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Aksi Penyerangan Non-Player Character (NPC) Menggunakan Metode Naive Bayes pada Shooter Game Edi Siswanto; Alfa Faridh Suni
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 8 No 6: Desember 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25126/jtiik.2021863804


Aksi penyerangan pada non-player character (NPC) merupakan salah satu substansi penting dalam pembuatan game. Dalam melakukan penyerangan diperlukan strategi khusus agar NPC tidak mudah dikalahkan. Salah satunya adalah adanya variasi serangan terhadap pemain. Salah satu metode yang digunakan untuk mengatur penyerangan NPC adalah rulebase. Metode rulebase dapat memberikan variasi serangan sesuai kondisi NPC, namun metode rulebase bisanya menghasilkan behaviour yang statis dan tidak adaptif jika terdapat kondisi baru. AI seperti ini akan mudah diprediksi dan repetitif sehingga menurunkan tingkat tantangan bermain game. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut banyak peneliti yang menggunakan teknik learning. Salah satunya menggunakan metode naïve bayes. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan penerapan metode naïve bayes sebagai strategi penyerangan NPC pada shooter game. Metode naïve bayes digunakan untuk keputusan serangan yang diambil oleh NPC. Adapun parameter yang digunakan untuk keputusan penyerangan adalah nyawa, jarak, jumlah granat, dan jumlah amunisi yang dimiliki NPC. Sedangkan keputusan penyerangan dibagi menjadi serangan tembak, serangan granat, dan serangan pisau. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penerapan metode naïve bayes membuat NPC mampu melakukan penyerangan secara otonom jika terdapat kondisi baru dengan akurasi 80%. Penerapan metode naïve bayes juga lebih unggul dalam persentase kemenangan NPC dibanding metode rulebase. Tingkat kemenangan NPC menggunakan metode naïve bayes sebesar 60% sedangkan rulebase sebesar 16%. AbstractNon-Player Character’s (NPC) attacks behaviour is one important substance in making games. While NPC attacks needs specific strategy to not get defeated easily. One of the NPC attacks strategy is a variation of offense to player. One of the methods to manage the NPC attack strategy is rulebase. Rulebase method can give variations of the NPC attacks according in conditions, but rulebase method usually producing static behaviour and not adaptive where there is new condition. AI like this would easy too predictive and repetitive so that decrease the challenge of playing games. To overcome these problems, we use naïve bayes method. In this study, naïve bayes method are applied as an NPC’s attack strategy to the shooter game. Naïve bayes method used for attack decisions taken by the NPC. The parameters used for the attack’s decision are health point, distance, number of grenades, and number of ammunitions owned by the NPC. While attacks decision is divided into firing attacks, grenade attacks, and melee attacks. The results showed that the use naïve bayes method can attack autonomously if there are new condition with an accuracy of 80%. The implementation of naïve bayes method at NPC more superior than rulebase method in percentage of NPC winning. The NPC win rate uses the naïve bayes method is 60% while the rulebase is 16%.
Unjuk Kerja PLTS Untuk Operasional Sistem Penjernih Air di Rawa Pening Alfa Faridh Suni; Djuniadi Djuniadi; Budi Sunarko; Ria Wulansarie
Jurnal Riset Rekayasa Elektro Vol 4, No 1 (2022): JRRE VOL 4 NO 1 JUNI 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30595/jrre.v4i1.14003


Nelayan Rawa Pening Kabupaten Semarang Jawa Tengah membutuhkan air bersih. Air bersih digunakan untuk mandi, kakus, mencuci piring atau pakaian, masak makanan atau air, dan berwudhu. Air bersih dapat dihasilkan dari sistem penjernih air. Sistem penjernih air yang diterapkan menggunakan prinsip sistem penyaringan lambat. Sistem penjernih air bersih yang dipilih jenis biosand filter agar ramah lingkungan. Bagian elektrik dari sistem penjernih air adalah pompa air. Pembangkit listrik tenaga surya digunakan untuk memberi energi ke sistem penjernih air.  Studi ini mempunyai tujuan mengkaji unjuk kerja pembangkit listrik tenaga surya pada kondisi operasional dengan beban sistem penjernih air di Rawa Pening. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah terjadi penurunan drastis pada kapasistas dan tegangan baterai. Selain itu, terjadi peningkatan pada arus keluaran dan arus pengisian. Penurunan tegangan baterai pada kondisi berbeban sebesar 11,59%. Penurunan kapasitas baterai pada kondisi berbeban sebesar 49.49%. Prosestase daya terpakai sebesar 53,33 % dari daya terpasang pada papan nama motor. Panel surya sistem berbeban mampu mengisi baterai 80% dari kemampuan maksimumnya.
Sistem Informasi Pendaftaran Diklat Kerja Berbasis Web Dan Sms Gateway Saironi Hardi Yantoro; Alfa Faridh Suni
Jurnal Sistem Informasi Vol 12, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (868.107 KB) | DOI: 10.36706/jsi.v12i1.10662


