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FORUM EKONOMI Vol 18, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Mulawarman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (591.331 KB) | DOI: 10.29264/jfor.v18i1.44


This research aims to: 1) identifies the characteristics of manufacturing industries of their working capital, compensation, and type of business; 2) analyzes the impact of manufacturing industries towards production values in East Kalimantan. The analysis method used is linier regression with cross section data in the east Kalimantan province. The study shows that: 1) working capital has significant positive effect towards the production value of small manufacturing industries in the east Kalimantan province. 2) Compensation does not affect the production value of small manufacturing industries in the east Kalimantan province; 3) types of business does not affecting the production value of small manufacturing industries in the east Kalimantan province.Keyword: Working Capital; Compensation; Type of Business, and Productions
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi jumlah kelahiran Lestari, Dinny Fitri Indah; Musa, Adnan Haris; Roy, Juliansyah
INOVASI Vol 14, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Mulawarman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (559.762 KB) | DOI: 10.29264/jinv.v14i1.2000


The aims of this research are to know and explain the factors-factors that affect fertility (family income, wife education level, age of first marriage, and use of contraception) effect significantly to the amount of fertility in the Village of Rapak Dalam. This research used primary data i.e data obtained directly from the respondents. Data analysis using multiple linear regression with dummy variable model with SPSS software (Statistical Program for Social Science) Version 20. Research result showed: (1) family income influential variables are positive and significant against the amount of fertility in the village of Rapak Dalam; (2) wife education level variable is negative and significant effect against the amount of fertility in the village of Rapak Dalam; (3) age of first marriage variable is negative and significant effect against the amount of fertility in the village of Rapak Dalam; (4) use of contraception variable is negative and insignificant effect against the amount of fertility in the village of Rapak DalamKeywords : family income, wife education level, age of first marriage, and use of contraception
Pengaruh pendapatan asli daerah dan dana perimbangan terhadap belanja langsung dan belanja tidak langsung serta pertumbuhan ekonomi di indonesia Lisa, Yulianus; Priyagus, Priyagus; Roy, Juliansyah
FORUM EKONOMI Vol 19, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Mulawarman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (313.295 KB) | DOI: 10.29264/jfor.v19i2.2123


The aim of this research is to analyze the influence of Local Revenue and Fiscal Balance Transfers on the Direct and Indirect Expenditures as well as on the Economic Development in Indonesia. The variables in this research were Local Revenue and Fiscal Balance Transfers as independent variables whereas Direct, Indirect Expenditures and Economic Developments were the dependent variables. The sample included 33 provinces in Indonesia over the period of 2009 to 2013. The research findings indicated that the Local Revenue and Fiscal Balance Transfers had a positive and significant influence on the Direct and Indirect Expenditures. In addition, Local Revenue and Fiscal Balance Transfers had a negative influence on the economic development through Direct Expenditure and had a positive, significant influence on the economic development through the Indirect Expenditure.Keywords : Local Revenue,Fiscal Balance Transfers on the Direct, Indirect Expenditures and on the Economic Development in Indonesia
Kajian Dampak Ekonomi Hutan Desa Terhadap Pendapatan Petani Kampung Merabu (Kabupaten Berau, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur) Roy, Juliansyah; Kuncoro, Mudrajad; Darma, Dio Caisar
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi, UIN Maliki Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (547.239 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/iq.v15i2.6881


The purpose of this study is to answer the prior problems of analyzing the extent to which the effect of the duration of the decision letter is accepted, the size of the land, the number of labor, the transportation costs, the input costs, the partnership pattern, the knowledge of the status of the village forest, the participation of planning and implementation participation, and the participation of monev on farmer income in Merabu. The research method used in this research is explorative and analytical descriptive. In general, there is an increase in production, income and employment. Regression analysis proves that the length of the decision letter is accepted and the amount of labour has a positive effect on income significantly. Meanwhile, labour is a dominant variable affecting the income of Merabu. Since the status of village forests is published in 2014, farmers are beginning to transform to manage and utilize forest land. The number of workers had increased quite drastically from before and after the village forest decree received.
Evaluasi tenaga pendamping desa profesional di provinsi kalimantan timur Roy, Juliansyah
INOVASI Vol 16, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Mulawarman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (238.353 KB) | DOI: 10.29264/jinv.v16i1.7334


Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menguji implementasi kebijakan, efisiensi dan efektivitas tugas, serta fungsi pemerintah pusat dan daerah dalam penyelenggaraan atau manajemen pengelolaan pendamping desa, mendalami masalah, melakukan analisa, dan mencari solusi serta merumuskan rekomendasi kebijakan baru. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif deskriptif melalui metode survey dan observasi dilaksanakan pada September hingga November 2018 di 7 Kabupaten (Provinsi Kalimantan Timur). Untuk melengkapi kebutuhan analisa, jenis data berbasis primer dan sekunder. Di Kalimantan Timur, terdiri dari Pendamping Desa Pemberdayaan (PDP), Pendamping Desa Teknik Infrastruktur (PDTI). Tahun 2017 beberapa wilayah ketersediaan Pendamping Desa Pemberdayaan (PDP), Pendamping Desa Teknik Infrastruktur (PDTI) masih banyak yang kosong, namun hingga oktober 2018 sudah terisi. Sebanyak 42 responden dominan menyatakan pada kinerja terhadap program pendampingan desa yang tergolong baik. Sedangkan, sisanya berada dikategori kurang baik, sangat baik, dan terakhir adalah rendah. Sedangkan, pola kualifikasi dari pendampng desa belum sepenuhnya terbentuk, sementara tuntutan bahwa pendamping desa harus profesional tidak diikuti dengan penghargaan yang layak bagi pendamping sebagai kader pemberdaya masyarakat di Desa, dengan skill dan pengetahuan yang mumpuni di kemudian hari.
Dampak pandemi covid 19 terhadap perkembangan makro ekonomi di indonesia dan respon kebijakan yang ditempuh Fahrika, A. Ika; Roy, Juliansyah
INOVASI Vol 16, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Mulawarman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (312.669 KB) | DOI: 10.29264/jinv.v16i2.8255


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak Pandemi Covid 19 terhadap perkembangan makro ekonomi di Indonesia dan respon kebijakan yang ditempuh. Dalam penulisan ini peneliti menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan yaitu mengambil berbagai sumber referensi yang mendukung suatu penelitian ini. Penelitian ini berjenis penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu menyimak serta mencatat informasi penting dalam melakukan analisis data dengan cara reduksi data, display data dan gambaran kesimpuan sehingga mendapatkan suatu gambaran kesimpulan mengenai studi literatur untuk dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini. Kebijakan pemerintah yang harus ditempuh dalam upaya mengatasi masalah-masalah ekonomi makro selama pandemi Covid yaitu terbagi dalam 2 jaring pengaman yaitu, Jaring Pengaman Sosial dengan cara penambahan dan dukungan dari pembiayaan APBN dan Jaring Pengaman Ekonomi dengan cara pemberian insentif fiskal dan non fiskal. Stimulasi-stimulasi lain yang juga dilakukan untuk meningkatkan perekonomian adalah Pertama, dikeluarkan, Perppu 1 Tahun 2020. Kedua, dikeluarkan kebijakan perpajakan Ketiga, dikeluarkan Kebijakan di Sektor Keuangan.
Kajian indikator ekonomi dan komoditas unggulan kabupaten mamuju menuju status kota di provinsi sulawesi barat Madris, Madris; Sabir, Sabir; Roy, Juliansyah
INOVASI Vol 17, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Mulawarman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (363.918 KB) | DOI: 10.29264/jinv.v17i2.9466


