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Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya

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Penggalian nilai-nilai antikorupsi dari peribahasa Minangkabau sebagai upaya pembangunan karakter bangsa dapat dikelompokkan menjadi delapan kategori. Pertama, peribahasa Minangkabau mengandung nilai-nilai yang bertentangan dengan sikap dan perilaku korupsi. Kedua, peribahasa Minangkabau mengandung nilai-nilai yang mencerminkan situasi, Ketiga, peribahasa Minangkabau mengandung nilai-nilai yang mencerminkan keinginan yang tidak bertepi atau nafsu para pelaku korupsi. Keempat, peribahasa Minangkabau mengandung elemen-elemen makna yang dapat menjelma menjadi nilai yang dapat disalahtafsirkan oleh manusia dan dibelokkan sesuai dengan keinginan mereka. Kelima, peribahasa Minangkabau mengandung nilai-nilai yang mencerminkan keberpihakan kepada pelaku korupsi. Keenam, peribahasa Minangkabau mengandung nilai-nilai yang mencerminkan bagaimana pelaku korupsi bersikap dan berperilaku setelah pada akhirnya mereka terbukti melakukan korupsi atau perbuatan mereka diketahui oleh masyarakat. Ketujuh, peribahasa Minangkabau mengandung nilai-nilai yang tetap menjaga, memelihara, dan menghargai sisi-sisi kemanusiaan dari pelaku korupsi. Dan kedelapan, peribahasa Minangkabau mengandung nilai-nilai yang meng-gambarkan penyesalan pelaku korupsi setelah melakukan suatu tindakan atau perbuatan korupsi.
Expressive Utterances as Found in Zach Sang Show on YouTube Mila Fitria; Ike Revita; Dhiant Asri
Vivid: Journal of Language and Literature Vol 7, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Andalas University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/vj.7.1.1-12.2018


This article analyses expressive utterances as found in Zach Sang Show on YouTube. This video is an interview of Zach Sang and the Gang to Selena Gomez as the guest of the show. The aim of this research is to analyse the types of expressive utterances and identify the functions of the expressive utterances found in the interview. Data were collected by using observational method and note-taking technique. Data were studied by using pragmatic identity method. Data were analyzed by using theory of types of expressive utterances proposed by Ronan (2015) and theory of function of expressive utterances proposed by Searle and Venderveken (1985). Data presented in narration and by using tables. Expressive utterances found in the video are 87 utterances. The writer finds 10 types of expressive utterance. They are agreement, volition, disagreement, compliment, pride, expressing sorrow, thanking, greetings, non-directed complaints in exclamations and apologizing. The most dominant type of expressive utterances is agreement. It shows the same perception between the speaker and the interlocutor. There are 14 functions of expressive utterance. They are to please, to desire, to agree, to disagree, to compliment, to boast, to lament, to thank, to greet, to complain, to surprise, to apologize, to congratulate and to praise. The most dominant function of the expressive utterances is to please. It shows the feeling of satisfaction, enjoyment and convenient to the proposition.
Run-on and Fragment Sentences: An Error Analysis in Indonesian English Learners’ Writings Shilva Lioni; Zulprianto Zulprianto; Dhiant Asri; Iman Sagito; Novia Irene Zendrato
Vivid: Journal of Language and Literature Vol 11, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Andalas University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/vj.11.2.132-139.2022


Run-on and fragment sentences provide clues as to how English learners understand English sentences and how English learners organize information and shape their essays. This research was based on a group case study of run-on and fragment sentences in English college students’ essays, using an English Sentence Completeness approach to investigate how English college students make an error on making a sentence in their English essays and discusses the further pedagogical implications based on the errors pattern found. English college students were found to do run-on in their sentences more often than fragments. They write more than one subject and one verb in a sentence and significantly forget to limit their sentences. The carelessness in punctuation and a period between sentences make the sentence permitted to “run on” into the next. Besides run-on, fragments were also found in students’ essays: Missing subject and verb conditions are significantly found in the students’ sentences. These findings revealed that English college students lack knowledge of how to make complete sentences in ordering information and building up a text’s structure. Therefore the learning process of English writing should be informed of the importance of English sentence completeness in organizing a text and introduce the strategies for avoiding and making less run-on and fragment sentences through practice activities and writing assignments. This research is qualitative descriptive-explorative research where descriptive and explorative are intended to describe and explain the situation based on collected data and facts, which are then analyzed and arranged systematically to get conclusions in detail to be a hypothesis.
Politeness of the Minang Community in the Tourism Object Area in Dealing with Japanese Tourists with Aizuchi Culture Adrianis; Dhiant Asri
Andalas International Journal of Socio-Humanities Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (174.074 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/aijosh.v3i2.22