Unit Pelaksana Teknis Daerah – BalaiLatihan Kerja (UPTD – BLK)merupakan tempat diselenggarakannya pelatihan kerja untuk masyarakatagar mampu menguasai suatu jenis ketrampilan kerja untuk dijadikan bekal dalam memasuki pasar kerja atau usaha mandiri. Namun UPTD – BLK Grobogan dalam pelayanan pendaftaran masih mengunakan cara yang lama dengan mengunakan buku dalam pencatatan yang mudah hilang, robek, kotor dan semacamnya, dan ketika dalam pemberitahuan informasi masih menggunakan pengiriman SMS manual yaitu satu persatu nomer handphone peserta yang dicatat dalam buku dicatat ulang sebelum mengirim, sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang relativelama. Maka dari itu peneliti tertarik membuat sistem informasi pendaftaran berbasis web serta pemberitahuan SMS Gateway bertujuan untuk mempermudah tim dalam proses pendaftaran serta pemberitahuan informasi terkait pelaksanaan diklat.Model pembuatan produk sistem informasi mengunakan pendekatan model prototyping dimana permintaan diubah ke dalam sistem yang bekerja yang secara terus menerus diperbaiki melalui kerjasama antara permintaan user dan peneliti sesuai keinginan dan pengujian sistem menggunakan standart ISO 9126 pada aspek functionality, efficiency, reliability dan portability.Hasil yeng diperoleh peneliti dari pengujian pada aspek functionality mendapatkan hasil rerata URL/FLEX 98,5% dan EVENT Chart 98,8%, pada aspekefficiencyaplikasi web nilai PageSpeed A(90,8%) dan YSlow C(76,8%) sedangkan SMS Gateway proses pesan diterima memakan waktu 35 detik/SMS, pada aspekreliability menghasilkan sessions 95 dengan 104 page dalam 3651 hits menghasilkan persentase 100%, dan pada aspekportability aplikasi dapat berjalan baik disemua dibrowser dengan versi terbaru.  The Regional Technical Implementation Unit - Job Training Center (UPTD - BLK) is a work office where work training is held for the community to be able to master certain types of work skills to be used as provisions in entering the labor market or independent business.However, UPTD - BLK Grobogan in the registration service still uses the old way by using books in records that are easily lost, torn, dirty and the etcetera, and when in the information notification is still using SMS from BLK the officer, so it requires a relatively long time and inefficient time. Therefore, researchers are interested in creating a web-based registration information system and SMS Gateway notification aimed to facilitate the team in the registration process and notification of information related to the implementation of training.The model of making an information system product uses a prototyping model approach where demand is changed into a working system that is continuously being improved through collaboration between user and researcher requests as desired and testing the system using ISO 9126 standards in the aspects of functionality, efficiency, reliability and portability.The results obtained by researchers from testing the functionality get average URL / FLEX 97% and EVENT Chart 98.8%, on the aspect of web application efficiency PageSpeed value A(90.8%) and YSlow C (76.8%) while SMS Gateway received message processing takes 35 s/SMS, the reliability aspect produces 95 Sessions with 104 Pages in 3651 Hits producing a percentage of 100%, and the portability aspect of the application can run well in all browsers with the latest version.
Backtracking and k-Nearest Neighbour for Non-Player Character to Balance Opponent in a Turn-Based Role Playing Game of Anagram Yosa Aditya Prakosa; Alfa Faridh Suni
Khazanah Informatika Vol. 8 No. 2 October 2022
Publisher : Department of Informatics, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/khif.v8i2.16902


Anagram is a turn-based role-playing game where two players construct words by arranging given letters. A significant aspect of playing a game is the challenge. A good challenge comes from an opponent with a close ability. In a two-player game like Anagram, the second player can be a nonhuman player called Non-Playable Character (NPC). A balanced game is more engaging. Therefore, it is imperative to insert artificial intelligence (AI) into an NPC to make it possess a balance ability. This study investigates the AI algorithm that is the most appropriate to make a balance NPC for Anagram games. We tested three scenarios: Descending AI, Random AI, and AI with k-Nearest Neighbour (k-NN). Descending AI gets an Anagram solution by selecting a word with the highest score from all possible answers. Random AI picks a word randomly from the possible answers, while AI with k-NN chooses a word closest to one of the human players. The results show that Descending AI is the best algorithm to make the strongest NPC, which always gets the highest score, followed by Random AI and AI with k-NN. However, AI with the k-NN algorithm makes the constructed NPC has the highest number of turns at an average of 18, while Descending AI gets 14 turns and Random AI has 15 turns. Looking at the remaining lives at the end of the game, AI with k-NN makes the NPC has 25 lives left, while Descending AI has 59 lives, and Random AI has 48 lives. Less remaining lives suggest that NPC containing AI with the k-NN algorithm matches closer to the human player and therefore is more suitable for Anagram NPC.
Pengembangan Aplikasi Easy Tenses Berbasis Android Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Digital Bahasa Inggris Ahmad Fashiha Hastawan; Dhidik Prastiyanto; Alfa Faridh Suni; Izzati Gemi Seinsiani; Hanrian Rossa; Prawidana Kurniawan; Miftah Nindya Rahmawati; Risma Septiana
Jurnal Pseudocode Vol 10 No 2 (2023): Volume 10 Nomor 2 September 2023
Publisher : UNIB Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/pseudocode.10.2.106-116


