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Sistem Database Pemasyarakatan Studi Kasus Lapas Kelas II A Pekanbaru Irawan, Yuda; Rahmalisa, Uci; Aprilia, Ulfa
Journal of Technopreneurship and Information System (JTIS) Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Journal Techoprenership and Information System
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36085/jtis.v2i2.323


Abstract- Penitentiary institutions are a place to provide guidance to prisoners. In the Class II A Correctional Institution of Pekanbaru City still uses the prisoner data collection system manually, such as recording inmates' data in the ledger, recording data on prisoners who conduct conditional leave or conditional release into the guidance book and visitor data still recorded in the list book visit. The method used in this study is the waterfall method and the data used is data from March to April 2019 obtained from the Class II A Correctional Institution in Pekanbaru City. The results of this study are a Correctional Database System is just an Information System to facilitate officers of Correctional Institutions in recording and recapitulating Prisoners and Visitors data. Keywords: Institutions of Promotion, Information Systems, database system, PHP.  Abstrak- Lembaga pemasyarakatan adalah sebuah tempat untuk melakukan pembinaan terhadap narapidan. Pada Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas II A Kota Pekanbaru masih menggunakan sistem pendataan narapidana secara manual, seperti mencatat data-data narapidana ke dalam buku besar, mencatat data narapidana yang melakukan cuti bersyarat (CB) atau pelepasan bersyarat (PB) ke dalam buku pembinaan dan data pengunjung masih di catat kedalm buku daftar kunjungan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode waterfall dan data yang digunakan adalah data pada bulan Maret-April 2019 yang diperoleh dari Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas II A Kota Pekanbaru. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah Sistem Database Pemasyarakatan hanyalah sebuah Sistem Informasi untuk memudahkan petugas Lembaga Pemasyarakatan dalam melakukan pencatatan dan rekapitulasi data-data Narapidana dan Pengunjung. Kata Kunci: Lembaga Permasyarakatan, Sistem Informasi, sistem database, PHP
Home Security Alarm Using Wemos D1 And HC-SR501 Sensor Based Telegram Notification Wahyuni, Refni; Rickyta, Aditya; Rahmalisa, Uci; Irawan, Yuda
Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) Vol 2, No 3 (2021): May (Forthcoming Issue)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Abstract—Home Security Alarms in today's modern society only use CCTV that can only see the person without any notification that goes into the cellphone in dealing with the theft that occurred. To help the community in dealing with the theft that enters the house, a Home Security Alarm was made using WEMOS D1 and HC-SR501 Sensor with Telegram Notification. The whole tool is divided into several parts which consist of HC-SR501 Sensor, WEMOS D1 and Buzzer. This tool works when the WEMOS D1 microcontroller processes the pear sensor as a motion detector and buzzer as a sound alarm if motion is detected, then the notification automatically enters into the Telegram Application, With this tool can monitor directly if anyone enters the house while being leftKeywords— Wemos D1, Sensor HC-SR501, Telegram, CCTV, Buzzer.
Detector Leakage Gas Lpg Based On Telegram Notification Using Wemos D1 and Mq-6 Sensor Rahmalisa, Uci; Febriani, Anita; Irawan, Yuda
Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) Vol 2, No 4 (2021): July (Forthcoming Issue)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Based on the test results of the National Standardization Agency (BSN), as much as 66% of the gas cylinders tested were found to be unfit for use was studied by zhang[1]. Along with the increasing use of LPG gas, the quality of gas cylinder products has decreased, and the need for supervision of gas cylinder products from the manufacturer, so it cannot cause danger was studied by dae[2]. Gas leaks most often come from the gap between the mouth of the tube and the regulator so that it can cause pollution to the polluted room. This is due to the seal that serves as a sealing gap between the gas cylinder valve and the regulator not working was studied by saeed[3]. This seal serves to close and isolate the gap between the regulator and the upper mouth of the gas cylinder so that gas leakage can be avoided, or it could also be caused by rat bites on the hose which can cause gas to leak. For this reason, a LPG gas leak detection device can be made remotely. Created a LPG gas leak detection system based on Wemos D1 microcontroller using telegram notification. The whole tool is divided into several parts which consist of mq-6 sensor, ESP8266-01S module, wemos d1 microcontroller, and buzzer. This tool works when the ESP8266-01S module searches for the nearest internet network and the mq-6 sensor detects lpg gas, from the ESP8266-01S module and mq-6 sensor then to the Wemos D1 microcontroller to process, from the Wemos D1 microcontroller then activates the buzzer as a warning alarm that then transfer data through the ESP8266-01S module to the website and give notification of a gas leak to the smartphone of the user of the device. The mq-6 sensor functions if the gas content value is above 80. The results show that the gas content value is more than 80 as detected lpg gas, because it has tested the system and when there is no lpg gas the gas content value is less than 80.
Car Parking Distance Controller Using Ultrasonic Sensors Based On Arduino Uno Susilo, Jenli; Febriani, Anita; Rahmalisa, Uci; Irawan, Yuda
Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) Vol 2, No 5 (2021): September (Forthcoming Issue)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The design of a car parking sensor is done because there are some problems such as the absence of parking attendants from 18:00 to 06:00 and the lack of parking attendants so the researchers took the title of arduino uno-based car parking distance controller by using ultrasonic sensors in this study using 3 main components, namely Arduino UNO, Arduino MP3 Shield and Ultrasonic HC-SR04. Arduino Shield MP3 is a module that is used to play sound. MP3 which can give voice commands that have been programmed before using Arduino IDE and combined with Ultrasonic HC-SR04 components in the calculation of the distance to the object. The distance (cm) obtained as input is then processed and then combined with the Arduino Shield MP3, then at a predetermined distance will output a predetermined voice command. Then the method used is the prototype method which starts from designing, writing the system, implementing it with the aim of making a prototype of a car parking sensor and testing it with a prototype. Conclusion testing the car sensor sensor car makes it easy for car drivers to park the car.
Riau Journal Of Computer Science Vol. 6 No. 2 (2020): Riau Journal of Computer Science
Publisher : Riau Journal Of Computer Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1769.44 KB)


