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Efektivitas Berbagai Jenis Larutan Sebagai Atraktan Terhadap Jumlah Nyamuk Aedes Aegypti Yang Terperangkap Azmi, Nizul; Hajimi, Hajimi; Anwar, Taufik
Jurnal Sanitarian Khatulistiwa Vol 9, No 1 (2017): April 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Sanitarian Khatulistiwa

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Abstrak: Efektivitas Berbagai Jenis Larutan sebagai Atraktan terhadap Jumlah Nyamuk Aedes Aegypti yang Terperangkap. Jenis penelitian menggunakan eksperimental semu (Quasi experiment) dengan rancangan penelitian Postes dengan kelompok kontrol (Postest Only With Control Group Design) banyaknya perlakuan sebanyak 4 macam perlakuan yaitu air hujan, larutan gula 10 %, larutan tapai 10 %, dan larutan jinten 10 % yang digunakan sebagai atraktan dalam perangkap nyamuk. Hasil penelitian menunjukan jumlah nyamuk yang terperangkap yang lebih efektif yaitu atraktan air tapai rata-rata sebanyak 19,5 ekor. Nilai F hitung  sebesar 91.693 signifikan p =0,000 (p<0,05). Uji post-hoc menunjukkan ovitrap yang diberi atraktan larutan gula 10% dengan atraktan larutan tapai 10% tidak mengalami perbedaan yang signifikan nilai p = 0,268 (p>0,05). Masyarakat dapat mengaplikasikan sendiri ovitrap larutan tapai sebagai salah satu metode pengendalian vektor nyamuk Aedes aegypti, karena terbuat dari bahan alami yang aman bagi manusia dan lingkungan.Abstract: Effectiveness of Different Types Total Solution for Atraktan Against Aedes Aegypti Caught. The kind of this research is a quasi-experimental (Quasi experiment) with the design of the Postes research with group control (Postest Only With Control Group Design) where the amount of treatment in this study are four kinds of treatment that is water fermented 10% used as atraktan in trap mosquitoes. Results of research attractant Aedes aegypti mosquitoes caught using ovitrap by attractants fermented 10%. The value of calculated F at 91.693 with significant value of p = 0.000 (p <0.05). Post-hoc test showed that the attractants sugar (10%) with fermented water (10%) showed there was no difference in the average number of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes were caught, where significant value is more than 0.05. p = 0.268 (p> 0.05). For people can apply for their ovitrap with a solution of cumin as one method of vector control of Aedes aegypti, because it is made from natural ingredients that are safe for humans and the environment. 
Gambaran Pengelolaan Limbah Cair Di Puskesmas Kelurahan Terusan Mempawah Hilir Wijayanti, Ratih; Asmadi, Asmadi; Anwar, Taufik
Jurnal Sanitarian Khatulistiwa Vol 9, No 1 (2017): April 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Sanitarian Khatulistiwa

