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Jurnal Keperawatan Abdurrab Vol 2 No 1 (2018): Vol 2 No.1 (Juli 2018)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (50.637 KB)


Abstract Adolescence is one of the stages in an individuals life to reach adulthood. The problem of sexuality is very visible among teenagers. Based ond SKRRI 2012 survei,  between 51-75% students in Padang City done devation of sexsual behavior. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of counseling on the level of knowledge and attitudes of teens about premarital sex. This research is a quantitative research method that is pre-experimental design with one group of pretest-posttest design. The populations of this study are 589 students from XI grade of  SMK, used cluster random sampling  technique with the number of samples are 58 female students. This study was conducted at SMKN 8 Padang in 2017. The analysis was using dependent T-test. The result showed an increase in knowledge and attitudes of teens about premarital sex before and after getting the counseling with p value = 0,000 from it was 70.7% of adolescents had low level became 8.6%, 22,4% of adolescents had low medium level became 13,8% and also 6,6% of adolescents had high knowledge became 77,6% after being given the counseling, and The adolescent attitudes was 44,8% negative and was 55,2% positive before giving counseling became decreased became was 34.5% negative and was 65,5% positive after being given counseling. It can be concluded that there is an influence of counseling to level of knowledge and attitude of adolescents before and after getting the counseling about premarital sex. It is expected that the school for provide information and counseling program for youth through cooperation with local health agencies that health center care to increase knowledge and attitudes of adolescents about health  specially the premarital sex that activities such as counseling at school for every month a specially since the beginning of the school orientation. Keywords:  Knowledge, Attitude, Premarital ,sex, Adolescence ABSTRAK Remaja merupakan salah satu tahap dalam kehidupan individu untuk mencapai dewasa. Survei SKRRI 2012,  siswa/i SMAN di Kota Padang melakukan penyimpangan perilaku seksual. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh penyuluhan terhadap tingkat pengetahuan dan sikap remaja tentang seks pranikah. Penelitian ini kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode pre-eksperimental desaign dengan rancangan one group pretest-posttest design. Populasi penelitian siswa kelas XI SMK Negeri 8 Padang, teknik pengambilan sampel cluster random sampling dengan jumlah sampel 58 siswa. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMK Negeri 8 Padang pada bulan Januari s/d Juli tahun 2017. Analisa secara univariat dan bivariat menggunakan uji T- test dependen. Hasil penelitian terdapat perbedaan pengetahuan dan sikap remaja tentang seks pranikah sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan dengan p=0,0007,7% tingkat pengetahuan rendah menjadi 8,6%, 22,4% tingkat pengetahuan sedang menjadi  13,8% dan 6,9% tingkat pengetahuan tinggi menjadi 77,6% setelah diberikan penyuluhan. Sikap remaja 44,8% negatif dan positif 55,2% sebelum penyuluhan mengalami penurunan menjadi 34,5% bersikap negatif dan 65,5% bersikap positif sesudah diberikan penyuluhan. Dapat disimpulkan, ada pengaruh penyuluhan terhadap tingkat pengetahuan dan sikap remaja sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan penyuluhan tentang seks pranikah. Disarankan pihak sekolah untuk memberikan informasi atau penyuluhan  lebih lanjut melalui kerjasama dengan instansi kesehatan setempat seperti puskesmas dan klinik swasta tentang kesehatan khususnya pencegahan seks pranikah sejak awal orientasi sekolah dan menjadi kegiatan rutin setiap bulan.
the effect of Kegel Exercise toward urinary in continence on the elderlies Novera, Milya
Jurnal Ipteks Terapan Vol 11, No 3 (2017): JIT
Publisher : LLDIKTI Wilayah X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (304.213 KB) | DOI: 10.22216/jit.2017.v11i3.589