Penelitian ini membahas tentang indikator ekonomi dan sektor basis Kabupaten Mamuju menuju status kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Barat. Tujuan Penelitian adalah untuk (1) Memetakan sektor ekonomi melalui besaran sektor basis. (2) Mengidentifikasi komoditi unggulan (3) Memberikan rekomendasi kebijakan kepada Pemerintah Kabuapten Mamuju menuju Mamuju Status Kota. Metode analalisis yang digunakan adalah analisis desriptif dan komparatif. Analisis  location quotient (LQ) digunaan untuk mengidentifikasi sektor basis. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder, yakni data Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) dan Kabupaten Mamuju dalam Angka, masing-masing selama tahun 2009-2015, serta kabupaten lainnya di Sulawesi Barat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kabupaten Mamuju (1) masuk dalam kategori kota sedang  berdasarkan jumlah penduduk; (2) sektor primer memiliki share  terendah di antara kabupaten lain di Sulawesi Barat, dan mengalami penurunan share setiap tahun; (3)  mengalami angaka pertumbuhan ekonomi kedua tertinggi di Sulawesi Barat; (4) Di antara 17 sektor yang dianalisis, Kabupaten Mamuju memiliki 14 sektor dalam kategori basis; (5) Rata-rata kontribusi pendapatan asli daerah (PAD) terhadap total pendapatan belanja daerah (APBD) selama enam tahun terakhir sebesar 4,73 persen, sementara rata-rata secara nasional sebesar 6,3 persen.
Pengaruh jumlah penduduk dan penanaman modal asing serta penanaman modal dalam negeri terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi dan kesempatan kerja Hasanuddin, Hasanuddin; Roy, Juliansyah
FORUM EKONOMI Vol 24, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Mulawarman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29264/jfor.v24i1.10394


Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh jumlah penduduk, penanaman modal asing dan penanaman modal dalam negeri terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi dan kesempatan kerja di Samarinda. Data dalam penelitian ini time series tahun 2008-2018, dengan alat analisis regresi dua tahap. Hasil menunjukkan jumlah penduduk berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi, penanaman modal asing berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi, penanaman modal dalam negeri berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi, pertumbuhan ekonomi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kesempatan kerja, jumlah penduduk berpengaruh tidak langsung dan signifikan terhadap kesempatan kerja melalui pertumbuhan ekonomi, penanaman modal asing berpengaruh tidak langsung akan tetapi tidak signifikan terhadap kesempatan kerja melalui pertumbuhan ekonomi, penanaman modal dalam negeri berpengaruh tidak langsung dan signifikan terhadap kesempatan kerja melalui pertumbuhan ekonomi di Samarinda.
Covid-19 Maneuver on Socio-economic: Exploitation Using Correlation Juliansyah Roy; Zamruddin Hasid; Diana Lestari; Dio Caisar Darma; Erwin Kurniawan A
Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Dan Bisnis (JPEB) Vol 9 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi & Bisnis (DOAJ & SINTA 2 Indexed)
Publisher : Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/JPEB.009.2.6


Apart from the health aspect, Covid-19 has also had socio-economic effects from the fragile balance of development that has designed so far. Instantly, humans experience suffering that is difficult to predict when it will stop. The primary aim of this study is to evaluate the fragility of the socio-economic order because of Covid-19. These two motifs are the basic essence of human beings, especially the population in Indonesia. A two-way correlation applied to the IBM SPSS to predict the effect of Covid-19 on poverty, natality, minimum wages, divorce, GRDP per capita, unemployment, and crime over two periods. The database is as cross-section covering ten areas in East Kalimantan Province. We found the importance of the correlation parameter in this study that it turns out that Covid-19 closely related to the minimum wage, unemployment, and crime. Because Covid-19 has a positive effect on these three variables and the probability has met the criteria, this is also the right instrument for the government in determining special strategies. The implications of the research are to contribute to long-term management in disaster mitigation planning.
EKSPLORASI PARIWISATA PEDESAAN DI HUTAN DESA MERABU, BERAU (INDONESIA) Juliansyah Roy; Michael Hadjaat; Dio Caisar Darma; Saida Zainurossalamia ZA; Jati Kasuma
Jurnal Pariwisata Pesona Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Edisi Juni 2021
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/jpp.v6i1.5641