Attendance is a part of the important role in every educational institution. Where attendance is one of the main supporting that can support and motivate every activity done. As in the absence of attendance at the 4 Batang Gansal Junior High School that performs signatures on paper and writes the entry time at the teaching hour in which case this can result in fraud due to the uncontrollable level of discipline. The administration also difficult to make reports and convey attendance information to each teacher regarding the recording of the present time as well as the time recording of the work because the report is still created using Microsoft Excel, in this way can be mistyped data and the deletion of data. The purpose of this research is to design and build an Android application that makes it easy for teachers to perform attendance at school, an application that utilizes Qr Code as the main component in assisting attendance process every teacher. Based on the above statement, the application of Qr Code technology in attendance system in junior high school teacher 4 Batang Gansal with Android device can accelerate the attendance process, in the results of the system test has been completed and successfully created, the system will be implemented immediately on the Android smartphone. Based on the research result of the creation of attendance application in Android based schools with the security of this Qr Code then it can be concluded that the research resulted in the teacher attendance application in Android based schools with Qr Code security which can be able to process attendance. In the test results of the system that has been completed and successfully created, the system will be implemented immediately on the Android smartphone and this application can also provide information about the attendance in the form of charts.
Riau Journal Of Computer Science Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021): Riau Journal of Computer Science
Publisher : Riau Journal Of Computer Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (326.322 KB)


Sistem pakar adalah sistem berbasis komputer yang menggunakan pengetahuan, fakta, dan teknik penalaran dalam memecahkan masalah yang biasanya hanya dapat dipecahkan oleh pakar bidang tertentu. Kelebihan sistem pakar diantaranya adalah memungkinkan orang awam dapat mengerjakan pekerjaan para pakar (ahli). Sistem pakar dapat digunakan untuk menyimpan pengetahuan dan keahlian pakar. Dengan menggunakan sistem pakar para petani dapat dengan mudah mendiagnosa penyakit yang menyerang tanaman padi mereka karena selama ini petani mengalami kesulitan dalam menentukan jenis penyakit yang menyerang tanaman padi mereka, setelah dibuat sistem pakar maka dapat memudahkan petani dalam melakukan konsultasi penyakit tanaman padi mereka dengan solusi yang diberikan oleh pakar sehingga mereka tidak perlu lagi melakukan konsultasi dengan pakar secara langsung dengan menggunakan metode backward chainning berbasis web yaitu metode yang menentukan hipotesis yang menuju suatu fakta yang mendukung suatu hipotesis tersebut. Dengan dibuat aplikasi berbasis web maka petani bisa dengan mudah mengakses aplikasi kapanpun. (Studi Kasus : Petani Padi Kecamatan Padang Laweh).
Journal of Technopreneurship and Information System (JTIS) Vol 3, No 3 (2020): Journal Of Techoprenership and Information System
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36085/jtis.v3i3.1136


Di KPU Kabupaten Bengkalis terdiri dari beberapa bidang salah satunya yaitu bidang umum. Salah satu tugas yang dikelola bagian umum ini adalah absensi dan penggajian. Proses absensi di kantor KPU Kabupaten Bengkalis dilakukan secara konvensional  dimana karyawan yang bekerja di kantor KPU Kabupaten Bengkalis harus menandatangani kolom absen kehadiran yang sudah tersedia di bagian umum. Untuk perekapan data absensi perbulan dilakukan setiap akhir bulan yang diinput oleh operator bagian umum di Microsoft Excel. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan yaitu waterfall. Pada tahap ini akan dilakukan analisa kebutuhan, desain sistem, coding dengan menggunakan bahasa pemograman PHP dan database MySQL, pengujian program yang dilakukan yaitu black box, dan terakhir penerapan program. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah aplikasi untuk proses rekap data absensi dan penggajian yang sebelumnya hanya menggunakan cara menandatangani absen yang dikelola admin kemudian admin akan menginput data absen di Microsoft Excel dan merekap gaji perkaryawan. Aplikasi ini memiliki dua bagian yaitu admin dan karyawan (pegawai dan honorer). Aplikasi Absensi dan Penggajian Pada Kantor KPU dapat melakukan penginputan data  pegawai, honorer dan absen yang akan menghasilkan rekap absensi dan penggajian secara berkala (perhari,perbulan dan pertahun).
Sistem Database Pemasyarakatan Studi Kasus Lapas Kelas II A Pekanbaru Yuda Irawan; Uci Rahmalisa; Ulfa Aprilia
JTIS: Journal of Technopreneurship and Information System Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019): Journal Techoprenership and Information System
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36085/jtis.v2i2.323


