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Analisis Setting Proteksi Relai Arus Lebih dan Relai Gangguan Tanah Pada Trafo Daya 60 MVA di Gardu Induk 150 kV Cibatu Fauzia Haz; Ichsan Aditya MN
EPSILON: Journal of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Vol 18 No 2 (2020): EPSILON: Journal of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Publisher : Department of Electrical Engineering, UNJANI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Fungsi sistem proteksi adalah untuk mengetahui dan memisahkan gangguan pada jaringan tenaga listrik dari jaringan lainnya yang tidak terkena gangguan secepat mungkin dengan maksud agar menghindari kerugian yang besar. Banyak faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya gangguan sistem tenaga listrik diantaranya gangguan 3 fasa, 2 fasa dan 1 fasa ke tanah. Untuk mengamankan berbagai gangguan pada sistem tenaga listrik khususnya transformator, digunakan relai proteksi. Relai proteksi yang digunakan oleh transformator diantaranya adalah relai arus lebih (OCR) dan relai gangguan tanah (GFR). Adapun langkah-langkah perhitungannya berdasarkan single line diagram dan spesifikasi data-data peralatan. Metode yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini berupa perhitungan evaluasi setting relay dan pemodelan simulasi untuk mengetahui koordinasi relai menggunakan ETAP 16. Perhitungan dilakukan terhadap arus hubung singkat, setting OCR dan GFR berupa nilai TMS dan arus pada masing-masing relai. Kemudian hasil evaluasi perhitungan dan simulasi dibandingkan dengan data exsiting lapangan. Hasil perhitungan hubung singkat diperoleh nilai arus hubung singkat terbesar pada 3 fasa yaitu 18619 A dan nilai arus hubung singkat terkecil yaitu gangguan 1 fasa sebesar 103,92 A. Hasil perhitungan untuk setting OCR pada sisi 20 kV didapat nilai TMS = 0,11, sedangkan setting OCR sisi 150 kV didapat nilai TMS = 0,17. Penyetelan GFR pada sisi incoming didapat nilai TMS = 0,12, sedangkan setting GFR sisi 150 kV didapat nilai TMS=0,08. Standar setting rele menggunakan parameter atau perhitungan yang sesuai dengan buku “Buku Pedoman dan Petunjuk Sistem Proteksi Transmisi dan Gardu Induk Jawa-Bali” milik PT. PLN. Koordinasi antar relai pada perhitungan sudah sesuai dengan standart IEC 60255 dengan granding time 0,3-0,5 detik, sehingga setting relai masih dalam keandalan yang baik.
Desain Sistem Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Hybrid (Solar Cell dan Wind Turbine) untuk Beban Perumahan Giri Angga Setia; Sutriyadi; Naftalin Winanti; Fauzia Haz; Handoko Rusiana Iskandar
EPSILON: Journal of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Vol 19 No 2 (2021): EPSILON: Journal of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Publisher : Department of Electrical Engineering, UNJANI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55893/epsilon.v19i2.58


Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Hybrid (PLTH) merupakan pembangkit listrik yang terhubung dari beberapa jenis sumber pembangkit energi terbarukan atau dengan sumber energi tidak terbarukan. Terbatasnya sumber energi konvensional menjadi penyebab dikembangkannya pemanfaatan energi non konvensional atau energi terbarukan di Indonesia. Salah satu energi yang potensial untuk dikembangkan di Indonesia adalah energi surya dan energi bayu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan desain terhadap PLTH skala kecil, kemudian menganalisis daya keluaran (output) yang dihasilkan ketika pembangkit hybrid bekerja dengan menggunakan baterai sebagai indikator. Proses terjadinya pengontrolan dengan menggunakan display tegangan sebagai media untuk mengetahui tegangan pada masing masing pembangkit dan baterai. Metode pertama yang dilakukan adalah studi potensi kedua energi tersebut. Kemudian melakukan perhitungan kapasitas yang dibutukan oleh setiap komponen. Selanjutnya adalah menyusun desain pembangkit yang telah diperhitungkan kapasitasnya menjadi sebuah pembangkit hybrid. Langkah terakhir adalah mengimplementasikan desain pembangkit tersebut untuk diterapkan ke beban rumah tangga skala kecil 40 Watt diantaranya 2 buah lampu dan 1 buah kipas angin. Berdasarkan hasil desain yang dilakukan pada solar cell didapat kapasitas ukuran modul 40 Wp, fill factor sebesar 0.73 dan efisiensinya 13% sedangkan desain wind turbine didapat daya sebesar 1.169 Watt dengan kecepatan angin 3,5 m/s dan efisiensinya terbesar mencapai 64%. Kemudian kapasitas solar charge controller sebesar 2.32 A, kapasitas inverter 50 Watt, dan energi total baterai 3.33 Ah. Pengisian baterai untuk mencapai 20%-100% kapasitas membutuhkan waktu 6.6 jam saat cuaca cerah dan 8.3 jam saat cuaca mendung.
Perancangan Continuity Tester Pada Proses Pengkabelan Pesawat Fauzia Haz; Arifil Fikri; Giri Angga Setia
EPSILON: Journal of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Vol 19 No 3 (2021): EPSILON: Journal of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Publisher : Department of Electrical Engineering, UNJANI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55893/epsilon.v19i3.69


