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Jurnal Abdimas Vol 22, No 1 (2018): Juni 2018
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M), Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Tujuan kegiatan Ipteks bagi Masyarakat (IbM) ini adalah untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh mitra IbM, yaitu Bp. Arif (peternak bebek petelur) dan industri rumah tangga FAHARA. Terdapat dua aspek permasalahan yang akan ditangani, yaitu aspek produksi dan aspek manajemen.Metode pelaksanaan menggunakan beberapa metode yang saling mendukung, antara lain dengan ceramah/penyuluhan untuk penyampaian materi yang bersifat teori dan motivasi, demonstrasi/peragaan untuk menyampaikan materi praktek/keterampilan,  praktek  langsung  oleh  mitra,  dan  pendampingan  kegiatan.  tim pelaksana kegiatan ini melibatkan dosen dengan bidang keahlian yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan lapangan. Kegiatan IbM ini telah mecapai target hasil dan luaran yakni: (1) pada aspek produksi mitra I telah mendapatkan peralatan bantu produksi, dan mitra II mendapat alat Under Presure Salted Egg (UPSE) sehingga meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas telur asin; (2) pada aspek manajemen mitra I dan mitra II telah memiliki laporan keuangan format excel untuk melaporkan keuangan usaha dan memiliki media pemasaran online menggunakan website, instagram, facebook, dan whatssapp; (3) Mitra II telah memiliki kemasan dan brosur serta kartu nama yang menarik.
ESTERIFICATION OF NYAMPLUNG (Calophyllum inophyllum) OIL WITH IONIC LIQUID CATALYST OF BMIMHSO4 AND MICROWAVES-ASSISTED Handayani, Prima Astuti; Wulansarie, Ria; Husaen, Paisal; Ulfayanti, Isna Mardya
Jurnal Bahan Alam Terbarukan Vol 7, No 1 (2018): June 2018 [Nationally Accredited]
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jbat.v7i1.11407


Nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum) oil contains high free fatty acid (FFA) that is 21.62%. Nyamplung oil can be utilized as raw material for biodiesel production. Microwave is a method of heating that is used intensively to speed up the production process. Ionic liquid has high catalytic activity, high selectivity, can be recycled and environmentally friendly. This study learned about the esterification of nyamplung oil with ionic liquid 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium hydrogen sulphate (BMIMHSO4) as catalyst and microwave-assisted. The purpose of this study is to obtain optimum condition of esterification process, with free fatty acid concentration (FFA) <2%. This study uses raw materials of nyamplung oil, methanol and BMIMHSO4 as catalyst. Equipment used in study was batch reactor equipped with temperature sensor with microwave heating system. The research variables studied were reaction temperature (50-70oC), molar ratio oil to methanol (1:30-1:60) and catalyst concentration (5-17.5%). The result of esterification reaction was analyzed by FFA (free fatty acid) content using titration analysis. The best free fatty acid (FFA) result was 1.92%, with molar ratio of oil to methanol was 1:40, catalyst concentration was 15% by weight and at 60oC for 120 min. The esterification of  nyamplung oil meets the criteria as biodiesel feedstock.
Upaya Peningkatan Nilai Tambah Susu Sapi Menjadi Yogurt Berbasis Daun Krokot di Mangunsari Astuti, Widi; Kusumaningtyas, Ratna Dewi; Wulansarie, Ria
Jurnal Abdimas Vol 23, No 1 (2019): June
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M), Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Kelurahan Mangunsari merupakan kawasan dengan peternakan sapi yang cukup banyak sehingga hasil susu sapi cukup melimpah. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan inovasi dalam pengolahan susu sapi menjadi produk yang bernilai lebih ekonomis dan bergizi yaitu dalam bentuk yoghurt. Di sisi lain, keberadaan tanaman krokot sangat melimpah dimana tanaman ini dianggap sebagai hama yang tumbuh secara liar dan belum dibudidayakan. Daun krokot sebenarnya dapat diolah menjadi bahan pangan bergizi tinggi karena  memiliki kandungan vitamin dan mineral yang dapat menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit seperti radang usus buntu, sembelit, diare akut, keputihan, sakit kuning, dan cacingan. Krokot telah diidentifikasi  sebagai s umber yang  sangat  baik  dari asam alfa  linolenat.  Alpha linolenat merupakan asam lemak omega 3. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini sebagai upaya untuk memberdayakan masyarakat menjadi mandiri ekonomi dan memiliki jiwa kewirausahaan melalui keterampilan inovatif pembuatan minuman kesehatan yoghurt berbasis daun krokot. Proses ini dilakukan menurut tahapan 1) pemberian pengetahuan kepada masyarakat mengenai potensi ekonomis susu sapi murni dan tanaman krokot, 2) pelatihan ketrampilan pada masyarakat mengenai pengolahan susu sapi murni dan tanaman krokot menjadi minuman kesehatan yoghurt, 3) pembekalan wawasan kewirausahaan terkait produksi yoghurt.
Konservasi Kotoran Sapi untuk Mendukung Desa Wisata Dyah Pita Rengga, Wara; Wulansarie, Ria; Wijayatim, Nanik; Tunggul Pawenang, Eram
Jurnal Abdimas Vol 23, No 1 (2019): June
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M), Universitas Negeri Semarang