Because of the increasing age, it causes the changes of anatomy and function of the urinary organs caused by weakening of the pelvic muscles. About 12 million people, 34% occurred in men and 60% in women. Indonesia 32.2% in the Elderlies suffers urinary incontinence. The aims of this study was to determine the effect of Kegel Exercise toward urinary in continence on the elderlies.The design of this study is Quasy experiment with design of one group pretest-posttest. This research was conducted in January-August 2015. The population in this research was 110 Elderlies, based on inclusion criteria were 12 people taken by total sampling techniques. The Data was collected by using questionaire and checklist sheets. Data were analyzed by using univariate and bivariate statistical dependent T-test with Shapiro Wilk normality test. The result showed that the frequency of urinary incontinence in the elderlies before doing Kegel exercises had the average about 10.58 with deviation 2,065. Freqency of urinary incontinence in the elderlies after doing Kegel exercises had the average about 8.00 with standard deviation 2,796. After doing the statistical, there is the effect of urinary incontinence before and after doing Kegel exercises in the elderlies. Kegel exercises can reduce urinary incontinence. It can be applied as the daily activities at social institution every day.
the effect of Kegel Exercise toward urinary in continence on the elderlies Milya Novera
Jurnal Ipteks Terapan Vol 11, No 3 (2017): JIT
Publisher : LLDIKTI Wilayah X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22216/jit.2017.v11i3.589


Because of the increasing age, it causes the changes of anatomy and function of the urinary organs caused by weakening of the pelvic muscles. About 12 million people, 34% occurred in men and 60% in women. Indonesia 32.2% in the Elderlies suffers urinary incontinence. The aims of this study was to determine the effect of Kegel Exercise toward urinary in continence on the elderlies.The design of this study is Quasy experiment with design of one group pretest-posttest. This research was conducted in January-August 2015. The population in this research was 110 Elderlies, based on inclusion criteria were 12 people taken by total sampling techniques. The Data was collected by using questionaire and checklist sheets. Data were analyzed by using univariate and bivariate statistical dependent T-test with Shapiro Wilk normality test. The result showed that the frequency of urinary incontinence in the elderlies before doing Kegel exercises had the average about 10.58 with deviation 2,065. Freqency of urinary incontinence in the elderlies after doing Kegel exercises had the average about 8.00 with standard deviation 2,796. After doing the statistical, there is the effect of urinary incontinence before and after doing Kegel exercises in the elderlies. Kegel exercises can reduce urinary incontinence. It can be applied as the daily activities at social institution every day.
JIK-JURNAL ILMU KESEHATAN Vol 1, No 1 (2017): JIK - Oktober Volume 1 No 1 Tahun 2017

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (157.63 KB) | DOI: 10.33757/jik.v1i1.29


Schizophrenia is the most severe and chronic mental disorder (psychotic) among the many mental disorders that have been classified. Data from 33 mental hospitals (RSJ) that exist throughout Indonesia to say the number of people with severe mental disorders reached 2.5 million peoples. The Objective of study was to knows The Relation of Family Foster Pattern with Schizophrenia Recurrence at RSJ. of HB. Sa’anin of Padang in 2017.Type of the research is analytical descriptive with cross-sectional approach. The research has been conducted at RSJ. of HB. Sa’anin of  Padang.  Data is collected on 03 – 09 August  in 2017. The population in this study were the all families who accompany patients in RSJ. of HB. Sa'anin of Padang.  Samples taken by accidental sampling  of 61  peoples. Data analysis is done univariately and bivariately by using chi-square test..Research findings showed that  54.1% the patient experiences a high recurrence rate.  50,8%  the patient has an ineffective parenting pattern. There is a relationship between parenting patterns with recurrence rates of schizophrenics in RSJ. of HB. Sa’anin of Padang  (p=0.007).It was concluded that there was a correlation between parenting parenting with the recurrence rate of schizophrenia in RSJ. of HB. Sa’anin of Padang in 2017. The researcher suggests to hospital health workers to provide family health education about good parenting that should be applied to post-treated schizophrenic patients so as to reduce the patient's recurrence rateSkizofrenia merupakan gangguan mental yang paling berat dan kronik (psikotik) di antara sekian banyak gangguan mental yang telah diklasifikasikan. Pola asuh dalam keluarga sangat dibutuhkan dalam mengatasi hal ini. Pola asuh keluarga yang penuh kasih sayang dan pendidikan tentang nilai-nilai kehidupan, baik kesehatan sosial dan agama yang diberikan merupakan faktor yang kondusif untuk mempersiapkan anak menjadi pribadi dan anggota masyarakat yang sehat (Widodo, 2014). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menngidentifikasi hubungan Pola Asuh Keluarga dengan Kekambuhan pasien Skizofrenia di RSJ. HB. Sa’anin Padang Tahun 2017”.Jenis penelitian ini analitik menggunakan  desain cross sectional study. Penelitian dilakukan pada tanggal 03  – 18 Agustus 2017. Sampel keluarga pasien skizofrenia sebanyak 159 orang dengan teknik pengambilan sampel accidental sampling di poliklinik RSJ. Hb Saanin  Padang. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 54.1% pasien mengalami tingkat kekambuhan tinggi.  50,8%  pasien mempunyai pola asuh orang tua  tidak efektif. Ada hubungan antara pola asuh orang tua dengan tingkat kekambuhan penderita skizofrenia di Rumah Sakit Jiwa HB. Sa’anin Padang (p=0.007).Disimpulkan bahwa  ada hubungan pola asuh orang tua dengan tingkat kekambuhan penderita skizofrenia di Rumah Sakit Jiwa HB. Sa’anin Padang Tahun 2017. Peneliti menyarankan kepada petugas kesehatan rumah sakit   untuk memberikan pendidikan kesehatan kepada keluarga tentang pola asuh yang baik yang harus diterapkan kepada pasien skizofrenia  pasca dirawat sehingga bisa menekan tingkat kekambuhan pasien
Jurnal Keperawatan Abdurrab Vol 2 No 1 (2018): Vol 2 No.1 (Juli 2018)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Abdurrab

