubu Kabupaten Kubu Raya dengan  p value = 0,002  dan  OR = 4,376 (95%CI=1,700-11,266). Penggunaan alat pelindung diri (APD) memiliki hubungan   yang bermakna dengan kecelakaan kerja dengan p value= 0,008 dan OR = 3,365 (95%CT= 1,356-8,353).                                                                . Abstract:     The   Relationship     of  Working    Enverionment      and   Use  of  Self  Protector.Equipment     on  Oil  Palm   Haevesters    to  Accident   Work   at  PT.  Sintang    Raya.   ThisResearch   type  is case  control  method.  The  population   in this  research   are  daily  worker remain   of  harvesting   oil  palm  fruits  that  ever  experienced   of  work   accident   or  never (control)   in PT.  Sintang  Raya  Kecamatan   Kubu  Kabupaten   Kubu  Raya  2013.  The  total sampel  are  82 people,  consists  of 41 case  and  41 control  obtained  by  using  proportional random  sampling  technique.   The data collecting   of interview  and observation   technique. The  result  showed  that  risk  factor  of working   environment   have  significant   correlation with  accident   work  in PT.  Sintang  Raya  Kubu  Kecamatan   Kubu  Kabupaten   Kubu  Raya with  p value  = 0,002  and OR = 4,376 (95%CI=I,700-11,266).     The using  of self protector equipment   have  significant   correlation   with  the  accident  work  with  P value  = 0,008  and OR = 3,365  (95%CI=I,356-8,353).
Jurnal Sanitarian Khatulistiwa Vol 8, No 1 (2016): April 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Sanitarian Khatulistiwa

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Abstrak:        Hubungan Antara        Beban       Angkat       Angkut       dengan       Keluhan Muskuloskeletal      pada   Pengangkat     Buah   Sawit  di  PT.  Perkebunan     Nusantara     XIn Ngabang    Kab.   Landak.     Jenis penelitian Analitik Observasional dengan pendekatan Cross  Sectional. Dalam penelitian ini total sampel pekerja pengangkat buah sawit adalah 32  orang. Pengujian data dengan uji statistik Chi-Square. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa ada hubungan antara beban angkat angkut dengan keluhan muskuloskeletal pada pekerja pengangkat buah sawit (p = 0,040); ada hubungan antara usia dengan keluhan muskuloskeletal (p = 0,023); ada hubungan antara lama kerja dengan keluhan muskuloskeletal (p = 0,010) dan ada hubungan antara status gizi dengan keluhan muskuloskeletal (p = 0,006). Abstract:      The    Relationship      between     Taking.    and    Carrying      Load    Away    and Musculoskeletal     Disorders   of Palm  Fruit   Porter   at PT.  Perkebunan     Nusantara    XIll Ngabang    Kabupaten     Landak.    This  research   is an  Observasional   Analytic   with  Cross Sectional   approach.   The  sample  of this  research   are  32 employees.   The  Data  are  using Chi-Square   statistic  test. The results  of the research  that relationship  berween   taking  and carrying  load away  and musculoskeletal   disorders  of palm fruit porter  at PT. Perkebunan Nusantara   XIII  Ngabang   Kab.  Landak  show  there  was  relationship   between  taking  andcarrying  load  away  and musculoskeletal   disorders  of palm  fruit porter  (p = 0.040),  therewas     relationship    between   age  and  musculoskeletal    disorders   (p  = 0.023);   there   was relationship   between   the  work  duration   and  musculoskeletal    disorders   (p  = 0.010)  andthere  was    relationship   between   nutrient  status  and  the  musculoskeletal    disorders   (p  =0.006).
Hubungan antara Vibrasi (Getaran) dengan Sensitivitas Pengemudi Truk Crude Palm Oil (Cpo) Di PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XIII Parindu Kabupaten Sanggau Magdalena, Irma; Khayan, Khayan; Paulina, Paulina
Jurnal Sanitarian Khatulistiwa Vol 7, No 1 (2015): April 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Sanitarian Khatulistiwa

