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SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan Vol 6, No 3 (2022): September
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jpmb.v6i3.10597


ABSTRAKPeningkatan literasi digital terhadap guru merupakan hal yang perlu dilakukan di era revolusi industri 4.0 saat ini. Semenjak pandemi Covid-19 memberikan dampak terhadap dunia pendidikan, tuntutan kompetensi digital guru karena adanya kebijakan pembelajaran secara daring menjadi sangat vital. Oleh karena itu, pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan digital guru PAUD melalui pelatihan pengoperasian aplikasi Zoom di PAUD Ceria Anak Bangsaku, Desa Jabon Mekar, Kecamatan Parung sebanyak 6 orang. Metode yang diterapkan dalam kegiatan ini adalah pelatihan aplikasi Zoom yang dibagi menjadi 3 (tiga) tahap, yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi hasil kegiatan. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa literasi digital guru PAUD meningkat setelah diberi pelatihan yang dapat dilihat dari indikator pada tahapan evaluasi. Hasil evaluasi dari 6 guru PAUD yang terlibat menunjukkan bahwa 83% menjadi lebih tahu aplikasi Zoom dan cara pengoperasiannya. Dengan demikian, dapat dikatakan bahwa kegiatan ini berjalan sesuai dengan sasaran dan tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini, yaitu peningkatan literasi digital pada guru PAUD. Kata kunci : peningkatan literasi digital; guru PAUD; aplikasi Zoom ABSTRACTIncreasing digital literacy for teachers is something that needs to be done in the current era of the industrial revolution 4.0. Because the Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on the world of education, the need for digital teacher competence due to learning policies is very important. Therefore, this community service was carried out with the aim of increasing the digital skills of nursery school teachers through training on the operation of Zoom application at Ceria Anak Bangsaku (CAB) nursery school, Jabon Mekar Village, Parung District. The method applied in this activity was training. It was divided into 3 (three) stages: preparation, implementation, and evaluation. The results of the training showed that the digital literacy of CAB teachers increased after training had given. It was seen from the indicators at the evaluation stage. The evaluation results showed that 83% CAB teachers becoming more familiar with Zoom application and how operate it. Thus, this community service was in accordance with the objective of this activity which was increasing digital literacy for nursery school teachers. Keywords: digital literacy improvement; nursery school teacher; Zoom application
JELAJAH: Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Terbuka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33830/jelajah.v4i2.3956


The learning method is one of the elements of learning that determines how well a teacher delivers learning materials so that learning objectives are attained. Unattractive learning methods can affect student learning outcomes. Therefore, this study aimed to determine and analyze the application of the learning method, namely the Cooperative Learning (CL) with the Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) technique to improve learning outcomes for the subject matter of Milk and Its Processed Products for students at Jakarta State Vocational Highschool 38. Research method of the study used a quasi-experimental method. The research sample were students of 1st grade of Culinary in Jakarta State Vocational Highschool 38 who were taking the subject of Foodstuffs Knowledge. The results showed that the class which was applied CL method with STAD technique had an average score of improvement (delta pre-test and post-test) of 7.80, while the class that was applied the conventional method was 4.35. It was concluded that there is an increase in student learning outcomes in the subject of Foodstuffs Knowledge, especially the subject matter of milk and its processed products with the application of Cooperative Learning (CL) Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) technique which is significantly better than conventional methods.     
Optimalisasi Pemasaran Digital Kampung Ekowisata Ciwaluh, Kabupaten Bogor Ni Wayan Marsha Satyarini; Andy Mulyana; Hubertina Karolina Ngarbingan; Anisa Zahwa Akbara; Nihan Anindyaputra Lanisy; Yulita Suryantari
Jurnal Dehasen Untuk Negeri Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37676/jdun.v2i1.3647