The study focuses on politeness of merchants and managers in the Minang tourism area in the use of aizuchi towards Japanese tourists in Padang city. Politeness in terms of the language used by Minang merchants in tourism areas can be seen in the daily lives of those who use the Kato Nan Ampek culture. The ampek kato are kato malereng, kato mandaki, kato manurun, and kato mandata. Based on the five characteristics proposed by Mynard, there are only three characteristics, namely expressing confirmation, showing concern, and surprise. These characteristics indicate a cultural attitude that uses Kato Nan Ampek, namely kato mandaki and kato mandata. Politeness that is done to Japanese people who have aizuchi culture, namely the response to the interlocutor varies depending on the place. In general, merchants and tourism object managers are very polite in order to attract tourists to their business. Because of the limitations in mastering the Japanese language, the characteristic forms shown by the merchants are only in the form of confirmation by using the words はい (hai), はい、そうです (hai sou desu), and the form of one's attention in the form of そうですね (sou desune), expressing doubts by using the phrase わかりません (wakarimasen). Meanwhile, the politeness given by merchants and tourism managers is based on the functions put forward by Horiguchi, namely stating that the interlocutor is listening, understanding the conversation, agreeing, and expressing feelings.
Run-on and Fragment Sentences: An Error Analysis in Indonesian English Learners' Writings Shilva Lioni; Zulprianto Zulprianto; Dhiant Asri; Iman Sagito; Novia Irene Zendrato
Vivid: Journal of Language and Literature Vol 11, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Andalas University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/vj.11.2.132-139.2022


Run-on and fragment sentences provide clues as to how English learners understand English sentences and how English learners organize information and shape their essays. This research was based on a group case study of run-on and fragment sentences in English college students’ essays, using an English Sentence Completeness approach to investigate how English college students make an error on making a sentence in their English essays and discusses the further pedagogical implications based on the errors pattern found. English college students were found to do run-on in their sentences more often than fragments. They write more than one subject and one verb in a sentence and significantly forget to limit their sentences. The carelessness in punctuation and a period between sentences make the sentence permitted to “run on” into the next. Besides run-on, fragments were also found in students’ essays: Missing subject and verb conditions are significantly found in the students’ sentences. These findings revealed that English college students lack knowledge of how to make complete sentences in ordering information and building up a text’s structure. Therefore the learning process of English writing should be informed of the importance of English sentence completeness in organizing a text and introduce the strategies for avoiding and making less run-on and fragment sentences through practice activities and writing assignments. This research is qualitative descriptive-explorative research where descriptive and explorative are intended to describe and explain the situation based on collected data and facts, which are then analyzed and arranged systematically to get conclusions in detail to be a hypothesis.
The Use of Kahoot Application in Comprehending Figurative Language Al Maghvirah Chan; Dhiant Asri
Vivid: Journal of Language and Literature Vol 12, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Andalas University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/vj.12.1.15-19.2023


Smart phone as a device cannot be separated from our daily lives today. Many applications in smartphone are available to learn English language. One of them is kahoot application. The objective of this study was to compare the effectiveness of using kahoot application and traditional discussion method in learning figurative language. This was an experimental research. Two classes as control class and treatment class were observed by giving pretest and post test. Result indicated that students in the control class performed significantly better on post test than students in the treatment class. Further research needs to be conducted to combine the use of the application and conventional method.
Meretas Waktu, Menggores Tinta: Pelestarian Kawasan Bersejarah Lobang Jepang Kelurahan Gunung Pangilun Sebagai Salah Satu Destinasi Pariwisata Sejarah Kota Padang Ike Revita; Dhiant Asri; Rika Handayani; Ana Fitri Ramadani; Selfi Mahat Putri; Rizky Amelya Furqan
ABDI: Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Abdi: Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Publisher : Labor Jurusan Sosiologi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/abdi.v5i2.465


Tujuan dari Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan kesadaran masyarakat terhadap potensi yang mereka miliki, salah satunya berkaitan dengan situs bersejarah. Dengan demikian masyarakat perlu mengetahui dan mengekspos situs budaya ataupun sejarah yang mereka miliki. Pemeliharaan situs sejarah juga akan mengingkatkan kedasaran kesejarahan dalam diri individu guna membangun rasa nasionalisme dan pelestarian dari peninggalan sejarah Lobang Jepang di Kelurahan Tabiang Banda Gadang Kecamatan Nanggalo. Metode pelaksanaan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat yaitu pengambilan data yang dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan metode sejarah dan sosialisasi yang dilaksanakan kepada masyarakat. Hasil dari pengabdian tersebut menunjukan bahwasannya Lobang Jepang di Kelurahan Tabiang Banda Gadang memiliki nilai sejarah, sehingga nantinya keberadaan situs ini dapat menjadi salah satu tujuan dari destinasi wisata kesejarahan di Kota Padang. Keberadaan situs bersejarah Lobang Jepang ini juga dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu sarana untuk meningkatkan rasa nasionalisme pada diri masyarakat Kelurahan Tabiang Banda Gadang.