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36341/jka.v2i1.497


Abstract Adolescence is one of the stages in an individual's life to reach adulthood. The problem of sexuality is very visible among teenagers. Based ond SKRRI 2012 survei, between 51-75% students in Padang City done devation of sexsual behavior. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of counseling on the level of knowledge and attitudes of teens about premarital sex. This research is a quantitative research method that is pre-experimental design with one group of pretest-posttest design. The populations of this study are 589 students from XI grade of SMK, used cluster random sampling technique with the number of samples are 58 female students. This study was conducted at SMKN 8 Padang in 2017. The analysis was using dependent T-test. The result showed an increase in knowledge and attitudes of teens about premarital sex before and after getting the counseling with p value = 0,000 from it was 70.7% of adolescents had low level became 8.6%, 22,4% of adolescents had low medium level became 13,8% and also 6,6% of adolescents had high knowledge became 77,6% after being given the counseling, and The adolescent attitudes was 44,8% negative and was 55,2% positive before giving counseling became decreased became was 34.5% negative and was 65,5% positive after being given counseling. It can be concluded that there is an influence of counseling to level of knowledge and attitude of adolescents before and after getting the counseling about premarital sex. It is expected that the school for provide information and counseling program for youth through cooperation with local health agencies that health center care to increase knowledge and attitudes of adolescents about health specially the premarital sex that activities such as counseling at school for every month a specially since the beginning of the school orientation. Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Premarital ,sex, Adolescence ABSTRAK Remaja merupakan salah satu tahap dalam kehidupan individu untuk mencapai dewasa. Survei SKRRI 2012, siswa/i SMAN di Kota Padang melakukan penyimpangan perilaku seksual. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh penyuluhan terhadap tingkat pengetahuan dan sikap remaja tentang seks pranikah. Penelitian ini kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode pre-eksperimental desaign dengan rancangan one group pretest-posttest design. Populasi penelitian siswa kelas XI SMK Negeri 8 Padang, teknik pengambilan sampel cluster random sampling dengan jumlah sampel 58 siswa. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMK Negeri 8 Padang pada bulan Januari s/d Juli tahun 2017. Analisa secara univariat dan bivariat menggunakan uji T- test dependen. Hasil penelitian terdapat perbedaan pengetahuan dan sikap remaja tentang seks pranikah sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan dengan p=0,0007,7% tingkat pengetahuan rendah menjadi 8,6%, 22,4% tingkat pengetahuan sedang menjadi 13,8% dan 6,9% tingkat pengetahuan tinggi menjadi 77,6% setelah diberikan penyuluhan. Sikap remaja 44,8% negatif dan positif 55,2% sebelum penyuluhan mengalami penurunan menjadi 34,5% bersikap negatif dan 65,5% bersikap positif sesudah diberikan penyuluhan. Dapat disimpulkan, ada pengaruh penyuluhan terhadap tingkat pengetahuan dan sikap remaja sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan penyuluhan tentang seks pranikah. Disarankan pihak sekolah untuk memberikan informasi atau penyuluhan lebih lanjut melalui kerjasama dengan instansi kesehatan setempat seperti puskesmas dan klinik swasta tentang kesehatan khususnya pencegahan seks pranikah sejak awal orientasi sekolah dan menjadi kegiatan rutin setiap bulan.
Jurnal Keperawatan Abdurrab Vol 2 No 2 (2019): Vol 2 No. 2 (Januari 2019)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Abdurrab

