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Journal : COPING (Community of Publishing in Nursing)

PENGARUH TERAPI BERCERITA TERHADAP TINGKAT DEPRESI LANSIA Ni Made Gita Anindita Nirmala Putri; Putu Ayu Sani Utami; A.A Ngurah Taruma Wijaya
Coping: Community of Publishing in Nursing Vol 7 No 1 (2019): April 2019
Publisher : Program Studi Sarjana Ilmu Keperawatan dan Profesi Ners, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Udayana

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Masa lansia adalah perkembangan terakhir yang dialami manusia. Kebanyakan gangguan mental yang dialami oleh lansia yang tinggal di Rumah Pensiun Wana Seraya Denpasar adalah depresi. Salah satu terapi yang bisa diberikan adalah terapi mendongeng. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi bercerita pada tingkat depresi pada lansia di Rumah Pensiun Wana Seraya Denpasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi Pra-Eksperimental, dengan desain satu kelompok pretest posttest. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan 23 responden yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Perawatan ini dilakukan sekali sehari dengan durasi 30 menit selama tiga hari. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%, diperoleh nilai signifikansi (2-tailed) 0,000, p <0,05 yang berarti ada efek terapi bercerita pada tingkat depresi pada lansia di Rumah Pensiun Wana Seraya Denpasar. Terapi mendongeng dapat diberikan kepada orang tua dengan depresi melalui media buku cerita dengan maksud bahwa terapi mendongeng dapat menumbuhkan kebijaksanaan, sehingga orang tua menjadi individu yang terbuka dan positif. Kata kunci: lansia, terapi mendongeng, tingkat depresi ABSTRACT The period of the elderly is the latest development experienced by humans. Most mental disorders experienced by the elderly who live in the Retirement Home Wana Seraya Denpasar were depression. One of the therapies that can be given is the storytelling therapy. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of storytelling therapy on the level of depression in the elderly in the Retirement Home Wana Seraya Denpasar. This study uses a Pre-Experimental study, with one group pretest posttest design. The sampling used 23 respondents who were in accordance with inclusion and exclusion criteria. This treatment was conducted once a day with duration of 30 minutes for three days. The findings showed that with a confidence level of 95%, it was obtained the values of significance of (2-tailed) 0.000, p <0.05 which means there was a storytelling therapeutic effect on the level of depression in the elderly at the Retirement Home Wana Seraya Denpasar. Storytelling therapy can be given to the elderly people with depression through the medium of a story book in the intention that storytelling therapy can foster wisdom, so that the elderly become open and positive individuals. Keywords: elderly, storytelling therapy, depression levels
Coping: Community of Publishing in Nursing Vol 3 No 3 (2015): JURNAL EDISI SEPTEMBER-DESEMBER 2015
Publisher : Program Studi Sarjana Ilmu Keperawatan dan Profesi Ners, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Udayana

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Independent Monitoring Card (IMC) makes elderly become independent in managing health and controlling risk of gout. The IMC applied integration of functional consequences theory, management theory, community as partners, family centered nursing, Arthtritis Self Management Program and elderly KMS. The results showed that 9 cadres have increased ability to apply IMC in order to prevent interference with the movement as a result of uric acid problems in the elderly on the results of the Wilcoxon test with p value of 0.000 which gives the sense that there is the influence of empowerment cadres in the application card independent monitoring (KPM) on the prevention of movement disorders as a result of acid veins in elderly. Pain scale of the elderly with uric acid problems decreased from 6,02 to 4,50 and uric acid reduction levels in elderly men 1,93 mg/dl while women 2,02 mg/dl. The improved health of the elderly is also indicated by 10 families assisted. Department of Health, health centers, community nurses and community are advised to use IMC as a solution to solve movement disorders due to uric acid among elderly.
Pengaruh keluarga sebagai kelompok pendukung terhadap penurunan kadar gula darah lansia DM tipe 2 Ida Ayu Agung Sukma Sastrika; Putu Ayu Sani Utami; Made Ayu Witriasih
Coping: Community of Publishing in Nursing Vol 6 No 2 (2018): Agustus 2018
Publisher : Program Studi Sarjana Ilmu Keperawatan dan Profesi Ners, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Udayana

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Lansia dengan DM Tipe 2 dapat mengalami perubahan kesehatan, dan fase seperti itu membutuhkan dukungan dari keluarga untuk lebih mengontrol kadar gula darah dan mencegah komplikasi. Dukungan yang dibutuhkan dari keluarga dapat difasilitasi dengan membentuk kelompok pendukung mengawasi DM Tipe 2. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh keluarga sebagai kelompok pendukung terhadap penurunan kadar gula darah lansia dengan DM tipe 2. Desain penelitian ini adalah quasy eksperimental yang menggunakan pretest-posttest dengan kelompok kontrol yang dilakukan pada 20 sampel berbeda yang dipilih dalam pengambilan sampel sistematis dibagi menjadi dua; 10 orang dalam kelompok kontrol dan 10 orang dalam kelompok perlakuan. Analisis data sebelum dan sesudah intervensi menggunakan uji Wilcoxon menunjukkan keluarga sebagai kelompok pendukung berpengaruh terhadap penurunan kadar gula darah lansia dengan DM tipe 2 yang diperoleh nilai p: 0,005 ? 0,05; dan uji selisih perubahan kadar gula darah menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney yang memberikan nilai p = 0,0245 yang menunjukkan penurunan kadar gula darah lansia dengan DM tipe 2 pada kelompok perlakuan lebih besar daripada kelompok kontrol. Kata kunci: keluarga, kelompok pendukung, kadar gula darah ABSTRACT Elders with DM Type 2 may undergo health changes, and such phases requires support from family as to better control the blood sugar levels and prevent complications. The support required from family can be facilitated by forming support groups supervise the DM Type 2. This research aims to determine the effect of family as support group towards the decreases in blood sugar levels of the elderly with DM type 2. The design of this research is quasy experimental which used pretest-posttest with control group that was done on 20 different sample chosen in systematic sampling divided into two; 10 persons in control group and 10 persons in treatment group. The data analysis for before and after intervention uses Wilcoxon test showed the family as a support group effect on decrease blood sugar levels the elderly with DM type 2 which is obtained p value: 0.005 ? 0.05; and the difference test of blood sugar level changes uses Mann-Whitney test which gives the value of p=0,0245 which indicates the decrease in blood sugar levels elderly with DM type 2 in the treatment group greater than the control group. Keywords: family, support groups, blood sugar levels
Coping: Community of Publishing in Nursing Vol 3 No 2 (2015): JURNAL EDISI MEI-AGUSTUS 2015
Publisher : Program Studi Sarjana Ilmu Keperawatan dan Profesi Ners, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Udayana

