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Publisher : Proceeding SENDI_U

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pemahaman kelinstasbudayaan/cross cultural dan pemertahanan Bahasa dan Ilmu Komunikasi (FBIK) Unissula periodeApril 2017, yang berjumlah 52 calon, sebagai basis penetapan kebijakan publik. Metode survei dengan instrumen Kuesioner berbasis on-line digunakan untuk menginvestigasi kecenderungan sikap calon wisudawan , yaitu dengan memanfaatkan formulir . Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya kecenderungan positif bahwa calon wisudawan sudah terbekali dengan CCU dan BudAI yang cukup memadaisehingga mampu menjadi tenaga kerja yang tidak hanya terampil, melainkan juga berwawasan global namun tetap meneguhkan diri kepada nilai-nilai islami (islamic values) sebagai jati diri lulusan Unissula khususnya dan bangsa timur pada umumnya, meskipun baru pada tingkat kognitif. Oleh karena itu peneleti merekomendasikan penelitian lanjutan dengan metode observasi dan interview mendalam_ pasca kurun waktu tertentu, baik kepada mahasiswa yang bersangkutan (self-observation) maupun wawancara dengan pihak-pihak terkait (pengguna lulusan) untuk mengungkap tingkat pemahaman kelintasbudayaan dan pemertahanan BudAI lulusan FBIK Unissula pada ranah motorik dan afektif. Kata Kunci: kesadaran lintas budaya, pemertahanan BudAI, kebijakan publik FBIK Unissula
Students’ Perception at the Use of Padlet in Linguistics Class Anwar, Choiril; Nugroho, Kurniawan Yudhi; Nurhamidah, Idha
NOTION: Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Culture Vol 1, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/notion.v1i1.714


This study aims at investigating students’ perceptions of the use of Padlet in the class of Introduction to Functional Linguistics. The population of this study was a class of 2014 batch student of English Language Education program at Sultan Agung Islamic University (UNISSULA) Semarang with a sample of 28 people. This research is in the form of qualitative descriptive design. The data collection method uses observations and questionnaire. The data is then analyzed using interpretive descriptive analysis. The specific target to be achieved in this study is that by knowing students' perceptions of the use of Padlet, then this result can be used as a reference for the Faculty of Language and Communication Science and other faculties in the UNISSULA environment to improve the performance and quality of service to students especially in the learning and teaching process. In addition, the results of this study can also be a reference for both the Study Program and the Faculty to review the curriculum that has been implemented so far. From the data obtained through questionnaires distributed to 28 students of the English Language Education Study Program at the Faculty of Languages and Communication Science of Sultan Agung Islamic University Semarang in the class of 2014/2015, researchers can conclude that these students have very diverse perceptions in the use of Padlet media in learning Introduction to Functional Linguistics. To be sure, most students really positively appreciate the use of this media in linguistic learning in general.
Publisher : Proceeding SENDI_U

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pemahaman kelinstasbudayaan/cross cultural dan pemertahanan Bahasa dan Ilmu Komunikasi (FBIK) Unissula periodeApril 2017, yang berjumlah 52 calon, sebagai basis penetapan kebijakan publik. Metode survei dengan instrumen Kuesioner berbasis on-line digunakan untuk menginvestigasi kecenderungan sikap calon wisudawan , yaitu dengan memanfaatkan formulir . Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya kecenderungan positif bahwa calon wisudawan sudah terbekali dengan CCU dan BudAI yang cukup memadaisehingga mampu menjadi tenaga kerja yang tidak hanya terampil, melainkan juga berwawasan global namun tetap meneguhkan diri kepada nilai-nilai islami (islamic values) sebagai jati diri lulusan Unissula khususnya dan bangsa timur pada umumnya, meskipun baru pada tingkat kognitif. Oleh karena itu peneleti merekomendasikan penelitian lanjutan dengan metode observasi dan interview mendalam_ pasca kurun waktu tertentu, baik kepada mahasiswa yang bersangkutan (self-observation) maupun wawancara dengan pihak-pihak terkait (pengguna lulusan) untuk mengungkap tingkat pemahaman kelintasbudayaan dan pemertahanan BudAI lulusan FBIK Unissula pada ranah motorik dan afektif. Kata Kunci: kesadaran lintas budaya, pemertahanan BudAI, kebijakan publik FBIK Unissula
International Journal of Humanity Studies (IJHS) Vol 4, No 1 (2020): September 2020
Publisher : Sanata Dharma University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/ijhs.v4i1.2465