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Abstrak. Hubungan antara Vibrasi (Getaran) dengan Sensitivitas Pengemudi Truk Crude Palm Oil (CPO) di PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XIII Parindu Kabupaten Sanggau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara getaran dengan sensitivitas pengemudi Truk CPO di PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XIII Parindu Kab. Sanggau. Jenis penelitian Analitik Observasional dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Dalam penelitian  ini  jumlah sampel 60 orang. Pengujian data dengan uji statistik Chi-Square. Hasil penelitian hubungan antara getaran dengan sensitivitas pengemudi Truk CPO di PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XIII Parindu Kab. Sanggau menunjukan bahwa ada hubungan antara getaran dengan sensitivitas (p = 0,003); ada hubungan antara umur dengan sensitivitas (p = 0,004); ada hubungan antara lama kerja dengan sensitivitas (p = 0,017) dan ada hubungan antara masa kerja dengan sensitivitas (p = 0,000). Disarankan kepada pengemudi untuk selalu merawat mesin kendaraan dan memberikan pelumas pada mesin, memberi bantalan busa pada stir kemudi, mengubah metode kerja untuk sesekali istirahat pendek minimal 2 menit setiap 30 menit), dan menggunakan sarung tangan yang dilengkapi peredam getar (busa). Abstract. Relations Between Vibration (Vibration) with Sensitivity Teamster Crude Palm Oil (CPO ) at PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XIII Parindu Kabupaten Sanggau. This research is aimed to analyze the corelation between  the vibration and the sensitivity of CPO truck driver in PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XIII Parindu Kab. Sanggau. This research is an Observasional Analytic with Cross Sectional approach. The sample of this research are 60 employees.The Data are tested by using Chi-Square statistic test. The results of the research of correlation between vibration and sensitivity of CPO truck drivers in PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XIII Parindu kab. Sanggau show that there is a correlation between vibration and sensitivity (p = 0,003); there is correlation between age and sensitivity (p= 0,004); there is correlation between the worktime and sensitivity (p= 0,017) and there is correlation between work period/phase and sensitivity (p = 0,000). It is better for all drivers to always to take a good care of the condition of vehicles machine, to give lubricant to machine, to give some soft bolster on the steering wheel, to change work method into taking short breaktime at least two minutes in every 30 minutes, and to wear a glove with a device to reduce vibration (soft material).  
Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Perilaku Keluarga Pasien dalam Membuang Sampah Di Ruang Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Yarsi Tahun 2014 Susanto, Susanto; Sunarsieh, Sunarsieh; Khayan, Khayan
Jurnal Sanitarian Khatulistiwa Vol 7, No 1 (2015): April 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Sanitarian Khatulistiwa

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Abstrak: Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Perilaku Keluarga Pasien dalam Membuang Sampah di Ruang Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Yarsi Tahun 2014. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku keluarga pasien dalam membuang sampah di ruang rawat inap Rumah Sakit Yarsi. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan adalah 57 sampel. Penelitian bersifat observasional dengan tipe penelitian cross sectional dengan melakukan pengujian terhadap hipotesis untuk mengetahui hubungan antara dua variabel yaitu variabel bebas (pengetahuan, sikap, sarana tempat sampah, perawat/petugas kesehatan, petugas cleaning service) dan variabel terikat (perilaku membuang sampah). Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa ada hubungan pengetahuan, sikap, serta cleaning service dengan perilaku membuang sampah (p value = 0,000), petugas kesehatan dengan perilaku membuang sampah (p value = 0,001), sedangkan sarana tempat sampah tidak ada hubungan dengan perilaku membuang sampah (p value = 0,588). Dari 57 responden yang diteliti terdapat 37 responden yang berperilaku kurang dari cukup dalam membuang sampah. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar keluarga pasien masih kurang memahami dalam hal membuang sampah di ruang rawat inap Rumah Sakit Yarsi Kota Pontianak.Abstract: Factors Related With Family Behavior Patients in Disposal of Waste in The Inpatient Unit Yarsi Hospital 2014. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with the behavior of the patient's family in disposal of waste in the inpatient unit Yarsi Hospital. The samples used were 57 samples. An observational study with cross sectional study type with a test of hypothesis to determine the relationship between the two variables are independent variables (knowledge, attitude, means trash, nurses / health workers, cleaning service) and the dependent variable (the behavior of waste disposal). The results reveal that there is a relationship of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors cleaning service to dispose waste(p value = 0.000), health workers with littering behavior (p value = 0.001), whereas no means trash littering behavior relationship (p value = 0.588). From 57 respondents who studied there were 37 respondents who behave less than enough to take out the trash. Suggeststhat the majority of patients still do not understand the family in terms of throwing garbage in the inpatient unit Yarsi Hospital Pontianak.
Determinant Factors of Low Back Pain in Paving Block Workers Khayan, Khayan; Hyasinta, Hyasinta; Anwar, Taufik; Puspita, Widyana L; Wardoyo, Slamet; Hanif, Muhammad Ifham
KEMAS: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 16, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Public Health, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/kemas.v16i3.25222