Abstract- Penitentiary institutions are a place to provide guidance to prisoners. In the Class II A Correctional Institution of Pekanbaru City still uses the prisoner data collection system manually, such as recording inmates' data in the ledger, recording data on prisoners who conduct conditional leave or conditional release into the guidance book and visitor data still recorded in the list book visit. The method used in this study is the waterfall method and the data used is data from March to April 2019 obtained from the Class II A Correctional Institution in Pekanbaru City. The results of this study are a Correctional Database System is just an Information System to facilitate officers of Correctional Institutions in recording and recapitulating Prisoners and Visitors data. Keywords: Institutions of Promotion, Information Systems, database system, PHP.  Abstrak- Lembaga pemasyarakatan adalah sebuah tempat untuk melakukan pembinaan terhadap narapidan. Pada Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas II A Kota Pekanbaru masih menggunakan sistem pendataan narapidana secara manual, seperti mencatat data-data narapidana ke dalam buku besar, mencatat data narapidana yang melakukan cuti bersyarat (CB) atau pelepasan bersyarat (PB) ke dalam buku pembinaan dan data pengunjung masih di catat kedalm buku daftar kunjungan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode waterfall dan data yang digunakan adalah data pada bulan Maret-April 2019 yang diperoleh dari Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas II A Kota Pekanbaru. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah Sistem Database Pemasyarakatan hanyalah sebuah Sistem Informasi untuk memudahkan petugas Lembaga Pemasyarakatan dalam melakukan pencatatan dan rekapitulasi data-data Narapidana dan Pengunjung. Kata Kunci: Lembaga Permasyarakatan, Sistem Informasi, sistem database, PHP
JTIS: Journal of Technopreneurship and Information System Vol. 3 No. 3 (2020): Journal Of Techoprenership and Information System
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36085/jtis.v3i3.1136


Di KPU Kabupaten Bengkalis terdiri dari beberapa bidang salah satunya yaitu bidang umum. Salah satu tugas yang dikelola bagian umum ini adalah absensi dan penggajian. Proses absensi di kantor KPU Kabupaten Bengkalis dilakukan secara konvensional  dimana karyawan yang bekerja di kantor KPU Kabupaten Bengkalis harus menandatangani kolom absen kehadiran yang sudah tersedia di bagian umum. Untuk perekapan data absensi perbulan dilakukan setiap akhir bulan yang diinput oleh operator bagian umum di Microsoft Excel. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan yaitu waterfall. Pada tahap ini akan dilakukan analisa kebutuhan, desain sistem, coding dengan menggunakan bahasa pemograman PHP dan database MySQL, pengujian program yang dilakukan yaitu black box, dan terakhir penerapan program. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah aplikasi untuk proses rekap data absensi dan penggajian yang sebelumnya hanya menggunakan cara menandatangani absen yang dikelola admin kemudian admin akan menginput data absen di Microsoft Excel dan merekap gaji perkaryawan. Aplikasi ini memiliki dua bagian yaitu admin dan karyawan (pegawai dan honorer). Aplikasi Absensi dan Penggajian Pada Kantor KPU dapat melakukan penginputan data  pegawai, honorer dan absen yang akan menghasilkan rekap absensi dan penggajian secara berkala (perhari,perbulan dan pertahun).
Car Parking Distance Controller Using Ultrasonic Sensors Based On Arduino Uno Jenli Susilo; Anita Febriani; Uci Rahmalisa; Yuda Irawan
Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) Vol 2, No 5 (2021): September
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jrc.25106


The design of a car parking sensor is done because there are some problems such as the absence of parking attendants from 18:00 to 06:00 and the lack of parking attendants so the researchers took the title of arduino uno-based car parking distance controller by using ultrasonic sensors in this study using 3 main components, namely Arduino UNO, Arduino MP3 Shield and Ultrasonic HC-SR04. Arduino Shield MP3 is a module that is used to play sound. MP3 which can give voice commands that have been programmed before using Arduino IDE and combined with Ultrasonic HC-SR04 components in the calculation of the distance to the object. The distance (cm) obtained as input is then processed and then combined with the Arduino Shield MP3, then at a predetermined distance will output a predetermined voice command. Then the method used is the prototype method which starts from designing, writing the system, implementing it with the aim of making a prototype of a car parking sensor and testing it with a prototype. Conclusion testing the car sensor sensor car makes it easy for car drivers to park the car.