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In Nongkosawit village, district Gunungpati, Semarang, the availability of livestock are very abundant in the presence of 60 cows. Cowshed has been allocated respectively integrated with cattle owners in accordance with its cows. The work program carried out by Tim IbM is the extension of energy conservation from cow manure into biogas energy and fertilizer plants, an environmental sanitation in the cowshed construction of biogas digester installation and provision of water pumps and packing of organic fertilizer in the tourist village. Biogas energy can be used for lighting and cooking while its by-products can be used as fertilizer. Gain on sale of fertilizers is four times the price than cow dung. The fertilizer contains elements N, P, and K atoms that can nourish plants in sufficient quantities.
Rekayasa : Jurnal Penerapan Teknologi dan Pembelajaran Vol 15, No 1 (2017): Juli 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/rekayasa.v15i1.12576


Gunungpati Sub-district, Semarang is a special durian fruit producing region. One of the negative impacts of the existence of durian center in Gunungpati area is the volume of garbage leather durian accumulate. To overcome that problem, there needs to be innovation in durian skin waste management by involving the public so that durian leather waste can be utilized to be a product of economic value. One of the potential durian skin is the high essential oil content. Durian leather essential oil contains flavonoid compounds, saponins, and polyphenols that are toxic to pests and mosquitoes that can be utilized to be environmentally friendly vegetable pesticides. Therefore, to overcome the problem of high durian leather garbage volume, it is necessary to conduct commu- nity service activities aimed at providing knowledge to the community about how to increase added value for durian leather waste and provide skills to the community about how to process durian leather waste into biopesticides. In order to achieve the goals and objectives, this community service is carried out through several stages. The first phase is coordination with community leaders and lo- cal government, the second stage is the socialization to partners about the negative impact of durian leather waste and giving material about the potential of durian leather. The second stage is training to provide skills to the partner community on how to process durian leather waste into biopesticides. The third stage is the training activity of the application of biopesticide waste durian skin on the plant. The fourth phase of the activity is monitoring and evaluation. The final stage of this devotional activity is the making of reports and dissemination of devotion through scientific publication. In addition to positive impact on environmental hygiene, community service activities are also useful for empowering the economy of society to be independent and have the spirit of entrepreneurship through the innovative skills of making eco-friendly biopesticides from waste durian.
Water Content and Proximates in The "Gedong Kendal" Coffee Variety after Processed by Roasting Machine Kriswanto, Kriswanto; Wiratama, Bayu; Wulansarie, Ria
Rekayasa : Jurnal Penerapan Teknologi dan Pembelajaran Vol 18, No 2 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/rekayasa.v18i2.27545


One of the coffee producers in Indonesia, namely Gedong Koffee Patean, still uses conventional roasting with uncontrolled temperature, resulting in uneven color and content. The variants of coffee beans available are Kopi Rakyat, Kopi Lanang, Robusta Fermentasi, Robusta Fermentasi 1, Excelsa Natural Dry, Robusta Natural Dry with different characteristics. The Godeng Kendal coffee association was given a roasting machine for roasting coffee bean products and analyzed for water, carbohydrate, protein and fat content The quality of coffee is affected by the roasting process with a 5 kg roasting machine which can be set to 200 for 25 minutes. The quality of coffee after roasting then has an average moisture content of 10.5%. Furthermore, the chemical properties of each variant were tested to obtain carbohydrate, protein, and fat content at the Laboratory of Biology. Analysis of carbohydrates using the Luff Schoorl method, protein using the kidney test, and fat using a soxhlet extractor. The test results show that the highest carbohydrate content is found in Robusta Fermentasi, which is 14.4%, the highest protein content is from Kopi Lanang, which is 26.6%. The lowest fat content is in natural dry coffee, with a fat content of 4.3%.
Upaya Peningkatan Nilai Tambah Susu Sapi Menjadi Yogurt Berbasis Daun Krokot di Mangunsari Astuti, Widi; Kusumaningtyas, Ratna Dewi; Wulansarie, Ria
Jurnal Abdimas Vol 23, No 1 (2019): June 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v23i1.16303