Paving block workers are included in the informal sector and have a risk of lower back pain. Documenting the workers’ health status in the informal sector has not been done well so that workers do not get protection from the government. Heavy physical work puts pressure on the spine associated with repeated body twisting. This study aims to determine work attitude, length of employment, and exercise habits related to low back pain in Pontianak paving block workers in 2018. This type of research is observational with a cross-sectional approach. Sampling uses total sampling. The research sample of 56 paving block workers in the city of Pontianak, West Kalimantan. Data is processed with a computer program. Data analysis was performed univariate and bivariate and tested using the Chi-square test, with α = 5%. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between the length of the work (p = 0.013), work attitude (p-value = 0.038), and exercise habits (p = 0.003) with low back pain.
Z. mauritiana Leaves as Larvasidal Alternatives Amaliyah, Nurul; Purnomo, Aryanto; Khayan, Khayan; Wardoyo, Slamet; Anwar, Taufik
KEMAS: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 17, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Public Health, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/kemas.v17i1.24377


The development of resistance to chemical insecticides among mosquitos has been considered as a setback in vector control. However, the use of chemical insecticides is often toxic to both human and non-target animals, thus it needs the development of natural insecticides. This study aims to analyze the larvicidal effect of Z. mauritiana leaves as a natural larvicidal that is friendly to the environment. This research will outline the larvicidal effect of Z. mauritiana leaves and discuss the significance of addressing this natural larvicide against Aedes aegypti larvae. Methods and Material in this study, we developed a mosquito larvacide by extracting Z. mauritiana leaves with the maceration method. We extracted Z. mauritiana leaves into 5 different concentrations (1%, 3%, 5%, 7%, 9%) and its effect compared to the current chemical larvicide (1% of temephos). Data analysis was performed by using the computer and statistical of variance test One Way Anova. This experiment was successfully 100% killed Aedes aegypti in 24 hours of the intervention of 9% extract of Z. mauritiana leaves which was a powerful effect compare to recent studies. The intervention of concentration variations was significantly associated with larvae mortality (p ≤ 0,001).
The Instrumentation of Standard Diet Food Portions for Diabetes Mellitus Puspita, Widyana Laksmi; Khayan, Khayan; Hariyadi, Didik; Anwar, Taufik; Wardoyo, Slamet
KEMAS: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 17, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Department of Public Health, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/kemas.v17i3.24137


The right diet is needed in the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. The dietary standards used must be by their nutritional adequacy. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the use of aluminum cup serving tools for standard measuring devices in the Diabetes mellitus diet. The portion measurement instrument is designed by 1P, 1 1 / 2P, and 2P standards. The study was conducted at a laboratory scale in 2018 with a quasi-experimental approach. Data analysis uses Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with α = 5%. The results show that the average effectiveness of 1P portion accuracy is 99%, 1½ P for 101%, and 2P about 99.6%. There was no difference in effectiveness compared to using a scale and there were differences in measurements using bowls and spoons. Standard portion of 1P measuring instruments 114% effectiveness bowl and 113% spoon, standard 1½ P portion for 107% bowl and 105% spoon, and 2P standard portion for measuring the effectiveness of the portion of the bowl is 104% and 103% spoon. Using a measuring device Aluminum cup portions, both 1P, 1.5P, and 2P parts can determine the value of food and nutritional adequacy standards of patients with Diabetes Mellitus.
Journal of Vocational Health Studies Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021): July 2021 | JOURNAL OF VOCATIONAL HEALTH STUDIES
Publisher : Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jvhs.V5.I1.2021.26-30


Background: Filariasis patients can be a source of transmission if their blood still contains microfilariae. One of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) methods used is High Resolution Melting (HRM), using primary specificity testing. Purpose: To test the specificity of SLX primer. The samples used for this test were isolates of Salmonella., Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, negative and positive controls for Brugia malayi and Wuchereria bancrofti. Method: The design in this study is a quasi-experiment by testing the specificity of SLX primer using HRMbased real-time PCR based on the Cycle Threshold (CT) value observed through the amplification curve. Result: The real-time PCR results showed that no CT was released in the bacterial samples, and there was a CT value in the positive control. The results of this study indicate that specific SLX primer can be used in identifying microfilariae. Conclusion: SLX primer have a reasonable specificity because they cannot detect the existence of microorganisms in the samples other than microfilariae.