Learning media innovation is in line with developments in information technology. Many of the innovations being developed now utilize the fields of multimedia and mobile devices. These two fields have proven capable of producing interesting learning media and making it easier for students to learn learning material digitally. One of the learning materials that requires digital media is English. Many English learning applications have been developed but are not yet in accordance with the learning plans of teachers and students so they are not used directly in class. Based on these problems, this research developed an application for learning English digitally that can be used directly in classroom learning. Application development is carried out using the waterfall method and is adjusted to the learning plans of school teachers. The results of application implementation are tested on all users through user assistance and filling out surveys. From the results of testing the application using black box testing, it was found that the percentage of 100% of the functions ran as expected. From the results of the application validation test, a score of 86.5% was obtained for material suitability from material experts, 83.8% for media suitability from media experts, 82.6% for useability from educators' assessments, and 81% for useability from students' assessments. From the overall validation test results carried out on material experts, media experts, educators and students, the overall average validation results were 84.37%, which shows that the Easy Tenses application created can be categorized as very suitable for use. Keywords: Applications, English, Digital media, Multimedia, Waterfall Method.
Detection of Motorcycle Tire Endurance based on Tire Load Index using CNN Birawa Kaca Buana Gora; Nugroho Tegar Maulana; Muhamad Novan Aulia Zam Zami; Anan Nugroho; Alfa Faridh Suni
DoubleClick: Journal of Computer and Information Technology Vol 7, No 1 (2023): Optimalisasi Teknologi Informasi
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/doubleclick.v7i1.12995


With increasingly rapid technological developments, the production of motorized vehicles will increase with the use of robotic power in production. The increasing number of motorized vehicles in big cities does not escape the rise of traffic accidents that occur. One aspect of accidents that we usually underestimate is the resistance of our vehicle tires to support the load on the vehicle. Therefore, we need a system to detect the resistance of a tire in supporting the load on the vehicle. For this reason, this study was conducted to detect the durability of motorcycle tires based on tire load index using a convolutional neural network. A 70% result was found in classifying tire resistance based on tire load index.
Penguatan Pelayanan Administrasi Melalui Digital Village sebagai Upaya Percepatan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Desa Randugunting Nurdian Susilowati; Alfa Faridh Suni; Fera Ferdiana; Supanji Setyawan
Madaniya Vol. 4 No. 4 (2023)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Bahasa dan Publikasi Ilmiah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53696/27214834.584


Urgensi kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah menerapkan teknologi di desa melalui palayanan desa berbasis teknologi untuk mendukung percepatan pembangunan berkelanjutan desa, yaitu desa yang dinamis dan adaptif. Tujuan dari Pemberdayaan Masyarakat oleh Mahasiswa (PMM) adalah meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan desa berbasis teknologi melalui pengembangan dan pembenahan aspek sarana prasarana layanan desa berbasis digital, sumber daya manusia, dan transparansi serta akuntabilitas informasi Desa Randugunting. Metode pelaksanaan yang digunakan adalah sosialisasi, pelatihan, dan pendampingan yang dilakukan secara kontinyu selama dua bulan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini meliputi pelatihan jurnalistik dan pengelolaan website desa, pengembangan dan sosialisasi sistem informasi surat randugunting (Siradig), pelatihan surat menyurat dan e-arsip, serta pendampingannya. Hasil kegiatan menunjukan bahwa kegiatan pengembangan dan penerapan teknologi di Desa Randugunting memberikan pemahaman dan kesadaran perangkat desa untuk dapat beradaptasi dengan teknologi di era digital. Perangkat desa dapat membuat presrilis berita yang dapat menunjang transparansi dan akuntabilitas informasi. Berbagai inovasi yang dihasilkan seperti website desa, e-arsip desa, dan siradig digunakan secara bertahap oleh pemerintah desa. Pemahaman penggunaan teknologi membantu perangkat desa untuk dapat beradaptasi dengan teknologi dan menerapkannya untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan administrasi desa.