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Abstrak: Gambaran Pengelolaan Limbah Cair di Puskesmas Kelurahan Terusan Mempawah Hilir. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode penelitian desktriftif untuk menggambarkan bagaimana Pengelolaan Limbah Cair Di Puskesmas Kelurahan Terusan Mempawah Hilir. Hasil penelitian ini, yaitu sumber limbah cair berasal dari ruangan KIA, laboratorium, poli gigi, ruang periksa, IGD, gudang obat dan toilet/WC. Air bersih yang digunakan di puskesmas sebanyak ± 400 liter/hari. Limbah yang dihasilkan sebanyak ± 506 liter/hari. Agar limbah cair yang dihasilkan oleh kegiatan puskesmas ini tidak mencemari lingkungan dan membahayakan petugas, pasien maupun ingkungan kerja sekitar, pihak puskesmas harus memperhatikan tempat pembuangan dan pengolahan air limbah yang dihasilkan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini, yaitu sumber limbah cair yang dominan dihasilkan dari ruang poli gigi. Jumlah limbah cair yang dihasilkan sebanyak ± 506 liter/hari. Rekomendasi IPAL untuk Puskesmas Kelurahan Terusan Mempawah Hilir menggunakan sistem anaerob-aerob sarang tawon.Abstract: Description of Liquid Waste Management at Puskesmas Kelurahan Terusan Mempawah Hilir. This research was conducted with descriptive research method to describe how Liquid Waste Management at Puskesmas Kelurahan Terusan Mempawah Hilir. The results of this study, namely the source of liquid waste derived from the room KIA, laboratory, dentist, examination room, IGD, warehouse and toilet / toilet. Clean water used in puskesmas is about ± 400 liters / day. Waste generated as much as ± 506 liters / day. In order for the liquid waste generated by this Puskesmas activity does not pollute the environment and endanger the officer, the patient and the surrounding work environment, the puskesmas must pay attention to the waste disposal site and waste treatment. The conclusion of this research is that the dominant source of liquid waste is generated from the dental poly room. The amount of liquid waste generated as much as ± 506 liters / day. The WWTP recommendation for the Puskesmas of Lower Basin Terusan Village uses anaerobe-aerob honeycomb system.
Gambaran Sistem Pengolahan Air Baku Di Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Kabupaten Sambas Pinawati, Putri; Anwar, Taufik; Asmadi, Asmadi
Jurnal Sanitarian Khatulistiwa Vol 9, No 1 (2017): April 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Sanitarian Khatulistiwa

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Abstrak: Gambaran Sistem Pengolahan Air Baku di Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Kabupaten Sambas. Jenis penelitian ini  bersifat observasional dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa hasil pengukuran air baku berbau, berasa, kekeruhan tinggi dan coliform tinggi. Air baku setelah melewati proses pengolahan menjadi tidak berbau, tidak berasa, kekeruhan mengalami penurunan dan coliform mengalami penurunan. Air bersih setelah didistribusikan kekeruhan dan coliform mengalami kenaikan. Faktor yang mempengaruhi naiknya tingkat kekeruhan karena endapan lumpur yang ada di dasar pipa ikut terbawa aliran air saat didistribusikan dan faktor yang mempengaruhi angka coliform meningkat karena botol pengambilan sampel yang kurang steril, cara pengambilan sampel yang belum efektif serta lama nya pengangkutan sampel dari tempat ke laboratorium mengakibatkan air terkontaminasi. Kesimpulannya adalah pengolahan air PDAM Sambas belum memenuhi standar kualitas air bersih yang telah ditetapkan khususnya pada parameter tingkat kekeruhan, warna dan pH, yaitu Permenkes Nomor 416/Menkes/Per/IX/ 1990.Abstract: The Description of Raw Water Treatment System at Regional Water Supply Company (PDAM) of Sambas District. This type of research is observational with descriptive design.These results indicate that the measurement of raw water odorless, tasteless, high turbidity and high coliform. The raw water after passing through the processing be no smell, no taste, turbidity and coliform decreased decreased. Distributed clean water after turbidity and coliform increases. Factors affecting the increase in turbidity levels because of silt at the bottom of the pipe carried on the flow of water when distributed and factors that affect the rate of coliform increased because the bottle sampling less sterile sampling technique that has not been effective as well as his longtime transporting the sample from the laboratory resulting in contaminated water. The conclusion is PDAM water treatment Sambas not meet water quality standards that have been set, especially on the parameter level of turbidity, color and pH, namely Decree number 416/Menkes/Per/IX/1990.
Jurnal Sanitarian Khatulistiwa Vol 8, No 1 (2016): April 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Sanitarian Khatulistiwa