The current study investigated Bimbo’s Song lyric entitled ‘Belalang’ in a Discourse Perspective. It has come to be known that Bimbo is a senior music group, specializing in deep philosophical touches of romantic songs. Belalang is a song attempting to create an analog of an insect (mantis) with special mating behaviors to human love affairs tied in dangerous wedlock. The lyric was analyzed in two ways, (1) to find out the field, tenor and mode of the discourse, employing the analytical framework of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) in a macro sense, and (2) to find out the eco-psychological phenomena, employing the analytical framework of eco-psychology. The findings show that both mantis (with its special mating behavior) and humans   (in showing true love to the “destructive” wife) have a similar pattern—to preserve the ecosystem or in other words to create a conducive environment. The moral teaching seems to support the old saying that to love does not necessarily own despite the presence of love-chemistry. A seemingly peaceful marital life has to come to its end due to an unexpected mystical curse of Bahu Laweyan.  Yet, secondary love can be made possible in search of peaceful lives, to avoid self-destruction.
TA'DIBUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Educational Issues
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jpai.2.1.19-32


The current article aimed at presenting an overview of types, requirements and procedures of certification in Islam education for the students who have passed the examination in order for countries outside United Arab Emirates. Core materials on the subject were compiled from various resources to guarantee the validity of the information. It turned out that there were a number of concepts of certification pertinent to etymology and practices. One distinctive issue of certification was that, in Islam education, certification was attached to the authority of professor or sheikh, not the institution, and the government has no right whatsoever with respect to certification. This, in fact, differentiates certification in Islam World from that practiced in the West.Keywords: Certificate, Certification, Etymological Concept, Islam Education System
Proceedings Education and Language International Conference Vol 1, No 1 (2017): Proceedings of Education and Language International Conference
Publisher : Proceedings Education and Language International Conference

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This paper explores the employment of code-switching in Social Media ‘Whats-app (WA)’ Bahasa text, namely from Bahasa to Javanese, English and/or to Arabic. Two WA groups are chosen namely ‘Trending Topic’ and ‘LPPM’ WA group as they are more universal chat places for Unissula academia than other faculty limited members of WA groups. This is a descriptive qualitative research, deeply analyzing several purposefully selected data. Interviews with some members of WA groups were performed to gain some data related to the use of code switching. The writer found that the main reason for code-switching is therefore to keep on communication by using technology-related, Koranic-related or Javanese-colloquial terms to try to refer to certain concepts of which the equivalence for such terms are not available in Bahasa. Another reason is to gain closer-relationship among attendants. For this socio-linguistic phenomenon, the writer feels that it is necessary for Bahasa experts or scholars to coin and popularize more Bahasa lexical items required to accommodate the new concepts. Key words: code-switching, Bahasa, Bahasa Experts, technology-related terms, Koranic-related terms, Javanese-colloquialterms
Students' Perception at the Use of Padlet in Linguistics Class Choiril Anwar; Kurniawan Yudhi Nugroho; Idha Nurhamidah
NOTION: Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Culture Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): NOTION: Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Culture
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/notion.v1i1.714


This study aims at investigating students’ perceptions of the use of Padlet in the class of Introduction to Functional Linguistics. The population of this study was a class of 2014 batch student of English Language Education program at Sultan Agung Islamic University (UNISSULA) Semarang with a sample of 28 people. This research is in the form of qualitative descriptive design. The data collection method uses observations and questionnaire. The data is then analyzed using interpretive descriptive analysis. The specific target to be achieved in this study is that by knowing students' perceptions of the use of Padlet, then this result can be used as a reference for the Faculty of Language and Communication Science and other faculties in the UNISSULA environment to improve the performance and quality of service to students especially in the learning and teaching process. In addition, the results of this study can also be a reference for both the Study Program and the Faculty to review the curriculum that has been implemented so far. From the data obtained through questionnaires distributed to 28 students of the English Language Education Study Program at the Faculty of Languages and Communication Science of Sultan Agung Islamic University Semarang in the class of 2014/2015, researchers can conclude that these students have very diverse perceptions in the use of Padlet media in learning Introduction to Functional Linguistics. To be sure, most students really positively appreciate the use of this media in linguistic learning in general
Pengadaan Brosur Dwibahasa bagi Obyek Wisata Desa Menari, Ngrawan, Getasan Kabupaten Semarang Idha Nurhamidah; Hartono Hartono; Sugeng Purwanto
Indonesian Journal of Community Services Vol 2, No 1 (2020): May 2020
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/ijocs.2.1.27-37


