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EDUKASI PEMANFAATAN OBAT TRADISIONAL SEBAGAI ASI BOOSTER Andi Ulfah Magefirah Rasyid; Sri Widyastuti; Fityatun Usman; Zulkifli Zulkifli; Syafruddin Syafruddin; Muhammad Taufiq Duppa; Muhammad Guntur; Nurfadilah Nurfadilah; Rahmadani Rahmadani; Sulaiman Sulaiman; Anshari Masri; Ainun Jariah; Andri Anugrah Pratama; Haryanto Haryanto
J-ABDI: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 7: Desember 2022
Publisher : Bajang Institute

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Various types of plants in the surrounding environment that have medicinal properties are many that can be obtained and utilized, and can even be planted themselves, which are known as family medicinal plants. This medicinal plant has begun to be widely studied, especially Indonesian Native Medicinal Plants, because it has relatively small side effects when compared to modern medical drugs. Communities in Pattallassang District generally have various types of medicinal plants that are planted in their yards and are often used as alternative treatments for certain types of diseases or as supplements, one example being breastfeeding boosters, which are very much needed by mothers in carrying out their activities. exclusive breastfeeding program. To support the exclusive breastfeeding program, various efforts must be made, one of which is the use of breastfeeding boosters, which is expected to help increase the production of breast milk. The purpose of the community service activity is to increase understanding of the importance of exclusive breastfeeding and to provide education about the use of several plants that have the potential as breastfeeding boosters in terms of processing techniques and more rational ways of using them. This service is carried out at Merpati Posyandu, Pattallassang Village, Pattallassang District, Takalar Regency. The method of providing community service activities is by providing counseling and demonstrations on how to process and manufacture good traditional medicines. The results of the activity assessment showed that participants gained knowledge about the types of traditional medicines, especially breastfeeding boosters, along with good processing and manufacturing methods of traditional medicines.
PENYULUHAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT TENTANG PENCEGAHAN DEMAM BERDARAH DENGUE (DBD) MELALUI PSN 3M PLUS DI DESA BONTOALA KECAMATAN PALLANGGA KABUPATEN GOWA Syafruddin Syafruddin; Nurfadilah Nurfadilah; Yulfina Wahdania; Jangga Jangga; Sulaiman Sulaiman; Zulkifli Zulkifli; Andi Ulfah Magefirah Rasyid; Fityatun Usman; Sri Widyastuti; Muhammad Guntur; Muhammad Taufiq Duppa; Rahmadani Rahmadani; Ansari Masri; Ainun Jariah
J-ABDI: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 9: February 2023
Publisher : Bajang Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53625/jabdi.v2i9.4834


Demam berdarah Dengue (DBD) merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus Dengue dan ditularkan oleh nyamuk Aedes aegypti dan Aedes albopictus. Penyakit DBD ini erat sekali hubungannya dengan masalah kebersihan lingkungan. Metode penanggulangan yang banyak diterapkan saat ini adalah tindakan pencegahan antara lain program pengendalian vektor. Jumlah kasus DBD baik secara nasional maupun di lingkup Kabupaten Gowa yang masih tinggi. Pencegahan penyakit DBD yang dapat dilakukan secara rutin dan telah direkomendasikan oleh WHO adalah Pemberantasan Sarang Nnyamuk 3M plus. Adapun rincian 3M tersebut terdiri dari menguras tempat penampungan air, menutup tempat penampungan air, dan mengubur barang-barang bekas yang dapat menjadi tempat penampungan air, sedangkan yang dimaksud dengan plus adalah menaburkan bubuk larvasida, menggunakan obat nyamuk, menggunakan kelambu saat tidur, memelihara ikan pemakan jentik nyamuk, menanam tanaman pengusir nyamuk, mengatur cahaya dan ventilasi dalam rumah, menghindari kebiasaan menggantung pakaian di dalam rumah. Perilaku PSN 3M plus ini dilaksanakan masyarakat 1 kali dalam seminggu di masing-masing rumah, lalu untuk daerah yang lebih luas / lapangan dilaksanakan kerja bakti 1 kali sebulan untuk memberantas sarang nyamuk demam berdarah. Evaluasi akhir dilakukan untuk mengetahui manfaat kegiatan penyuluhan yaitu mitra mampu melaksanakan kegiatan yang telah diikuti dengan menghitung persentase mitra yang mampu melaksanakan pengendalian vektor DBD melalui PSN 3M Plus secara berkelanjutan, serta mampu menerapkan ilmu yang didapat dalam penyluhan ini, baik dilingkungan umum maupun di lingkungan tempat tinggal masing-masing.
JURNAL KATALISATOR Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Katalisator Volume 8 No. 1, April 2023
Publisher : LLDIKTI X Sumbar, Riau, Jambi, Kepri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (171.727 KB) | DOI: 10.22216/katalisator.v8i1.1704


