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Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 13, No 3 (2015)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (100.127 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jts.v13i3.881


Abstrak: Pengelolaan sampah di Kota Pematangsiantar masih bertumpu pada pendekatan akhir (kumpul-angkut-buang), dengan tingkat pelayanan yang rendah, sehingga untuk meningkatkan pelayanan sampah, perlu dilakukan pemilahan di tempat penampungan sementara (TPS). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji sistem pengelolaan sampah dengan melakukan pemilihan di TPS dapat meningkatkan pelayanan aset persampahan sampai tahun  2015 secara teknis operasional dan dari aspek keuangan. Analisa teknis operasional aset pengelolaan sampah mulai dari pewadahan, pengumpulan dan pengangkutan sedangkan analisa keuangan dan analisa kelayakan menggunakan Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Benefit/Cost Ratio, dan Payback Period. Dari hasil analisa tersebut diperoleh suatu sistem pengelolaan sampah dengan pemilihan di TPS berdasarkan zona pelayanan dengan skala prioritas secara bertahap daritahun 2013-2017, dapat meningkatkan cakupan pelayanan sampah eksisting rata-rata 6,69 %, cakupan pelayanan TPS eksisting rata-rata 8,29 %, dan cakupan pelayanan truk pengangkut sampah eksisting rata-rata 12,03 %. Investasinya layak, diperoleh Net Cashflow pada tahun 2020 sebesar Rp 1.720.242.284,-, NPV suku bunga 15 % bernilai positif, IRR > MARR 15 %,  B/C Ratio > 1, dan PP 4,7 tahun, lebih pendek dari periode investasi 10 tahun. Dari Metode penelitian ini maka pengumpulan data, observasi lapangan dan pengukuran contoh timbulan sampah dengan sampel 4 TPS perumahan yang terlayani pengangkutan.
Kajian Terhadap Sistem Jalan Merdeka dan HOS Cokroaminoto Kecamatan Siantar Utara Pematang Siantar Sianturi, Novdin M
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 9 No 2 (2013): Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (237.321 KB) | DOI: 10.28932/jts.v9i2.1377


Jumlah penduduk di Kecamatan Siantar Utara Kota Pematangsiantar setiap tahun semakinmeningkat dan berkembang, dimana perkembangan tersebut berakibat pada perubahan tata gunalahan yang memberikan pengaruh cukup dominan terhadap debit banjir. Dari kajian didapatkomponen yang paling besar memberikan sumbangan dalam pertumbuhan tersebut yaitu debitbanjir yang diakibatkan oleh curah hujan. Adanya perubahan debit banjir yang terjadi sudah tentuberakibat pada dimensi drainase yang ada. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menghitungdebit banjir rencana dan dimensi saluran yang dapat menampung curah hujan maksimum.Berdasarkan data curah hujan harian selama 10 tahun terakhir yang peroleh dari stasiun BMKGSPMK PPKS Unit Usaha Marihat Siantar maka perhitungan tersebut merupakan harian maksimumrerata. Dari hasil perhitungan tersebut dapat diketahui distribusi curah hujan, dan di dalamperhitungan tersebut digunakan metode Mononobe yang mana nilai tersebut diperlukan dalamperhitungan debit banjir rencana dengan metode Rasional dengan hasil rencana dan drainasetersebut berbentuk segi empat. Hasil kaji terhadap sistem drainase di jalan Merdeka dan HOSCokroaminoto kecamatan siantar utara kota Pematangsiantar didapat perhitungan dengandimensi drainase jalan Merdeka : lebar dasar saluran sebesar 2,154 m, tinggi saluran sebesar 1,077m dengan Q = 3,4202 m3/dtk dan untuk saluran drainase di Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto : lebar dasarsaluran sebesar 1,770 m, tinggi saluran sebesar 0,885m dengan Q = 2,8100 m3/dtk.
Media Teknik Sipil Vol 10, No 1 (2012): Februari
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (63.654 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/jmts.v10i1.1210