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Cervical cancer is a malignancy that occurs on the cervix, caused by the Human Pavilloma Virus (HPV) and it can arise due to personal hygiene of female genital organ poorly. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of peer education againts the personal hygiene behavior of female genital organ in cervical cancer prevention. Type of research used is pre experimental approach with one group pre-post design. The sample consisted of 41 persons who were selected by systematic random sampling. The results of the analysis data used the Wilcoxon test and it was obtained the significant average difference with knowledge has a value of p = 0.000; ? <0.05, attitude has a value of p = 0.000; ? <0.05 and action has a value of p = 0.000; ? <0.05, it means that peer education effects the change of personal hygiene behavior of the female genital organ in the prevention of cervical cancer in teenage girls. The health education through peer education againts the personal hygiene behavior of female genital organ can be able to simultaneously empower and make independent teenage girls in acquiring knowledge that will be shaping positive attitudes and behavior. It is expected that the school management plan of PKPR which is forming peer groups in every school in order to improve teen’s knowledge of reproductive health.
PENCEGAHAN DEMENSIA PADA LANSIA MELALUI TERAPI BILABONG DI BANJAR PUCAK SARI DENPASAR UTARA Ni Luh Diah Pradnya Kerthiari; Ni Putu Juliadewi Eka Gunawati; Ni Luh Gede Padma Peratiwi; Putu Ayu Sani Utami
Coping: Community of Publishing in Nursing Vol 4 No 3 (2016): Desember 2016
Publisher : Program Studi Sarjana Ilmu Keperawatan dan Profesi Ners, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Udayana

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Background: The elderly are more vulnerable to health problems due to a decline in physiological, cognitive and brain function, especially in the case of dementia. One therapy that can to cope with dementia is a brain exercise that consists of an adaptation of local culture through collaberation between drama gong (Bilabong) and Balinese gamelan. Objective: To prevent the incidence of dementia in the elderly with "Bilabong", increasing the willingness and ability of the elderly in participating in therapy and becoming an innovative program in Banjar Pucak Sari. Method: Dementia prevention can be done through community service by using “Bilabong” method that begins by defining the elderly who will follow brain gym activities, continued with manufacture of brain gym movements that combined “gamelan drama gong” as well as the implementation of activities. Results: After participation in the "Bilabong" program for 4 weeks there was a positive influence on stress levels , with a decrease in pre-test post-test significance (P = 0.000) of 25%. The participation rate of the elderly sample group was 100% and all participants were enthusiastic about the Bilabong. To ensure continuity, a Brain Gym training team will return to retrain the leaders of the Elderly association to 100% capacity. Conclusion: "Bilabong" Brain Gym Therapy exercises are activities incorporating Balinese gamelan accompaniment that serve to improve the knowledge of the elderly about how to prevent dementia, lower their stress levels, and innovation activities in Banjar Sari. Suggestion: Training and empowerment by the leader of elderly’s association and cadres will give a better impact in reducing the number of elderly dementia. Keywords: Bilabong, brain gym, dementia, drama gong, gamelan Bali.
Coping: Community of Publishing in Nursing Vol 11 No 1 (2023): Februari 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Sarjana Ilmu Keperawatan dan Profesi Ners, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/coping.2023.v11.i01.p14


Social media fatigue rentan dialami oleh mahasiswa selama pembelajaran daring yang mengakibatkan dampak buruk terhadap kesehatan fisik maupun mental seperti depresi, kecemasan, emosi yang tidak stabil, serta penurunan akademik akibat penggunaan media sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan social media fatigue selama pembelajaran daring pada mahasiswa keperawatan Universitas Udayana. Desain penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode study cross sectional. Sampel penelitian menggunakan probability sampling dengan teknik stratified random sampling (n=180). Data dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner Educational Stress Scale for Adolesccents (ESSA), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) dan Social Media Fatigue Scale (SMFS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 156 (86,7%) responden memiliki tingkat social media fatigue sedang. Uji korelasi terhadap social media fatigue menunjukkan karakteristik responden tidak memiliki hubungan (p value usia = 0,999; jenis kelamin = 1,000; IPK = 1,000). Begitupun dengan kualitas tidur (p value = 0,162) dan resiliensi (p value = 0,333). Namun stres akademik memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan social media fatigue (p value = 0,001). Social media fatigue dapat dipengaruhi oleh stres akademik yang mengakibatkan mahasiswa cenderung menggunakan media sosial selama proses pembelajaran. Pencegahan social media fatigue dapat dilakukan dengan melakukan kontrol diri seperti self healing dan menggunakan media sosial secara efektif terutama sebagai sarana pembelajaran.