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JOEL: Journal of Educational and Language Research Vol. 2 No. 7: Februari 2023
Publisher : Bajang Institute

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The low reading passion effects the reading comprehension skiil of students grade 5th SDN 174559 Sirait Uruk which is the priority problem of the researcher. To solve this problem, the research was done about application of contextual learning SQ3R type, to improve students’ reading comprehension skill, students’ motivation to learn especially reading, and teacher’s professional skill. The research method is classroom action research with 2 cycles which is carried out by simulating learning videos in each cycle. The result of the implementation of cycle 1 and 2 is concluded that contextual learning SQ3R type is able to increase the reading comprehension skill of students, students’ motivation increased by being active in learning, and teacher is more professional in delivering material. So that learning runs effectively and the learning objectives are successfully achieved.
Pengembangan E-Modul Ajar Konsep Dasar Matematika SD Berbasis Realistic Mathematics Education Berpadu Problem Based Learning dengan Menggunakan Flipbook Andi Marshanawiah; Sartika Arifin; Fauziah Hakim; Nursyam Anaguna; Muliani Muliani
Journal on Education Vol 5 No 3 (2023): Journal on Education: Volume 5 Nomor 3 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

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This study aimed to determine the process of developing teaching e-modules, the feasibility of teaching e-modules, and the results of evaluating student responses to the development of teaching e-modules for Basic Concepts of Elementary Mathematics based on Realistic Mathematics Education combined with Problem-Based Learning using Flipbook. The type of research used is Research and Development (R&D) research with the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). This research was tested on 55 3rd-semester students in 2022/2023 PGSD Department of Gorontalo State University academic year. The instruments used during the research were material expert validation questionnaires, media expert validation questionnaires, and student response evaluation questionnaires. The material expert validation questionnaire, media expert validation questionnaire, and student response evaluation questionnaire were analyzed quantitatively using a Likert scale. The results of material expert validation obtained an average percentage of component feasibility of 96% with very strong interpretation criteria, the results of media expert validation obtained an average percentage of component feasibility of 97.88% with very strong interpretation criteria and the results of evaluating student responses to teaching e-modules obtained an average percentage of 86.86% with very strong interpretation criteria. So that the results of the study indicate that the teaching e-module for Basic Concepts of Elementary Mathematics based on Realistic Mathematics Education combined with Problem-Based Learning using Flipbook is said to be feasible and qualified to be used as teaching material in the learning process of the Basic Concepts of Elementary Mathematics course.
How are Mathematics Teachers Utilizing Technology in Mathematics Learning During the New Normal? Rosidah Rosidah; Fadhil Zil Ikram; M. Miftach Fakhri; Aprisal Aprisal; Nursyam Anaguna
Jurnal MediaTIK Volume 6 Issue 2, Mei (2023)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Informatika dan Komputer

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The use of technology in Mathematics learning is crucial because it can provide convenience for the learning process. This research is a qualitative study that aims to describe how Mathematics teachers use existing technology or applications in Mathematics learning during the new normal. The participants were three high school Mathematics teachers who utilized technology in their learning. The analysis technique used refers to a three-stage analysis technique which includes data condensation, data display, and conclusion. The results showed that the use of applications available in Mathematics learning varied. Some utilized and maximized various kinds of application features, but some only took advantage of a few main features. There were teachers whose learning activities did not involve too much technology integration and there were also those that involved the use of various applications, even those specifically designed to learn mathematical concepts. The purposes of using applications that can help the teaching and learning process were very diverse. The use almost involves all activities in all teaching and learning processes such as creating, providing, and teaching the teaching materials, assessment, discussion, assignment, and announcements and reminders.
Merdeka Mengajar: an Ultimate Platform for Teachers' Competence Development Fadhil Zil Ikram; Nursyam Anaguna; Rosidah
Jurnal MediaTIK Volume 6 Issue 3, September (2023)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Informatika dan Komputer

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This research is a literature study that aims to explain the usefulness of the features of the Merdeka Mengajar Platform to develop teacher competencies. The data sources of this research were obtained from the Merdeka Mengajar Platform and research articles in journals. The analysis used in this research was content analysis, which began with data making, then continued with abductively inferring contextual phenomena, and ended with narrating the answer to the research question. The government launched the Merdeka Mengajar (PMM) platform to assist teachers in developing their competence. This platform allows teachers to carry out self-development anywhere and anytime. The features owned by PMM can help develop the four competencies teachers have. Personal competence and social competence can be developed in the Community Features and Real Action in Self-Training. Pedagogical competence can be developed through the curriculum introduction feature, student assessment, teaching tools, self-training, inspirational videos, and proof of work. Finally, professional competence can be developed through student assessment, teaching tools, and self-training features.