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Journal : Jurnal Administrasi Karya Dharma

Analisis Pelayanan Penyediaan Air Minum dan Bersih di Kabupaten Merauke Andri Irawan; Siti Fatimah Salam; Iginasius Rusdi Mahuze
Jurnal Administrasi Karya Dharma Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Administrasi Karya Dharma (Maret 2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Karya Dharma

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Air merupakan kebutuhan yang sangat penting bagi seluruh makhluk di bumi ini. Akan tetapi pelayanan air minum dan bersih di Kabupaten Merauke masih banyak mendapatkan keluhan dari masyarakat pengguna layanan. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian adalah mengetahui dan menganalisis pelayanan penyediaan air bersih di Kabupaten Merauke serta faktor faktor apa yang mempengaruhinya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah dengan pendekatan kualitatif jenis penelitian deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelayanan penyediaan air bersih di Kabupaten Merauke dilihat dari dimensi bukti fisik berupa sarana prasarana sudah sangat memadai serta petugas yang telah berpenampilan rapi pada saat melakukan proses pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Kehandalan instansi dalam memberikan pelayanan juga sudah cukup baik yang terlihat dari kemampuan pegawai dalam menerima keluhan dan memproses keluhan tersebut. Akan tetapi, kemudahan masyarakat untuk mendapatkan informasi masih sangat minim, dimana informasi hanya didapat pada saat masyarakat datang langsung ke kantor. Padahal seharusnya PDAM Jereukom Merauke selaku penyedia layanan air bersih di Kabupaten Merauke dapat memanfaatkan media cetak ataupun media online untuk memberikan informasi yang maksimal kepada masyarakat. Kemudian untuk dimensi jaminan dari segi kejelasan tarif terkait biaya pelayanan air bersih yang ditetapkan sudah sangat jelas, serta telah memberikan pelayanan yang adil dan merata kepada siapa saja yang membutuhkan pelayanan. Akan tetapi, kejelasan waktu penanganan dan perbaikan atas kerusakan yang telah dilaporkan oleh masyarakat masih sangat rendah sehingga banyak masyarakat yang akhirnya memutus saluran air dari PDAM. Sedangkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pelayanan penyediaan air bersih di Kabupaten Merauke adalah kurangnya sumber daya manusia baik dari segi kualitas maupun kuantitas, kondisi tanah yang dominan daerah rawa membuat pipa saluran sering mengalami kerusakan, serta kurangnya armada mobil tangki penyalur air.
Pelayanan Jaringan Internet Bagi Pelanggan Indihome di Kabupaten Merauke Andri Irawan; Yudi Tristanto
Jurnal Administrasi Karya Dharma Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Administrasi Karya Dharma (September 2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Karya Dharma

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In the industrial revolution 4.0, people have been required to always be literate in information technology, one of which is internet technology which is a data network that connects the whole world. This study aims to describe the efforts made by PT. Telkom Merauke in improving the quality of its services to the community, as well as what factors influence it. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach where the research data were obtained from observations and interviews. The results of the study indicate that the Telkom Merauke Office in providing new installation services for Indihome is currently quite good. this can be seen from the completion time of the new Indihome installation which takes 3 (three) days with an installation fee of Rp. 550,000. Including the state of public services related to this pandemic period, one of the breakthroughs that has been launched is the MyIndihome application. The goal is that Indihome customers from home can download the application then choose the new Indihome installation feature, then come to the Telkom office to apply for a new Indihome installation. Factors influencing the process of installing new Indihome services at the Telkom Merauke Office. These factors consist of supporting factors such as office infrastructure and innovations. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors are public awareness, lack of public awareness in preparing the requirements for the new installation of Indihome so that services cannot be carried out optimally.
Manajemen Arsip pada Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Merauke Burhanudin Mukhamad Faturahman; Andri Irawan
Jurnal Administrasi Karya Dharma Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Administrasi Karya Dharma (September 2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Karya Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (485.642 KB)


Records management is an important aspect in the hospital administration system. This is because there are many files that should be stored and can be recovered so that the patient's track record can be systematically traced and the personnel files can be stored properly. The goal to be achieved in this research is an analysis of archive management services at the Merauke Regional General Hospital (RSUD) and what factors influence it. The research method uses a qualitative approach to the type of descriptive research. Data collection techniques using observation and interviews. The results of the study show that archive management procedures at Merauke Hospital have not been running well. This is because the archive storage system does not meet the standards, namely the incorporation of the archive room with the service room and the application of the archive cycle in the Administrative Office of Merauke Hospital has not been understood by employees. In addition, there are still many archives that accumulate due to the insufficient number of filing cabinets. In the archive storage stage, a standard storage system has been used, namely using an alphabetical system, date, month, year and subject and region. Thus, the suggestions that can be given are to make an archive storage so that if needed it can be found again, add facilities and infrastructure in the archive field at the Merauke Hospital Administration office such as adding a filing cabinet, making your own archive room, doing regular archive shrinkage, and maintenance archives should be improved again by making a routine schedule for administrative staff employees
Analisis Kompetensi Aparatur Kampung dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Kampung Toray Distrik Sota Kabupaten Merauke Andri Irawan
Jurnal Administrasi Karya Dharma Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Administrasi Karya Dharma (Maret 2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Karya Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (272.92 KB)


Village apparatus as an element of village administration must have sufficient ability or competence to encourage increased government performance at the village level, which has so far been underwhelming. This study aims to describe and analyze the competence of the Toray Village apparatus, Sota District, Merauke Regency, and the factors that influence it. The results of the study show that the competency of the Toray Village apparatus is still very low. This can be seen from the fact that most of the village apparatuses still do not really understand their work; so far, they have carried out their main job duties and are still waiting for directions from the village head because they do not understand their job descriptions well. Also, their level of education is still low; namely, they are on average in middle and high school only. Then indicators of technical and administrative skills are also that there are still many village officials who do not know how to operate a computer and the internet, even though the village office already has a laptop and an internet network that should be able to be used to carry out village government administration such as planning, compiling, and managing village fund budgets. However, if we look at the indicators of the attitude of the village apparatus, they already have a good relationship with each other as well as with the community when providing services. In fact, the service process is not only carried out during working hours; they also serve people at home when they need something urgent.