Town expansion not followed by infrastructure development can result many problems andone of them is related to transportation. This research aims to model Trip generation conducted bysome community of housing types in Pematangsiantar town. And the research of this is done toknow and estimate the level of out movement from the housing that will be used for forecasting inorder to overcome all problems at the future period.The primary survey is done by filling thequestionnaire by 86 members of families which are living in three housing type’s area that is luxurious,middle and simple. The result of the questionnaires will be tabulated to become dependent variableand independent variable. Moreover, it will be analyzed by SPSS-12 program. The equation regressionof it will be used to model and awaken the trip of community in some housing types in Pematangsiantartown.From the final result model test, it was gotten that the trip generation in three housing typearea that is luxurious housing type (Y1), middle housing type (Y2), and type housing of simplebuilding (Y3) had been very influenced by amount of family member (X1), amount of the ownershipof car (X3), amount of the ownership of motorcycle (X4) and amount of family go to school (X6).The regression model equations are included by luxurious housing type (Y1) = -0,728 + 1,885 X1+ 0,649 X3 + 0,772 X6, middle housing type (Y2) = 0,600 + 1,300 X1 + 0,900 X3, simple housingtype (Y3) = 0,271 + 1,518 X1 + 0,905 X4.Keyword: Trip generation model, Housing typologies.
Potensi Kawat Baja Sebagai Pengikat Tiang Dengan Pelat dalam Menahan Beban Saragih, Deardo Samuel; Sianturi, Novdin Manoktong; Purba, Virgo Erlando; Damanik, Dermina Roni Santika
TEKNIK Vol 41, No. 3 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/teknik.v41i3.29936


Road and bridge construction needs to be supported by a strong system, both in terms of material and connections between structural elements. A pile reinforcement connection system with slab support construction on it needs to be considered to work together in carrying the load. Therefore, research is needed to determine how much effect the steel wire has as a binding pile with a plate in resisting uniform loads on it. This research was conducted by testing the model in a laboratory on a test medium that was reinforced with the pile with the slab system. Pile joints are distinguished bound perfectly and unbound. A reduction settlement analysis is performed on the difference in settlement for bound and unbound piles. The results showed that the pile system's performance, which was bound with steel wires on the slab, was better at resisting loads. This is known from the reduction of settlement for bound and unbound piles, which is 11.43% for the time stage and 11.51% for the load stage. The system can work together so that the stability of construction is better maintained and more durable.
Analisis Penurunan dan Lendutan Sistem Pondasi Tiang Sebagai Perkuatan pada Tanah Gambut Damanik, Dermina Roni Santika; Sianturi, Novdin Manoktong; Saragih, Deardo Samuel; Purba, Virgo Erlando
TEKNIK Vol 42, No. 3 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/teknik.v42i3.36836


Salah satu metode perbaikan tanah gambut adalah metode preloading menggunakan timbunan. Daya dukung tanah gambut yang rendah dapat diantisipasi dengan perkuatan. Model timbunan dibuat dari potongan besi yang diberikan secara bertahap, sedangkan perkuatan dibuat dari grid bambu dengan kombinasi tiang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan penurunan dan lendutan sistem perkuatan pada tanah gambut menggunakan simulasi numeris dan perbandingannya dengan hasil pengamatan. Metode penelitian dilakukan melalui model uji di laboratorium menggunakan bak uji berukuran 120 cm x 90 cm x 90 cm. Variasi uji model dibedakan berdasarkan panjang tiang masing-masing 10 cm, 25 cm, dan 35 cm. Beban-beban yang diterapkan terdiri dari 1,51 kPa, 3,02 kPa, 4,53 kPa, 6,05 kPa, dan 7,56 kPa. Melalui uji model didapatkan data-data penurunan di tengah timbunan dan lendutan pada arah melintang timbunan. Selanjutnya, simulasi numeris dengan Plaxis 2D dilakukan pada model yang sama dengan pengamatan untuk menganalisis penurunan dan lendutan akibat timbunan. Pola penurunan dan lendutan hasil simulasi numeris menggunakan plaxis 2D memberikan hasil yang mendekati sama atau sedikit lebih baik dibandingkan dengan data pengamatan, terutama pada tiang-tiang yang lebih panjang.
Media Teknik Sipil Vol. 10 No. 1 (2012): Februari
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jmts.v10i1.1210