Cordyline fruticosa is a plant used in traditional medicine. C. fruticosa plant is empirically efficacious for stopping bleeding, eliminating swelling, C. fruticosa leaves are efficacious as a wound medicine and medicine for hemorrhoids and flatulence. This study aims to screening for phytochemical compounds and to determine the potential for toxicity using the BSLT (Brine Shrimp Lethality Test) method and in C. fruticosa leaf extract. The research method starts with the samples extracted using the maceration method for 3 x 24 hours and is continued with remaceration using 70% ethanol solvent. Furthermore, phytochemical screening tests and cytotoxic tests were carried out using the BSLT (Brine Shrimp Lethality Test) method, which is one method that is widely used to search for new anticancer compounds derived from plants, testing using Artemia salina Leach shrimp larvae aged 48 hours with a concentration of 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 µg/mL and seawater as a control. Observations Artemia salina Leach was observed for 24 hours. The results showed that the ethanol extract of red andong leaves contains a class of flavonoids, triterpenoids, saponins, and tannins. The LC50 value of the ethanol extract of red andong leaves, namely 60.36 µg/mL, is included in the toxic category
Khatulistiwa: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Sosial Humaniora Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Sosial Humaniora
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/khatulistiwa.v3i2.1401


The problem formulation of this researcher is what is the role of the school environment in the formation of student character at Public Elementary School No. 145 Bayowa Presidential Instruction in Takalar Regency. This researcher aims to find out how the role of the school environment plays in the formation of student character at Public Elementary School No. 145 Bayowa Presidential Instruction in Takalar Regency. This type of research uses qualitative research, in this research the data collection instruments used are in the form of observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis techniques in this study used data reduction, data presentation and decision making or verification. The results of this study indicate that the role of the school environment in the formation of student character at Public Elementary School No. 145 Inpres Bayowa in Takalar Regency with indicators of teacher and school principal discipline always advises and teaches students to always come on time and do assignments on time, obey the rules orderly school and maintain cleanliness because when there are students who violate school rules, arrive late and do not maintain cleanliness, they will be punished/rewarded with sanctions. Whereas on honest indicators the teacher and principal always teach students to always have an honest attitude, the teacher always reminds students before doing assignments in class not to copy the work of their friends and the teacher also conveys to students if they get students to copy the work of their friends then students are ready to accept the consequences that given by the teacher while on the indicators of responsibility the teacher and principal always provide support and appreciation to students so that students have good responsibilities.
PENINGKATAN PENGETAHUAN TENTANG PENGGUNAAN DAN PENGELOLAAN OBAT YANG RASIONAL MELALUI PENYULUHAN DAGUSIBU KEPADA DISABILITAS TULI Istianah Purnamasari; Yuyun Sri Wahyuni; Hernawati Basir; Muthmainnah Thalib; Sulaiman; Ainun Jariah; Sri Widyastuti; Muhammad Taufik Duppa; Anshari Masri; Andri Anugerah Pratama
JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT YAMASI Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Yamasi
Publisher : Akademi Farmasi Yamasi Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59060/jpmy.v2i2.328


Knowledge about treatment should be known by all people, including the deaf community. The increase in self-medication by people can result in the risk of using the wrong medication and irrational therapy if they are not equipped with adequate knowledge. The high rate of self-medication in the community is due to the lack of public knowledge regarding the proper and correct use of medicines.lack of information obtained from health workers, as well as a lack of public awareness and ability to seek information through available information sources.The DAGUSIBU program exists as an effort to increase public knowledge in using and managing drugs. This service activity aims to determine the difference in changes in knowledge before and after counseling. The method used is a quantitative method with designquasi experimental with one group pre and post test design with methodactive and participatory learning. Increasing knowledge about the rational use and management of medicines through Dagusibu counseling for the deaf and disabled community has been carried out well, the total number of participants was 44 people consisting of men and women with the highest age group being 30-50 years.61,36 %, Average Education LevelSMP (40%) or as many as 18 people. The extension activities carried out have increased participants' knowledge from previously 4.55% and after the activity it increased to 45.45%.