Kampung Ciwaluh, terletak di Desa Wates Jaya, Cigombong, Bogor, memiliki potensi sumber daya alam yang indah, mulai dari aliran sungai, air terjun, kebun kopi, dan persawahan. Sejak tahun 2001, telah dibentuk Kelompok Sadar Wisata (pokdarwis) Ciwaluh. Pokdarwis kampung Ciwaluh bertujuan menjadikan Kampung Ciwaluh sebagai kampung ekowisata. Salah satu masalah yang dihadapi pokdarwis adalah kesulitan dalam pemasaran dikarenakan terbatasnya sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang memahami pentingnya literasi digital, sehingga metode pemasaran masih menggunakan metode konvensional. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, maka diperlukan upaya meningkatkan kemampuan SDM untuk pemasaran secara digital melalui program pengabdian masyarakat. Kegiatan dilaksanakan dari bulan Maret hingga November 2022. Metode pelaksanaan dimulai dari: 1) Tahap perencanaan dan observasi; 2) Tahap pelaksanaan; a. Pelatihan pemasaran digital dan identifikasi kebutuhan website b. Pendampingan pembuatan logo dan website c) Pelatihan pengelolaan website dan pembuatan paket wisata d) Pendampingan pengiklanan online; 3) Monitoring dan Evaluasi. Target yang telah dicapai dari abdimas ini adalah terciptanya website dengan domain dan logo branding kampung ekowisata Ciwaluh, terealisasinya iklan sebagai promosi digital melalui FB, Instagram, dan Google Ads, juga pelatihan mengenai pengelolaan website serta strategi pemasaran digital. Kedepannya, diharapkan pemasaran melalui media digital ini dapat lebih efektif efisien untuk meningkatkan jumlah pengunjung yang datang ke ekowisata Ciwaluh.
Journal of The Community Development in Asia Vol 6, No 3 (2023): Journal of The Community Development in Asia (JCDA)
Publisher : AIBPM Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32535/jcda.v6i3.2525


Indonesia has a population of 270 million people and will face tough challenges in obtaining Sustainable Development Goals, especially related to Responsible Consumption and Production (RCP). The Indonesian government created a National Action Plan to achieve sustainable consumption and production patterns, namely increasing economic welfare, reducing resource use, and improving quality of life. To accelerate the call for RCP, encouraging the role of the younger generation to participate in implementing the best of green economic practices is the right strategy. This research is intended to get an overview of the extent to which the younger generation wants to participate from a behavioral angle (green economy consumers). Respondents involved in the study were 229 young people from various regions in Indonesia. Interesting results were obtained from the research model, indicating that intention strongly influences behavior and impacts willingness to participate using the SEM-Lisrel analysis. However, the awakening of intentions among the younger generation is mostly influenced by positive attitudes, while the norms and perceptions do not show strong indications of their influence. These findings form a strong basis for the development of behavioral research that can answer the research gap involving the younger generation to act as green consumers in a proven way. The younger generation can be environmentally responsible consumers by using eco-friendly products.
Analysis factors of Tourist Decisions’ on Melukat Tradition as a Spiritual Tourism Hubertina Karolina Ngarbingan; Anisa Zahwa Akbara
EKOMBIS REVIEW: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 12 No 1 (2024): Januari
Publisher : UNIVED Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37676/ekombis.v12i1.5042


The creativity of the Balinese people who combined new tourism trends with Balinese traditions, a new habit was formed, namely Melukat tradition. Currently, Melukat tradition has become an interfaith tourism trend in Bali, many non-Hindu tourists believe in what Hindus believe, by following the procession of the Melukat tradition itself. This phenomenon are based on the data from visitors who follow the Melukat tradition which has increased from year to year. This research aims to find out what factors influence tourists' decisions to follow the Melukat tradition as a spiritual tourism attraction. These factors are based on the theory of Kotler and Keller (2009), factors including culture, social factors, personal factors and psychological factors which become benchmarks for tourist behavior or decisions. The research method used is quantitative. The data collection techniques used were questionnaires and observation. The sampling technique used was Accidental Sampling, with a sample size of 100 respondents. The data analysis techniques used are simple regression, partial test (t test), simultaneous test (f statistical test). The results show the factors that influence tourists' decisions to carry out the melukat tradition or ceremony are cultural factors, social factors, personal factors, and psychological factors. The most dominant factors are influenced by psychological factors and those that are not dominant are cultural factors.
Impact of Destination Images and E-WOM on Urban Millenial Decision to Visit Tourism Potential City Anisa Zahwa Akbara; Yulita Suryantari
Indonesian Journal of Tourism and Leisure Vol 5, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Lasigo Akademia Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36256/ijtl.v5i1.394


Tourism potential in Serang City is almost eliminated and forgotten along with the city’s continuous expansion. The role of urban millennials in promoting tourism is now important. Therefore, researchers used urban millennials as respondents in this study. By using SEM analysis with the SmartPLS application, this research was conducted to determine destination image preferences from millennial tourists in Serang City and their influence on e-WOM and the decision to visit. The results indicated support for affective image, price image, and travel motivation positively influence e-WOM. However, e-WOM does not appear to have a significant positive influence on the decision to visit. Additionally, cognitive image is the only factor that positively influences the decision to visit directly. The proposed mediating role of e-WOM in the relationship between destination image with the decision to visit is not supported. The findings of this study offer important factors for the destination marketers, policymakers, and businesses of a potential tourism city, in this case Serang City, to consider when developing a specific marketing strategy for this market segment (urban millennials). In addition, the results of this study provide a better understanding of the urban millennial perspective on their decision to visit cities with tourism potential.