Ashafidz Fauzan Dianta
Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya

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Implementasi Agile Scrum Pembuatan Game Visual Novel Cerita Asal Usul Kota Surabaya Artiarini Kusuma Nurindiyani; Ashafidz Fauzan Dianta; Halimatus Sa’dyah; Ilham Agung Riyadi
JTIM : Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia Vol 4 No 4 (2023): February
Publisher : Puslitbang Sekawan Institute Nusa Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35746/jtim.v4i4.277


Surabaya is the second largest city in Indonesia after Jakarta. The city of Surabaya has a distinctive designation, namely "the city of heroes" because of the great support from the people of Surabaya in fighting for Indonesian independence. The lack of interest of Indonesia's younger generation in Indonesian folklore and their preference for video games and other advanced technology, does not rule out the possibility that history will be forgotten and slowly extinct because it is only passed down orally. The purpose of this research is to implement the agile-scrum method in making visual novel games as an effort to attract the interest of the younger generation to know and preserve the history of the origins of the city of Surabaya with a modern approach and according to the target audience. The visual elements used in this game are costume details, props, poses and various expressions according to modified references. In addition, the narration/storyline used has also been developed with a story style and choice of words that are relevant to the target user. The method used in this final project is agile-scrum which has 8 stages of development, starting from the stage of exploring problems that can become product ideas to the final testing stage. From the results of the final test, the creation of a visual novel game based on the story of the origins of the city of Surabaya can be used properly by users.
Analisis Pengalaman Pengguna Game Visual Novel Asal Usul Kota Surabaya Menggunakan Metode Usability Testing Ashafidz Fauzan Dianta; Artiarini Kusuma Nurindiyani; Zakha Maisat Eka Darmawan
Jurnal Saintekom : Sains, Teknologi, Komputer dan Manajemen Vol 13 No 1 (2023): Maret 2023
Publisher : STMIK Palangkaraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33020/saintekom.v13i1.386


A visual novel game is a visual communication design product that integrates graphic design through visual styles, visual character designs, and narrative designs accompanied by interactive communicative story construction. Games with the best storytelling and the ability to communicate historical chronology and cultural facts are synonymous with visual novel games. In the previous study, the Visual Novel Folklore Game of the Origins of the City of Surabaya featured puzzle and dialogue mechanics to build a more interactive narrative with the user. In addition, there is a branching narrative where users can make decisions by choosing which point of view the user wants to play. Several stages in this study include data collection, usability testing, data analysis, and conclusion. The results of this user experience analysis research overview several usability aspects that should be concerned in the subsequent game development. The usability aspects tested are Learnability, Memorability, Efficiency, Error, and Satisfaction. Of the 114 respondents involved in this study, the highest average score was obtained for the satisfaction aspect, which was 4.17, while the lowest average score was for the error aspect, which was 3.83, the games is easy to play and get satisfying results in every aspect of usability, the games is easy to play and achieves satisfactory results in each usability parameter.
Perancangan Visual Karakter Dan Visual Latar Game Cerita Rakyat Asal Usul Kota Surabaya Artiarini Kusuma Nurindiyani; Ashafidz Fauzan Dianta; Halimatus Sa'dyah; Ilham Agung Riyadi
Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS Vol 12, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), ITS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j23373520.v12i2.110810


Unsur utama didalam game visual novel adalah karakter atau tokoh dalam membawa jalan cerita dan pesan yang disampaikan. Perancangan visual karakter dan visual latar dalam game ini berdasarkan cerita rakyat yang beredar di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat karakter dan latar dalam game visual novel cerita asal usul Kota Surabaya untuk menjaga kearifan tradisional yang ada didalam cerita tersebut rakyat tersebut. Target pengguna game ini berusia 18-23 tahun. Data primer konsep cerita berasal dari buku Antologi Cerita Rakyat Jawa Timur yang diterbitkan oleh Balai Bahasa Surabaya, serta studi literatur dan teori-teori terkait. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik analisis deskriptif. Terdapat 114 responden yang terlibat memberikan penilaian hasil desain visual karakter dan visual latar.  Total skor yang diberikan responden terbesar oada elemen visual latar bangunan yakni sebesar 87,37%, sedangkan total skor terendah diberikan oleh responden pada elemen visual ekspresi karakter sebesar 79,47%.
Penentuan Learning Rate Terbaik CNN Pada Pengenalan Individu Berbasis Analisis Gait Septian Enggar Sukmana; Deasy Sandhya Elya Ikawati; Habibie Ed Dien; Ashafidz Fauzan Dianta
JOINS (Journal of Information System) Vol 8, No 1 (2023): Edisi Mei 2023
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/joins.v8i1.7806


Trayektori tubuh manusia untuk analisis gait tidak terbatas pada kondisi permukaan medan yang rata. Hal ini berpengaruh pada analisis gait untuk penelitian pengenalan identitas individu yang terkait dengan kondisi medan yang dilalui. Pergelangan kaki menjadi bagian tubuh yang berkontribusi pada trayektori tubuh manusia terhadap medan yang dilalui melalui dua kondisi yaitu Heel-Strike (HS) dan Toe-Off (TO). HS dan TO memiliki pola trayektori yang saling berbeda untuk setiap individu sehingga membutuhkan penentuan parameter learning rate yang tepat. Penentuan learning rate terbaik merupakan salah satu langkah penting dalam menghasilkan pengenalan identitas individu terbaik. Pada kegiatan penelitian ini, data yang digunakan adalah data berformat C3D yang direkam melalui perangkat motion capture dengan skenario berjalan lurus (WS/Walking Straight) oleh enam orang sebagai partisipan. Penentuan learning rate terbaik menggunakan metode convolutional neural network (CNN) dengan pretrain pembanding adalah ResNet18 dan ResNet50. Percobaan yang dilakukan menghasilkan performa terbaik diperoleh ResNet18 baik pada pengukuran Average Position (AP) maupun pendeteksian kondisi HS dan TO.