Tourism has adapted rapidly in various worlds, including Indonesia, and created significant harmonization for economic, social, and cultural uses. Since the change in the status of the village forest (HD) in 2014, it is hoped that it will become an opportunity for Merabu Village to increase the productivity of agriculture, livestock, and tourist destinations. The focus of this study is to explore the tourism potential of Merabu Village. We obtained data sets through interviews, FGDs, and field observations of a number of informants who predominantly work as farmers. The trend of tourist visits every year is also increasing and especially rural-tourism is managed by Kerima Puri. Since the beginning of the presence of domestic tourists and foreign tourists, there have been tour boat services that took them to the gate of Nya’deng Lake, homestays, food providers, and various traditional attractions (cultural festivals). As a rural tourism area, HD has a positive impact on local residents to be involved in rural-tourism development. This finding also hopes for a real contribution from relevant parties to advance the rural-tourism of Merabu Village
Co-Authors A. Ika Fahrika Abdi Buhasyim Adi Wijaya Adi Wijaya Adnan Haris Musa Adnan Haris Musa Adyastuti Putri Kuswadie Afifah Lia Agusniati Agusniati Agustria Supiasty Aji Sofyan Effendi Aji Sofyan Effendi ANDI IKA FAHRIKA Andi Saputra Anggi Desita Anggraini annis atika sari Annisa Mawarriezka Yasmin Antung Berlianti Arfiah Busari Arini Puspita Rusli Asni Nurjamiati Ayu Fitriayana Dedi Setiadi Diana Lestari Dimas Chrisna Mukti Dini Rizki Nanda Dinny Fitri Indah Lestari Dio Caisar Darma Djohan, Sjamsu Dr muliadi Dwi Nika Sakti Edma Syahyunita Samad Eka Yurita Hidiya Endika Bagas Eni Larasati Eny Rochaida Eny Rochaida Erlida Dinia Mauliani Ermi Abd Malek Ernie Ferawati Erwin Kurniawan A Erwin Kurniawan A Fahrika, A. Ika FAJAR HIDAYAT Febri Yandi Toding Feris Kurniawan Fifin Febriati Fitriadi Fitriadi Hairun Nisa Maulida Putri Hasanuddin Hasanuddin Hasanuddin Hasanuddin Hendra Hendra Hendra Hendra Heri Kafri Heryanto Heryanto Indah Warohmah Inka Mayrani Irwan Gani Isna Wulandari Isna Yuningsih Jati Kasuma Jiuhardi Jiuhardi Juliansyah Juliansyah Khairina Dian Widyani Khairul Khairul Khairullah Khairullah Krisna Pashaputra Kristina Ping Kurniawan Ramadani Lestari, Dinny Fitri Indah Lisa Andryani Lisa, Yulianus Lismana Lismana M. Awaluddin Madris Madris Madris Madris Madris Madris, Madris Marisa Marisa Marni Nur Hasdar Mashura Mashura Meldea Putri Yustria Michael Hadjaat Michael Michael Mika Septianingrum Moh. Amin Mudrajad Kuncoro muhammad akbar rayhan Muhammad Awaluddin Muhammad Nanda Adytia Muhammad Saleh Mire Muhammad Vicky Muliadi Muliadi Muliadi Muliadi Muliadi Muliadi Musa, Adnan Haris Ni Kadek Winda Primadini Nikie Nur Rofiq Nor Windi Setiana Nurina Erisandi Nurul Izsati Pamiluddin Pamiluddin Priyagus, Priyagus Radinal Mukhtar Rahcmad Budi Suharto Raisa Dwi Sari Randi Herindra Ratnawati Ratnawati Riska Marsa Linda Risni Widyastuti Rizda Meilinda Rizwan Abdini Rosmia Atdjar Sabila Aulia Sabir Sabir Sabir Sabir Sabir Sabir Said Vicry Hidayat Sapda Bagus Hendri Yanto Siti Aisyah Siti Amalia Sri Mintarti Supriadi Supriadi Swandari Paramita Syarifah Hudayah Syifa Sabrina Kusuma Theresia Militina Theresia Militina Tiara Sari Tri Nor Apriyani Usi Sulisnawati Ventirana Adhi Helma Wahyu Sulthan Dwi Putra Warsilan Warsilan Warsilan Warsilan Warsilan Warsilan Warsilan Warsilan Wenna Monica Br Tarigan Wilmar Litaurus Winda Fitryani Yanti Abrar Yuli Yani Yulianus Lisa Yusnita Ruth Hutagalung ZA, Saida Zainurossalamia Zamruddin Hasid Zeto Oktavianur Rachman