Town expansion not followed by infrastructure development can result many problems andone of them is related to transportation. This research aims to model Trip generation conducted bysome community of housing types in Pematangsiantar town. And the research of this is done toknow and estimate the level of out movement from the housing that will be used for forecasting inorder to overcome all problems at the future period.The primary survey is done by filling thequestionnaire by 86 members of families which are living in three housing type’s area that is luxurious,middle and simple. The result of the questionnaires will be tabulated to become dependent variableand independent variable. Moreover, it will be analyzed by SPSS-12 program. The equation regressionof it will be used to model and awaken the trip of community in some housing types in Pematangsiantartown.From the final result model test, it was gotten that the trip generation in three housing typearea that is luxurious housing type (Y1), middle housing type (Y2), and type housing of simplebuilding (Y3) had been very influenced by amount of family member (X1), amount of the ownershipof car (X3), amount of the ownership of motorcycle (X4) and amount of family go to school (X6).The regression model equations are included by luxurious housing type (Y1) = -0,728 + 1,885 X1+ 0,649 X3 + 0,772 X6, middle housing type (Y2) = 0,600 + 1,300 X1 + 0,900 X3, simple housingtype (Y3) = 0,271 + 1,518 X1 + 0,905 X4.Keyword: Trip generation model, Housing typologies.
Evaluation of Multi-Function Drainage Channels For Running Water Fish Culture For The Benefit of The Community In Pangururan District Novdin Manoktong Sianturi
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Information Technology Vol 2, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Master Program of Information Technology, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh Utara, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (409.436 KB) | DOI: 10.52088/ijesty.v2i2.264


Pangururan Subdistrict in Samosir Regency requires rearranging its open land functions related to the meaning of the environment. From the civil engineering perspective, landslides can occur suddenly during the rainy season without being noticed by the people around the Pangururan sub-district, Samosir Regency. To realize this program, the community can add the function of the drainage channel into a mobile fish pond around the Pangururan Subdistrict, Samosir Regency, which still has a large area of land/settlements to become a running fish pond drainage channel. This can increase residents' income which is beneficial for the community around the drainage canal. In addition, the problem of overflowing water in the rainy season will be minimized. To implement this program, an analysis should be prepared in advance to evaluate the drainage channel that will function as a fish pond around Pangururan District, Samosir Regency. In line with the government's program in promoting and increasing the income of residents, the existing drainage channels should be utilized. Unproductive drainage channels can become productive drainage channels by cultivating freshwater fish along the drainage channel while simultaneously irrigating rice fields. Therefore, a wet section of the plan is made along 1000 meters where the condition of the drainage channel is planned according to the analysis. The depth of the drainage channel for running water fish ponds is 100 to 170 cm and the width of the top side from 100 cm to 150 cm, and the width of the sides below 100 cm. Based on the calculations, the first process that must be done is to first calculate the maximum planned rainfall, calculate the planned discharge, calculate the dimensions of the channel, and flood discharge (designated discharge), where QT = 0.278 x C x I x A = 6.69 m3/s at a speed of plan average flow. The flow velocity of the drainage channel is installed with a sluice so that the average velocity value is = 1/n R2/3 x S1/2 = 3.8 m/s, the cross-sectional area of a fish pond with a wet cross-section A = a x b = 1.904 m2, the cross-sectional area of the wet plan making fish ponds where the channel design discharge for fish ponds is QS = AS x V = 7.23 m3/s and the calculation of sluice gates with a width of 50 cm and a height of 170 cm for fish pond water with Q = (u x b x a  ) x 3 of 10.8 m/s.
Comparison of Translation Techniques by Google Translate and U-Dictionary: How Differently Does Both Machine Translation Tools Perform in Translating? Kammer Tuahman Sipayung; Novdin Manoktong Sianturi; I Made Dwipa Arta; Yeti Rohayati; Diani Indah
Elsya : Journal of English Language Studies Vol. 3 No. 3 (2021): Elsya : Journal of English Language Studies
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/elsya.v3i3.7517


