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Analisa Pengaruh Purifikasi Biogas dengan Treatment Kalor pada Adsorben untuk Mengetahui Karakteristik Pembakaran Dani Hari Tunggal Prasetiyo; Akbar Anugrah; Asroful Abidin; Setyo Pambudi; Rochmad Eko Prasetyaning Utomo
Justek : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol 5, No 2 (2022): November
Publisher : Unversitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/justek.v5i2.11773


Abstract:  Energy needs are increasing, so a solution is needed to overcome this. The solution that can be done is the use of alternative energy. One alternative energy that can be used to meet energy needs is biogas. The composition of biogas is dominated by CH4 and CO2. However, biogas combustion has not been maximized, this is because biogas contains CO2. Therefore, efforts are needed to reduce CO2 levels. To reduce CO2 levels can be done with a purification process. In this study, the purification process was carried out using the heat treatment method on the adsorbent. The adsorbent used in this study was KOH solution. The temperatures used during the heat treatment were 200C, 250C, 300C, 350C, 400C and 450C while the concentration of the KOH solution was one molar. The research produces data on the rate of combustion and the height of the fire. The highest combustion rate value is 49,970 cm/s with a heat treatment temperature of 450C, while the lowest is 36,603 cm/s without purification. Then the highest flame height value was 23,142 mm without purification while the lowest was 13,158 mm with a heat treatment temperature of 450C for the adsorbent..Abstrak: Kebutuhan energi yang semakin meningkat maka diperlukan solusi untuk mengatasi hal tersebut. Solusi yang dapat dilakukan adalah penggunaan energi alternatif. Salah satu energi alternatif yang dapat digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi adalah biogas. Komposisi biogas didominasi oleh CH4 dan CO2. Namun, pembakaran biogas kurang optimal, hal ini dikarenakan biogas mengandung CO2. Oleh karena itu diperlukan upaya untuk mengurangi kadar CO2. Untuk mengurangi kadar CO2 dapat dilakukan dengan proses purifikasi. Pada penelitian ini proses purifikasi dilakukan dengan metode treatment kalor pada adsorben. Adsorben yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah larutan KOH. Temperatur yang digunakan saat treatment kalor sebesar 200C, 250C, 300C, 350C, 400C dan 450C sedangkan konsentrasi larutan KOH sebesar satu molar. Penelitian menghasilkan data laju pembakaran dan tinggi api. Nilai laju pembakaran tertinggi sebesar 49,970 cm/s dengan temperatur treatment kalor sebesar 450C sedangkan terendah sebesar 36,603 cm/s tanpa proses purifikasi. Kemudian nilai tinggi api tertinggi sebesar 23,142 mm tanpa purifikasi sedangkan terendah sebesar 13,158 mm dengan temperatur treatment kalor pada adsorben sebesar 450C.
Motions Analysis Investigation of a 12 Meter Catamaran Tourism Boat on Passenger Comfort Criteria Case Study "MV Garuda Ngelayang" Yeddid Yonatan Eka Darma; Hery Inprasetyobudi; Rochmad Eko Prasetyaning Utomo; Galih Hendra Wibowo; Ahmad Hidayat; Albert Daniel Saragih
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research Vol 8, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j25481479.v8i2.16581


Bangsring Beach is one of the leading tourist destinations in Banyuwangi Regency. Bangsring Beach which focuses on underwater tourism (Bangsring Underwater) is a coral reef-based tourism that can only be accessed by diving and snorkeling. But only in that way to enjoy Bangsring Underwater tourism, the construction of a 12 m catamaran with a bottom glass is carried out so that tourists who cannot dive and snorkel can enjoy the beauty of Bangsring Underwater. To ensure the comfort and safety of passengers, a simulation analysis of the movement of the existing 12-merter catamaran is carried out. This simulation was carried out with the general design of a catamaran modeled 1:1 with a LOA of 12 m, B 5.6 m, H 1.85 m, and Vs 10 knots. On the 1:1 ship, an exsisting process is carried out at each ship station to get a line plan for the Garufa Ngelayang ship then 3D modeling is carried out based on the reference from the line plan drawing. Ship motion simulations are carried out to determine the ship's response when hit by waves from various directions which are presented in the RAO (Response Amplitude Operator) graph using the CFD method which is based on a 3D model. Simulations were carried out with a wave height of 1.25 m in Bangsring waters with a fully loaded ship with a wave direction of 0o following sea; Stern Quarter 45o, 315o; Beam Sea 90o, 315o; Bow Quarter 135o, 225o; and Head Sea 180o. With a comfortable ship condition with 2.052 s of ship shaky period.
Balancing and Alignment Analysis of Vertical Wind Turbine Helix Type and Savonius Type Asmar Finali; Prabuditya Bhisma Wisnu Wardhana; Rochmad Eko Prasetyaning Utomo; I Gusti Ngurah Agung Satria Prasetya Dharma Yudha
TRANSMISI Vol 19, No 2 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/jtmt.v19i2.9654


