Takdir Tahir
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan, Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar

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Factors Affecting the Value of Ankle Brachial Index in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2: Literature Review Sri Bintari Rahayu Rahayu; Takdir Tahir Tahir; Kadek Ayu Erika Erika
Jurnal Keperawatan Komprehensif (Comprehensive Nursing Journal) Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): JURNAL KEPERAWATAN KOMPREHENSIF (COMPREHENSIVE NURSING JOURNAL)
Publisher : STIKep PPNI Jawa Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (943.299 KB) | DOI: 10.33755/jkk.v8i1.315


Aims: The purpose of this literature review is to determine the factors that affect the value of the Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods: Search articles through Pubmed, Science Direct, Scopus and Researchgate. The articles obtained were filtered based on full text, 20 articles were found, and six articles were analyzed through analysis of objectives, suitability of topics, research methods used, characteristics of respondents, and the results of each article, published 2017-2021, in English and Indonesian. Results: ABI value in people with diabetes is influenced by age with a lower prevalence of ABI higher in men, treatment with oral anti-diabetic or insulin, mean arterial pressure, the severity of diabetic foot, and the presence of symptoms of complications of diabetes mellitus such as diabetic retinopathy. However, the duration of suffering from diabetes mellitus did not affect the abnormal ABI value. Conclusion: The Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) value can be influenced by Age, Gender, the severity of diabetic foot, and symptoms of complications, but the length of suffering from Diabetes Mellitus does not affect the ABI value.
Jurnal Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia (JPPNI) Vol 2, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Jurnal Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia (JPPNI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (357.719 KB) | DOI: 10.32419/jppni.v2i2.84


ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian: Mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kelulusan dalam pelaksanaan UKNI di institusi regional Sulawesi. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan survei analitik dengan model pendekatan cross sectional study. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner dengan skala Guttman. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada 16 Desember 2016-19 April 2017, sebanyak 72 orang lulusan ners sebagai sampel dari berbagai institusi keperawatan di wilayah Sulawesi, pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara cluster sampling, lalu diberikan kuesioner saat briefing H-1 sebelum ujian kompetensi ners. Uji statistik yang digunakan yaitu uji Pearson correlation dengan tingkat kemaknaan p-value =0,05. Hasil: Ada hubungan kesiapan ujian (p=0,001), try out UKNI (p=0,03), prestasi akademik (p=0,03), dan peran institusi (p=0,005) dengan tingkat kelulusan uji kompetensi ners dan tidak ada hubungan kondisi fisik (p=0,555), praktik profesi dengan tingkat kelulusan uji kompetensi ners. Kesimpulan: Faktor yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan kelulusan uji kompetensi adalah kesiapan uji kompetensi. Perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan yang terkait sistem bimbingan profesi dan pemahaman blueprint terhadap kelulusan uji kompetensi ners.Kata Kunci: uji kompetensi, tingkat kelulusan, prestasi akademikFACTORS RELATED TO A PASS IN TEST OF COMPETENCE FOR INDONESIAN NURSES IN SULAWESI REGIONABSTRACTObjective: To identify factors related to the pass in the Test of Competence for Indonesian Nurses in regional institutions of Sulawesi. Methods: This research employed analytical survey with cross sectional study approach. It used Guttman scale for the questionnaire. Data were collected from 16 December 2016 until 19 April 2017, involving 72 nursing graduates as samples from various nursing institutions in Sulawesi, taken using cluster sampling, and given questionnaire during a briefing session held one day before the test of competence for nurses. The statistical test used Pearson correlation test with significance level ofp-value=0.05. Results: There was correlation of test readiness (p=0.001), try-out for the Test of Competence for Indonesian Nurses (p=0.03), academic achievement (p=0.03), and institutional role (p=0.005) with the passing rate of the test of competence for nurses and there was correlation ofphysical condition (p=0.555), professional practice with the passing level of the test of competence for nurses. Conclusion: The most dominant factor related to the pass in the competence test is the readiness for the competence test. It is necessary to conduct further research on professional guidance system and understanding of blueprint concerning the pass in the test of competence for nurses.Keywords: competence test, passing rate, academic achievement
Jurnal Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia (JPPNI) Vol 2, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Jurnal Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia (JPPNI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32419/jppni.v2i2.57


ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian : Mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kelulusan dalam pelaksanaan UKNI di institusi regional Sulawesi.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan survey analitik dengan model pendekatan Cross Sectional Study. Sebanyak 72 orang lulusan  ners sebagai sampel dari berbagai institusi keperawatan di wilayah Sulawesi,  pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara kluster sampling, lalu diberikan kuesioner saat brefing H-1 sebelum Ujian Kompetensi Ners.  Uji statistik yang digunakan yaitu uji Pearson Correlation dengan tingkat kemaknaan  p-value =0.05Hasil: Ada hubungan kesiapan ujian (p=0.001), try out UKNI (p=0.03), prestasi akademik (p=0.03), peran institusi (p=0.005) dengan tingkat kelulusan uji kompetensi ners dan  tidak ada hubungan kondisi fisik   (p=0.555),  praktik profesi  dengan tingkat kelulusan uji kompetensi ners.Kesimpulan: Faktor yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan kelulusan uji kompetensi adalah kesiapan uji kompetensi. Perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan yang terkait sistem bimbingan profesi, pemahaman blue print dengan kelulusan uji kompetensi ners. Kata Kunci: Uji Kompetensi, Tingkat Kelulusan, Prestasi Akademik  ABSTRACTObjective: Determine the factors associated with ners’s graduate rate in the implementation of the Indonesian ners competence test (UKNI) in institution at Sulawesi Methods: This study use survey analitic model with cross sectional approach. Study using a questionnaire with Guttman scale. The sampling technique using Cluster Random Sampling and obtained the number of samples in the study was 72 teenagers. The statistical test used was the Pearson Correlation test with a significance level of p-value = 0.05.Result: This study used Pearson test and obtained that there is a relationship between prepared test and graduation rate (p=0,001), academic achievement and graduation rate is related (p=0,03), physical condition and graduation rate found no correlation (p=0,555), institutional role and graduation rate is related (p = 0.005), UKNI’s try out and graduation rate is related (p=0,03). profession practice system and graduation rate found no correlation (p=0,437).Discussion  Based on this study’s result, from six factors there are four factors that related to the ners’s passing rate in implementation of UKNI. There are prepared test, academic achievement, institutional role and UKNI’s try out. The most related factor of these four is prepared test. Meanwhile, factors that have no correlation is physical condition and profession practice system. Conclusion: The most dominant factor related to the graduation of competency test is the readiness of the competency testKeywords: UKNI, graduation rate.accademic achievement
Reposisi dan Massage Menurunkan Derajat Dekubitus pada Pasien Immobilisasi dengan Gangguan Neurologis: Case Report Najihah; Ita Sulistiani; Ferly Yacoline Pailungan; Musdalifah; I Kade Wijaya; Abdul Thalib; Alfian Mas’ud; Takdir Tahir; Titi Iswanty Afelya
Window of Nursing Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (Juni, 2020)
Publisher : Pusat Kajian dan Pengelola Jurnal FKM UMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33096/won.v1i1.245