In the process of making aircraft, it requires strict standard requirements in accordance with the requirements that have been regulated in the world of aviation. One example is in the manufacture of a series of aircraft harness cables at the Harnessing Shop PT. Dirgantara Indonesia having many stages, including cable marking, looming, connection, continuity, insulation. Of course, for each stage is inspected. In continuity testing, it is done manually using a multimeter so it requires at least 3 people and the testing process is considered quite long. Given these problems, it is necessary to have a replacement multimeter in continuity testing to speed up and simplify the testing process. The continuity testing tool uses the Arduino Mega 2560, IC LM317T microcontroller, relay as the main component. The microcontroller is used to process the reading data according to the datasheet drawing, the LM317T IC is used to regulate the output voltage from the Arduino which will be converted to a resistance value, the relay is used to detect the position of the second end point in continuity testing. A user interface web browser is used to operate the tool and display data from the results of continuity testing. From the test results, it is found that the readings of the suitability of the installation point are in accordance with the actual cable harness and the resistance value is close to the same compared to using a multimeter. The passed statement will appear when the actual point reading of the cable harness is in accordance with the datasheet drawing, while the failed statement will appear when the actual point on the wiring harness does not match the datasheet drawing. The test results are in the form of excel data which can be easily stored by the operator.
Pengaruh Pemasangan Solar Cell Terhadap Biaya pada Industri PT. Kahatex Fauzia Haz; Shilham Astif Syarifuddin; Giri Angga Setia
ELECTRON Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Electron, November 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/electron.v3i2.28


This study uses data collection methods to compare how effective the use of solar cells is and the data is based on 2 parameters as reference material, namely real data with simulation data where real data obtained from solar cells in PT. KAHATEX while simulating using Pvsyst software, so it can be seen that the use of solar cells is more impactful as a substitute for conventional energy sources. From this data, it can also be calculated how much the costs have been cut and the impact given by the use of solar cells. After the analysis carried out, it was obtained data that each solar cell module produced an average of 1.32 kWh and also obtained data on the cost of electricity usage which was cut by an average of 4.8% of the total electricity demand from one Garment department at PT. KAHATEX. The installation of solar cells in one Garment Department saves electricity in the last 3 months, which is Rp. 31,006,265. The simulation results using Pvsyst software to expand the use of solar cells in the embroidery department showed that 297 units of modules are needed and the average in one module generates electricity of 1.18 kWh.
EPSILON: Journal of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Vol 20 No 2 (2022): EPSILON: Journal of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Publisher : Department of Electrical Engineering, UNJANI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55893/epsilon.v20i2.95


In the distribution system, blackouts caused by excessive loads cause losses for both consumers and electricity providers. Based on this, it is necessary to analyze the addition of distribution substations using an accurate methodology so that when applied it can be a solution to the need for electrical energi. Several stages of the method are determining the specifications of each component, calculating the optimal capacity of each component, measuring the voltage value contained in the panel and the primary part of the transformer at the hook-up substation, and simulating using ETAP software. The cantol substation was chosen because field studies have been carried out according to load requirements. The results of the calculation analysis show that with the addition of insertion substations, the total power becomes 100 kVA. The measured load at night is 77.7 kVA and during the day is 67.5 kVA. This indicates that the loading is in the allowable standard range below 80%. The voltage increased to 0.9828 per unit from the previous condition where there was a voltage drop of 11%. So that the load needs are met on demand.
Pengaruh Penambahan Slot Terhadap Kinerja Antena WLAN Atik Charisma; Reja Pratama; Handoko Rusiana Iskandar; Fauzia Haz
ELECTRON Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Electron, Mei 2023
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/electron.v4i1.41


One of the devices that plays an important role in the performance of Wireless LAN (WLAN) is the antenna. Microstrip antennas are generally used in high-frequency technology designs. Therefore it is suitable for increasing WLAN performance that works at the 2.4 GHz frequency. In this study, adding slots to the antenna to improve WLAN performance. The array antenna 2x1 is designed to work at the WLAN frequency of 2.4 GHz. The gain produced by this antenna is 3.8 dB which is very influential in strengthening the WLAN antenna signal.
Studi Rekonfigurasi Jaringan Distribusi 20 kV pada Penyulang DPRD ULP Cianjur Kota Menggunakan ETAP Giri Angga Setia; Fathul Muhammad Nur; Fauzia Haz
EPSILON: Journal of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Vol 21 No 1 (2023): JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
Publisher : Department of Electrical Engineering, UNJANI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55893/epsilon.v21i1.101


In the distribution of electricity from electric power sources to consumers who are located far apart, they always experience losses, namely in the form of voltage drops and power losses. However, the voltage loss that occurs in the process of distributing electrical energy is a waste of energy if it is not controlled optimally. Concerning the quality of service, the main factor which becomes the benchmark is the continuity of service and the quality of service voltage. The impact of these losses results in low levels of service quality to customers. Analysis of voltage drop and power loss is needed to determine the size of the voltage drop at the end of the DPRD feeder network. The calculation of voltage drops and power loss uses simulation results of ETAP method. The results of mathematical calculations and simulations are analyzed to determine the factors that cause the voltage quality at the end of the DPRD feeder network to be below the standard service voltage of 20 kV. The results of the analysis and simulation show that the factors that cause the voltage quality at the end of the DPRD feeder to be below the standard of service quality level are the transformer loading system, the type of conductor, and the distance of the substation to the far end of the feeder network. Then the problem was resolved by changing the type of conductor and reconfiguring it by shifting part of the load to the Lampegan feeder so that the voltage profile at the end of the DPRD Feeder was initially 17.527 kV after reconfiguration increased to 18.137 kV.