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Abstrak:    Penurunan Kadar Pb pada Udang Dogol dengan Perendaman, Perebusan, Serta Perendaman    dan   Perebusan     Menggunakan    Air   Jeruk    Nipis.   Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimen semu (Quasy Experimental).  Sampel merupakan Udang Dogol yang diperoleh dari hasil tangkapan nelayan di Sungai Kakap yang diberi perlakuan dengan menambahkan dosis air Jeruk  Nipis dengan dosis 12%, 15%, dan 20% serta 0% sebagai kontrol pada setiap 6 ekor Udang Dogol. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan 3 kali pengulangan. Hasil penelitian mengunakan uji statistik Anova one way menunjukkan ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara berbagai  dosis air Jeruk Nipis pada setiap perlakuan dengan probabilitas value 0,000. Abstract.    The  Decreased    Levels  of Plumbum    in Dogol  Shrimp   by  Soaking,   Boiling, Soaking    and   Boiling    by   Using   Lime   Juice.    The   type   of  this   research    is  Quasy Experiment.   The  samples  are Dogol  Shrimp  that  taken  from  fishermen   in Sungai  Kakap were treated  with various  doses of lime juice  12%, 15%, and 20% then  0% as a control  in every  6 prawns  Dogol  Shrimp.  This  research  conducted  3 times  repetitions.   The  results based  on One  Way Anova  test that  showed  there's   significant  difference   among  various doses  of lime juice  in every treatment  with probabilitas   value 0,000.
Hubungan Kualitas Bakteriologis Air Sumur Gali (SGL) dengan Kejadian Diare pada Anak Balita Di Desa Seluas Kecamatan Seluas Kabupaten Bengkayangtahun 2014 Adha, Aisyah Nur; Asmadi, Asmadi; Anwar, Taufik
Jurnal Sanitarian Khatulistiwa Vol 7, No 1 (2015): April 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Sanitarian Khatulistiwa

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Abstrak. Hubungan Kualitas Bakteriologis Air Sumur Gali (SGL) dengan Kejadian Diare pada Anak Balita di Desa Seluas Kecamatan Seluas Kabupaten Bengkayang tahun 2014. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara kualitas bakteriologis air sumur gali (SGL) dengan kejadian diare pada anak balita di Desa Seluas Kecamatan Seluas Kabupaten Bengkayang. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah cross sectional, untuk mengetahui hubungan kualitas bakteriologis air sumur gali (SGL) dengan kejadian diare pada anak balita di Desa Seluas Kecamatan Seluas Kabupaten Bengkayang. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 91 orang dan dilakukan pemeriksaan air sumur gali yang terdapat pada rumah responden dengan pengambilan sampel secara proporsional random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas bakteriologis air sumur gali, yaitu keberadaan total coliform tidak memenuhi syarat sebanyak 73,6 %, konstruksi sumur gali yang tidak memenuhi syarat sebanyak 67 %, kejadian diare pada balita yang pernah mengalami diare sebanyak 72,5 %. Terdapat hubungan antara kualitas bakteriologis air sumur gali (SGL) dengan kejadian diare pada anak balita (p=0,000).Abstract. The Relationship Between Bacteriological Quality of Well Water (SGL) with Incidence of Diarrhea in Toddler Son in Seluas Village Kabupaten Bengkayang 2014. This study aimed to analyze the correlation between the bacteriological quality of well water and the incidence of diarrhea in children under five in Seluas Village Kabupaten Bengkayang. This type of research used in this study was cross sectional, to determine the relationship of the bacteriological water quality of dug well (SGL) and the incidence of diarrhea in children under five Seluas Village Kabupaten Bengkayang. These samples included 91 people. And examination dug well water contained in the respondent's house with proportional sampling random sampling. The results showed that the bacteriological quality of water wells, namely the presence of total coliform does not qualify as much as 73.6%, the construction of wells that do not qualify as much as 67%, the incidence of diarrhea in infants who had experienced diarrhea as much as 72.5%. There is a relationship between the bacteriological quality of water wells (SGL) and the incidence of diarrhea in children under five (p = 0.000).    
Rancang Bangun Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Klinik Nada Medika Pal V Pontianak mulyono, Mulyono; Hajimi, Hajimi; Anwar, Taufik
Jurnal Sanitarian Khatulistiwa Vol 7, No 1 (2015): April 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Sanitarian Khatulistiwa