AbstrakTujuan PKM ini yaitu pengadaan Brosur Dwibahasa Obyek Wisata Desa Menari, yang terletak di Desa Ngrawan, Kecamatan Getasan, Kabupaten Semarang, Provinsi Jawa Tengah dalam rangka peningkatan layanan wisata pada tingkat international. Hal tersebut dilakukan mengingat semakin meningkatnya animo pengujung obyek wisata tersebut baik dalam maupun manca negara. Metode yang digunakan dalam PKM ini adalah menggali informasi sebanyak-banyanknya melalui wawancara mendalam dengan Ketua Pokdarwis (Kelompok Sadar Wisata) Ki Tanu Wijaya, yaitu Bapak Trisno, yang akrab dipanggil Kang Tris. Wawancara meliputi informasi terkait dengan paket-paket yang tersedia dan bisa dinikmati oleh wisatawan baik domestic maupun manca negara. Hasil wawanara dikemas menjadi Brosur Dwibahasa yaitu bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris. Brosur tersebut telah dicetak edisi mewah dan sudah dapat dipakai sebagai sarana penyebaran informasi oleh bagian marketing Obyek Wisata Desa Menari, Getasan Kabupaten Semarang untuk para calon wisatawan.  Kata kunci: brosur dwibahasa; desa menari; layanan wisata,  Abstract This community service on issuing Bilingual Brochure on “Desa Menari” Tourist Destination, located at Ngrawan Village, Getasan District, Semarang Regency, Central Java aims at promoting tourism services at international level. This was done in response to the increasing numbers of  both domestic and foreign visitors. The method employed was to explore as much as possible any information through in-depth interview with the Chair of Ki Tanu Wijaya Pokdarwis (Tourism Awareness Club), namely Mr. Trisno, best-known as Kang Tris. The interview focused on any information related to tourism packages available for enjoyment by both domestic and foreign visitors. The results of the interview were then presented in a bilingual brochure of Indonesian and English languages. The brochure has been printed and is ready for marketing use to attract potential visitors to enjoy Desa Menari Ngrawan Village, Getasan District, Semarang Regency.   Keywords: bilingual brochure; desa menari; tourism services
Dinamika Bahasa dan Budaya Vol 9 No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Stikubank (UNISBANK) Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35315/bb.v9i2.3730


This  study aims to find out whether or not group discussion is effective to enhance  students’ critical reading  ability. The subjects were 64 students who were divided  into two groups; one consisting of 32 students assigned as the experimental group, and the other consisting of 32 students as the control group. The experimental group studied critical reading through group discussion while  the control group studied critical reading through a conventional way.  Both groups were taught for 12 sessions, each lasting for 90 minutes. The data were collected by means of critical reading test. In the study, it was hypothesized that there was a significant difference between the critical reading  ability of the students taught by employing  group discussion  activities and those taught employing a conventional way. The result of the t-test was 5.84 while the t-table was 3.6. It indicated that group discussion activities had improved the students’ critical reading  ability significantly. Key words: academic reading, critical reading
A study of Some English Phonological Rules and Their Processes Idha Nurhamidah
Dinamika Bahasa dan Budaya Vol 11 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Stikubank (UNISBANK) Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35315/bb.v11i1.3833


This article discusses some English phonological rules and their phonological process. The rules dealt with in this article include aspiration, nasalization, vowel lengthening and regressive assimilation with fixed spelling—just to limit; despite the fact that there are more phonological rules. Each of the rules under study is described in terms of generative phonology followed data analysis to justify the application of the rules in line with the underlying forms. More significantly, the study will be able to give linguistic evidence that English has rules in their systems of sounds that are rule-governing and generative in nature   Key words: phonological rules and processes, aspiration, nasalization, vowel lengthening, regressive assimilation, rule-governed