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (461.436 KB) | DOI: 10.36341/jka.v2i2.536


Pasien pasca stroke iskemik cendrung memiliki gejala sisa yang dapat mempengaruhi fungsi fisik dan aktifitas sehari-hari pada pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Discharge Planning Dengan Pendekatan Family Centered Nursing Terhadap  Kualitas Hidup Pasien Stroke  Di RSI. Ibnu Sina Padang Tahun 2016. Desain penelitian quasi experimental, non equivalent, control group pre test dan post test design. Pengambilan sampel consecutive sampling yang berjumlah 26 orang. Sampel yaitu pasien stroke iskemik. Uji statistik yang digunakan wilxocon signed test. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan consecutive sampling. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik Mann Whitney. Hasil uji satatistik dengan nilai p=0,346 artinya tidak terdapat perbedaan kualitas hidup pasien stroke siskemik sesudah diberikan discharge planning dengan pendekatan family centered nursing.  Disarankan bagi perawat agar dapat memberikan disharge planning dengan baik pada keluarga pasien dalam memberikan dukungan keluarga terhadap pasien pasca perawatan stroke selain itu disharge planning juga diberikan pada pasien untuk dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan semangat hidup yang tinggi sehingga pasien tidak mengalami depresi
Predictors of Quality of Life Quality of Adults with Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Zuriati Zuriati; Farida Moh. Said; Milya Novera
Proceedings Series on Health & Medical Sciences Vol. 2 (2021): Proceedings of the 2nd International Nursing and Health Sciences Universitas Muhammad
Publisher : UM Purwokerto Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (403.13 KB) | DOI: 10.30595/pshms.v2i.247


Quality of Life is as a predictor of general wellbeing that is an important outcome in the treatment of any chronic disease. Impaired quality of life has increasingly become the most significant health outcome for CAD patients. The purpose of this study was to identify the predictor of quality of life of adults with CAD Patients. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with sample of 125 participants of age between 35 to 64 years from RSUP. Dr. M. Djamil Hospital, Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia. Each participant was administrated structured questionnaires, including the socio-demographic questionnaire, the CADE-Q questionnaire, Social Support questionnaire, general health perception, and the World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF (WHOQOL-BREF). A regression model showed that Income, Duration of CAD, and general health perception were the predictors of patient’s quality of life (Adjusted R2 = .031, p < .01). Better understanding of the relationship between its predictor and quality of life is necessary to develop a suitable nursing intervention program to enhance patient’s quality of life.
Pengetahuan dan Dukungan Keluarga Terhadap Self Care pada Pasien Pasca Stroke Milya Novera; Erni Musmiler; Nadya Nadya
JIK-JURNAL ILMU KESEHATAN Vol 6, No 2 (2022): JIK-Oktober Volume 6 Nomor 2 Tahun 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33757/jik.v6i2.616