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Abstrak: Rancang Bangun Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Klinik Nada Medika Pal V Pontianak. Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang bangun instalasi pengolahan limbah cair dengan sistem biofilter anaerob-aerob menggunakan media sarang tawon di Klinik Nada Medika Pal V Pontianak. Penelitian ini bersifat observasional dengan pendekatan deskriptif yaitu merancang bangun IPAL Klinik Nada Medika Pal V Pontianak yang sesuai standar pengolahan air limbah. Metode yang digunakan yaitu studi literatur dan pengumpulan data sekunder. Kegiatan Klinik Nada Medika Pal V Pontianak menghasilkan debit air limbah sebesar 0,41 m3/jam sehingga didapat perhitungan dimensi tiap bak pengolahan antara lain: bak penangkap lemak (0,8 m3), bak pengendap awal (1,3 m3), bak anaerob (1,7 m3), bak aerob (1,7 m3), bak pengendap akhir (1,3 m3), bak khlorin (0,08 m3) dengan total volume sebesar 6,88 m3 dan luas lahan yang diperlukan 10,56 m2 serta total biaya yang dibutuhkan Rp 49.246.767,49. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian yaitu telah dibangun Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Klinik Nada Medika Pal V Pontianak, sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan dan disarankan untuk dirawat sebaik mungkin.Abstract: The Design of Waste Water Treatment Plant in Nada Medika Clinic Pal V Pontianak.This research was aim to design a waste water treatment plant with anaerobic-aerobic biofilter system by using honeycomb biofilter in Nada Medika Clinic Pal V Pontianak. This research was an observational study with descriptive approach to design waste water treatment plant in Nada Medika Clinic Pal V Pontianak according to the standards of wastewater treatment. The methode used by literature study and secondary data collection. Generally, Nada Medika Clinic produce 0,41 m3/h of waterwaste. So, it can be calculated the amount of containers are needed, which consist of grease trap container (0,8 m3), early sedimentation (1,3 m3), anaerob container (1,7 m3), aerob container (1,7 m3), final sedimentation (1,3 m3) and chlorin container (0,08 m3) with total volume 6,88 m3 and required 10,56 m2 of land and the total cost is  Rp 49.246.767,49. The conclusion of the study is the  management`s instalation of wastewater treatment in Nada Medika`S Clinic has been already, so it can be used wisely and can be treated as good as possible. 
Determinant Factors of Low Back Pain in Paving Block Workers Khayan, Khayan; Hyasinta, Hyasinta; Anwar, Taufik; Puspita, Widyana L; Wardoyo, Slamet; Hanif, Muhammad Ifham
KEMAS: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 16, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Public Health, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/kemas.v16i3.25222


Paving block workers are included in the informal sector and have a risk of lower back pain. Documenting the workers’ health status in the informal sector has not been done well so that workers do not get protection from the government. Heavy physical work puts pressure on the spine associated with repeated body twisting. This study aims to determine work attitude, length of employment, and exercise habits related to low back pain in Pontianak paving block workers in 2018. This type of research is observational with a cross-sectional approach. Sampling uses total sampling. The research sample of 56 paving block workers in the city of Pontianak, West Kalimantan. Data is processed with a computer program. Data analysis was performed univariate and bivariate and tested using the Chi-square test, with α = 5%. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between the length of the work (p = 0.013), work attitude (p-value = 0.038), and exercise habits (p = 0.003) with low back pain.
Z. mauritiana Leaves as Larvasidal Alternatives Amaliyah, Nurul; Purnomo, Aryanto; Khayan, Khayan; Wardoyo, Slamet; Anwar, Taufik
KEMAS: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 17, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Public Health, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/kemas.v17i1.24377