Stroke dan penyakit gangguan fungsi neurologis lainnya akan mengakibatkan berbagai macam gangguan fungsi tubuh seperti gangguan fungsi kognitif, sirkulasi, kekuatan otot, fungsi perifer, fisiologis yang akan berpengaruh pada sistem sensorik dan motorik penderitanya. Hal ini membuat pasien mengalami immobilisasi. Immobilisasi yang lama akan menimbulkan resiko kerusakan pada permukaan tubuh yang tertekan yang disebut dengan dekubitus terutama pada daerah-daerah yang menonjol. Oleh karena dilakukan pemberian tindakan reposisi dan massage untuk menurunkan derajat dekubitus pasien imobilisasi dengan gangguan neurologis. Penelitian ini merupakan penerapan Evidence Based Nursing Practice (EBNP) dengan pendekatan studi kasus yang melihat perubahan pada luka dekubitus yang terjadi setiap hari. Populasi dalam penerapan EBNP ini adalah seluruh pasien yang dirawat di Ruang perawatan Lontara 3 Neuro RS dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling, sampel ditentukan berdasarkan Number Needed to Treat (NNT) dari jurnal utama yang digunakan sebagai pedoman penerapan EBNP. Hasil implementasi EBNP ditemukan bahwa pemberian reposisi dan massage selama 7 hari dapat menurunkan ukuran diameter luka, memberikan perubahan warna mendekati warna kulit di sekitar, lebih cepat menurunkan derajat luka pada dekubitus derajat 1, dan lebih cepat menurunkan derajat dekubitus pada bagian Heel. Disimpulkan bahwa reposisi dan massage efektif dalam menurunkan dekubitus derajat 1 dan 2 pada pasien imobilisasi dengan gangguan neurologis di Ruang Lontara 3 Neuro RS dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar. Sehingga perawat sebaiknya melakukan screening dekubitus dan jika ditemukan tanda-tanda dekubitus derajat 1 dan 2 sebaiknya dilakukan kombinasi reposisi tiap 2 jam dan massage 2 kali sehari minimal selama 7 hari.
Korelasi Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif dan Masa Studi dengan Uji Kompetensi Perawat Jarman Jarman; Takdir Tahir; Syahrul Syahrul; Rosyidah Arafat; Nurmaulid Nurmaulid
Jurnal Kesehatan Manarang Vol 8 No 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Mamuju

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33490/jkm.v8i1.406


Nursing competency test is a process that must be passed by nursing students to measure the suitability between knowledge, skills and student behavior against competency standards of graduates who meet work competency standards. Only students who pass the competency test are able to enter health services. Passing competency test is certainly influenced by various aspects, some of them are GPA and study period. Both of these things are an important role in the teaching and learning process that a student goes through. GPA is an indicator to assess learning achievement and the length of study is the time taken by the student to complete his studies. However, recently there has been an assumption among students that a high GPA does not guarantee in passing competency test and a prolonged study period does not prevent students from first passing the competency test, therefore researchers are interested in seeing the correlation of the two things. Objective The aim of the reasearch was to determine the correlation between Grade Point Average (GPA) and the period of study toward passing the Nursing Competency Test in Nursing Departement of the Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health in Mamuju. Method This research is an analytic study with cross sectional design using secondary data. This research used total sampling with a sample size of 138. The Result showed that GPA had p<0,001 with correlation r= 0,908 and the study period had p<0,001 with correlation r=0,291. The Conclusion of the research is GPA had positive corelation very strong and the study period also had positive corelation but poor corelation.
Interrater Reliability dan Internal Consistency Pengkajian Luka Kaki Diabetik The New Diabetic Foot Ulcer Assessment Scale (DFUAS) Berbasis Foto Nurawaliah Rasyid; Saldy Yusuf; Takdir Tahir
Jurnal Kesehatan Manarang Vol 5 No 1 (2019): Juli 2019
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Mamuju

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33490/jkm.v5i1.82


Diabetic foot ulcers have a high prevalence that requires good management of care. One of them is by assessing diabetic foot wounds. Currently, there has been a review of diabetic foot healing footage of New Diabetic Foot Ulcer Assessment Scale (DFUAS) which has been tested for validity and photo-based reliability. Nevertheless, in the DFUAS Assessment Reliability Test, there are still differences in perceptions on several DFUAS assessment variables on wound nurses. One reason is that there is no socialization given to the wound nurses on how to assess the DFUAS assessment. In addition, the previous DFUAS assessment reliability test is only performed on certified wound nurses whereas in health care services in patients with diabetic foot injuries are also performed by non-certified general nurses. This study aims to assess the interrater reliability and internal consistency of DFUAS-based on photo assessment on expert nurses and general nurses. The design of this study was cross sectional study. The samples in this study were certified nurses with ETN, CWCC, CWCCA and general non-certified Nurses with more than 2 years experience of wound care. The nurse as an observer evaluated 8 wounded images divided according to the wound stage (necrotic, slough, granulation and epithelial) using DFUAS assessment. Interrater reliability was assessed by spearman rho while internal consistency was assessed by cronbach's alpha. Interrater reliability shows good correlation with spearman rho> 0.60. Internal consistency shows good reliability between DFUAS assessment items and Cronbach's alpha 0.98. This study shows that the DFUAS assessment is reliable on different nurses both certified nurses and general nurses.