Better translation produced by computation linguistics should be evaluated through linguistics theory. This research aims to describe translation techniques between Google Translate and U-Dictionary. The study used a qualitative research method with a descriptive design. This design was used to describe the occurrences of translation techniques in both translation machine, with the researchers serving as an instrument to compare translation techniques which is produced on machine. The data are from expository text entitled “Importance of Good Manners in Every Day Life”. The total data are 122 words/phrases which are pairs of translations, English as source language and Indonesia as target language. The result shows that Google Translate apply five of Molina & Albir’s (2002) eighteen translation techniques, while U-dictionary apply seven techniques. Google Translate dominantly apply literal translation techniques (86,8%) followed by reduction translation techniques (4,9%). U-dictionary also dominantly apply literal translation techniques (75,4%), but follows with the variation translation techniques (13,1%). This study showed that both machines produced different target texts for the same source language due to different applications of techniques, with U-dictionary proven to apply more variety of translation techniques than Google Translate. The researcher hopes this study can be used as an evaluation for improving the performance of machine translations.
Perilaku Mekanis Tanah Lunak yang Distabilisasi dengan Kapur dan Abu Vulkanik Novdin Manoktong Sianturi; Mohd Khairul Amri Kamarudin; Dermina Roni Santika Damanik; Virgo Erlando Purba; Deardo Samuel Saragih
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (957.976 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v28i1.41963


The properties of soft clay can be seen from the compressive strength value through the unconfined compressive strength (UCS) test. Soft soil was less well used as the subgrade for construction. The aim is to determine the increase in the unconfined compressive strength and bearing capacity of the foundation due to the addition of lime and volcanic ash on soft soil. Soft soil has undrained shear strength < 25 kPa based on the unconfined compressive strength test. The unconfined compressive strength test has been conducted on the soil-lime mixture and soil-volcanic ash mixture of 3-12% respectively to the weight of dry soil. The highest unconfined compressive strength values were found in soils with 6% of lime and 9% of volcanic ash. The bearing capacity of the foundation on soil stabilized with 6% lime increased 13.7 times, while the bearing capacity of the foundation on the soil with the addition of 9% volcanic ash increased the ultimate bearing capacity of 8.7 times the bearing capacity of the foundation on soft soil. The bearing capacity of the foundation on lime stabilized soil is higher than the bearing capacity of the foundation on volcanic ash stabilized soil.
Kajian Saluran Drainase di Sekitar Kecamatam Penguguran Menjadi Kolam Ikan Air Bergerak Untuk Penambahan Pendapatan Masyarakat Sekitar Novdin M. Sianturi; H Asril Nizar; Ricardo Simamora
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Digital Vol 1, No 2: JUPED - Mei 2022
Publisher : Insight Power (Kekuatan Wawasan)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (191.827 KB)


Villages around the Porsea District, Toba Samosir Regency, need to be rearranged either by way of counseling to the community related to the meaning of the environment as seen from the scientific point of view of civil engineering where the landslide disaster occurred suddenly without the community around the village. around the area realize that when the rainy season comes where it is necessary to hold socialization of the rearrangement of the drainage channel, it can be used as a moving water fish pond drainage channel according to the regulations of the local environmental service. Porsea Subdistrict, Toba Samosir Regency, which has a large area of land / settlements that require drainage channel planning so that it can be used as a fish pond drainage channel in increasing the income of local residents which is beneficial for the community in the village around the Porsea Subdistrict, T Regency. oba Samosir and can overcome the problem of overflowing water when it rains suddenly with maximum rainfall in the area with a lot of data that must be prepared in advance in order to evaluate the drainage channel which can function as a fish pond with running water in the village in around the Porsea District, Toba Samosir Regency, if the program runs well. In community activities in making fish pond drainage channels in the Village around the Porsea District, Toba Samosir Regency, work partners are indispensable in carrying out every activity where the role of the Village Head around the Region is indispensable in implementing the program in order to increase the income level of local residents. To implement government programs in advancing and increasing the income of residents in villages around the Porsea District, Toba Samosir Regency, a new breakthrough is needed by utilizing unproductive drainage channels into productive drainage channels by cultivating freshwater fish along the planned 195 meter long drainage channel where conditions The drainage channel is still in shape, namely with a channel top width of 100 cm, channel height 100 cm and a channel bottom width of 80 cm and around the Village in the Porsea District, Toba Samosir District, and the need to build sluice gates every 50 meters so that the water level in the drainage channel remains stable. and the arrangement of the floodgates when raising the water level must be controlled every day so that during the rainy season there are no floods. Keywords: Drainage, Fish Ponds, Utilization of Waterways, Community Income