The development of resistance to chemical insecticides among mosquitos has been considered as a setback in vector control. However, the use of chemical insecticides is often toxic to both human and non-target animals, thus it needs the development of natural insecticides. This study aims to analyze the larvicidal effect of Z. mauritiana leaves as a natural larvicidal that is friendly to the environment. This research will outline the larvicidal effect of Z. mauritiana leaves and discuss the significance of addressing this natural larvicide against Aedes aegypti larvae. Methods and Material in this study, we developed a mosquito larvacide by extracting Z. mauritiana leaves with the maceration method. We extracted Z. mauritiana leaves into 5 different concentrations (1%, 3%, 5%, 7%, 9%) and its effect compared to the current chemical larvicide (1% of temephos). Data analysis was performed by using the computer and statistical of variance test One Way Anova. This experiment was successfully 100% killed Aedes aegypti in 24 hours of the intervention of 9% extract of Z. mauritiana leaves which was a powerful effect compare to recent studies. The intervention of concentration variations was significantly associated with larvae mortality (p ≤ 0,001).
Perbedaan Penggunaan Komposter An-Aerob dan Aerob Terhadap Laju Proses Pengomposan Sampah Organik Suharno; Wardoyo, Slamet; Anwar, Taufik
Poltekita : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol. 15 No. 3 (2021): November
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33860/jik.v15i3.527


Masalah sampah pasar tradisional sebenarnya tidak terlalu susah, namun juga tidak sederhana, karena memiliki karakteristik yang sedikit berbeda dengan sampah dari perumahan. Komposisi sampah pasar tradisional lebih dominan sampah organik yang dapat di daur ulang menjadi kompos atau pupuk organik. Agar proses pengomposan dapat berlangsung lebih cepat diperlukan alat biakan berupa komposter dan menambahkan aktivator atau biang kompos. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu enganalisis perbedaan penggunaan Komposter An-aerob dengan Komposter Aerob terhadap laju proses pengomposan sampah organik. Penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimen semu (quasi experiment), antara perlakuan (komposter Aerob) dengan kontrol (komposter An-aerob). Hasil menunjukkan kecepatan waktu pematangan kompos pada parameter perubahan warna bahan dan bau bahan kompos dengan komposter anaerob rata-rata kecepatan kematangan kompos sebesar 10,22 hari, sedangkan dengan komposter aerob rata-rata kecepatan kematangan kompos sebesar 9,89 hari. Berdasarkan uji statistik Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test dengan α 5%, untuk parameter warna diperoleh tingkat signifikansi (p value) sebesar 0,006, sedangkan berdasarkan parameter bau diperoleh tingkat signifikansi (p value) sebesar 0,003. Dengan demikian ada perbedaan yang bermakna antara proses pengomposan dengan menggunakan komposter anaerob dengan komposter aerob
The Instrumentation of Standard Diet Food Portions for Diabetes Mellitus Puspita, Widyana Laksmi; Khayan, Khayan; Hariyadi, Didik; Anwar, Taufik; Wardoyo, Slamet
KEMAS: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 17, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Department of Public Health, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/kemas.v17i3.24137


The right diet is needed in the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. The dietary standards used must be by their nutritional adequacy. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the use of aluminum cup serving tools for standard measuring devices in the Diabetes mellitus diet. The portion measurement instrument is designed by 1P, 1 1 / 2P, and 2P standards. The study was conducted at a laboratory scale in 2018 with a quasi-experimental approach. Data analysis uses Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with α = 5%. The results show that the average effectiveness of 1P portion accuracy is 99%, 1½ P for 101%, and 2P about 99.6%. There was no difference in effectiveness compared to using a scale and there were differences in measurements using bowls and spoons. Standard portion of 1P measuring instruments 114% effectiveness bowl and 113% spoon, standard 1½ P portion for 107% bowl and 105% spoon, and 2P standard portion for measuring the effectiveness of the portion of the bowl is 104% and 103% spoon. Using a measuring device Aluminum cup portions, both 1P, 1.5P, and 2P parts can determine the value of food and nutritional adequacy standards of patients with Diabetes Mellitus.