Stroke merupakan serangan akut mendadak dari disfungsi otak fokal dan global disebabkan oleh gangguan aliran darah ke otak. Dampak stroke meliputi perubahan kemampuan fisik, emosi, dan kehidupan sosial. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui Hubungan Pengetahuan dan Dukungan Keluarga dengan Self – Care Pasien Pasca Stroke. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain Deskriptif Analtik menggunakan rancangan Cross Sectional Study. Penelitian dilakukan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Anak Air Kota Padang dari bulan April sampai Juli 2022. Populasi pada penelitian ini berjumlah 23 orang yang diambil secara total sampling.  Data diolah dengan komputerisasi yang dianalisa secara univariat dengan distribusi frekuensi dan bivariate dengan uji statistic Chi-Square. Hasil penelitian univariat didapatkan sebanyak 8 orang (40%) melakukan Self-Care secara mandiri, dukungan keluarga dengan pernyataan positif sebanyak sebanyak 11 orang (55%), Pengetahuan kurang sebanyak 9 orang (45%). Hasil penelitian bivariat berdasarkan uji statistic diperoleh hasil bahwa terdapat hubungan antara Pengetahuan (p=0,001) dan dukungan keluarga pada pasien pasca stroke dengan Self-Care (p=0,001) pada pasien pasca stroke di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Anak Air Kota Padang. Diharapkan kepada pihak Puskesmas agar memberikan pengetahuan dan motivasi yang baik kepada keluarga pasien pasca stroke, upaya mencapai Self-Care yang terlatih dan terorganisasi sehingga tercapainya perbaikan dalam perawatan diri dimasa mendatang.
Intervensi Pedoman Kode Etik Pada Mahasiswa Keperawatan Fakultas Psikologi dan Kesehatan Universitas Negeri Padang Reska Handayani; Sandra Dewi; Anggra Trisna Ajan; Ramaita Ramaita; Milya Novera
Jurnal Abdimas Saintika Vol 4, No 2 (2022): November Jurnal Abdimas Saintika
Publisher : Stikes Syedza Saintika Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30633/jas.v4i2.1555


Perkembangan teknologi dan tuntutan masyarakat mengharuskan perguruan tinggi menghasilkan lulusan yang intelektual, kompetetetif, berkualitas baik dibidang hard skill maupun soft skill dan siap pada dunia kerja. selain dari itu perguruan tinggi juga dituntut mendidik mahasiswa mampu menjadi agent of change dan social control. Hard skills ini meliputi penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, dan keterampilan teknikal yang berhubungan dengan disiplin ilmunya. Kode etik Adalah pernyataan standar profesional yang digunakan sebagai pedoman perilaku dan menjadi kerangka kerja untuk membuat keputusan. Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat dilaksanakan pada bulan September 2022 dengan sasaran mahasiswa Keperawatan Fakultas Psikologi dan Kesehatan Universitas Negeri Padang berjumlah 138 orang.  Tujuan Pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan mahasiswa keperawatan terhadap penerapan kode etik mahasiswa sehingga adanya perubahan perilaku. Metode dalam pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat dengan tiga tahap yaitu tahap perencanaan, tahap pelaksanaan dan tahap evaluasi. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat didapatkan nilai rata- rata pengetahuan mahasiswa sebelum dilaksanakan sosialisasi 58,1, nilai median 60, dan nilai rata- rata setelah dilakukan sosialiasi 60,41 dan nilai median 60. Disarankan kepada pihak universitas dan fakultas perlu adanya evaluasi dalam sosialisasi pedoman kode etik mahasiswa keperawatan fakultas Psikologi dan Kesehatan Universitas Negeri Padang.
Ensiklopedia of Journal Vol 5, No 2 (2023): Volume 5 No. 2 Edisi 2 Januari 2023
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Penerbitan Hasil Penelitian Ensiklopedia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (273.486 KB) | DOI: 10.33559/eoj.v5i2.1494


Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDS) is a bunch of pathological condition that affects the normal functioning of the delicate tissues a musculoskeletal system that includes the nervous system, a tendon, the muscles and supporting structure like discus intervertebral. musculoskeletal disorders may include inflammation and a degenerative disease that causes weakening. bodily functionsA complaint MSDS is health problems that happen to a job that often use the power of muscles and work attitude that too many bent with the duration of the old. Hence researchers interested in looking at a deeper level analysis with complaints about the risk of a musculoskeletal disorders to a mere computer user at the polytechnic aisyiyah west sumatra years 2021.This study using the approach of cross sectional study with a method of analytic. surveyBy using rapid entire body assessment In their work and nordic body map in musculoskeletal complaints. Polytechnic aisyiyah survey areas in west sumatra in june  december 2021 .A total of 33 respondents in research is .Statistical tests used at the chi squarerank with p = 0,05 .The research suggests that work attitude = 0,037 ) ( p , the work ( p = 0,027 ) and length of employment ( p = 0,010 ) musculoskeletal significantly associated with complaints .Advice for workers always aspect ergonomics a seated position in working and long sits at while working to prevent and alleviating gripes muculoskeletal subjective.