Kelurahan Mangunsari merupakan kawasan dengan peternakan sapi yang cukup banyak sehingga hasil susu sapi cukup melimpah. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan inovasi dalam pengolahan susu sapi menjadi produk yang bernilai lebih ekonomis dan bergizi yaitu dalam bentuk yoghurt. Di sisi lain, keberadaan tanaman krokot sangat melimpah dimana tanaman ini dianggap sebagai hama yang tumbuh secara liar dan belum dibudidayakan. Daun krokot sebenarnya dapat diolah menjadi bahan pangan bergizi tinggi karena  memiliki kandungan vitamin dan mineral yang dapat menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit seperti radang usus buntu, sembelit, diare akut, keputihan, sakit kuning, dan cacingan. Krokot telah diidentifikasi  sebagai s umber yang  sangat  baik  dari asam alfa  linolenat.  Alpha linolenat merupakan asam lemak omega 3. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini sebagai upaya untuk memberdayakan masyarakat menjadi mandiri ekonomi dan memiliki jiwa kewirausahaan melalui keterampilan inovatif pembuatan minuman kesehatan yoghurt berbasis daun krokot. Proses ini dilakukan menurut tahapan 1) pemberian pengetahuan kepada masyarakat mengenai potensi ekonomis susu sapi murni dan tanaman krokot, 2) pelatihan ketrampilan pada masyarakat mengenai pengolahan susu sapi murni dan tanaman krokot menjadi minuman kesehatan yoghurt, 3) pembekalan wawasan kewirausahaan terkait produksi yoghurt.
Konservasi Kotoran Sapi untuk Mendukung Desa Wisata Dyah Pita Rengga, Wara; Wulansarie, Ria; Wijayatim, Nanik; Tunggul Pawenang, Eram
Jurnal Abdimas Vol 23, No 1 (2019): June 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v23i1.11979


In Nongkosawit village, district Gunungpati, Semarang, the availability of livestock are very abundant in the presence of 60 cows. Cowshed has been allocated respectively integrated with cattle owners in accordance with its cows. The work program carried out by Tim IbM is the extension of energy conservation from cow manure into biogas energy and fertilizer plants, an environmental sanitation in the cowshed construction of biogas digester installation and provision of water pumps and packing of organic fertilizer in the tourist village. Biogas energy can be used for lighting and cooking while its by-products can be used as fertilizer. Gain on sale of fertilizers is four times the price than cow dung. The fertilizer contains elements N, P, and K atoms that can nourish plants in sufficient quantities.
Rekayasa : Jurnal Penerapan Teknologi dan Pembelajaran Vol 15, No 1 (2017): Juli 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/rekayasa.v15i1.12576


Gunungpati Sub-district, Semarang is a special durian fruit producing region. One of the negative impacts of the existence of durian center in Gunungpati area is the volume of garbage leather durian accumulate. To overcome that problem, there needs to be innovation in durian skin waste management by involving the public so that durian leather waste can be utilized to be a product of economic value. One of the potential durian skin is the high essential oil content. Durian leather essential oil contains flavonoid compounds, saponins, and polyphenols that are toxic to pests and mosquitoes that can be utilized to be environmentally friendly vegetable pesticides. Therefore, to overcome the problem of high durian leather garbage volume, it is necessary to conduct commu- nity service activities aimed at providing knowledge to the community about how to increase added value for durian leather waste and provide skills to the community about how to process durian leather waste into biopesticides. In order to achieve the goals and objectives, this community service is carried out through several stages. The first phase is coordination with community leaders and lo- cal government, the second stage is the socialization to partners about the negative impact of durian leather waste and giving material about the potential of durian leather. The second stage is training to provide skills to the partner community on how to process durian leather waste into biopesticides. The third stage is the training activity of the application of biopesticide waste durian skin on the plant. The fourth phase of the activity is monitoring and evaluation. The final stage of this devotional activity is the making of reports and dissemination of devotion through scientific publication. In addition to positive impact on environmental hygiene, community service activities are also useful for empowering the economy of society to be independent and have the spirit of entrepreneurship through the innovative skills of making eco-friendly biopesticides from waste durian.
Water Content and Proximates in The "Gedong Kendal" Coffee Variety after Processed by Roasting Machine Kriswanto, Kriswanto; Wiratama, Bayu; Wulansarie, Ria
Rekayasa : Jurnal Penerapan Teknologi dan Pembelajaran Vol 18, No 2 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/rekayasa.v18i2.27545


One of the coffee producers in Indonesia, namely Gedong Koffee Patean, still uses conventional roasting with uncontrolled temperature, resulting in uneven color and content. The variants of coffee beans available are Kopi Rakyat, Kopi Lanang, Robusta Fermentasi, Robusta Fermentasi 1, Excelsa Natural Dry, Robusta Natural Dry with different characteristics. The Godeng Kendal coffee association was given a roasting machine for roasting coffee bean products and analyzed for water, carbohydrate, protein and fat content The quality of coffee is affected by the roasting process with a 5 kg roasting machine which can be set to 200 for 25 minutes. The quality of coffee after roasting then has an average moisture content of 10.5%. Furthermore, the chemical properties of each variant were tested to obtain carbohydrate, protein, and fat content at the Laboratory of Biology. Analysis of carbohydrates using the Luff Schoorl method, protein using the kidney test, and fat using a soxhlet extractor. The test results show that the highest carbohydrate content is found in Robusta Fermentasi, which is 14.4%, the highest protein content is from Kopi Lanang, which is 26.6%. The lowest fat content is in natural dry coffee, with a fat content of 4.3%.