Electrical energy is one of the basic needs that is very important in life, in addition to the physiological development of living things, electricity is also an input for various efforts or activities in order to produce something for survival. Therefore, renewable energy that is more environmentally friendly and an inexhaustible source of energy is needed, namely wind energy. This power generator is called a wind turbine with a vertical shaft. This turbine converts wind energy into mechanical and electrical. In order to obtain a turbine design with high efficiency.  It is also necessary to balance and align each component frame attached to the turbine rotor to produce a perfect/ideal rotation, so as to minimize the occurrence of vibrations caused by the imbalance. the results of calculations with the analytical method on Darrius Helix type obtained value = 0.125 Newton, and = 0.175 Newton, and the value of the angle = 63.43490. Alignment testing is carried out to determine the value of the misalignment between one blade with another blade. The results of the balancing test with the blade ballast obtained additional value, the blade D was 70 grams and the results from the plate addition test were obtained according to the calculation of the analytical method but also less than the maximum requiring additional load on the blade body to get blade A = 12 grams, blade B = 0, blade C = 40 grams, and a spoon D = 90 grams. For the results and discussion of the balancing and alignment method on the savonius type using the static balancing and alignment method using a dial indicator, the values obtained are in the fields A and B, the addition of mass is 59,007 grams and 59.007 grams with angles A and B 11.88 ° , and the value The misalignment deviation in the A, B and center planes is A: 4mm, B: 0.04mm, middle: 0.52mm, while the shaft alignment value is 0 because the value of the alignment of the shafts is the same or parallel.
Scientific Journal of Mechanical Engineering Kinematika Vol 8 No 2 (2023): SJME Kinematika Desember 2023
Publisher : Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/sjmekinematika.v8i2.279


Teknologi robot telah merambah berbagai sektor, tak terkecuali rumah tangga. Salah satu contoh inovasi robot untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga adalah robot penyedot debu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengoptimalkan penggunaan sensor, sekaligus mengusung differential drive menggunakan platform tricycle, terdiri dari satu caster wheel dan dua differential wheel. Uji coba dilakukan di ruang berukuran 150 cm × 130 cm dengan rintangan seperti kursi berkaki empat, serpihan kerupuk, kulit kuaci, potongan kertas kecil, dan sejumput debu (terigu). Hasilnya, robot mampu bernavigasi dengan cukup lancar dan optimal walau hanya dengan menggunakan sebuah sensor ultrasonik HC-SR04. Meski demikian, tantangan yang lebih kompleks dalam rumah tangga, seperti terjebak di gulungan karpet, menangani sampah atau kotoran yang beraneka ragam, atau bergerak di ruang sempit, masih menjadi hal yang belum sepenuhnya diatasi oleh robot ini
Aplikasi Laminasi Bambu pada Perahu Nelayan Desa Pondok Nongko Kecamatan Kabat sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Hasil Tangkapan Rochmad Eko Prasetyaning Utomo; Putu Ngurah Rusmawan
Madaniya Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Bahasa dan Publikasi Ilmiah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53696/27214834.758


Perkembangan teknologi dalam bidang perikanan adalah elemen kunci untuk meningkatkan hasil tangkapan dan keselamatan nelayan. Nelayan di Desa Pondok nongko merupakan salah satu nelayan aktif yang masih mengandalkan hasil tangkapan ikan sebagai sumber penghasilan. Proses penangkapan ikan yang masih tradisional dan perlengkapan seadanya menjadi kendala utama bagi para nelayan. Tidak jarang para nelayan harus mencari mata pencaharian lain pada saat gelombang tinggi. Perahu yang digunakan oleh nelayan pun relative sederhana. Bahkan beberapa nelayan memanfaatkan bamboo sebagai bahan utama pembuatan perahu. Bambu di potong tipis dan disusun sehingga membentuk lambung kapal dan kemudian diberikan stirofoam untuk membuat bambu terapung diatas air. Dengan kondisi seperti ini para nelayan berusaha keras untuk bertahan hidup di laut dan juga untuk menangkap ikan. Melihat kondisi ini kami berinisiatif untuk mencoba memberikan salah satu solusi untuk meningkatkan keselamatan dan hasil tangkapan dengan memberikan sentuhan teknologi pada perahu yang digunakan. Inisiatif pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan inovasi dengan memanfaatkan laminasi bambu pada perahu nelayan. Metode laminasi bambu diharapkan dapat meningkatkan daya tahan perahu terhadap cuaca buruk dan gelombang tinggi, serta memberikan dampak positif pada hasil tangkapan ikan.